Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1547: The way out

A banquet lasted into the night ...

Don't look at the heroic drink that everyone drinks, in fact, barley wine is really good ...

After the knight's "Budweiser" had finished drinking, Alvin took out a large barrel of beer in stock for everyone to drink ...

It wasn't until everyone started dancing around the stove that Alvin thought everyone should drink. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

A few children have played thoroughly, and these enthusiastic Tibetans seem to like these little foreigners ...

Especially they hummed wildly and danced with them without seeing ...

Surprisingly, Nick is the most popular!

This self-proficient boy, with a crappy Chinese like nonsense, plus a passionate blind gesture, actually chatted with several young knights ...

They even urged them to get the Falcon and let him be a "Sculptor" ...

Watching Nick in the surprised eyes of those young men, using nano prostheses to form "eagle bars" and "handguards" on the shoulders and wrists, then let the four falcons stand on the shoulders and hands ...

The kid greeted Jessica excitedly to take a picture of him, and yelled to pose ...

It's a pity that Alvin looks like he is a bird seller, not a "Sculptor" ...

But watching Nick's mischief didn't make everyone uncomfortable, and Alvin followed him.

The intoxicating beauty of the night sky in the Tibetan area late at night ...

Alvin sat next to a fire and took out a "called chicken" from it ...

Facts have proved that when drinking alcohol, people's demand for food will be reduced, and a dozen of grilled chickens have not been eaten ...

Those heroic men were happy to drink and drink. They preferred to eat the semi-burnt steaks made by Wu Lie rather than trying to eat "called chicken".

Alvin himself was a bit hungry. Drinking was just an atmosphere for him, and he had to eat.

Maybe I saw my dad eaten and eat until now ...

Little Ginny filially held her big bowl and ran over, wanting to bring the "milk pan sheep" that Alvin didn't eat, and let him try it ...

Alvin looked at Little Ginny's bulging belly and pretended not to know that she could not eat enough to do filial piety ...

After a while of praise, the little girl covered her face and fell into the father's arms. It is estimated that she was making a determination to be better to her father in the future ...

It's funny to pat on the embarrassed little Ginny's butt, Alvin said with a smile: "Go and notify Nick, you have half an hour to go to bed ...

Children staying up late is a felony, and you did n’t even do your homework today. "

Little Ginny stared at her eyes and slammed hard in Alvin ’s arms a few times. He said bluntly, “Dad, can you play for a little longer?

Playing for an hour ... "

Alvin frowned and hesitated a moment, then said seriously: "No more than 40 minutes!

This is still based on my cute angels! "

Little Ginny nodded happily, presumably feeling that she took advantage of the boss, she jumped up and rushed to Nick excitedly, shouting: "Nick, I just negotiated with my father just now!

We can still play for 40 minutes ... "

Looking at the happy back of Little Ginny, Alvin shook his head with a smile, poured a little mutton in the lamb bowl, and then grilled the large stainless steel bowl on the fire ...

Within a few minutes, the casserole of the casserole re-started to smell again.

"The established rules should not be changed casually ..."

Sangji Lama did not know when he came to Alvin ...

Without waiting for Alvin's invitation, he naturally sat on a stone and looked at Alvin and said: "Isopan can have your help, it is her luck ...

Otherwise, whether she can win the favor of "Eagle God", it is still in between to successfully cultivate a new Condor. "

Alvin looked at the watch with a smile, his girl is not really a greedy girl!

Smiling at Lama Sanji, Alvin said, "You seem to know who I am?

I haven't asked for your name yet. Am I a bit rude? "

Sang Lama listened, a smile appeared on his dry face, and said, "I am the" Ge Gu "of the Tashilunpo Monastery, and outsiders generally call me the" Iron Lama.

My name is Sanchigaco ... "

Sangji looked at Alvin with a curious face, and he smiled and said, "Of course I know who you are!

We are monks, but we are not isolated from the world ...

We at Tashilunpo Temple also have their own Weibo ... "

Sangji took out the latest Tomahawk phone and shook it in front of Alvin. He said with a smile: "This is a good invention ...

In the past, we could only make phone calls, but now we can look at the world while sitting at home ... "

Alvin nodded suddenly, then shook his head again with a smile, and said: "There are some things on the Internet that I can't believe completely, and I was almost ugly just now.

Just like I feel strange about you taking out your phone now ...

This is my problem, and indeed I have no knowledge! "

Alvin shook his head a little funny, and said, "In my impression ...

In addition to those fake monks, real monks should have robes and bowls, all four empty images ...


Sangji shook his head in a dumb smile, and said, "What do you think is a monk?

