Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1531: Towering giant tree

When Alvin arrived, the "crazy woman" was about to swallow ...

She obviously has no combat training ...

Relying on the lifeless style, there is also a heart-throwing style of play, although it can prevail in the beginning ...

But in the face of a group of Indian border guards who dared to chase down the sharpshooter soldiers, her madness lasted only a few minutes ...

When those elite soldiers passed away, her life had already entered the countdown!

Alvin walked with the child to the mad woman ...

Looking at this contradictory and crazy woman covered with blood holes, she looked at herself with "begging" ...

Alvin hesitated after frowning, and finally nodded at the mad woman!

After glancing at a group of Indian soldiers who wanted to come over to check the loot, Alvin's irritable drive "tyrannical" turned a tomahawk and severed the head of the mad woman!

Then in the stunned expression of a group of Indian soldiers, Alvin took out his staff "leaf" and sprayed a thick hellfire at the corpse of the mad woman ...

Alvin doesn't know what exactly this woman has experienced ...

But what she did told Alvin that she was in pain, she just did n’t want to live!

The pain from the heart drives this woman crazy, death is a relief for her, and she really is going to die ...

Rather than let her fall into the hands of those strange Indian soldiers, give her a happy heart and let her leave the world cleanly!

Until Alvin burned the crazy woman to ashes, a middle-aged Indian officer came up and said to Alvin in curry flavored English: "Sir, I am Captain Manur of the Indian Border Guard ...

We are instructed to come and chase down robbers who have robbed us of important property! "

Alvin had no intention of dealing with these Indian soldiers. He waved and said, "Your important property has just torn dozens of your buddies into pieces ...

I do n’t know if you really do n’t know, or to talk nonsense to me ...

I urge you to take your people back home, there are monsters in India that need you to solve. "

As Alvin looked at a group of Indian soldiers who were gradually surrounding him, he said funny: "My people are fighting for you ...

And you are chasing the so-called 'important property' ... "

The Indian soldiers are not highly educated. Except for the middle-aged captain, no one can understand what Alvin is saying ...

Looking at the hesitant look on the Indian captain's face, Alvin said funny: "Do you want me to threaten you again before you go back to defend the country?"

The captain of India glanced at a subordinate who was obviously fair-skinned, and he whispered hardly: "Then trouble you ...

I am just a ‘Sutra’ and I have no right to make mistakes! "

Alvin was taken aback for a while, as someone who had traveled to India in his last life, he was very impressed with some of the strange cultures of India ...

This is a country where the "caste system" penetrates all aspects of life ...

"Brahman", "Kshatriya", "Vasa", "Sudra" and "Dalit" represent the five strata that India can hardly cross.

The first two represent the noble class ...

The "barks" in the middle represent the merchant class, which is the main taxpayer.

"Sudra" represents non-Aryan Indian indigenous people, mainly farmers and workers.

"Dalit" is also called "untouchable class" by Indians!

If you see people looking for food in garbage dumps in India, women and children in scruffed clothes on the streets, or a worker who dung, don't doubt it must be "Dalit"!

The caste system has actually been abolished in India for many years, but caste discrimination has always been popular in India.

If a "Bai She" wants to marry a "Sudra", or a "Dalit" wants to marry a "Sudra" ...

The result will really die!

"Honor murder" is not a patent of some denominations, which is almost common in India.

It is easy for outsiders to distinguish the class of India, and the lighter the skin, the higher the class.

Even the water they drink is different, which impresses Alvin to the extreme!

You see a dark-skinned vendor buying snacks on the Indian street. It is best not to try anything from his stall.

That can't really be overcome, this is the lesson that Alvin used his tragic experience to exchange for blood ...

The chaotic India that people see on TV is just their corner ...

The places where truly high castes live and walk are not much different from developed countries.

At least their upper class medical care is free ...

It ’s really free, and it ’s free for tourists too. Alvin had the chance to experience it once in his life!

The middle-aged "Sudra" in front of Alvin is not stupid at all, but he has a "bark house" under his pressure that makes him very stressed.

If he obeyed Alvin's "advisory" and gave up the task to lead the team away from here, the "Sutra" will definitely end badly after they return.

A "bark house" is pressed on the head by a "sudra", which is a great insult to the Indians. He will grab everything and almost drive the "sudra" out of the army ...

Looking at the one who clearly knows what he is talking about, but it is a "barking house" that has no expression ...

Alvin probably understood the situation ...

He smiled impatiently at "Sudra" and suddenly grabbed his neck and smashed him into their team ...

