Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1744: I want to take my piggy

Chapter 1751 I Will Take My Little Pig

Old Parker looked at Marvin in surprise, and said inconceivably: "Are you really an agent?"

Ma Wen rolled his eyes and said, "Of course, I will send you greeting cards every year...

What do you think I am doing?

That's my record of actions. If I die, at least someone knows what I have done in my life?

Do you think I am bullshit? "

Old Parker said with a strange expression: "No matter who tells me on the greeting card that he is going to assassinate Castro, I will think he is crazy."

As old Parker glanced at the "church", he hesitated for a moment, then looked at Marvin and said, "Kennedy really was killed by Oswald?"

Marvin looked at Old Parker like a fool and said: "Fools will believe that a warehouseman can hit Kennedy in action with a rifle from a few hundred meters away.

It was a planned assassination..."

Looking at the curious old Parker, he seemed to have the posthumous posture. "Church" raised his hand a little helplessly and said, "OKOK, man, can we find a place to sit down? I have something to talk to Ma Wen. talk."

He said, "Church" sucked his nose, and then looked at Aunt Mei who stood at the door and waved the group into the house...

"Your wife's craft is really good..."

Old Parker was a hospitable person, and the "church" could not be regarded as an outsider, and Marvin was his childhood friend...

Put Hyperion on the ground, patted on his ass, and motioned him to the advanced room...

Old Parker made a gesture to the "church" and Marvin, said with a smile: "Then come in and try.

Marvin, this fool, has been picking up in my yard for 3 days.

May always thought that his craft had regressed, but this guy was actually an agent...

I always think this guy is marijuana too much..."

Ma Wen listened and stared uncomfortably. "The house is not safe at all. You should dig a 15-meter-deep basement at home."

Oh, you’d better build a prison and lock up the little snake-eyed monster..."

Old Parker shook his head after hearing dissatisfaction, and said: "Don't say that Haibolong, otherwise I will let you go to sleep on the street.

That's my son. I think he's cool. May also thinks so..."

Marvin looked at the serious expression on the face of the gentle old Parker, he raised his hand and said: "OK, you are the boss, you have the final say!

But you have to let the kid stop following my ass...

I think he can dig me out even if I hide in the dunghole.

How did he do it? "

Old Parker smiled and led the way while saying: "Haibolong is just protecting his mother.

A sneaky guy will definitely make people feel uneasy. "

Marvin didn't seem to be aware of his problems. He let himself fall behind the "church" and said, "How did you find me?"

"Church" looked back at this old colleague who had no sense of security...

He pointed to the pickup truck parked on the side of the road and said with a smile: "I told people here that if I found a sneaky old man with a neuropathy, call me..."

Ma Wen glared at the pick-up truck driver who was beckoning with his fists and said angrily: "I know!"

He said Marvin looked at the "church" and said, "Is he yours?

What are you doing after retirement? "

"Church" glanced at Marvin and said to him before entering the door: "That's not my person...

He is just an enthusiastic resident of Hell's Kitchen!

I have been enjoying life since I retired until someone finds me..."

Ma Wen listened and said in a tone of hatred: "I knew that the CIA would not let us with red tags quietly retire.

They must have made a plan long ago, and when we are'useless', it's time for me to die. "

As he said, Marvin leaned close to the "church", lowered his voice, and gritted his teeth: "We know too much..."

"Church" looked back at Marvin, a critically ill patient with persecuted delusions. He shook his head and said: "This time things are a bit different. I need you to do me a favor..."

Saying that the two entered the old Parker's restaurant together...

Looking at the Russian female agent Katya sitting on the couch, there is a young girl who always seems to have a smile on her face...

Marvin grabbed the arm of the "church" and said nervously, "How did she come?"

I thought it was a long time since you broke up..."

"Church" looked at the little lover Sarah whose face began to become very ugly because of Marvin's words...

He took Marvin to the living room and whispered, "Remember the box we sent to the Kremlin in 1986?"

Marvin was not distracted by the "church". He watched Sarah staring at the "church" and said a little curiously, "Who is this?"

You and Katya's illegitimate daughter?

She looks like she wants to eat you..."

"Church" listened, showing a soothing smile to Sarah, then grabbed Marvin's arm and whispered, "She is Sarah, my girlfriend!"

My new life started because of her..."

Ma Wen narrowed her eyes and stared at Sara who became happy because of a compliment...

He frowned and said, "Are you sure she is not an agent?

How could such a girl fall in love with your cruel old man?

