Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1865: Sokovia's ending

"You regard us as objects that can be sacrificed!"

Agent Hill, the former deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who has always been loyal to Nick Fury, looked at Nick Fury on the screen with a little disappointment.

She couldn't understand how, if a person could sacrifice even his closest comrade in arms, how could he still be qualified to talk about the word "guard"?

Nick Fury looked at Agent Hill with a pity. After a moment of silence, he said, "Agent Hill, if you think I betrayed you, I don't care.

But please ask yourself, if I tell you my plan, will you follow me into the universe and start a new mission?

I arranged everything, Hydra is over, and the mission of SHIELD is over! "

Agent Hill stared at Nick Fury and said, "But you use us as a bargaining chip for the spaceship exchange!

How do you know what these aliens will use us to do? "

Nick Fury smiled and waved his hand, and said, "It turns out that they can't do anything.

You are my best agent, and sooner or later you will find their problems.

Then you can find new goals..."

Speaking of Nick Fury, he said sadly: "Not anyone can regain their lives. You have no enemies, and you will only become the enemies of everyone in the end.

I have never wanted to admit it, but in fact, we have always been'killers'!

When the ‘killer’ loses his goal, it’s time for him to be executed.

The Skrews are a cunning race, but their danger is not that big.

But if you want to treat me as a traitor, I can accept it.

But remember, when you have the opportunity to enter the galaxy and are in trouble...

Remember to use our universal code, as long as I see it, I will go to you. "

Raymond looked at Agent Hill who was about to forgive Nick Fury. He shook his head amusedly and gave Nick Fury a thumbs up on the screen...

Raymond doesn't refute those things Nick Fury said. He is a pragmatist. When facing Nick Fury, how many kilometers away, it doesn't matter how much you say.

Is the King of Agents still afraid of sarcasm and abuse?

And to some extent, Raymond understood Nick Fury's thinking.

This is a very ambitious guy, the current status of the earth, there is no room for his survival.

There is a super Alvin who can chop him into pieces at any time, and he has no room to resist.

When a person's talents cannot be used, then leaving is the only way out.

Looking at the green-skinned alien, staring at him with vicious eyes, Raymond smiled and shook his head, and said to Nick Fury: "Who was that guy just calling?

Don't tell me you don't know, the guy who can make an alien be the savior of the world is certainly not very annoying. "

Nick Fury grinned, smiled and took out an old-fashioned pager from his pocket, and said with a smile: "This is an insurance I left for you!

Carol Danfoss, a magical woman similar to Superman!

She used to be a test pilot in the United States, and I worked with her when I was young.

I also met these Skrulls at that time. "

Speaking of Nick Fury, he seemed to be caught in a memory. After he was silent for a while, he said: "Carol is a super warrior who believes in'justice'.

After she left the earth, she has been wandering throughout the galaxy, acting as an arbiter of war.

And she values ​​her friends...

These Skulls are her friends, they are your bargaining chips...

You can definitely think of a way to use these Skrulls to reach an agreement with Carol.

Carol is much stronger than you think. If the earth really wants to enter the universe era soon, Carol is the most important person.

After all, you can't expect Alvin, who is afraid of heights, to charge into the universe, am I right? "

The wounded Skrull listened, turned his head angrily and looked at Nick Fury, and shouted: "Nick Fury, you despicable maggot, Carol will definitely kill you because of your betrayal. Her trust!"

Nick Fury spread his hands indifferently, and said with a smile: "First you have to have a chance to tell him, and then even if she knows, why did she come to kill me?"

Speaking of Nick Fury’s ugly face approaching the camera, a cold light radiated from the one-eyed one, and said, “How can a proud woman who abides by justice, because I revealed her identity and character to others, came to kill I?

You always get the wrong position. You may be Carol's friend, but to the earth, you are just aliens with evil hearts.

How could she kill a poor old agent who loved her hometown more than she?

The old agent also gave up everything and prepared to enter the universe to plan for the future of the earth.