"Go away!

Otherwise I will let all my people withdraw ...

Go hard with those monsters yourself! "

As Alvin looked at the "Sudra", he successfully smashed the expressionless "bark house" ...

Probably to prove his determination, Alvin rushed over and punched several soldiers, and then accidentally tripped on one of the legs of "Barshe" ...

Ares 4 took the initiative to adjust the center, and stepped that calf's leg into the soil ...

Alvin stood firm, waving his battle axe wildly, using the loud roar of the speaker to cover the screams of "Barsher" ...

The "Suodra" who had just "unconscious" turned up and hurriedly greeted his "barker" with a broken leg under his hands, and fled from Alvin's domineering range ...

Alvin shook his head with a smile as he looked back at him with a grateful glance at himself.

This guy is very cunning, but it does not prevent Alvin from sympathizing with him ...

Looking at the distance of only a few hundred meters, the soldiers carrying the "barks" fell like a palsy, and Alvin knew that the "barks" was very uncomfortable ...

Alvin shook his head funny, and then pressed the communicator, said to Angel: "Angel, let our air force go back to the aircraft carrier to repair ...

Those Indians look too busy!

Tell them that we will only stay until 8pm New York time because our children have to rest ... "

Angel responded very quickly. She quickly sent a note to the Indian military, and then sent a message to her pilot while saying to Alvin: "Sir, our space carrier has run out of ammunition ...

Without the Air Force ’s cover, the pressure on the camp could become very large ... "

Alvin shook his head indifferently and said, "It doesn't matter, there needs a little pressure there ...

My girl hasn't even finished playing a single clip so far, it's too unfair to her ...

And I will be able to go back soon! "

Angel assessed the battle in the camp and said, "Sir, you are right!

Do you need me to send a Kun-style fighter to pick you up? "

Alvin glanced at the baby in his arms. He shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay!

I have a small casualty here, he seems to have a bit of internal bleeding, or something else ...

Send a Kun-style fighter to pick me up, and I will get back as soon as possible! "

After speaking, Alvin hung up the communication and took the baby to a nearby stone waiting for the plane to arrive ...

When Alvin sat down, the baby in his arms seemed to be crying a little uncomfortably ...

Alvin unravels the swaddle skillfully and finds that the child is peeing ...

After the God of War No. 4 was removed, Alvin took a large bag of small Morgan from his backpack and used the remaining diapers ...

After cleaning the thin dragon-born baby a little, Alvin put him on a diaper.

Alvin shook his head with a smile as he watched the thin child comfortably humming dreamily ...

Aside from this thin child's forehead like dragon crown, snake eyes like pupils, his bizarre reverse joint structure and tender dragon claw ...

In fact, he looks pretty ...

Standard Aryan's soft face and fair skin.

It is not difficult for Alvin to imagine that the mother of this child must have the genes of the Indian nobility.

Watching this baby with his own forearm stubbornly smashed his mouth, looking for something ...

Alvin, who had responded, flipped through the space backpack and found nothing like milk powder ...

In the end, I could only find a few breads from the backpack, and then use a small pot to boil the bread into batter ...

Use a spoon to deliver the batter to the baby's mouth, watching him close his eyes and greedily swallow the sweet bun ...

Alvin shook his head sympathetically ...

This child seems to have never been fed, his mother hates him, or hates that he cannot "save" him.

So in the end, I chose the worst way to end my life ...

Alvin, thinking about his thoughts, just moved a little slower, and the baby twisted anxiously a few times ...

He didn't cry, just looked at Alvin with his pair of golden snake eyes ...

Alvin didn't know if it was his own illusion. He seemed to see a pair of pleading in his golden eyes.

Away from the strange feelings inside, Alvin smiled and slowly fed a bowl of bread porridge to the baby ...

Look at the little baby who seems to have never finished his mind, but is not moving ...

Alvin wrapped him with a new blanket ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and smiled and said, "I should give you a name ...

You are too thin now!

Australia has the tallest tree in the world, people call it ‘’ ...

Or you call it Haibolong!

I hope you can grow up smoothly, just like that giant tree! "

As Alvin looked at the sun that was about to sink in the distance, he muttered, "The haze will always pass, and embracing the sun should be the life we ​​should have ...

What kind of parents do you like?

I'm too busy, but I can find you a qualified father and mother ...

Maybe they are not as strong as your mother's love, but they can make you happy!

How about Old Parker?

He taught Peter very well, and May is also a kind woman! "