Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1595: Troubled by youth

Alvin They had an impressive dinner in a small restaurant in Chengdu ...

The restaurant owner charged a few hundred dollars for tipping and allowed some bold young people to enter the kitchen to take pictures of Alvin as they ate.

By the way, I asked Alvin who they are ...

I learned that I am entertaining the richest man in the world, and the most famous super soldier ...

The boss couple in their 60s took out all their skills, including the bean paste at the bottom of the box.

The pure Sichuan flavor quickly defeated the taste nerves of a bunch of foreigners ...

From the spicy and spicy at the beginning, to the numbness of the lips and teeth in the back, to the feeling of burning the whole mouth ...

Unlike the jalapeno chili, which cannot be imported, Sichuan flavor is more fragrant and fresh ...

Although Zanthoxylum is very annoying, as long as you get used to the first bite, it's hard to endure a little more.

Whether it is "pretend" or "forced", aside a few ladies who care more about their image, everyone else eats heartily ...

The faces of the people who gathered early the next morning were a little bit bad ...

Alvin sneered at his pale face, which looked like Stark who had been tortured by hemorrhoids for decades ...

Then he yelled at Nick who was covering his **** downstairs: "Hey boy, how are you feeling today?"

Nick limped to the door of the RV with his **** covered, and said bitterly, "I feel **** burning ...

God must hate Sichuanese very much, so he invented such delicious food to torture their ass. "

Alvin laughed and rubbed it on Nick's head and said, "You will get used to ...

We have to stay in Sichuan for a few days, unless you want to give up the panda trip, otherwise Sichuan food will be our staple food in the next few days.

Trust me!

As long as you adjust for a few days, you will feel that the things you usually eat have become tasteless. "

Nick crawled up the RV with his legs crossed, and said hardly: "You better go to see Richard, he became weird yesterday!

Those Sichuan dishes are like hemp to him ...

The man didn't know what dream he had last night. He hummed all night and ran to the bathroom to change his underwear. "

Nick said sneakyly, "I think there must be contraband in yesterday's dishes, otherwise such a terrible thing won't stop me.

Richard eats the most, so he is the one with the most intense reaction! "

Alvin listened funny and tapped on Nick's butt, making him scream ...

Then he looked at Richard coming out of the hotel ...

This guy slept all night with "Yuanzhu" ...

Listening to Nick's statement, this spiritual boy seems to have finally matured!

Richard lowered his head and walked in front of Alvin. He shoved the "source bead" into Alvin's hand like a hot potato, and then buried his head and wanted to go to the RV ...

Alvin turned the "source bead" of the glory and turned to Richard's back and smiled and said, "Hey, Richard ...

People in the hotel complained that your bed was wet with urine. Is that true? "

Richard, who had been walking with his head down, slammed into the RV, knocking millions of cars out of a depression ...

Looking at Richard's embarrassed figure, Alvin said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, we are all here.

When I go back to Hell's Kitchen, I can accompany you to pick a few magazines. After all, it is illegal to let you watch Chéng Rén ... "


Richard's head hit the door of the RV again ...

Regardless of the pain in his head, Richard turned to look at Alvin with a smile on his face ...

Alvin looked at Richard's expression as if he would cry at any time, he smiled a little ...

"OK, OK ...

There are many people here, we can talk in private when we have time!

Your dead dad is probably unable to keep up with his son's adolescence, but I don't mind helping! "

Alvin looked around sneakily, and then put his hand to his mouth and whispered, "I am also experiencing my child's adolescence for the first time ...

We have to try to find a suitable solution!

Maybe I can secretly take you to go to Yade ’s nightclub ... "

Richard glanced at the people who were laughing all around. He sighed and collapsed while covering his face, and walked into the RV dejectedly ...

Little Ginny carried an orangutan-like backpack and pulled Alvin's hand and asked, "Dad, what's wrong with Richard?"

Since he became thinner, he started to be a little weird!

Is he sad because he is not handsome? "

Alvin listened, he hugged Little Ginny and said with a smile: "Don't judge people by appearances, I think Richard is quite handsome now.

Every child will start to have their own confusion at the age of 16 ...

Richard is clearly no exception! "

Ginny wrinkled her face for a moment and said, "Will I?

Richard looked sad just now, I do n’t want to be sad ... "

Alvin listened softly and kissed on Ginny's forehead, and said with a smile: "Everyone will have such a stage, some people can pass through smoothly, some people will be affected for a lifetime ...

All you have to do is believe in yourself!

When you find the answers to those 'confusions', you can really grow up! "

As Alvin looked at Little Ginny holding his little face in a confused look, he smiled and said, "Don't think about it, your happy hour is still growing!"

I hope my angel never grows up, you are the cutest sweetheart ... "

Little Ginny listened, nodded vigorously, and then held Alvin ’s face in a giggle: “Richard can go to Yad ’s nightclub to solve the confusion ...

It must be amazing there!

Dad, will you take me there in the future? "

"NO! NO! NO ..."

Alvin pinched on Ginny's nose and said, "My angel will use other methods ...

For example, you can come to chat with your father when you are troubled or confused ... "

Little Ginny giggled around his dad ’s neck, then plopped on his **** and grabbed the little Morgan from the deep-seated Stark, and rushed towards the RV ...

Alvin turned the "source bead" in his hand, and he glanced at Fox, who was also on board not far away ...

Putting the "Yuanzhu" in his pocket and putting it close to his body, Alvin decided to try this thing, was it as magical as he saw it?

When everyone got on the bus and was about to set off for the Wolong Panda Base, Alvin recovered...

He looked at Zhou Hailun with his luggage and Lin Shaoqing with his hands empty, smiling and opened a space door leading to the school between the two RVs ...

Looking at Zhou Hailun's surprised expression, Alvin said with a bit of pride: "As the most capable person in the world, there must always be some special means."

As Alvin looked across the door of the space, Dr. Ethan, who had been waiting for him ...

He smiled at Lin Shaoqing who was a little nervous, "Don't be nervous!

Even in the worst case, you are one of the most capable people in the world!

You are a wise man, and Kunlun's business is over. There is nothing bad about letting go of your strength and enjoying life.

Are you still worried that someone will distort your nose because you are more handsome?

Before I go back to Hell's Kitchen ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ to enjoy real freedom!

When I come back, you will start to pay the debt ... "

Lin Shaoqing listened and nodded silently ...

After hesitating, Lin Shaoqing looked at Alvin's eyes and said curiously, "Why do you want to help me?"

You don't need a new thug at all! "

Alvin thought for a while and said, "I don't know!

You are a selfish, utilitarian, unscrupulous **** ...

I don't know why I should help you ...

I seemed to see the flashes on your body at that time, but looking at your handsome face, I couldn't remember those flashes ...

But that's not important!

Maybe it's because you owe me money, after all, that's not a small amount! "

Lin Shaoqing nodded silently. He walked toward the space door and whispered, "Thank you!

Thank you for pulling me when I was about to slide into the abyss!

I hope I can find a new ‘job’. The previous ten years have been terrible ... "

Alvin smiled and made a sorry gesture to Dr. Ethan, who seemed a little unhappy because he was always disturbed ...

Then he looked at Zhou Hailun, still immersed in shock, and said with a smile: "Dr. Zhou, please!"

As Alvin looked at the salute while pulling, and subconsciously passed through the space door, Zhou Hailun said with a smile: "When you see a female doctor named Jane Foster, you can have a good chat ...

You must have a lot of common topics!

About Sol, haha! "