Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1640: Good teacher

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Alvin heard Norman Osborne's warning and he froze for a moment ...

Then they found that the swarms in front suddenly became very crazy, and they killed all the life around them.

In the face of the impact of the Valkyrie, those insects that still had a little rules and regulations, completely rioted.

This is not the most outrageous ...

The huge cave that should have been blown up, like a volcanic eruption, sprayed a large number of insect swarms outward.

Seeing myself poking Ma Honeycomb ...

Alvin just wanted to send a 20-level thundercloud storm in the direction of the cave, and as a result, a huge electric light burst out of the cave ...

A 2000-year-old idiot waved a tomahawk with a thunder and rushed out with a huge electric light.

At this time, Sol was like a super electric rod with a charger. Every time he swung a battle axe, a large amount of electric light would hit nearby bugs.

Alvin they are closer, and the chariot is bronze ...

Seeing Steve's hair of a little size start to stand upright, and the dense blue smoke ...

Alvin sighed and shoved a somewhat stunned Karon, shouting: "Let's give it a go!

This guy doesn't recognize him ... "

Karon looked at the thunderbolt on Sol, and as he urged the chariot to start running, he said: "Since Zeus left, this is the strongest lightning I have ever seen ...

This guy is also a god? "

Alvin glared at Karon, who was blinded, and said, "That's because you haven't seen a stronger thunderbolt ..."

Saying Alvin sent a chain of lightning towards an insane group of Hydralisks ...

The chain lightning of the bucket thickness hit a Hydra and began to turn. It jumped a few times on dozens of insects in a row before disappearing into the air.

Karon glanced back at the thrilling Sol, then glanced at Alvin, hesitated, and said, "The core of that divine power is thunder and lightning.

Of course, the lightning of the national teacher is still very powerful! "

Alvin was questioned for the first time by his magical power, and Karon's vision was so unique that he seemed to see through Sol's essence at a glance.

But the only thing Karon did not expect was that Sol did not want to play, but that he was too young.

There was no time to introduce the origin of Sol to Karon. Alvin smiled and released lightning, covering Norman Osborne and Eagle Eye as they struggled into the air ...

These guys have done a big thing this time, and they will not be allowed to die before they go back to enjoy the glory!

The mad swarm had no command, and they began to mad attacker Alvin.

More than a dozen tank worms appeared on the ground, and the thick flames sprayed from their mouthparts began to attack all life indiscriminately.

Alvin listened to all kinds of exclamations on the communicator's public channel. He laughed and raised his battle axe, shouting: "The bug is messed up!"

Let's kill all the bugs here, and then look elsewhere! "

As Alvin jumped off the chariot, he waved his tomahawk and started to attack the riotous worms.

Beidou Feijian opened the way, thunder and lightning shrouded the mad swarm ...

Facing Alvin's overbearing power, those Valkyries had to fly farther to make room!

Karon looked at his quasi-boss with great admiration. He looked back at Steve and Ivan and said, "The state teacher is stronger than the god!"

My strongest student cannot do this! "

Steering and Ivan looked at each other while listening to Karong's unchanging tone, and at the same time jumped off the chariot ...

They quickly separated left and right, rushed to both sides of Alvin, and began to struggle to drive those out of control bugs into Alvin's attack circle ...

Sol looked at Alvin in the distance, the prince trapped underground to help fight the bugs, shouting wildly with slogans, summoning a lot of lightning to block the entire cave exit ...

The huge Thunder Tomahawk brought a vigorous electric light during the swing, turning all the bugs around into coke.

Seeing Thor's thoughts holding other signs, he vigorously swayed his divine power.

Karon, who was driving a chariot, shook his head funny and said, "It turns out to be a kid!"

Earl-eyed Sol apparently heard what Karon said. He floated angrily and waved his tomahawk to the side of Karon.

A lightning bolt like a high-pressure water column wiped out the bronze chariot a few tens of meters away, turning dozens of bugs along the way into coke.

"Respect me a little bit, you, uh, clay figurine ...

This is Thor Thor! "

Karon watched the body of his terracotta beating with tiny electric lights. He shook his head humorously and said, "Thunder God needs to control the lightning, not to release it.

You have a powerful divine core, but you have not yet found a way to use it.

It is a basic requirement to protect oneself from being harmed by lightning ... "

Sol listened to Karon's admonition, he glanced at Alvin who opened the killing ring, and said a little uncomfortably: "You are talking nonsense, Alvin's thunderbolt is even more uncontrollable, but everyone knows his power ..."

Karon looked at Saul's strange expression in surprise, and he said incredulously: "As a deity, you actually regard a mortal, um, maybe a demigod as your goal?"

