Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1904: Dazzling red cuff hoop

While Alvin was sitting in the John Wicker’s courtyard chatting, the behavior of those alien cannon fodder changed.

After a little contact with the armed forces of the Hell's Kitchen, they changed their strategy, leaving some cannon fodder to contain the armed gangs, and the rest re-entered the sea and began to choose other places to land.

The National Guard has fewer than 20,000 people and needs to be responsible for the defense of the entire New York City. It can't completely defend Manhattan's long coastline. In the last part, it has to fight the aliens.

Alvin heard the gunshots and explosions outside the courtyard slowly stopped. He curiously pressed the communicator and said, "Alexey, what's wrong outside?"

Alexei, who was guarding the dock, said gruffly: "The bunch of **** aliens ran away.

They must have seen me coming with an axe, so they flee in fear, haha! "

After hearing this, Alvin frowned and walked into the John Wicker’s kitchen, turned on the TV and took a look.

Several locations on Manhattan Island have been breached, and those aliens are attacking human defenses like death.

They dragged the fighting in several places into street fighting. As time goes by, the scale of street fighting will definitely become larger and larger.

Alvin looked at John Witkey and said: "Has the reputation of Hell's Kitchen spread to aliens?

Or are those National Guards really just a mess?

Why don't those aliens come to hit Hell's Kitchen and specifically find places with more fierce firepower to break through? "

After hearing this, John Witkey said indifferently: "Either they are preparing a wave of offensive to take the Hell's Kitchen, or they want to hide something and don't want this place to be the focus.

In fact, we don’t care, just kill it when we come..."

Alvin gave a thumbs up and smiled, and said, "Congratulations, you finally started to learn to think in the Hell's Kitchen.

Although this will make people stupid, life will become much simpler. "

Speaking, Alvin looked at John Witkey at him with a deep-seated look. He raised his **** and cursed uncomfortably: "FUCK, don't **** look at me with that look.

My great wisdom, you idiots simply can't see it! "

After finishing talking, Alvin didn't care about the hapless John Witkey. He pushed open the front door of the villa, pulled off Mr. Witkey's super muscle car and got in.

He gestured to John Witkey to bring himself the key. Alvin pressed the communicator and called out to Stark, "Man, how is your place?"

Stark on the opposite side of the communicator said, "Look at the sea for dozens of seconds."

Speaking, Stark said quickly: "I just went to the bottom of the sea to check, and the two alien spacecraft were empty.

The ones you killed and the ones that landed in Manhattan are obviously not the same kind.

Alvin, those disgusting cyborgs must have a command center, but now it has escaped.

I will blow up their mothership first..."

Stark's time to speak, two super loud noises that made the sea shake.

Through the narrow position on the side of the villa, Alvin saw two water columns several hundred meters high rising from the sea.

Listening to the communicator Ristak whistling and flying quickly to downtown Manhattan, Alvin grabbed the car key from the reluctant John Witkey and said, "Let me use the car. I'll go down the street. Take a look."

John Wicker looked at his custom-made chrome steering wheel with his own logo, and he said helplessly: "Principal Alvin, there is a war outside now."

Alvin looked at John Witkey with a smile, and said with a smile: "Of course I know, so I borrowed the car from you."

Speaking of Alvin, regardless of John Witkey's feces-like expression, he happily stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the street.

With a sausage in his mouth, Rocket Raccoon appeared behind John Witkey with a big gun, and laughed wildly while holding his belly against the door.

"Hahaha, John Witkey also has today. Master Rocket should give you a tip. Your expression just now makes me happy for a week."

John Wicker looked at the speechless Rocket Raccoon coldly. He blew a whistle, and two fat hellhounds threw out their saliva, chasing the smelly raccoon with a burst of bites.

All the way, he rushed up to the Rocket Raccoon holding the chandelier to escape, and shouted at John Witkey outside the door: "If you don't get rid of these two stinky dogs, I will kill them, oh shit, you Burned my tail.

John, get them away quickly, or you will never want to get a discount in my shop. "

John Wicker felt a slight vibration in the underground. He blew a whistle and called back two Hellhounds, then looked at the trembling crystal chandeliers and said, "An earthquake?"

Rocket Raccoon raised his **** at John Witkey angrily and exclaimed, "Did you see that I was injured?"

John Wicker felt the more obvious shock under his feet. He frowned and said that he walked out the door and looked around.

Except for a few cars on the street, the alarm sounded, nothing else seemed strange.

And the tremor quickly disappeared.

Thinking of the conversation between Alvin and Stark just now, John Witkey suddenly looked at Rocket Raccoon and said: "You said that if I end this war, will my car be saved?"

Rocket Raccoon kicked a few slobbery Hellhounds, then gloated at John Witkey, and said, "Don’t think, Alvin is the biggest villain in this unlucky place. Your car must be finished. .