The four majors are really empty. What is the difference between practicing at home and monasticism?

Becoming a monk is not an escape, there are also monks ...

‘I ca n’t bear the suffering of the sentient beings, I ca n’t bear the decline of the Holy Church, I do n’t ask for happiness for myself, I just want the sentient beings to get rid of the suffering. ’

Sha Mi received the Ten Commandments and then learned the Dharma ...

In fact, you can understand ‘Buddha’ as a philosophy, and every lama is at least a graduate student.

We use knowledge to confuse believers, we are the spreaders of knowledge ...

When our Dharma is successful, we practice in our work, expecting to see clearly and see ourselves ... "

As Sanji looked at Alvin's strange expression, he smiled and said, "I am telling the truth!

Although there are fewer people willing to study seriously, "Philosophy" is there ... "

Alvin heard the funny smile and arched his hand at Sangji, and said with a smile: "I don't mean to question ...

After all, I don't understand!

But I am happy to believe that every thought has the necessity and inevitability of existence.

As long as belief is free and respectful, there is nothing to blame! "

Alvin said curiously and looked at Sangji with a smile, saying, "What is the monthly salary of Lama Iron Staff?

I saw you eat meat before, can you marry your wife? "

Lama Sanghi listened to the boss with glaring eyes, and then said a little bit hard: "The Tashilunpo Temple is a temple of the Gelug Sect ...

The translation of ‘Gelu School’ into Chinese is ‘good law’. Although we ca n’t help but eat meat, we still need to keep the precepts. "

Saying Lama Sanji looked at Alvin's curious expression, he sighed helplessly and said, "Well, I still have a salary, about 13,000 per month plus five insurance and one gold ...

I do n’t know, this was the salary 5 years ago ... "

Alvin nodded in awe, raised his thumbs to Sanghi, and said with a smile: "I can't think of a big man with an annual salary of 150,000 ..."

As Alvin looked at the strange expression on Sanghi's face, he smiled and shook his head, saying: "Don't mind, I'm just kidding ...

Just now, what happened to Essopan ’s future?

What does it mean to be favored by "Eagle God"?

What is the situation of successfully training Condor?

I listen to what you mean, as if there is something in it ... "

Sangji hesitated for a while and said, "I am the" notary public "appointed by Father Gesang ...

Gesang is not alone. He used his influence to lead the samurai who occasionally got the eagle ball to form a loose alliance.

It ’s not just their family who got ‘Eagle Pearl’ from ‘Shenying Cliff’ ...

Of course other people can't cultivate golden condors without Gesang's secret!

Now Isopan must prove that he is capable enough to lead these Falcon Knights ...

First of all, she is going to reborn her falcons at "Condor Eagle Cliff" and then defeat all falcons in order to gain everyone's approval ... "

Alvin frowned and said, "What's the benefit of getting everyone's approval?

Since others haven't cultivated the mystery of the Condor, what's so controversial? "

Sangji shook his head and said, "If Essopan wants to integrate Father Gesang's career, she needs to be recognized by these Falcon Knights ...

The Tibetan area is very large, and Isopan can't take care of herself at all. She needs outside help.

Especially she is still a girl! "

Alvin listened, frowning a little bit uncomfortably and said, "If 'selfless dedication' is your 'career' ..."

Then maybe our understanding of "career" has a little deviation!

And what's wrong with the girl?

Do you still have sexism?

Moreover, ‘selfless dedication’ has to be tested, is it a bit excessive?

Without you, is Esopan not a Condor Knight? "

Sanji didn't expect Alvin's reaction to be so great. He thought about it and said, "I watched Isopan grow up. I was like a brother to her father who died unexpectedly.

This is not what I meant, but Father Gesang's last wish three years ago.

In addition to his family secrets passed to Izopan, he also kept a copy in ‘Shenying Cliff’ ...

There is also a ‘eagle bead’ with the secret method, that is the key to the evolution of the falcon ...

Only if Esopan found it before the 20 Falcon Warriors and successfully cultivated the Golden Condor, she was recognized ...

Not our endorsement, but Father Gesang's endorsement! "

Alvin was a bit smashed after listening to it ...

He said hesitantly: "Listening to what you mean, it seems that Father Gesang does not want Essopan to inherit the so-called" Eagle Will ".

This made me look at him a little, and letting granddaughter freedom is indeed a grandfather's job.

But what is he doing to set this test?

Wouldn't it be possible to find someone else to inherit directly? "

Sangji shook his head and said, "It is a society ruled by law now, and the Tibetan areas are not what they were decades ago.

