Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1879: Reinforcements

On the river in Borneo late at night.

Alvin and his group sat on the deck of the cruise ship, each holding a fishing rod and enjoying the fun of fishing.

But what they catch is not fish, but python after python.

The cruise ship did not stop. Nick stood on the side of the cab on the second floor, with a wire in his leg, and a huge searchlight in his hand, aimed at the river.

Whenever he saw a slight movement, he would yell and guide several friends to stretch the fishing rod over.

Then a python of various sizes will be hooked.

From a small snake of 50 cm to a big snake of seven or eight meters.

If this kind of thing does not show that they are too hungry, in fact, their skin color and appearance would be ideal pets for many people.

However, their vicious and vicious state of serving meals makes people lose their appetite.

Driven by hunger, these crazy pythons even learned to cooperate.

A few small snakes can entangle a big fish, and then use the newly evolved sharp teeth to cut the big fish into small pieces for food.

This is a little scary!

Seeing Xiao Jinni wearing a pair of stab-resistant gloves, clutching a one-meter-long python's neck, she straightened it professionally, and stuffed it into a bamboo basket with barbed thorns in the entrance.

This was a gift from a local refugee team they encountered on the road.

These rainforest natives, who have never seen outsiders all year round, have also been forced by the "many python disaster" to seek refuge in places where people gather.

In view of the fact that the water is not safe now, Stark wore a steel suit and used several cables to drag the native boat into a hurricane.

These bamboo baskets were "left behind" when they started!

Little Ginny, who had a good harvest, did not realize that her "harvest" became less and less after entering the bamboo basket.

Those pythons of different sizes are killing each other, and the last remaining one is growing up quickly with its food intake.

The silly girl took a look at the bamboo basket, thinking that she had remembered wrong before, scratching her head a few times, and then looking at the big snake happily, she planned tomorrow's breakfast.

Jin is not a rough person, he has no patience to catch those little snakes.

Since knowing that the energy in these pythons is good for Richard, he has focused on the big snakes.

Nick on the second floor will act as an observer after receiving a huge tip from Jin Bin.

The nano-armored detectors combined with the dazzling lights are enough to keep Nick from missing a big snake.

"11 o'clock direction!"

Nick shouted, and pointed the searchlight in his hand to a position about 50 meters in front of the cruise ship.

Jin Bin, who had already taken off his suit, exposed his extremely exaggerated upper body. He stepped on the ship's gunwale, held a harpoon at the location where the searchlight pointed, and threw the harpoon in his hand forcefully.

The sharp harpoon plunged into the water with a "swish"...

Jin Bin stepped on a nylon rope with the thickness of a thumb and felt the struggle on the rope. He smiled grinningly and stooped up the rope, exhaled and pulled hard.

A big snake estimated to be more than 15 meters away from the water because of pain.

Jin, who has always been very gloomy, turned his head and shouted at Richard: "Richard, come and help. This is our breakfast tomorrow.

Boy, this is much more exciting than fishing! "

Alvin looked at Jin and took his son, tossing them to death the sixth snake for breakfast tomorrow.

He shook his head funny, patted Alita on the shoulder, motioned her to look at Little Ginny and Mindy.

Then he walked up to the second floor by himself and climbed to the top of the cruise ship, sitting there watching the lively jungle on both sides.

The "corpse vine", "golden vine", and two mad wolves, twelve crows have been sent to the jungle on both sides.

They are trying their best to kill the giant pythons that travel by land.

The smaller one will be handed in a crow slaying ceremony, and the larger one will be killed by vines and mad wolves.

However, the area of ​​Borneo is very large, and the place Alvin can take care of by himself is too small.

There must be a lot of pythons that have bypassed the cruise ship and headed for inhabited places.

The animals in the rainforest are not easy to catch. After the extremely hungry python changes its predation habits, it is not as simple as it might be to catch those flexible creatures.

On the contrary, those "two-legged monsters" gathered together will be very high-quality targets.

Alvin is not worried about the pythons in the river. Malaysia and Indonesia are sovereign countries even if they are different, and there are still troops.

There is no problem in finding a boat to block the river and blocking the progress of the python.

On the contrary, those giant pythons walking through the rainforest will be very dangerous...

It is well known that anacondas grow all their lives, but their lifespan limits their size.

Now "Blood Orchid" combined with "Yuanzhu", let the rainforest python break through the physiological limit.

Under the stimulation of the "source pearl", those giant pythons eat all the way, who knows how old they will grow?

Alvin has been notified by Russell that he has landed in Brunei.

This old man has a wealth of experience in dealing with monsters, and the power of these pythons this time is actually very average.

As long as a decent army has powerful weapons, it is not difficult to kill them.

The Avengers’ weapons and equipment are all top-notch. Entering the rainforest river from Brunei, there is no problem in strangling the pythons.

