Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1642: Avengers' Creed

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Alvin's good mood was overwhelmed by the appearance of Thanos ...

He knew he was useless to worry, but the pressure created by Thanos was real.

Alvin asked himself that he had surely cut the guy, but he was not sure that he could block such a huge army.

He was not too worried about the sudden emergence of the tyrant army in the solar system ...

According to Xingjue's girlfriend Kamora, and the information provided by the half-human half-machine Nebula, the tyrant should now fight in another distant galaxy, perhaps the hometown of these bugs.

There is a very far distance from the solar system ...

Even if he came to the Milky Way and wanted to use the jumping points of various countries, he had to ask those countries that have been stretched for many years to disagree.

It's impossible to fly over, if the bully really does, Alvin feels he can't live the day he flew over.

In a short time on the earth, it is impossible to face the attack of tyrants ...

Alvin could not allow the hegemony to traverse the entire galaxy ...

He is not without sources of information right now, as long as the Bully dares to run to where the Tomahawk can reach, Alvin will start without hesitation and kill this guy.

As for those armies ...

It is difficult to say whether there is no "king" army and whether there is fighting power!

They are themselves a multi-ethnic consortium, and without the "king", those armies would immediately kill each other, and Alvin was not surprised.

In fact, it can be said that the remote location of the bully has a buffer between him and Alvin.

Alvin could never go blind to the spaceship to chase the bully who didn't know where he was.

The current situation is at most to deal with a little cannon foul harassment as it used to be.

This separation between the air is a severe test for the entire solar system.

The earth really can't beat those "cannon fodder" ...

The location of these bugs this time is Nieder Neil. If they appear on the earth, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Alvin glanced at the slightly proud Karon. He knew that the man had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

Without explaining to Karon, Alvin said to Angel: "Angel, give the military a copy ...

The earth needs to speed up a little bit, I have to give them a little motivation! "

Alvin looked at Steve and Norman Osbourne with heavy expressions. He smiled and said, "Don't do that, there's nothing to worry about!

According to science, the day we die, can we wait for this guy to be a question mark!

And before that, I have a lot of opportunities to find the door in advance!

The army ca n’t beat us, it does n’t mean we ca n’t beat him ...

The dead are no threat!

The same is true of dead Titans! "

Alvin, who said that he had no thoughts about cutting the bug, jumped on the chariot and said, "Let's fight this war first!

I still have a lot of things to do. I can't let this bully disturb my happy time!

If we are more optimistic ...

Maybe this guy is not necessarily in the worm's hometown!

Those bugs are not without resistance, maybe he will conquer the Zerg, and our spaceship has already filled the solar system. "

Steve was amused by Alvin's indifference, he shook his head and said, "You are right!

In this regard, my soldiers can't help much!

But we may not be able to defeat those armies, but we can kill the tyrants!

What is the creed of the Avengers?

We may not be able to stop the destruction, but we will avenge it!

No matter who it is, if you want to attack us, you have to pay a price he can't afford! "

Alvin smiled and gave Steve a high-five to celebrate, celebrating the soldier finally figured it out, he was not as important as he thought.

He can't help with the development of spaceships, weapons, etc ...

It is his responsibility to bring weapons and his own life to the forefront when necessary!

And Alvin will never let his buddy lose his life for nothing!

Norman Osbourne, as a person who thinks a lot, looked at optimistic Alvin and Steve, shook his head, and said, "You should inform Raymond to let him find a way to control that The guy named Yongdu ...

For this reason, even if the transaction time is extended a little longer!

We need ‘eyes’, and those sweepers are the brightest ‘eyes’ in the galaxy! "

As Norman Osborne said seriously: "I will speed up the progress in the" Dark Star ", even in the worst case, we should have a way out."

Alvin did not reject Norman Osborne's claim. Although he was not sure about the worst, what would happen in the future, who knows?


In the vast wilderness of Nieder Neil, a large number of insect swarms were driven to gather in the direction of the human coalition.

Qin Huangjun is responsible for one direction ...

Asgard's army is responsible for one direction ...

The dwarves who had lifted the crisis in the imperial city also sent all the legions to take charge in one direction ...

They squeezed the worms that lost command violently, allowing them to gather in the designated direction.

Stark manipulated thousands of "little bees" and frantically bombarded the insects that besieged the human coalition.

After receiving the message from Alvin, Stark walked inconceivably to the computer of the coalition headquarters ...

