Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1599: Beast Knight

Alvin sighed helplessly after listening. Where did this group of guys go for "big white"?

Their purpose is the "source bead" in their own hands ...

The only thing that Alvin didn't understand was that Professor Zhang had such a nephew, Zhang Qiang, how could he never get the "source beads"?

It stands to reason that if Professor Zhang ’s purpose is to breed an animal that is about to be extinct, the sharp gun will have no reason to stop ...

In particular, Zhang Qiang is still a great gunman, and this kind of thing is particularly fierce at first glance!

A glance at the "big white" croaking on the glass curtain wall, Alvin sighed with this guy's completely misshapen aesthetic.

Who will find a Vajra Barbie who weighs a few meals and has muscles and can tear himself to pieces at any time?

Professor Zhang looked at Alvin's thoughtful expression. He hesitated a little and said, "Don't think too much.

It is impossible to borrow the "source beads" of the sharpshooter club because the sharpshooter will have more important experiments going on.

Even if Zhang Qiang is the vice president, he has no right to stop a project that has invested hundreds of billions of dollars ... "

He said that Professor Zhang looked a little bit painful and spoiled his "Lamei" across the wall and said, "Before I prove that" Lamei "their race can be controlled.

My project must be ranked last! "

Alvin nodded suddenly, saying, "This is the core of what you call" wild training ", right?"

So what do you want to use them for?


The flesh and blood of the beast seems to be unable to contend with modern guns! "

Professor Zhang heard it, and he said with a strange expression: "Why not?

You know the beast army, then you should know, where does their fighting power come from?

'Lamei', they may not be able to develop and inherit like those fierce beast ancestors due to degradation.

But they can be partners ... "

As Professor Zhang looked at Alvin's expression on his face, he smiled and shook his head, and said, "Don't get me wrong, my partner is not a 'hound' ...

The ‘partner’ I am talking about is not a tool, but a true partner who can progress together. "

The temperament of the whole person has changed greatly during Professor Zhang's speech ...

Qingzhen's old face suddenly showed a ray of greasy lines, and the whole person seemed to suddenly grow up in a circle ...

A breath of fierce beasts from the wild appeared in the old guy!

Of course, Alvin will not be frightened by the breath of this beast. In fact, Professor Zhang's body is not as strong as Richard's after the finalization.

But Professor Zhang's theory is a bit surprising ...

The beast army he lost, even if he had a family history, but he couldn't get the beast army heritage.

But now he is showing a weird power, which is certainly not the power that someone can rely on to cultivate on his own.

Professor Zhang's so-called "partners" and "common progress" gave Alvin some other associations.

At this time, Alvin turned his head and remembered the Condor Knight ...

If Professor Zhang's theory is correct, then the dead Gesang may be more powerful than he guessed.

Professor Zhang's gas field did not last long, and he returned to normal after more than ten seconds.

Seeing how Alvin was thinking, Professor Zhang helped his glasses and smiled and said: "Although Zhang Qiang and I have both lost the beast army, Zhang Qiang has some intentional ingredients, and I am really disappointed ...

My wish is to be the same as my father!

My brother, Zhang Qiang's father, is still the leader of the Tiger Army.

He told me that there might be another way!

In fact, the beast army not only has human beings, but those ancestors of the beast also sheltered many beasts of the same origin.

They work in cooperation with humans to promote each other ...

It's just that as time goes by, there seems to be nothing missing in this world, and those sheltered beasts begin to gradually degenerate.

They finally had to withdraw from the beast army sequence!

But spiritual beasts still exist, as long as I can find them, it is possible to catch their power and break through the shackles of the body ... "

Alvin heard frowning and said, "You have been talking for a long time, but I still haven't heard where 'progressive progress' is?

I know a Condor Knight, and he and his Condor explained to me what partnership is ... "

Before Alvin's words were finished, Professor Zhang interrupted him and said with a smile, "You mean Gesang?"

He is a real beast knight!

In fact, he is stronger than many Sergeants of the Beast Army!

Before I met him, Gesang was still a traditional Tibetan warrior who relied on condors ...

Later we studied a new practice method together ... "

Professor Zhang hesitated and said, "The human body is a complex system!

But the human body is a blessed ‘container’!

Our body can carry not only complex souls, but also various forces.