Saying that Karon looked at a chain of lightning that Alvin inspired, he almost hit a few violent valkyrie ...

"Does he want to control it?

He can't control it!

As a deity, do you think that is the symbol of "powerful"? "

Saul hesitated for a moment and said, "Is that not strong enough?"

Karon blinked and heard, "Of course it is powerful!

But you are God! "

"That can't beat Alvin, what kind of god?"

Sol no longer wants to listen to the Karon nonsense of "good priest" ...

He flew rashly again, and after surpassing Alvin, he threw out the Thunder Tomahawk ...

The huge battle axe with a splendid thunder was intertwined with the chain lightning from Alvin, and then seemed to **** up the thunderbolt, and swept fiercely across the 500 meters.

Alvin was okay, and those Valkyrie who were in the attack range were unlucky.

These heroes, who had died once, were swept by the aftermath, and the armor gleamed with a fine electric light, helping the heroic Valkyrie to complete a detailed "hair removal".

The only Valkyrie, the living goddess, watched his hair falling in shock ...

She rode Shenjun's Tianma and greeted Sol's family with a series of swear words, regardless of whether she could beat his father ...

Saul said sincerely to the childhood idols, "SORRY!"

Then landed on Alvin's side, summoned his own Thunder Tomahawk, snarled at Alvin demonstratively, and was hit by a shield on the back ...

"Sol, are you crazy?"

Saul, who was still abrupt just now, looked back at Steve with a smoke in his head. He pointed at Steve's release and beard curiously and said, "Are you learning me?"

Steve pressed the magnetic wristband on his wrist to retract the shield. He looked at the silly Thor and nodded helplessly, "Yes, yes ...

Can you release your **** thunderbolt towards the bugs? "

Sol didn't hear Steve's second sentence at all. He touched his golden beard and said proudly: "You don't fit my style, but forget it, we are friends ..."

While Sol was speaking, Ivan braved the lightning and rushed over to stumble him, before he even screamed ...

The forward Ivan glanced back at Sol and scolded, "Dasha *!"

Looking at the back of Ivan's sprint, Sol started running wildly, wanting to compare with Ivan who is more powerful ...

Alvin looked at the situation he had just controlled, because Sol's joining suddenly became a mess.

He shook his head in annoyance and whistled ...

The Beidou Feijian suddenly spread out, and they flew to the periphery of the swarm, while killing the insects, while using the "Fire Storm" to drive the insects together to facilitate Mr. Thor to kill them.

Karon was sitting on a chariot running wildly, strangling those bugs coming out of the cave.

Norman Osbourne and Hawkeye stepped on a delta aircraft, covering the strangely shaped "clay man" in the air.

Originally still a bit difficult, Karon was assisted, and the pumpkin bomb carried on the delta aircraft was still very powerful.

The in-volume explosion can control the killing range excellently, which can not only block the cave exit, but also ensure the safety of Karon.

Just to deal with the bugs that came out of the explosion gap, Karon acted calmly.

After all, there are a few pumpkin bombs. After a few minutes of bombing, Norman Osbourne took the lead in raising it, leaving the battlefield to the Eagle Eyes who held the electromagnetic rifle.

Karon, whose pressure is beginning to increase, looked up at the flying machine in the sky ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He shook his head and said, "It turned out to be just a three-minute tough guy ..."

As Karong began to change his strategy, he drove the bronze chariot to start sprinting in circles. Chang Ge's Chang Ge was always able to **** like a ghost and penetrate the body of the insect from an incredible angle ...

However, he was almost unable to support the volcanic eruption alone.

Just when Karon tried to turn around for help ...

A colorful light flashed!

Queen Hella, wearing a black tight armor and a crown, appeared in the wormhole with hundreds of evil warriors.

Watching dozens of wide flying swords appear on the head of Her Majesty's waving hand ...

Karon smashed his mouth and muttered to himself, "Not God, but God's power!

What's wrong with this world? "

Hella glanced back at the strange "clay figurine" of Karon. With a cold wave in her eyes, she released the shaped sword, strangling the worms that had just emerged from the cave.

Then the rainbow bridge in the sky flashed like a wind, bringing her army to the queen.

The army of 30,000 undead undead rushed into the wormhole like a huge wave, and they killed the same mad insects in groups of several lives, and quickly pushed the front into the cave.

The bugs can't spread there, which is more beneficial to the undead who are not too strong.

Karon, who experienced the battle of the Qin Emperor, looked at those strangely shaped undead warriors with disgust. Just when the broken-handed manipulator wanted to talk, the Queen of the Lord gave him a glare ...

Then dozens of new black flying swords formed on top of her head, and began to hover like life ...

One of the flying swords with a wide door board hit Alvin's feet, and the headmaster was shocked.

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