Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1741: Black Widow's Fear

Chapter 1748: Black Widow's Fear

Alvin looked into the "Cradle of Life" and found two pencil-thickness probes.

This thing is like a 3D printer spouting some kind of nano-materials, quickly repairing the damage to Ye Lina's body.

It is not simply "printing" flesh, but using some advanced technology to deceive human cells and let them treat nanomaterials as "homogeneous."

Although in the end the body tissue is still replaced with some kind of plastic-like stuff, it will never produce rejection.

Although this gadget will make master skills like Lin Shaoqing completely useless, for ordinary people, it is definitely a life-saving artifact.

The only flaw is that at present, Dr. Zhou has not found a way to completely replace the internal organs of the human body, and can only carry out simple flesh repair...

Watching the "Cradle of Life" begin to work, Alvin nodded with confidence, then walked to the pool and washed his **** hands.

Natasha's state is very strange, this super agent seems to have been greatly hit, completely lost the usual sense of ease.

Alvin washed his hands, then walked to Natasha's side, hesitated, and said, "This chick survived...

If she is a sister or something, you can rest assured! "

As Alvin looked at Natasha who had recovered a little, he frowned and said, "Tell me what the **** is going on?"

Even if she is your sister, you look too bad now! "

Natasha behaved like a fragile woman at this time. She stared at her red eyes and said a little distractedly: "We came to find me!"

Natasha, who was sitting in the chair, looked up at Alvin. She seemed to be caught in memory, using a straight, numb tone, and said, "I used to be a member of the'Red House'."

We believed at the time that dedication to ourselves would bring peace to the country!

We voluntarily become ‘tools’ and dedicate ourselves completely...

I have killed many people, deceived many people, hurt more people...

Until I got a task to go to Budapest...

At that time, I discovered that many things I did in the past were only for the rights of certain people.

And those who want it are not sober agents, but killers who obey their orders.

I killed Doctors Without Borders because he lived the enemy of the Soviet Union...

I detonated a bomb in a building because there were Soviet enemies inside...

It was not until they ordered me to destroy an orphanage that I realized that what those people wanted was never peace.

When I was about to be sentenced, it was Eagle Eye that saved me...

She told me that I can do the right thing!

So I joined SHIELD and were doing the same work as before.

I work hard, work hard to protect the world, and work hard to forget those dark pasts.

But ‘the past’ still came to my door...”

As Natasha looked at Alvin with an inexplicable expression, she smiled bitterly and said, "I used to think that I was right...

But when I fell deeper and deeper, I began to feel that life should not be like this.

Is it ironic that the Black Widow wants to be a ‘good guy’?

Even now, I dare not face my past...

Because I’m not sure if everything I did at the time was ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

My professional instincts tell me that those are all things I should do...

But I always wake up in a nightmare...

So I betrayed myself in the past!

Just because my heart is no longer calm!

Eagle Eye helped me find a new target, and SHIELD gave me a place to stay.

I think I found my family..."

Alvin listened, shook his head a little confused, he couldn't understand Natasha's feelings.

Listening to her, she seemed to have a strange feeling about the "Red House".

This is not surprising, after all, she is a super agent from that place.

But her ambivalence was so overwhelming that Alvin felt a little weird.

Obviously, Natasha does not need to be afraid of the "Red House", but the fear she shows is very real.

This is not the emotion that a super agent should have...

Now Natasha makes Alvin suddenly think of Lin Shaoqing who destroyed Kunlun with one hand.

But the man was struggling, but he was not lazy when he was working.

Seeing Natasha's tears...

Alvin frowned for a long time, then realized that the "Red House" was actually "home" for Natasha...

It is the dark, numb place where I live.

She betrayed her "home" because of her kindness!

And because of a trace of kindness in her heart, Natasha hated her experience.

The dare not to look squarely at her past is in line with her escape.

Betray the family, leave the family, find a new job...

If this is a person with a cold personality, it is impossible to feel pain for what he has done in the past.

Alvin suddenly discovered that he seemed to have misread Natasha...

Wrapped in a tyrannical and cunning coat, it is actually a kind soul.

It's just that she "camouflaged" so well that she even forgot her original appearance.

At this time, Alvin began to realize that Natasha was not a cunning super agent, as she thought.