I always think that the loss of ancient heritage is because this world has lost a certain quality!

But we can still find this trait in some super beasts!

Build a bridge between yourself and your partner, borrow the energy of your partner to practice, purify and then feed your partner back.

This is the real mystery of the Condor Knight, and the most important direction of my research!

Most of the strength of the beast army comes from the inheritance of those beast ancestors, but many years ago it was discovered that although the inheritance of the spirit pattern is powerful, it has a limit ...

It is his physical fitness that determines whether a beast army warrior is strong ...

Because the physical quality determines, how much spiritual energy can they instill?

this is not right!

To use a common saying, ‘the sky is the limit of humanity! ’

Condor Knight is not special ...

Half a year ago, I really built a bridge with Lamei, and I proved that my theory was correct. "

After listening to Alvin, he looked at sympathetic Professor Zhang with a little sympathy ...

In Alvin's eyes, Professor Zhang is a lonely explorer!

The connection between him and the Sharp Gun Club was not as close as Alvin thought ...

Otherwise, he should have known for a long time that what the sharp gun will use "source beads" to develop is to revive the ancient heritage.

If he knows, he should understand that the most important thing is not the so-called "monstrous beast", but the "world characteristics" in his mouth ...

Alvin himself summarized a timetable ...

After the world tree withered, the spirit of the whole world began to dissipate.

Only a few fierce beasts, with the help of the "source beads" spilled out of the 36 demon caves, it was difficult to maintain.

The success of Father Gesang stems from those "eagle beads". The condor he cultivated with "eagle beads" is very different from the current beast ...

How powerful is the dead Dapeng, Alvin can't describe it ...

Its bones have been baptized for so many years, and it can leave Alvin with an ancient rune, which can explain the problem ...

How many years did Gesang succeed?

Why did Professor Zhang, who guided his success, not succeed until half a year ago?

Everything seems to be back to the moment when the stars fell six months ago!

The crazy actions of the Warnerheim heroes may have fed the earth back ...

They let the earth recover the traits, and even the recovery of the world tree may have their credit.

The recovery of the earth's atmosphere and the rejuvenation of the earth began at that time!

Alvin doesn't know if Professor Zhang's direction is right?

If the Aura really returns, then many inheritances will naturally shine again ...

And is Professor Zhang's "walking with beasts" really as valuable as he thought?

Alvin is not that stingy. He told Professor Zhang what he knew and some of his guesses.

Professor Zhang's idea is correct, and the actual effect is certainly very good, but if he makes a mistake in the core, then it will be easy to have problems later.

He himself vaguely had some conjectures about the so-called "world traits", but he didn't think clearly ...

If you get the core wrong, it ’s easy to get twice the result with half the effort!

After Alvin finished talking about what he knew, he found that there was no loss of expression on Professor Zhang's face, but he was surprisingly excited ...

It seems that many questions that have not been understood suddenly found the answer!

That childlike naive expression appeared on an old man in his sixties ...

It made Alvin feel a little funny, and suddenly found that the so-called "multiple effects with half the effort" may be the accumulation of success ...

Some winners in life ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ have been riding up the elevator from birth since the birth ...

And more people can only build up mountains, rely on little by little accumulation, and strive to create a **** to climb up slowly!

Only those with perseverance, perseverance, and luck can climb to the top of life ...

Turn every understanding of life into the soil under your feet, and step on it firmly and firmly every step of the way.

Sometimes we may spin around in place, or even fall from a height.

But the soil under those feet is always there, and is waiting for you to continue to raise them.

This is clearly the case with Professor Zhang ...

Although he has taken too many detours, even his experiments and conjectures over the past few decades cannot be realized if he leaves Aura.

But now Reiki is back and things have changed.

This dude became a pioneer of a new heritage from a senior animal expert.

The practice method of combining human and beast!

This is a new development, and it also opens another door for many people who are unable to practice due to physical problems.

And Alvin felt that how to solve Richard's problem might have fallen on Professor Zhang.

"Nourish Qi" can't learn, can't "get pet" learn?

The Peace Hotel has some experience of raising beasts!

As long as Richard can "borrow" the aura in the beast, his bad condition can naturally change.

Even his "shaking mountain" might even feed his animal partners ...