Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1641: Threatening Threats

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Alvin was jumped by the sudden big sword ...

Looking back at the frosted Hella, and the undead warriors behind her ...

Alvin suffocated his stomach with a swear word, waved at Hella, and smiled and said, "Hi ~"

Hella did not respond to Alvin's greeting ...

Instead, they summoned a large number of black giant swords, swept through the battlefield, and announced their arrival to everyone.

Looking at Hella, who was in a bad mood, Alvin turned to raise the battle axe and stormed the swarm.

Although he did not understand why Hella was in a bad mood.

But at this time, a smart man will definitely not go up and find it uncomfortable.

Demonstrating your own excellence is the best way to eliminate women's insanity!

This is not her own daughter-in-law. If you lose your temper, you will have to coax it.

Seeing Alvin ignore himself, he turned and rushed into the swarm ...

Hella sneered and divided the undead army into two parts.

Half of them are at the exit of the worm's nest, and the other half are killed by the wild swarms of the plains.

Then it seemed that in order to set off the power of Hella, Rainbow Bridge sent Fenril the giant wolf again.

Fenrir, who had just arrived first, raised a wild howl.

With his head bowed down to Hella, Fenrir rushed to Alvin's side in the eyes of Hella's difference ...

Looking at his mount, chasing impatient Alvin, anxiously "inquired" where did his two handsome wolves go?

Hella, embarrassed, patted Fenrir's **** with an angry wand and asked her to arch Alvin.

Alvin pushed open the mouth of enthusiastic Fenrir ...

Standing up and looking at the evil soldiers around, Alvin spread out his hands helplessly and said, "Okay!

you win!

In the end what happened?

Why do I think my breathing is wrong? "

Hella looked at Alvin's eyes with a strange expression, and after a long time of gestation, she finally grunted and took her undead soldiers to the swarm ...

"After the bugs are over, I will go back to earth as my mutant artificial president."

Alvin didn't hear clearly what Hella said. He pulled Steve around him and said uncertainly: "What does Hella mean?

Their family is the Nordic God, how can they not fight? "

When Alvin spoke, Saul in the distance seemed to answer his words ...

This man laughed loudly and summoned the terrible thunder and lightning ...

While chopping off a large number of bugs, by the way, several female Valkyries were scorched by the wings of Tianma ...

Looking at Alvin's eloquent expression, Steve shook his head sympathetically and said, "You are going to be unlucky!

Let's quickly end the battle here!

I think this time, I should stand by your side! "

Alvin nodded, moved, and said, "I know you are the most reliable ..."

Steve touched his beard and said with a smile: "I mean, there aren't many opportunities for this kind of fun.

I don't want to miss it!

The matter of your getting married has long spread to Nedwiener.

Obviously, our majesty is the last one to know. "

Steve, who has always been more serious, slapped Alvin's arm with a smile and said, "I'm hopeful you can survive!"

You are a banner for men, we need a real role model! "

Alvin looked at Steve, who was gloating over him, and he said in a nasty voice: "You can rest assured that I will never tell Apple that you often go to nightclubs.

Not to tell her that you often sleep with that Bucky. "

Alvin snorted irritably and scolded, "What the **** is this fucking?

Is it too much charm to be a curse? "

Steve looked at the shameless Alvin "shocked", he hesitated, and finally decided not to offend the careful principal.

This guy pitted his teammates without any psychological burden. The consequences of offending him are really serious!

Watching the battle scenes that have been controlled around ...

Steve said: "These bugs are too large in number. Are we driving them to meet Stark?"

They have more efficient killing methods ... "

Alvin just wanted to nod, and heard Karon in the back shouting at himself: "Guo Shi, you better have a look ..."

Alvin turned his head curiously, watching Karon standing next to the fat corpse, playing with a ball of milky white balls.

Alvin and Steve looked at each other curiously ...

Alvin knew that Karon was definitely not a trouble-seeking character. He ordered Angel to control the Beidou Feijian to start chasing out the disordered insects, and then walked to Karon with Steve ...

Charon ’s previous operations even attracted the attention of Norman Osborne. The gentleman who did not stand under the dangerous wall fell slowly from the 1500-meter high sky and joined Alvin together ...

Charon looked at Norman Osbourne, then glanced at Alvin with a look of inquiry ...

This kind of observational and full-scale role really makes Alvin like ...

He waved his hand generously and said, "This guy is also our own buddy. Just tell me if you find anything."

As Alvin raised his eyebrows proudly at Norman Osborne, he smiled and said, "This is Karon, my temporary driver ...

In fact, he is not very powerful, at most hitting eight bugs.

Oh, he certainly can't fly, haha ​​... "

Norman Osbourne was ridiculed by Alvin and didn't care. He gently nodded at "Clay Man" Karon and said, "Alvin is not a generous person!

If you ever feel that you want to change jobs, feel free to come to Osborne Group to find me.

My name is Norman Osbourne, president of the Super Bio Group with 4 PhDs. "

As he said Norman Osborne glanced at Alvin, and then said seriously to Karon: "I think you are a talent ...