Have you ever used veritaserum against her?

I have the best veritaserum in my safe house..."

Marvin's gloomy expression makes Sara a little afraid...

Without waiting for the opening of the "church" this time, Mei walked behind Marvin, holding the lively Haibolong...

The graceful Mrs. Parker was very unhappy to pat on Marvin's shoulder, said: "Don't stare at a lady with that kind of eyes...

You now look like a vicious tramp! "

Saying May beckoned to Sarah, then nodded politely to Katya, said: "I am preparing dinner, no matter what you want to talk about, please try my craft first."

Sarah jumped up and hugged May's arm, then teased the naughty Haibolong with her glaring eyes, and then whispered: "Thank you, the old man's eyes are really terrible!"

Mei smiled and squeezed her eyes, saying, "Don't be afraid, that guy is actually pretty good.

He just..."

As Mei stretched her hand around her temple, she smiled and said, "Don't touch the turkey later, I prepared it for Marvin three days ago.

As a result, this guy stole three days in my yard...

Flint Marco on the opposite side almost threw him into the concrete as a bad guy!

How are you?

Why do I think you are hostile to that Katya?

Who is she in the ‘church’? "

Sarah shook her head a little uncertainly and said, "She seems like a lover in the past of the'church'..."

Sarah waved her hand calmly and said, "But it doesn't matter, she doesn't look very good now!"

May glanced at Katya who had stood up and was going to the restaurant together. This charming middle-aged beauty is not "not good"...

Looking at Sarah, who looked like a little girl, Mei said with a smile: "Then you have to be careful, she doesn't look good.

You should warn about the bald head in the church..."

Sarah, as if she found a confidant, walked into the restaurant holding Mei's arm, while teasing Haibolong who wanted to run down the ground, and whispered the incomprehensible style of the "church"...

After everyone was seated, Old Parker looked at the strange atmosphere on the dining table. He lifted the soda helplessly and said, "You are all guests. If you want to talk about confidentiality, I can avoid it with May.

If not, I want to hear what happened.

But anyway...

Before that, let us finish this dinner! "

"Church" listened, shook his head indifferently, and said, "It's not really a big deal...

Marvin and I performed a mission in Moscow many years ago. We put a box in a secret room of the Kremlin.

Now we have to find a way to get that thing out. "

Old Parker was the first real contact with the work of an agent. Jason Byrne had a good relationship with him, but Byrne never talked about his past work.

Looking at the calm "church", Old Parker said a little curiously: "What did you put into the Kremlin?

Why do people come to you after so many years? "

Speaking of old Parker pretending not to care about the soda, said: "Is it a bug?

A bug with a secret of the Kremlin for almost 30 years? "

"Church" attentively packed a little mustard and cauliflower for his little girlfriend, and then said with a lip: "A bomb enough to blow the Kremlin into the sky..."



Old Parker and Marvin sprayed water at the same time...

Marvin looked at the "church" incredulously and said, "I thought it was a microwave transmitter used to guide the missile...

That was actually a bomb?

What bomb can bomb the entire Kremlin? "

"Church" looked at Marvin who was surprised. He shrugged slightly and said, "Remember Dr. Bailey, who specially designed weapons of mass destruction?

‘Red Mercury Bomb’ is his masterpiece!

Now I need your help, I am not sure if I can still find the entrance.

You definitely know how serious the consequences of the bomb explosion are!

Katya is here to assist our Russian representatives..."

Ma Wen's gloomy eyes wandered between the "church" and Katya and asked in a weird tone: "With the assistance of the Russians, you still need to find me...

It would be very dangerous, right? "

"Church" listened, nodded and said, "Very dangerous!

Not only do we have to get the bomb out, we also want to lure those who kidnapped Dr. Bailey to appear, and we may even face the pursuit of the Russian Ministry of Security. "

Just when everyone thought Marvin would refuse...

This old punk with a bald horse face, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com stood up excitedly, shouting his fists and shouted, "YES!

I knew I was still useful..."

As Marvin rushed to the side of the "church", he kissed hard with his bald head and shouted excitedly: "I thought I would never have a chance to say this...

but now……

I'm going to get my "piggy"! "

"Church" wiped his wet head. He looked at the incredible Sarah around him and said with a smile: "This guy is not bad. He was framed by people in the past and took psychedelics for 11 consecutive years.

Many people think he is crazy..."

Sarah looked at the bouncing Marvin, pursed her lips and said, "Then his condition is really good!"

(End of this chapter)