Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1745: Come on! Come on!

Chapter 1752 Come On! Come on!

On Monday, Alvin sent Little Ginny to school.

He felt that making the school a boarding school was really a wise choice.

As long as a few children are thrown to school, they have 5 days.

The exam will be over in a month, and now is the most tense moment for the Tomahawk School.

Each year in May, it will become the "stress time" of these unlucky children...

Old Cage creatively put the 7th to 11th grades into high pressure this month.

According to Old Cage, this is called warming up in advance, and it comes once a year.

In this way, when those children really reach the critical moment, they will find that the "college entrance examination" is actually the same thing.

In schools under "high pressure", the atmosphere is not so good...

Frank is already going crazy...

The children born in Hell's Kitchen always have all kinds of problems, or psychological problems.

Single parents, domestic violence, poverty, lack of love...

These children's ability to resist stress is actually not bad, but many of them will feel that old Cage is deliberately in trouble.

Those kids and girls who have come to the rebellious period will naturally have a little stress.

And this stress response is often the key to determining one's achievements.

Facing an environment that is not friendly to you, how would you choose?

Why do many middle-class children respond calmly when faced with problems, while some children cannot?

At this time, many children in the school will choose to fight and fight, and there are various bizarre ways to vent their inner irritability.

And Alexis, the daughter of writer Kassel, will self-made flags to organize people to help the seniors protest.

By the way, when you strive to enter the seventh grade, you will not be treated the same.

Reasonable, well-documented, well-preserved...

He even attracted Kassel to write articles to support his daughter!

Although I still have to squat and confine in the end, the treatment is completely different...

This is the difference!

The school is a big family, but it cannot replace the real family...

The lack of emotion is particularly evident in the personality and psychological problems of these children.

What kind of warm education in the Tomahawk School is simply unrealistic. Old Parker has only one person after all...

Old Cage must ensure that those children can remain calm to the greatest extent when facing the most critical choices in their lives!

If you can't do it once, you can come a few times, and then someone will always teach them how to face the pressure of the outside world...

Of course, Frank’s methods have not always been moderate...

But this is the purpose of Old Cage!

He believes that he can't cultivate children into bright flowers, so go for a "peaceless" copper pea.

With Frank's bowl of old wine on the bottom, what are the barriers?

Those 7th to 11th grade children don't actually know what kind of life the 12th grade brothers and sisters have.

But they were very sympathetic to the situation of the seniors because they were also hit by high pressure.

But if they were allowed to see what the seniors who were concentrated in the gym were doing, they might go and smash old Cage's office.

When Alvin came to the gymnasium, supermarket owner Robert was working with John the “grimace” who came to volunteer as a volunteer, packing up a lot of “College entrance examination bibles”.

Robert used his influence to find the national recruitment information collected by his old colleagues at the CIA, and is now being fired at a price of $5,000 on some black markets.

Even last year's "College Entrance Examination Bible" can be sold for $3,000...

However, these things are illegal and cannot be circulated in the market.

Naturally, no one would sell Robert's efforts.

Seeing Alvin walking into the stadium, Robert was sullen and said a little unhappy: "Alvin, you should ask Nelson to make a little more budget and invite some real etiquette teachers.

Rather than let Jason Byrne talk to those children about the secret agent skills.

When they go to the school they want to interview, they need sincerity and enthusiasm...

Asking Jason Byrne to teach ‘smiling’ interview skills to those children does not solve all the problems. "

Alvin was stunned as soon as he came in...

He looked at Robert, who had completely disengaged from the agent's mind and started to move closer to the priest.

After hesitating for a while, Alvin said helplessly: "I said nothing!

Besides, what happened to Jason Byrne?

Don't people wear tuxedos like the elites of a high society?

Such elite agents can't cope with the problems that children are about to face?

Jason Byrne taught the test skills and social etiquette, I feel a little wronged him. "

Robert listened and despised, "You think of all agents as 007?"

Agent's words and socializing are all skillful...

How is it possible to teach those children in a few days?

Byrne's own social skills are not very qualified, he is disguised as a super field by virtue of his appearance and smirk.

You let him teach those children?

Is the school really out of money?

What did Nelson's **** hold hundreds of millions of dollars for?

How hard is it to hire a real etiquette teacher? "

Alvin was stunned by Robert...

Looking at the black man's unhappy face, Alvin could only stretch his hands and said, "Dude, you have to understand Nelson.

Where is a good etiquette teacher so easy to find?

Have you ever met that powerful etiquette teacher who is willing to teach 110 students?

Please not good, the rest may not be as good as Byrne...

What is wasting that money?

I even feel that teaching them how to distinguish between stomach wine, table wine, and after-dinner wine is not necessary at all.

When they are able to eat in this restaurant, they will understand it more often. "

Robert looked at Alvin contemptuously and said, "Do you know that there are only three of your students who can wear a tie...

Only 2 girls can use cosmetics correctly...