The only question now is whether the number of troops in the three countries can defend the river while also taking into account the defense of the city?

Those giant pythons that walk through the rainforest finally enter the human gathering area, can people resist it? How many people will die?

In the rainy season, the river channel is hundreds of meters wide, but the cities and villages are too wide. A few hundred snakes can panic everyone.

Once a person is in a panic, the damage caused by the commotion will increase exponentially.

It is a pity that Alvin, a military layman, still underestimated the destructive power of the giant python, and the power of the Malaysian and Indonesian troops.

After receiving the notification, the Indonesian government immediately sent troops into Sabah.

Hundreds of patrol boats formed a blockade in a narrow river.

The large-caliber machine gun mounted on the bow, the old automatic rifle in the soldier's hand, and a few RPGs are all their firepower.

No one doubted the announcements from Iron Man and Manhattan Tomahawk. The clear video fully showed the terrifyingness of those giant pythons.

The Indonesian military is already doing its utmost to mobilize the army and start stationing in the outskirts of the city in Sabah.

Unfortunately, their movements are still a bit too slow!

When the patrol boat on the river came into contact with the python, several pythons, which were close to 30 meters in size, had destroyed several villages and began to march towards the city. They began to grow bigger and bigger along the way.

The Indonesian river troops cannot stop the giant pythons that can travel underwater.

Occasionally, an extremely hungry python suddenly sprang out of the water, taking away the lives of several soldiers.

Although they may get a few shots, they are not at all insignificant to them.

It is a bit too embarrassing to want soldiers who can't fire a machine gun for these years to accurately hit the snake head.

When the giant snakes passing by found that the soldiers were not difficult to deal with, the situation began to be completely different.

Gunshots continued to be heard on the dim river. Hundreds of Indonesian soldiers pointed their guns at the river in panic. When there was a little movement in their faces, they would nervously pull the trigger to empty the bullets in the magazine.

The machine gun at the bow has lost its function due to the shooting angle.

The two small soldiers looked at the river in horror. When a ripple appeared, they howled and pulled the trigger.

But when they emptied the magazine, a terrifying figure sprang from the bottom of the water, bit a guy by the neck, and dragged him into the water.

The surviving soldier turned around and ran for a few steps, before he had time to cover his wet crotch, he was glad he survived...

A giant snake rushed out from the horrified roar of the unlucky ghost comrades, bit the unlucky ghost's head in one bite, and took him along the inertia into the water from the other side of the patrol boat.

A few bullets hit the python's body, although several blood holes were punched, it also inspired the python's ferocity.

The thick snake's tail swept across the deck of the patrol boat and swept a few unlucky ghosts into the river.

The moment the soldiers entered the water, a few smaller pythons surrounded them, cruelly biting the hapless soldiers.

After several similar killings, the army that blocked the river channel collapsed!

An officer shot and killed several soldiers who wanted to escape, only to be pushed into the water by the adjutant who was eager to escape.

Some soldiers began to want to go ashore and flee, only to encounter a few giant snakes that were looking for them.

Soldiers who have completely lost their will to fight have become the objects of slaughter. The killing and wailing have turned this river into hell.

Just when a dozen soldiers boarded a patrol boat, and under the leadership of an old captain, they wanted to escape back.

A brand-new huge cruise ship drove slowly from a distance.

The snow-white hull seems to have not even dried the paint...

A tall figure stood on the deck at the bow of the ship, and when the patrol boat approached him, he made a gesture for the other party to move away.

Then he shouted to the brothers behind him: "Don't panic, listen to my password, put..."

More than a dozen evil-looking big guys suddenly agreed, then shook the "hammer" in their hands and threw them out forcefully.

More than a dozen "hammer throws" were thrown at different distances, but they basically blocked a not too wide river.

The deserters on the patrol boat waved desperately when they passed by the white cruise ship, wanting to get on the ship and take shelter.

As a result, before they could shout, a few dull explosions suddenly came from the river behind.

A water column more than ten meters high, spewing from the place where the "hammer ball" fell into the water, will also bring up a few pieces of giant python's body.

The captain of the patrol boat looked at the deck of the cruise ship, and the big guys began to wield the "hammer kick" again.

He crumbled and mobilized all the horsepower of the patrol boat and ran towards the rear.

A few soldiers outside rushed in and drove a little dissatisfied...

"We should get on the boat, it is safe on the big boat!"

The old captain looked at the young soldiers like a fool and said, "Don't you guys see it?

Those people were playing the mine as a'hammer ball', and now the cruise ship is a volcanic crater.

There is more danger than snake den! "

A few soldiers listened, and they looked back at the cruise ship. The dozen men on it threw the mines like playing, and bombed the river for another round.

A young soldier said incredibly: "Where did such a desperate guy come from?"

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