Your bank card has been emptied, and I think it’s also nice that you drive in the red car of the big breasted woman Dalia.

Oh, what should I call you from now on?

Ms. Witkey? Miss Witkey? Hahahaha"

Rocket Raccoon, who was amused by his own cold jokes, soon discovered that his jokes didn't seem too funny, and he couldn't even make John Witkey angry.

He slapped his paws boredly and said, "Okay, okay, you people on Earth have a terrible sense of humor. Was the joke I just made funny?"

John Witkey looked at the Rocket Raccoon like a fool and said, "Your sense of humor is too high, I really can't feel it."

Saying that John Witkey walked to the living room and took out a shot of Bernelli from the gun cabinet, then hung a shot belt on his body, and said: "There must be something underground, take your detector out, we Go underground.

Don’t you always think business is terrible?

Let's save the world, and then your junk toys can be sold for a good price. "

Rocket Raccoon listened to the grinning protest, then looked at John Witkey seriously and said, "Really?"

Speaking of Rocket Raccoon holding his big gun, pulled the bolt, and said in a deep voice, "Then let us kill something!"

John Witkey looked at the foolish Rocket Raccoon. He rolled his eyes helplessly and blew a whistle, then led the two Hellhounds and walked towards the nearest sewer entrance.


Alvin drove around the streets of Hell's Kitchen and found that everyone didn't have much feeling for aliens.

The tramp is still worrying about where to buy drugs tonight...

It is rare for workers to have a paid holiday. Most of them stay in the bar in front of their homes, watching TV and yelling at the National Guard that they are useless.

Occasionally, people who are a little impatient, go to the boss of Pili during the day to solve their physical needs.

Except for these migrant workers who are suddenly okay, most of the service industries feel like a holiday.

Every street Alvin passed through with his car window smelled of marijuana, and every room with heavy machine guns on the roof, and restaurants and bars with rockets filled with people.

I watched a slogan "Bring your own gun, 40% off bullets" at the entrance of a bar.

Alvin had to sigh with the strong psychological quality of these people, which made him feel inexplicable.

According to this trend, when aliens come twice a year, the bosses of Hell's Kitchen will be rich.

On the way Alvin ran into Beckett who was patrolling in an infantry chariot...

Watching Kassel, wearing a body armor marked "Writer", stood on an infantry fighting vehicle and waved to the people around him, in exchange for a huge boo.

Alvin smiled and stepped on the gas pedal, and decided not to say hello to this guy, which was too shameful.

Driving all the way to the door of the school, Alvin listened to the explosion from a distance, and he suddenly shook his head a little uncomfortable.

Hell's Kitchen was too peaceful, and there seemed to be no place to intervene in the battle in Manhattan, which made him very uncomfortable.

Saying hello to the security guards on the roofs on both sides of the gate, Alvin drove into the campus, going to see how the kids were.

As a result, as soon as the car stopped, a sneaky figure dropped down with a spider silk hanging from it.

Alvin looked up at the slightly deformed roof. Before he could go crazy, a phantom rushed to the side of the car and shot a high-voltage electric shock towards the guy on the roof.

Alvin looked at Pietro with the red cuff, and smirked the switch of the high-voltage electric shock device.

Smelling the scorching smell of the roof covering, he thought Frank must be lazy.

This kind of top **** bastard should be locked up until he forgets how to talk.

Hearing a "crackling" noise from the position of the car's trip computer, Alvin sneered and pushed the door open and got out of the car.

Turning his head to look at Peter swinging on the roof of the car, Alvin smiled and whistled, and said to Pietro: "Good job, buddy!

How does it feel to attack your senior with an electric shock device? "

When Alvin spoke, Nick and Mindy also rushed out of the school building with a red cuff.

The two guys used the styling they learned in the movie, holding stun guns at Peter, whose hair was already smoking, and shouted: "Raise your hands, you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say now will become a presentation. Court testimony."

Alvin was stunned by the situation in front of him, UU reading www. uukanshu.com he glared at Nick and cursed: "Are you **** crazy?

Who made you spin around with a stun gun? "

Before Officer Nick could reply, there was a slight blast from the top of the school building.

Harry stepped on the smoky triangle flying machine and screamed and slammed into Peter's place.

Harry, who reacted very quickly, kicked off the Triangular Flying Vehicle when he approached Peter, and then slammed it heavily on Peter.

Together they smashed John Witkey's baby car into a convertible...

Alvin watched Harry and Ginny poked their heads from the top floor and waved at Nick triumphantly.

He looked at the two unlucky ghosts hugging each other, and said in an unbelievable way: "Am I in the wrong place?

Has the disciplinary action changed? "

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