Watching the army of "cultural relics" on the screen, like a wave, slamming the mad swarms, driving them to the designated location of the wilderness.

Stark frowned at the commander of China, and said inconceivably: "You still have such an army?

During World War I and World War II, how did you keep yourself from going to war?

What does it mean to ravage that small island state, and with such an army, what else do you need to defend the island chain? "

As Stark looked at the Qin Emperor riding the dragon and flying in the screen, and the familiar Qin Jun, he patted his head and suddenly said: "Alvin actually dug out your ancestor!"

The Hua Guo officer smiled and shook his head bitterly, saying: "Qin Junhu Ben is indeed our ancestor!

But this ancestor is a little too fierce! "

As the Chinese officer looked at Stark, he said, "Mr. Stark, let your little bee drive the bugs away ...

We have prepared several tactical neutron bullets, which can be dropped at any time! "

Stark listened to the control of the small bee attack and said, "I should purchase several sets of Qin Jun's armor ...

This thing fits in my manor! "

The Chinese military officer listened seriously: "These are the most precious cultural relics, and they are absolutely not allowed to flow out of the country.

Maybe you can get a few fakes, no one will doubt your financial resources anyway! "

Speaking of the Chinese officers, regardless of Stark's strange expression, he stood up and walked to the location where the staff gathered, watching them turn into a point of attack, and said, "Notify the rear ...

Ready to drop tactical neutron bullets at any time! "


"Boom ~"

Alvin stood extremely far away, watching the mushroom cloud rise from the ground of Nieder Neil!

"Boom ~"

"Boom ~"

"Boom ~"

"Boom ~"

As the first tactical neutron bomb exploded, the other four exploded ...

The huge red mushroom cloud actually affected the celestial phenomenon over Nieder Neil!

The huge shock wave expelled Nedwiener's thin atmosphere, exposing the deep universe.

Light radiation, heat radiation, and shock waves easily destroy all insects in the killing range.

This is not the most terrible, the impact of a large number of high-energy word flow is wider.

The huge worms with simple cell structures were dismantled almost instantly, screaming and waiting to die.

For the first time, Alvin saw such a violent scene on the scene ...

Five calculated tactical neutron bombs created a huge explosion that affected a range of 10 kilometers.

Alvin himself once made a meteorite bombardment that was even stronger than this, but that was not the same as now ...

This is man's own hole card!

The coalition proved to Asgard and the dwarves that they were not weak chickens. When necessary, the destructive power of humans erupted, and even humans were afraid.

Looking at the strange expressions on the faces of Sol and Hella around him, Alvin pushed the sunglasses on his face and smiled and said, "Are you surprised?

If I were you, I would wear sunglasses, and it is said that it would be blind to see this explosion directly ... "

Saul said in a weird tone: "In fact, it is very general, the power of Rainbow Bridge is much greater than this ..."

Hella glared at Thor with a hard mouth, then grabbed Alvin's sunglasses and put it on her face, then said: "You should take this weapon out early ...

Those biochemicals simply can't delay too much time! "

Alvin would n’t tell Hella that Niederwinier was the place where the Earth trained ...

He touched his nose and said, "Although this thing is not a nuclear bomb, it still has some sequelae!

Using this kind of thing at the door of an ally's home ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is absolutely not allowed on the earth!

If there is no way this time, the coalition forces will not take this thing out!

And this thing is very inhumane, use them to deal with biochemical people, and lose the honor of the warrior ...

You said yes? "

Seeing his silly brother nodding, Hella stomped on Alvin's feet ...

Alvin, who wears Ares 4, swiftly dispelled the "thorn spirit", so that the queen's high heels stepped firmly on Ares 4's feet.

Although he broke his heels, Hella found that she had not been attacked, and she was a little stunned ...

A few seconds later, the sober Hella "humped" and said, "The dead enemy is the best enemy!"

What is the difference between how to die?

How long did I delay here? "

Alvin blinked and looked at Hella, who seemed to be complaining. He hesitated and said, "In fact, it's okay to occasionally take a vacation ...

When fighting wars, the Queen always enlists her, and does it seem that the two princes are particularly useless?

Odin and Friega have just chosen at the end of the earth, you can accompany them to see.

Harvey ’s guy is still reliable. He showed me photos. It ’s a quiet bay town, a beautiful place ... "

Hella listened, she squinted at Alvin who apparently didn't want to let herself go back to Hell's Kitchen ...

After thinking for a moment, Hella smiled and said, "Yes, I really should go and see ..."


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