You interstellar wanderers, thieves, and crooks, why do you think you are more important than me? "

Raymond looked at the green-skinned alien with an incredible look. He blew a whistle frivolously, then turned to look at Agent Hill and said, "Your boss is actually really good.

You have a job from now on, to hunt down the Skrulls who are hidden on earth.

Then when the Carol Danfoss arrives, you can use Nick Fury's relationship and the remaining Skrulls as a bargaining chip to drive the Superwoman to do things that are currently beyond the reach of the earth.

Agent Hill, your boss has figured out the future for you. You are now a big shot! "

Speaking, Raymond glanced at the ashen-faced Skrull, he smiled at Agent Hill and said, "But before that, this man has to go to hell!"

Agent Hill didn't hesitate to raise the gun in his hand and pointed it at the Skrew man, finishing a continuous shot.

Frank shot a shot at the Skrull, then he looked at Nick Fury on the screen, and after hesitating, said, "Take care all the way!"

Nick Fury's expression on the screen freezes for a while. A few seconds later, he opened his mouth and stretched out a Batton-style military salute, saying: "I am waiting for you in the galaxy!"

Raymond looked at the closed screen, he stood up and clapped his hands, smiled and said, "Okay, everything is over!

According to the wishes of Principal Alvin, the machines and software here will be destroyed.

Then you can choose to follow Agent Hill and continue to struggle on the dark front, or you can consider following me. We now have many vacant positions in South America.

Of course, there is nothing dangerous there! "

After speaking, Raymond pressed the communicator in his ear and said: "Let's all start, after dawn tomorrow, everything will be over!"


Among the alpine estates.

The "church" broke a security guard's neck and quietly touched into the study on the first floor.

Gently closed the door of the room, and after placing the corpse, the "church" walked to the window near the cliff and observed it.

Just when he was looking for the mechanism leading to the basement in the study, a figure suddenly appeared from the window.

The "church" was taken aback from the desk, took a paper knife through the glass and shot it into the eyes of the figure.

When the "church" found a thin wire wrapped around the corpse's neck and was about to strangle the corpse's neck, he went to the window and took a look out.

A sweet-looking "black widow", holding a steel wire in her hand, is sawing back and forth, wanting to saw off the unlucky ghost's neck and retrieve her "weapons".

Seeing the puzzled look cast by the "Black Widow", the "Church" spread out and said, "Be careful!"

"Black Widow" rolled her eyes, lifted her hands strongly, and sawn off the corpse's neck completely.

The "church" flashed past the headless corpse, then stretched his head and looked at it, and found that there were corpses thrown off the cliff from time to time on the upper floor of the manor.

After so many people died, no one in the entire manor seemed to have discovered the problem, which gave the "church" a new understanding of the "black widows".

A beauty pulled a man or even two men into the room. No one seemed to think that there was a problem even if they stayed longer.

46 "black widows", 300 security guards, and 147 guests, killing them all seems not an impossible task.

While the "church" was calculating the power balance, he found the entrance to the secret basement of the manor.

Looking at the slowly opening bookshelf, an alloy door was revealed inside. The "church" chewed two gums, then took out the lighter in his pocket and stuck it in the middle of the alloy door...

"I'm going to be in place, when will you send people down to me?

After finishing this ticket, I can buy a yacht..."


Villa area in Sokovia.

Igersey wore a decent suit and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and wandered around the party in the villa.

When he confirmed that the targets "Adam" and "Bosley" were in the villa, there was a sound in his communicator, "Get down!"

With this sweet drink, the power supply around the entire villa area was cut off.

Igersey instinctively followed Natasha's call and lay on the ground. The moment his face touched the floor, a terrifying sound of breaking through the air sounded from above his head.

Outside the front entrance of the villa, Bucky and Yan Shuangying were sitting in a commercial vehicle, each controlling a Vulcan, and a crazy metal storm swept the entire villa.

A large group of demon hunters carried all kinds of machine guns as if they were shooting a PARTY, and shot all the bullets on their bodies into the villa.

The location of the back door of the villa...