They are also rich children of the rich guys in Manhattan. "

Alvin looked at Robert with a serious expression. He suddenly smiled and hugged the old black man...

Alvin really didn't care much about it, not even Jason Byrne taught...

What's wrong with not wearing a tie?

The kid from the Laozi school is at least a dare to be a tough guy.

What's wrong with not wearing makeup?

Those young girls go out, even if they are facing the sky, they are also beautiful young girls.

But Robert's behavior made Alvin realize that the old black man was really attentive.

He wants to fill the parents of those children, who are missing in their education...

After all, in ordinary families, these courses are the responsibility of parents!

Laozi helps his son tie his tie, and his mother helps the girl choose dresses...

After hesitating for a while, Alvin looked at Robert's serious expression, shook his head a little funny, and said, "Shall I contact some powerful old men to try?"

We may not be able to train gentlemen and ladies, but let them learn to'dress' a little, and maybe it will be too late. "

Robert listened angrily, glaring his eyes and just wanted to talk...

Alvin said with a raised hand: "I will try to invite the two old men Albus and Greenward. They are more like aristocrats than Stark and Osborne.

And the Alfred of the Waldorf Astoria...

Let them make a final reference for those children. What do you think? "

As Alvin looked at the satisfied Robert, he smiled and said, "Dude, you have a prejudice against Byrne.

I think his smirk is very contagious. At least I am a college interviewer. I will love children who laugh like this. "

Robert listened, he smiled, shook his head a little recklessly, and said: "That's not necessarily!"

Alvin looked at Robert's standard smile. He suddenly said a little funny: "Dude, are you jealous of Byrne?

Do you think he smiles better than you, right?


Don’t you think Byrne smiles more affinity? "

Robert listened, the good-tempered supermarket owner, raised his **** at Alvin, and then pulled the less terrible "grimace" John who tried to make himself laugh and went to do his own thing.

With a majestic expression at the nearby school staff who snickered, Alvin walked into the stadium's basketball court.

Glancing at the graduates who were sitting in the field, he nodded with satisfaction!

Concentrating these children and letting them relax a little under the high pressure of graduation is also the old Cage's idea.

In fact, their course is already over, and the only thing to do now is to stay in shape!

As the third batch of graduates from Tomahawk School, the situation they have faced with their previous two seniors has changed a lot.

If the previous two sessions were based on the achievements of “bitterness”, now they are beginning to have a slightly combination of work and rest.

At least this batch of 110 students who are about to graduate, all approved to be volunteers in the protected areas of African resorts...

Really volunteers, very hard, and slightly dangerous volunteers.

They also regularly go to the streets of Hell's Kitchen to do some community work.

There will be someone to issue a "graduation certificate" for them, so that they can enrich their files.

Now it is to let them relax and learn a little more.

The school even caught the duck on the shelf and arranged for Berne to give etiquette lessons to the group of graduating students.

Although Alvin looks more like they are playing around, who cares about this?

In order to let the children of the school smoothly enter the favorite university, all the people in the whole school have racked their brains.

Now that everything is ready, there is a ACT test in June!

It is not unreasonable for Tomahawk School to choose ACT instead of SAT as the goal of the “college entrance exam”.

The knowledge point of ACT is the review and review of high school courses.

And the content is relatively shallow, there is nothing too difficult and complicated.

The only difficulty is the large amount of exam questions, and the high speed of the students' questions.

But this is not a problem in Tomahawk School, even the strengths of the children who have been thoroughly tempered.

Even if they fail the exam, they can try again in September...

In fact, ACT has six exams a year, but Nelson insists on organizing students to take up to two.

After all, I failed the exam twice, and the third time was even more unnecessary. After all, every exam cost money.

Fortunately, no one needs to take the second exam at Tomahawk School so far!

As for the SAT, the product of the elite education of the East Coast, it is not suitable for the current Tomahawk school.

Old Cage once told Alvin that if there is no special guidance, it is not easy for a child to get a high score in the SAT test.

Having said that many people may not believe that the native "language" of American children is not as good as imagined.

A scrabble game in a newspaper can stifle many people...

Watching the children happily surround Byrne, listening to his experience of living his life in vain...

Alvin shook his head with a smile, and turned to go to the basement of the stadium...

There is now a temporary office for Professor Wilson. Alvin is going to Moscow this time. He needs a little help...

At least not being able to get off the plane, it was recognized.

"Church" has set off for Moscow today in secret...

Natasha's family has been released by Matt...

Although they still have to face a long lawsuit made by Bruto, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is certainly not a problem if he does not go to Moscow to perform a task.

Now that Alvin is ready, they can go to Moscow together...


Today is the college entrance examination!

One of the most important days in life!

If you have dreams for the first 12 years!

So when you enter the university, it is the place where you dream of sailing!

Candidates who are able to survive today are good...

I wish all the students who participated in the college entrance examination today all the best!

In order to take a better path and meet better people!

Come on! Come on!

(End of this chapter)