Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1777: I have a showdown!

  Alvin still doesn’t know that the biggest enemy he is facing has already been “out of prison”...

   Back to the hotel, Alvin was in the presidential group, and he had a few words indiscriminately with some super bosses, and then went to bed.

   As a result, Alvin was woken up by the communication from the "church" before six o'clock the next morning.

   "Alvin, we were ‘dumped’. The bomb could be sent to the headquarters of the ‘Red House’ at any time."

   Alvin sat up in a daze, pressed the communicator and said, "Who are you dumped by?"

   The "church" on the communicator doesn't want to talk about the technical issues with Alvin.

   He said in a hoarse voice, "The bomb will be sent to Dr. Bailey at any time.

   If he recognizes that it is a fake bomb, the "Red House" will find that he has been fooled.

   We only have one chance to attack! "

   Alvin instantly woke up after hearing this, and solving the bomb crisis was his most important purpose in coming to Russia.

   Now that the most critical moment has arrived, we must cheer up and be ready to set off at any time.

   After solving the bomb problem and getting the Dr. Bailey who can make bombs, Alvin no longer has to worry, the Hell's Kitchen is within Russia's revenge radius.

   By the way, we will get rid of the nails of the "Red House" Hydra that was inserted in Russia. Maybe if things go well, Sokovia will become the tomb of Hydra in July.

   There is no Hydra on the earth. For Alvin, the best part is that you don’t have to do things like this anymore...

   This kind of thing should be the work of the intelligence agencies of various countries, but in the end, because of the fear of the existence of Hydra among them, it turned into Alvin’s work...

  Perhaps the nuclear crisis inevitably requires Alvin's efforts, but once Hydra is over, Alvin can naturally get rid of other things completely.

   So now Alvin is playing Hydra with unprecedented motivation...

   In order to live a little life in Hell's Kitchen at ease, Hydra must die!

   Alvin, who was a little excited, got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and walked out of the room. Before he could sit down and call his secret, the door knocked on the door.

   Alvin opened the door and saw Jin Na, who had changed into a hotel uniform again, pushing a restaurant station at his door.

   The door to the opposite room opened wide, and the bearded Takov looked like a dedicated bodyguard, holding his arms and staring at Jin Na.

   Alvin smelled the scent of tofu brain coming out of the dining car. He nodded to Takov opposite to indicate that it was okay, and then let Jinna enter the room sideways.

   Sitting at the table, Alvin looked at Jin Na, who was tall and long, and used the most standard movements to prepare this breakfast for himself.

   The spoon that the female agent handed over...

   Alvin mixed the shrimp skins, green onion, coriander, soy sauce, and chili oil in the bowl in front of him, and stirred the full amount of tofu, and then tasted it.

   Alvin, who knew Jinna's intention, was eating while motioning her to sit down opposite him.

   I made half a fried dough stick, and ate a tofu snoringly...

   Alvin, who was relatively short of time, put down the tableware, then looked at Jin Na and said, "I can probably guess your situation...

   I even know that the bomb in the elevator was planted by the Russian Ministry of Security.

   They may think that my vice president and a beautiful senior agent died together, which is more in line with their ‘aesthetic’.

   In this case, what do you want from me? "

   Jinna really did not expect that Alvin knew more than she thought...

   Such a straightforward negotiation method was a blow to Jin Na, who had carefully prepared for several hours.

   The simple and rude style that Alvin suddenly showed, made her a little suspicious of the bargaining chip in her hand.

   was silent for nearly half a minute...

   Jinna looked at Alvin, who was smoking a cigar with a match, and said: "The purpose of the Russian Ministry of Security is to facilitate the'Steel Digital' to invest in Russia.

   There is a little obstacle in this, so you and I have become victims!

   But what happened last night made me realize that you seem to be a little different from what I thought..."

   As Jin Na watched Alvin light the cigar and took a nonchalant sip, she seemed to have no feeling about the things she said...

   After hesitating for a while, Jinna decided that it would be better to tell the truth...

   picked up a fine coffee pot and poured himself a cup of coffee.

   Jinna held a small coffee cup in both hands, and said in a low voice with a sad expression: "I love my country, but I want to live!

   I accepted the CIA deal, and they asked me to inform you to return to the United States as soon as possible.

   The American government will absolutely not tolerate the outflow of corporate assets such as ‘Steel Digital’. "

   Alvin shook his head amusingly, and said: "It's that simple?

   CIA ventured to find you, just to let you send me a message?

   Isn't this kind of thing can be solved with a phone call? "

   Jinna nodded her head with a wry smile, and said, "There are indeed some other requirements...

   But this first requires you to show a little cooperative attitude, so that I can live to complete the tasks they gave me.

   I know you have a different purpose in Moscow, but it doesn’t matter to me anymore.

   I want a way of life and freedom for the next few decades...

   In exchange, I will cooperate with your actions! "

  Alvin listened and said with a smile: "Sounds pretty good!

