Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1866: Kalimantan

Stark's private plane landed in a small airport in Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.

When the plane was about to land, Richard began to feel a little awkward.

A **** fat man standing by the runway of this small airport caused Richard to jump off the plane the moment the plane door opened.

Alvin looked at the little Ginny lying next to the window of the plane, looked at Jin and the big fat man with envious eyes, and looked at himself with a regretful expression...

Alvin, who suddenly felt insulted, hugged this little villain hard and scratched twice, forcing her to boast that she was the most handsome, and only calmed down the nameless flame in her heart.

Watching a large group of children ran off the plane first, and then was attracted by the piles of gifts Jinhe prepared.

Give Nick a set of the latest game kit...

A custom gun given to Mindy in a trolley...

Give Harry a set of electronic tools customized according to his hand...

Give Alita a customized long knife...

In addition to a set of rare dolls for Little Ginny, Jin did not encounter Waterloo.

The other children's perception of Richard's father is extremely good.

Jin Bin's honest-looking bastard, now in Alvin's eyes, looks more and more odious.

Alvin stepped off the plane, looked at Jin, and asked little Ginny if he didn't like her gift.

Touching Stark with Pepper around him, Alvin said in a sarcasm, "Look, ugly guys generally lack self-confidence.

They feel that other people’s compliments to themselves are polite...

I won't. Whoever praises me for being handsome will make me happy. "

Stark took a look at Alvin's thick arm, compared his body shape, and nodded perfunctorily.

Pepper poked his head out from next to Stark and looked at Alvin. She smiled and said, "I think you and Tony are a perfect match, because your confidence is inexplicable."

Speaking of Pepper, holding Stark's unhappy cheeks in both hands, he said in an extremely nauseous tone, "Oh, but I just like your confidence. You are the most attractive when you are confident."

Alvin, who took a mouthful of dog food unexpectedly, rolled his eyes and said sarcastically: "Two gentlemen and ladies, please pay attention to occasions. There are children here.

And have you forgotten something? "

Stark and Pepper were taken aback for a moment, then Pepper covered his mouth and exclaimed in horror: "Morgan?

Did we take her on the plane?

Where was the last time you saw her? "

Stark frowned slightly and said, "I seem to remember you holding the plane on Morgan. Did I remember it wrong?"

Speaking, Stark looked back at the plane. He looked at Little Morgan in a cute jumpsuit, tremblingly holding the escalator down the cabin door.

The excessively high steps became an obstacle to Little Morgan. This daring girl looked at the little brothers and sisters in the distance playing extremely happily. She closed her eyes and wanted to roll off the plane.

Stark didn't look good, he was like a hound chasing a ham, rushing up the steps quickly to catch the little Morgan who was about to roll off the plane.

Then the old man started to fall backwards with an unstable footing.

The moment he landed, a set of nano suits appeared on his body, and the pulse engines on his back prevented Stark from falling into a concussion.

The old man’s life-threatening behavior did not earn Little Morgan’s appreciation. The girl stepped on Stark’s face and jumped to the ground, then twisted her butt, which was still wrapped in a diaper, and charged like a duck. To the brothers and sisters.

Alvin dispelled the golden vine that was about to move underground. He smiled and patted Pepper's shoulder in a panic, and said, "Miss Forgetfulness, go and see your Mr. Forgetful. I think he has a heart attack. Up."

Pepper "Ah" covered his mouth and ran to Stark's side, anxiously lifted Stark's visor, and looked at Stark who was in a panic. The two of them hugged hard together.

Alvin looked at Little Morgan, who was running for tens of meters without one to look after. He shook his head amusedly, and walked over to grab the braid on Morgan's head to prevent her from falling too fast.

Seeing the excited little girl screaming and screaming, he didn't know what she was talking about. Alvin smiled and said: "There is such a pair of parents, I don't know whether it is punishment for them or you?"

When he walked to the children, Alvin gave Little Morgan to Little Ginny, making the little girl who was not interested in gifts suddenly smile.

Sweeping around Jin Bin’s gift pile, Alvin looked at Harry, who loves special tools with admiration, then smiled and grabbed a pink pistol from Mindy’s hand and threw it back to the cart, and finally used it The look forced Nick to put down the game disc in his hand.

Looking sideways at Jin Bin who was half a head taller than himself, Alvin sneered and said: "I will write to the American Prison Administration when I go back. You **** are indeed lawless.

Is the prison opened by your house? "

The surprisingly simple-looking Kim didn't care about Alvin's irony. He put his arms around his son and said with a smile: "This time it's for Richard, and the judge will forgive me.

I am now an important donor to several congressmen in the greater Los Angeles area and a well-known philanthropist.

I think people will understand my ‘forced’ approach. "

Said Jin and waved to some younger brothers to help carry the luggage, and then blocked Alvin's sight with his large body, so that Nick and Mindy quietly stuffed a few favorite gifts into their school bags.

Nick carried his schoolbag, walked to Jin Bin, old-fashioned Hengqiu bumped his fist with him, grinned and said: "Mr. Wilson, don't worry, I will cover Richard in the future."

