Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1746: Make a difference

Chapter 1753: Makeover

Alvin found some helpers for his trip to Moscow...

In addition to the Natasha family, Alvin specifically found the killer 47.

This dude took the post at the Mutation Labor Association as a member of the Mutation Enforcement Team, but unfortunately there was a John Wikker who was doing his best for dog food.

So he never found too many job opportunities.

Now Alvin wants to ask him to go to Moscow to help him as the siskin watching "The Mantis catches the cicada's siskin"...

In addition to being unwilling to act with Alvin, 47 performed more professionally than Natasha and his family.

In Professor Wilson's temporary office...

Ethan Hant’s assistant, Long Neck, is making human skin masks and matching passports.

This man has been acting as an exploration assistant for Ethan Hunt after being pulled back from death by magic.

Strictly speaking, the long-necked former agent has gained "eternal life" because his life and death are bound to Ethan Hant.

As long as Ethan Hant, the **** of chaos in Egypt, can live forever, he can live forever.

When Alvin entered the basement of the gymnasium, Natasha and her family had already arrived.

Killer 47 was wearing a handsome bald head with no friends, wearing a black suit and red tie, sitting in a corner without any idea of ​​communicating with the Natasha family.

A machine for making human hide masks is running...

Bangui was wearing a monocle, his eyes were almost against the table, and he was carefully checking a passport.

Alvin nodded to the indifferent killer 47, then walked to Bangui's side and picked up a passport and looked at it.

These half-old and new passports are all true. Bangui took them over and reprocessed them, which became Alvin's new identity.

This is not as simple as changing photos...

But Alvin has little interest in this process, he generally just wants to see the results.

As the machine making the leather mask made a "ding"...

Bangui looked up at Alvin. He stood up and said with a smile: "Principal Alvin, you have made the mask and identity according to your requirements.

You will follow the staff of "Steel Digital" to Moscow together.

Their task this time was to negotiate a new alien arms order with the Russian government.

After getting off the plane, you can move freely. "

Saying that Bangui raised his hand in excitement, he said: "That is to say, after you get off the plane and enter Moscow, you can'evaporate'.

Do you need professional logistics staff?

I’m on vacation recently, and I can help in the past if needed..."

Alvin smiled and patted on the shoulder of enthusiastic Bangui, motioning him to sit down...

Originally, this matter did not need to be so complicated, but unfortunately Alvin had not been to Moscow, and there was no reliable safe house there.

Otherwise, opening a space door is the fastest way!

But now the situation is not bad. I took a charter flight from my company to Moscow, which not only hides my identity, but also gives me a safer place to stay.

"Steel Digital" is now a super enterprise, they will receive the most enthusiastic reception in Moscow.

Not only will they stay in the best hotels, but also the Russian Ministry of Security will protect them on the periphery.

This is the best cover for someone like Alvin who can come and go as long as he can figure out the terrain.

This is not Alvin's boring desire to go to Moscow for fun, but the so-called "red mercury bomb" is really ridiculous.

A suitcase-sized bomb can explode the power of a miniature nuclear bomb...

The Hydra is the critical moment for the Sokowea summit, dragging the two superpowers, the United States and Russia, so that they do not create obstacles to their goals.

If the "red mercury bomb" is in the hands of Hydra, will they detonate?

Alvin really can't understand Hydra's idea, but according to their usual practice, the bomb is very likely to be detonated.

What could be better for the United States and Russia to fight for development space for themselves?

It is impossible for nuclear war to destroy the whole world, because there is a superpower on the earth who is dedicated to the development of the universe.

In the end, the United States and Russia are in a fierce situation. As long as those politicians can roughly control public opinion, they will eventually return to the negotiation table.

But Alvin really didn't want to put his net worth on the conscience of those politicians.

In case if the Russians think you blow up my capital, I must ruin your economic center to balance public opinion...

Who should I justify?

Alvin could not relocate the entire **** kitchen to another place...

This kind of thing that may affect him cannot be faked by anyone.

It is the safest way to get the "Red Mercury Bomb" out and destroy it, and at the same time kill or control Dr. Bailey.

The exposure of the CIA's "nightshade plan" has given the Russian side a handle...

As soon as the "Red Mercury Bomb" explodes, the account will be charged to the United States.

But as long as the bombs in the Kremlin are resolved, there are bombs that Dr. Bailey may make.

Even if Moscow encounters other attacks in the future, it will not directly find America’s head, and revenge will naturally no longer exist.