She also values ​​her family...

After the SHIELD disbanded, Natasha had many other options.

But not only did she not give up Nick Fury, who was like a mouse on the street, but she also acted as a liaison officer.

Gave them the most important intelligence support...

She is devoting all her strength to those guys who give warmth when she is confused.

This strong and cunning female agent actually has a warm side that ordinary people can't understand.

She left the side she least wanted to face in the "past"...

Now her "past" has come to her door...

Alvin is not Natasha. He has not experienced it, so he cannot truly understand Natasha's complex emotions.

Like a child in a family of thieves, he has been living with his parents since he was a kid. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with that.

But one day, the child stole the medical expenses of a patient and caused the patient to die in pain.

A little kindness in the child's heart was awakened, and then a kind person persuaded him to escape from his past.

So the child severed his connection with the "past" and forgot that he was once a disgusting thief.

Until the "past" came to the door...

Face the "past" and admit that you used to be a disgusting "thief"...

These are actually not easy, for anyone.

The most ironic thing is that only good people will suffer because of their "past".

Compared to the old executioner who had no guilt in the "church"...

The black widow is actually a good person?

Alvin suddenly shook his head a little funny, said: "I can hardly imagine, Natasha Normanov will become like this now!

I was going to ask you to go to Moscow to perform a task...

If you are really so afraid of ‘Red House’, forget it! "

As Alvin looked at Natasha who was covering her face and didn’t know what she was thinking, he smiled and said, “If the ‘past’ makes you feel pain, you should break it...

Especially if your "past" is actually a Hydra!

Sometimes I have a hard time understanding you agents.

Because your view of right and wrong is very vague, those trainings make you forget that you are actually a ‘person’. "

Natasha hugged her arm and said softly, "I am not afraid of "Red House", I am not even afraid of death...

What I am afraid of is me in the past!

Everyone will know what kind of person Natasha Normanov used to be and how much disgusting things she has done.

This makes me feel like I'm not wearing clothes and I have to go to trial!

Have you ever killed innocent people? "

Alvin listened, frowning and said, "There should be no in my impression...

But what exactly do you want to say?

The black widow's fragility becomes what you are now, which makes me feel incredible.

There are more bad guys in Hell's Kitchen, and some bad guys still insist on doing bad things. Why are they not as vulnerable as you?

There must not be as many ‘innocent people’ dying in your hands as ‘church’.

People have found a young girlfriend now...

I didn't see any psychological burden on him!

Guilt and pain are good people's patents...

If you are a good person, I may apologize for my prejudice against you in the past. "

Natasha listened, shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "I'm not a good person, I just don't know how to face it.

‘Red House’ is the place to train me...

Fortunately, it is a Hydra, otherwise I cannot even have the courage to fight. "

Alvin looked at Natasha with tears in amusement and said, "You are not acting like a courage now.

You are so distracted, otherwise I can’t think of any reason why you can’t solve the assassinations that seem to have no solution?

Are those'Red House' agents really so powerful? "

Natasha listened and nodded strangely, saying, "If I didn't leave, those people should be my sisters.

After they have completed countless tasks and tests, they will be injected with a medicine.

The potion will make their body functions stronger, and then completely lose their minds and become a tool for performing tasks.

They are all me..."

Alvin frowned and said, "What about you?

You were also injected with medicine?

Your physical condition is much better than the average woman..."

Natasha listened and shook her head. "No, Budapest should have been my last sober."

It's just that I realized something at the time ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and I found that I didn't seem to love the Soviet Union as I thought...

Yelena and Melina were also aware of the problem of potions at that time, so we fled the ‘Red House’.

There are actually only six "Red House" agents who launched the attack today, and they almost succeeded. "

Alvin heard the corner of his mouth and said with a little interest: "6 people?"

"It should be 7!"

Steve and Bucky, leading Melina and the "Red Guardian", walked into the waiting room outside the operating room...

Steve glanced at Natasha, who was acting strangely. He looked at Alvin with a serious expression and said, "The sharp artillery on the periphery is also a woman. She was interrupted by a sniper rifle and broke her arm. She almost escaped me. Hunt.

If it weren't for the spooky Sparta patrolling the street, I might not be able to catch her. "

(End of this chapter)