Jin Ping stretched out his hand and rubbed Nick's head, with a simple smile on his face, and said in a huff, "Thank you!

Richard is lucky to have you as a friend. "

Nick listened, he glanced at Richard, then frowned at Jin Bin, and said: "I think you have misunderstood, Richard is not my friend, he is my brother!

We just look different, but the whole Hell's Kitchen knows that we are brothers! "

Speaking, Nick started and said, "You have to apologize to me for your misunderstanding, I'm serious..."

Jin Bin was stunned for a moment. He glanced at his son, then squatted on the ground looking at Nick and said seriously: "I never say'I'm sorry' to outsiders!

But you are the exception, sorry! "

Nick listened to Jin and touched his fist. He was a little disappointed and said, "Well, this is a bit different from what I thought.

Shouldn’t the boss in the movie take out a few rolls of banknotes to comfort the little brother’s injured heart?

In fact, my soul is very good, 100 yuan can make me happy, and 1,000 yuan can hurt me once. "

While talking, Nick looked at Richard and said: "Your father doesn't seem to be a generous person, we have to grow up quickly...

When you turn 18, you can take out your fund, and then we go to Hawaii for a year and go home.

The girls there don’t like to wear clothes very much. Alvin’s pay TV set is all about scenes there. "


Alvin kicked Nick angrily on Nick’s ass, causing him to fall into Richard’s arms and let them run away embarrassingly for a certain distance, which was rescued because Jin Bin’s too seriousness became a little bit Weird atmosphere.

Looking at Kim like Roshan and standing up and extending his hand towards him, Alvin shook his hand firmly and said with a smile: "I promise I will report you, but as Richard's guardian, I have to say you Good job.

I never expected you to act so fast!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with you dragging for a while, I think Richard can still lose weight.

You should see how he looks when he is working out, now Steve is not very happy to work out with him. "

Jin Ping glanced at his son. He smiled and nodded, and said, "I can tell that Richard is much stronger than when I was younger.

This is all your credit, thank you, Principal Alvin.

I did not expect that a school that year would save my life in the end! "

Alvin waved his hand, he didn't want to talk to Jin and talk about the past.

It's unclear whether Hell's Kitchen made Jin and their gang, or Jin and their gang made Hell's Kitchen.

Seeing that Jin Bin’s younger brother had sent all the salutes to several commercial vehicles, Alvin took out the phone and dialed Fox, saying, "Hi, my dear, we are already there. Where have you been?"

"You look up to the sky..."

Alvin followed Fox's instructions and looked up to the sky.

But there was nothing in the exceptionally clear sky of Kalimantan.

Until a small black spot emerged from the clouds, and then Alvin was horrified to see a smaller black spot falling down.

A few seconds later, when Alvin discovered that the one who had jumped from the plane was Fox, he clutched his dizzy head and called to the phone: "FUCK, you are crazy!

How many layers of parachutes did you wear? "

Alvin's yelling attracted everyone's attention, and the children looked at Fox falling from the sky with excitement, not at all worried that she would fall into mash by accident.

Pepper took Stark's arm and looked enviously at the free Fox in the sky, with an urge to summon his steel suit.

As the distance from the ground gets closer and closer, Fox dives faster and faster.

Alvin looked at Fox, whose head was swooping down towards him, and he opened his arms instinctively as if to catch her like this.

Fox rushed within five hundred meters, still did not open the parachute, and everyone realized that something was wrong.

Two vines sprang up under Alvin's feet and began to arrange large nets criss-crossed.

As a result, when Alvin was chasing Fox's landing spot and ran anxiously, the moment Fox was about to hit the big net, a small parachute suddenly appeared from his back.

The wind resistance of the parachute made Fox stop abruptly during the rapid fall, and then the lady assassin bounced in mid-air with the resistance of the parachute, dissolving the acceleration of gravity.

Then she pulled her waist, and the parachute was swept away from her body by the wind.

A distance of tens of meters is not a problem for Fox. She twisted her body through the big net arranged by the golden vine, and landed in front of Alvin in the shape of a superhero landing.

Alvin looked at Fox's knee nervously, then looked at Fox wearing shorts, leather boots, and a small vest, with a ponytail...

Facing the smiling gaze of Miss "Laura", UU Read www.uukanshu.com Alvin looked at Fox's dazzling thighs exposed outside, he said amusedly: "What are you doing?

Ready to go to the jungle to feed mosquitoes? "

Seeing the well-dressed Fox rolled his eyes, Alvin smiled and hugged the girl, and said helplessly: "In the future, let's not save the money for air tickets. The plane should land or land.

That parachute is not cheap at first sight..."

Fox pressed Alvin’s abdomen angrily and funny, and said, “I also invited Hela to join this trip, so would you be happier?”

Alvin put his arms around Fox's slender waist, he frowned as if he was disappointed, and said, "Who is Hela?

Is there my "Laura" sexy? "

Alvin had just finished speaking, when the sunny day in Kalimantan thundered in the dry weather...

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