As long as the Russians don't throw nuclear bombs wildly, Alvin doesn't think it matters.

So the "Red House" is actually just a secondary target in Alvin's mind. "Red Mercury Bomb" and Dr. Bailey are his main targets.

A group of people in the "church" came forward and tried to attract the attention of the "red house".

Alvin would have to wait on the side to see if he could follow the "Red House" and find Dr. Bailey.

Sometimes things are so fucking...

Alvin is just an outsider, but in order not to let things go in a dangerous direction, he can only choose to join in.

Human nature makes him afraid to put his family's comfort on other people's bodies, let alone bet on Hydra's conscience, and the Russian response.

Sometimes Alvin thinks it's good to be an ordinary person, because those annoying things won't find you.

Looking at what Bangui had prepared, Alvin nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's it!

This time I want to be as low-key as possible, at least not to scare those Hydras away.

Otherwise, it will not necessarily be possible to catch their tail next time..."

As Alvin looked through several passports, he smiled and said, "Which one is mine?"

I hope you don't prepare an ugly **** for me...

Would it be uncomfortable to wear it? "

Bangui listened, and a proud smile appeared on the monkey-like face. He picked up his passport and distributed it to the Natasha family and the killer 47...

After handing the last passport to Alvin, Bangui joked: "I have other plans for you.

After all, I don't think you will wear the mask all the time...

To be honest, the taste is really uncomfortable.

Sometimes scratching the itch can make the mask take shape, making it look like a hapless ghost. "

Alvin listened and whistled. He glanced at Natasha's family and then said with a smile: "Let's get started..."

He said that Alvin opened his passport, looked at the photo that was very similar to himself, and said with a smile: "I think this seems to be me. Are you sure that the Russians will not recognize me at a glance?"

Bangui smiled confidently and said, "You should sit down now...

After my work is completed, you will know the result. "

Alvin sat in a chair indifferently...

Watching Bangui look like a twisted "Teacher Tony", he wrapped his neck with a piece of silk cloth.

Alvin looked at the haircut fader in Bangui's hand, and he said in amusement: "Do you think that if I change my hairstyle, I can hide those professionals?"

Bangui wets Alvin's half-length hair with water while saying, "Make-up is a learning...

Sometimes a new style can make your temperament change greatly, and the whole person will be completely different from the past.

Do you know what you look like in people's hearts? "

Alvin pouted and said, "Handsome, handsome, tall, strong, rich, kind, enthusiastic...

What am I missing? "

As Alvin looked at that Natasha's younger sister Yelena, she threw a tongue at their "mother" Melina...

Alvin said uncomfortably: "Hey, pay attention to your expression!

You seem to have opinions on me...

Am I wrong? "

Ye Lanna looked at Alvin's relaxed expression on her face, and she understood that Alvin was only kidding.

So the "Black Widow Reserve" said in a weird tone: "Obviously you have some misunderstandings about yourself.

Do you know the impression I made after seeing you for the first time? "

Alvin waved his hands and said, "You better organize your language...

Facing someone who has held your heart, you'd better praise him with what you have learned all your life.

Instead of using a superficial first impression, to express your evaluation of me. "

Ye Lanna listened, she pondered for a moment, then broke her finger and said, "You look like a cowboy...

Your looks and affinity...

You are rich, but very frugal..."

Bangui snuggled up to Alvin's ear and whispered: "She said you are like a red neck...

And it looks pretty average...

Rich but very stingy..."

Alvin turned his head like a ghost and looked at Bangui, who was not afraid of death. He said a little strangely, "Brother, how did you live to the present?"

Bangui heard it and said a little nervously: "I, I just don't want you to be deceived by this woman."

Alvin looked at Natasha with a smile in her mouth and said uncomfortably: "You should let your sister change her view of me.

You know that her life was saved by me. "

Natasha watched that Bangui had already done half of the "decoration" work, and she said earnestly with her lips closed: "No problem, I don't think it's not difficult!

Are you interested in making a Russian girlfriend?

I think Yelena is a good candidate...

After all, did you hold her heart? "

Alvin frowned and looked at Natasha with a smile on his face~lightnovelpub.net~ He said a little skeptically: "I think you are hurting me, but I have no evidence yet!"

Natasha listened and seemed to think of something particularly funny...

She glanced at Yelena, who was equally upset, and said to Alvin: "When you go to Moscow, you need an assistant who can always remind you...

Unless you want me to be with you, Yelena is the only candidate!

Rest assured, everything is for work!

You must have confidence in our professional quality..."

(End of this chapter)