Unfortunately, Alvin generally does not understand what talents are saying!

What I said before has always worked ... "

Alvin Haoxuan was swayed by Norman Osbourne. This old shoehorn started to learn badly!

The tempers of these scientists are too bad, it must be a fault of Stark infection.

Karon shyly shook his head shyly and said, "I'm only responsible for driving the national division for the time being.

I haven't decided on the exact situation yet, but the Chinese teacher promised to give me a new body. I think it must be the best! "

Alvin looked at Karon, who was sitting on the floor, and he shook his head funny, and said, "Okay, okay!"

Dude, I promise you will be satisfied with your new body!

Not to mention the Centaur, the sweaty BMW, I will get it for you!

Feeling tell me what you found?

I'm still busy here! "

Karon nodded when he heard it. He glanced at the fat insects that were dead around him, and then showed Alvin the milky white sphere in his hand.

There are some things recorded in it, I think you should be interested in the national teacher. "

As Karon looked at the weird expression on Alvin's face, he grinned and said, "I spent a long time in the underworld, where there used to be a place where wandering souls perched ...

And I ’ve been driving Hades for a long time, I have to learn something!

The main thing is that this thing is signaling ...

So I caught it! "

Alvin frowned frantically at the milky white ball and said, "It signals?

To whom?

Does Ned Wiener have other bug kings? "

Karon shook his head when he heard it and said, "No, there is only one insect king, because they are also coming from afar.

These bugs are just a group of defeated soldiers, they were driven to the periphery of the solar system by a terrible Titan. "

As Karon looked up, he narrowed his eyes and looked carefully, then pointed to a place in the sky and said, "You should arrange people to look in that direction, where a strange bug stops ...

This fat worm is signaling it! "

Alvin looked at the unhurried Karon. He grabbed Steve a little anxiously and said, "It's too late to do anything now, listen to what he said ..."

Karon nodded in recognition of Alvin's statement. He stretched out his hand and enveloped the white ball, and then did not know how to operate it, which led to an illusory picture ...

In the endless universe, a huge Zerg army is fighting the super fleet.

That Zerg army is not the same as what Alvin encountered now ...

Hugely shaped flying dragons are overwhelming!

They used the jellyfish-like king insects as a network to collide and fight with that huge fleet in the void universe ...

From the perspective of the soul, the fleet is so large that it is full of pictures ...

An uncountable number of spacecraft fired artillery, bombarding the positions of the bugs.

Then, in a triangular supergiant spacecraft, densely packed aircraft flew out.

There are also several Cheryta motherships, spitting out massive Cheryta soldiers ...

The motorcycles of the Cherrita, which Alvin is more familiar with, and those impressive "big fish", broke into the swarm as the vanguard ...

An unprecedented cosmic war broke out in front of Alvin!

Until the worms defeated, the surviving part was driven into an unstable space door.

What impressed Alvin the most was that when the bug passed the super spaceship, he "watched" a purple giant standing in the spaceship's command room ...

Later, Alvin, who was chasing the spacecraft to reach Niederwinier, and then lurking, breeding, occupying, slaughtering, etc., was not interested ...

"Paper, Thanos ...

These bugs were driven by him!

This **** actually has this kung fu! "

Norman Osborne and Steve glanced at each other, and they were keenly aware of the seriousness of the problem ...

If that Thanos can expel insects to attack the solar system, there will be more insects in the future.

The bugs in the previous picture are obviously guards, they are at the forefront of their own galaxy.

After these bugs are defeated, it is not difficult to imagine that Thanos will drive more and more powerful bugs to the solar system.

Norman Osborne looked at Alvin with a ugly face and said, "This is the bully you often say?

The neuropathy that will kill half of the people? "

Alvin nodded ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ shook his head again and said, "I don't know what he thinks, but his ultimate goal must be the earth!"

Steve recalled the thrilling pictures he had seen before. He said very uncomprehendingly, "What is he trying to do?

What is the attraction of the earth to him?

This guy's army is simply not something we can resist!

If he ruins us, why not come directly by himself? "

Alvin shook his head and said with a heavy face: "I don't know what he plans, maybe his purpose is to disintegrate 'freedom' ...

It is impossible for such a huge fleet to easily pass the galaxy!

With so many kingdoms in the galaxy, there is always resistance ...

The coming of the Bully will only encourage them to unite, because this guy will bring destruction to wherever he goes! "

Alvin suddenly shook his head and said with a smile: "Hegemony has been fighting abroad, it must be because he feels that the power he has accumulated is not enough.

This shows that there are forces in the Milky Way or the universe that make him afraid!

The earth is a long way from them! "

Alvin's words made several people silent ...

Karon looked at Alvin who seemed to know a lot of things curiously. He smiled and said, "Why are you so pessimistic?

Maybe he just wanted to return to his hometown ...

You may not know that the guy was a Titan!

The legendary gods in the Greek Protoss are mostly Titans!

I have seen a lot of Greek deities, and I guarantee that I will not mistake it! "

Alvin shook his head and sighed, "I know who he is!

And he will never be allowed to step on the earth! "

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