The battle of Condor Knights has become less and less ...

When he was really asked to dispatch, it showed that the situation was extremely dangerous!

A few days ago, it was estimated that it was one of the few battles in the past 10 years ...

Gesang's granddaughter wants to let go of her responsibilities, too!

But many things pay attention to fate. If the "Eagle God" still wants to choose Isopan, then her responsibility cannot be shirk.

But if ‘Eagle God’ chooses someone else, then Isopan is free! "

Alvin listened for a long time, a little bit understanding what was going on.

This is a competition for heritage, and it was set in three years ...

Father Gesang can obviously pass it directly to Isopan, but he chose another way ...

The purpose of this method is more like letting Isopan get free.

The education that Isopan received since childhood made her consciousness very firm ...

But Tibetans are pious, if you push everything to the "eagle god" ...

So Isopan, who was a Condor Knight since her childhood, will have no complaints no matter what the final result is, and she may even accept it ...

And the inheritance of their family is still there, but they just shed their responsibilities, which may be the best result for a 20-year-old girl.

Perhaps the most precious legacy Dad Gesang left to his granddaughter was the right to choose freely!

In his twilight years, this old man looked back and found that his life was actually very hard, so he did not want his granddaughter to repeat his life ...

What other people think of Alvin doesn't know, but he himself thinks it's great!

Like Alvin himself, he never considered giving school to his children, no matter which one ...

This is to give away a charity that does not make money, or invite a professional CEO to manage it.

How great is my granddaughter to intervene if you want to do it, and happily looking for your new ideal if you do n’t want to do it?

Father Gesang has great wisdom!

This is definitely not a compliment ...

A heritage sounds precious, and it sounds like a bad family to an outsider ...

But where can I pass on my responsibilities and free my granddaughter, where can I find such good things?

Of course, Alvin is standing on a high place, and feels that an informal inheritance is really irrelevant ...

So Alvin can really understand, Father Gesang's open-mindedness and transparency!

What other people think about it is another matter!

But Father Gesang started planning three years ago, and this Lama Sangji looks reliable ...

Then those falcon knights coming this time must be people willing to accept responsibility!

Judging by Alvin ’s standards anyway, he felt that the sly eight-character Hu Dan Zeng Nima was indeed an interesting person ...

After Alvin wanted to understand what was going on, he looked at Sanghi, who played the role of "legacy lawyer", and said with a smile: "If Isopan loses, then what is her cattle and sheep property? ? "

Sangji breathed a sigh of relief ...

He was worried about Alvin's vigour. In case he desperately helped Essopan to win, that kind of result was not in line with Father Gesang's wishes.

Looking at Alvin with a smile in his eyes, Sanji did not answer Alvin's joke-like question, but said with a smile: "You are a man of great wisdom ...

We will go to ‘Condor Cliff’ early tomorrow morning, and you can act as witnesses.

Father Gesang's family is indeed too bitter, and Isopan deserves another life! "

Sangji squeezed his eyes slyly and said with a smile: "And the Tibetans no longer need heroes to sacrifice themselves ...

It is the mission of the new Condor Knight to cooperate with the Sharp Gun Club!

Father Gesang does n’t like the Gunslinger Club very much, so he does n’t want Essopan to deal with the Gunslinger ......

But he also admitted that the sharp gun would be more powerful than him. "

Alvin shook his head funnyly ...

This father Gesang is very interesting and has a vision!

The power of the Divine Gun Club is visible ...

If it was limited to science and technology decades ago, the sharpshooter would still be incapable of controlling all areas of the Tibetan area.

Well, in this day and age, if you have a mobile phone, make a phone call, and take a plane for a few hours, you can walk around the Tibetan area ...

The "survival space" of his folk hero will naturally be compressed.

This is indeed the case, folk heroes will eventually be recruited ...

Enthusiasm is a good thing ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ But if there is no regulation, there is a high probability that there will be problems in the end!

Father Gesang is not only looking for heirs, but also finding a way out for them!

In this way, their character will naturally be "guaranteed" by the sharpshooter ...

This old guy is a spicy old radish, really powerful!

Looking at Sang Ji's smiling expression ...

Alvin smiled and took a bite of the overheated lamb, then smiled at the lama and said, "Then go and see tomorrow ...

Regardless of whether it is successful or not, I will be responsible for leading Isopan to kill the monsters that hurt Dasang Gesang!

Whether the responsibility is to look at God's will, but Qiu Qaibao still wants the girl to report ...

I now adore Da Gesang. I am happy to do a little more for that girl.

She is worth it anyway! "