Natasha nodded to the two Winter Soldiers next to the wooden door. One of the male Winter Soldiers opened the wooden door with his shoulder, and then quickly threw a few grenades into it, then closed the wooden door again, covering his ears and letting go. The impact of the explosion.

The moment the explosion sounded, the male winter soldier turned and walked in towards the villa.

It's a pity that he underestimated the combat level of the people inside. The moment he just turned to the door of the villa, a few shots hit him in the chest.

The behemoth combat uniform saved the Winter Soldier's life, but did not completely digest the impact of those shotguns, and the hapless Winter Soldier was knocked upside down.

Russell, who had been standing sideways on the grass smoking a cigarette, stood up straight and gave way back slightly, staggering the flying Winter Soldier.

Then he watched swiftly stepping to the side and squatting down, looking for Natasha who shot at an angle...

"Actually don't have to be so troublesome!"

As if not afraid of death, Russell took a cigarette in one hand and drew a pistol and walked to the back door of the villa.

Knocking on the tattered wooden door, Russell grinned and said, "Hi~

I'm looking for you..."

Natasha looked at the moment Russell's eyes passed over her, and she cursed inwardly, "Freak!"


Inside the Sokowia Presidential Palace!

Victor von Doum has just completed the inauguration ceremony of Elder Hydra.

He held the green-dressed beauty he thought to be glamorous, and completed his speech accompanied by the president of Hydra.

Amidst the warm applause, Dumu seemed a little tired and gestured to the president of Hydra, then took the beautiful lady in green and walked to the terrace on the second floor.

Dum, who walked to the edge of the terrace, took a deep breath of quiet air. He looked at President Hydra and said with a smile: "Sokovia is a wonderful country, and it will get better in the future!"

The president of Hydra raised the champagne and said with a smile: "Of course, you now have our support.

This is our country..."

Dumu smiled and shook his head, and said, "No, this is my country!"

As soon as Dum's words fell, a bullet shot from a distance pierced the head of President Hydra.

This old man who didn't even bother to look up the name of the author stared at Dum with one eye at the only intact one, and seemed to have countless questions to ask...

Ophelia, wearing a green dress, looked at Dum incredulously and said loudly, "What did you do?"

Dumu looked at Ophelia, smiled and shook his head, and said: "The'Hive' died a few days ago!"

Speaking, Dumu turned his head and glanced at the direction where the bullet came from. He smiled and shook his head. He turned to look at the frightened Ophelia and said: "Someone thinks it is unnecessary to kill you!

Fortunately so, otherwise it would be a shame to die for such an outstanding beauty as you!

Don't you want to be my queen? "

Ophelia looked at Dum incredulously, and said with a trembling, "Do you want to swallow the entire Hydra?

You are crazy! "

Dumu smiled and raised his right hand, a small electric current looped around his palm.

At the same time, a machine gun popped out at every corner of the aisle in the presidential palace.

As Dumu gently squeezed his fist, the machine guns fired at the same time, smashing all the members of the Hydra Presbyterian Church who came to the meeting.

Doum looked at Ophelia, who was on the verge of collapse, and he smiled and said: "Don't be so helpless, we all know what kind of woman you are.

I need someone to help me integrate the remaining wealth of Hydra, and you need a stage where you can display your talents with integrity.

We are a perfect match! "

Ophelia put away her pitiful expression. She looked at Dum and said, "You planned everything, right?

What can I gain from it? "

Doum put his hands on the railing in the open air. He smiled relaxedly and said: "It depends on what you can get for me?

I guess there won’t be too many things left...

I thought it would be Alvin, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com ended up with a greedy snake! "

Speaking of Dum like a young man in love, he stretched out his hand to Ophelia and said with a smile: "Come on, join me and be my queen!

To be a respected person is better than hiding in the dark and shivering! "

Fox put away the sniper rifle, one kilometer away, she didn't want to visit the process of Doum picking up girls.

It doesn't matter whether the woman is a Hydra or not.

Hydra is finished!

Money is gone, people are almost gone, what else can they do?

Closing the gun case, Fox happily took out the phone and dialed Alvin, and said, "We will leave tomorrow!"

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