   I take the liberty to ask, what is the task given to you by the CIA?

  As you are a beauty, I want to remind you that the credit of the people in the CIA is not very good..."

   Jinna groaned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "They want me to assassinate the minister of the Russian Ministry of Security.

   The CIA was at the gate of the Moscow Central Bank the night before and lost all their elite field services in Russia.

   Yesterday the Russian Ministry of Security began to clean up their network in Russia...

   Within two days, the CIA's losses in Russia exceeded the sum of the past ten years!

  They need to save their face..."

   As Jinna looked at Alvin’s weird expression, she said in a strange tone: "But I only discovered yesterday that the ‘important information’ in the Moscow Central Bank is simply fake...

   You don’t even know who the person I killed yesterday was!

  The irony is that the CIA lost all its manpower because of this information..."

   Alvin stretched out his hands slightly awkwardly, and said, "I didn't expect your execution power to be so good!

   This should be a good thing, right?

   Is it not the responsibility of the Ministry of Security to act for the heavens and the people to eliminate harm?

  And you also wiped out the CIA agents...

   I think it’s not too much for you to give me a medal because of this!

   After all, you have stolen my personal belongings. You can't ask me to put serious information in it. "

   As Alvin smoked a cigar, let the smoke flow in front of him...

   Across the faint white smoke, Alvin looked at Jinna and said with a smile: "You sold the CIA and the Russian Ministry of Security in front of me...

   What do you want from me?

   If I just asked the Russian government to show a little cooperative attitude, then I would definitely have no problem.

   But I am always more generous, and I don't want any accidents in my actions.

   Since I didn’t kill you yesterday, I won’t be thinking about this issue...

   The only problem right now is that you want too little, which makes me a little worried.

   I always feel that the decisions people make when they are desperate are basically wrong.

   How do I know how you will react when an error occurs?

   The assassination of the Minister of the Russian Ministry of Security sounds like nothing, but we all know the risks involved.

   Maybe I can give you another option..."

   Jinna listened, she stared at Alvin, who seemed to want to instigate her, and suddenly said a little funny: "Why do I feel that I suddenly become important?

   The people in the CIA want to use me, and now you want me to work for you..."

  Alvin likes to talk to such smart people. He smiled and exchanged a cup of coffee for Jinna, and then said: "In theory, killing you out of eloquence is the best way.

   But I don’t have a habit of murdering people, and after what happened last night...

   I suddenly discovered that if someone from the Russian Ministry of Security was with me, many things that seemed troublesome would be easy to prevaricate.

   It only took you 2 minutes to send the police officers yesterday, which is much better than using our own brains.

   To tell the truth, I really don’t adapt to sneaky actions...

   I used to call the police to ‘wash the floor’, but here the police have become a problem for me.

   I have no habit of hurting the police. If I want to be more comfortable, I can only use your abilities. "

   Jinna looked at a serious Alvin with a weird expression. She hesitated for a moment, and said in an unbelievable way: "Why help me?

   If it's just for me to help you send the police, you don't need to take such a big risk.

   Do you know what you were talking about?

  You are encouraging me to tear up the agreement with the CIA..."

   As Jin Na looked at Alvin with inquisitive eyes, she said: "The vice president of'Steel Digital', definitely doesn't have the guts...

  What is your purpose?

who are you? "

   Alvin listened to it funny, and said, "Well, since you asked...

   I won't pretend, I'll showdown!

   My name is Zhang Qiang, the vice president of Sharpshooter Club...

   You don’t know your level, but it doesn’t matter, you just need to know that I am performing a mission that concerns the safety of the world.

need you Now……"

   Before Alvin could finish speaking, Jinna stood up and covered her mouth and stared into his eyes, and exclaimed depressively: "You are Manhattan Tomahawk, you are Alvin..."

  Alvin looks at Jin Na like a ghost, UU reads www. uukanshu.com said: "Are you deaf?

   I am Zhang Qiang of the Sharpshooter Club!

   Manhattan Tomahawk is so handsome, what does it have to do with me? "

   Jinna covered her mouth as if she saw an idol, screaming depressed, and shouting: "You are Alvin, you must be!

   I met the vice president of Sharpshooter at the Moscow summit. He is a short fat man...

  People in the secret service industry know that Manhattan Tomahawk has the habit of using someone else’s name...

  Only the Manhattan Tomahawk, dare to pretend to be the vice president of the Sharpshooter Club!

  The sharpshooters are not good-tempered..."

   Talking about Jin Na staring at Alvin’s face like a stubborn fan, constantly comparing the images circulating on the Internet in her own impression...

   "You are, you must be!

   Are you willing to help me, right? "

  Alvin pushed away Jinna who was about to post on himself...

   He watched the door of his room opened, Yelena was stretching her head and looking at herself contemptuously, while using her mobile phone to record...


  What the **** is this? "


  Genius remembers this site address in one second:  Mobile version reading URL: