Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1905: They're all sons, just don't beat them t

Alvin watched a puff of smoke from Peter's mouth. He looked at Nick and cursed, "What the **** is going on?"

Nick triumphed and celebrated with Pietro's high fives, then used an electric shock to top the non-existent cowboy hat, and said: "This is the order of old Cage!

The Disciplinary Department has no deterrent effect on these guys who have graduated, so the old Cage hired us to take care of these guys who wanted to go to the city to fight at a price of 20 yuan an hour. "

As Nick stretched his neck to look at the miserable Peter and Harry, he looked at Pietro triumphantly and said with a smile: "We should think of a loud name for our group,'Spider Killer' or'Ranger Buster', I I think they are all good.

It is a shame that your sister does not want to join us. Her witch potion can increase our deterrence several steps. "

Harry rolled over from Peter in pain, and the two lay side by side on the tattered roof of the car. He looked at the little Harry and Little Ginny who were laughing upstairs in the classroom, and said uncomfortably: "I know these little ones. Everything is a little badass..."

Peter cocked his head and let out a puff of smoke. He glared at Pietro and Nick angrily, and said, "You're done!

I have graduated, and you will be careful when you walk. "

Alvin looked at the Chinese-style red cuffs on Nick's arms. He rolled his eyes and patted Peter's head, and said, "Man, you are in trouble!

Should you take care of yourself first? "

Peter wiped his smoking hair. He looked at Alvin with a smile and said, "Principal Alvin, we have graduated.

You said that as long as we graduate and find a university, we can do what we want to do. "

Alvin looked at the stiff-mouthed Peter, he straightened his collar, and said in a serious tone: "Of course, my promise will definitely work.

But before that, please show your diploma, Mr. Peter Parker. "

As Alvin looked at Peter and Harry who were dumbfounded, he smiled and patted the broken car under them, and said, "These are not important. I just want to tell you that you are really in trouble. , I'm not kidding."

Peter looked at Alvin in surprise, and said incredulously: "We are already like this, what can be the trouble?

The confinement room is not open to graduates. This is a rule set by President Nelson. He said that it was a waste of resources to do so. "

Alvin shook his head and said, "I'm not referring to the confinement room. Does that place have a deterrent for you?

I am referring to John Witkey, he is not a good temper..."

Peter sat up in shock when he heard John Witkey's name.

The boss of the mutant law enforcement team, anyone with special abilities has a damage bonus, especially Peter and Harry who have kidnapped Dalia's dog.

"What does this have to do with John Witkey?"

As he said, Peter stared at Harry and said, "That guy is a lunatic who likes to hit people with shotguns. How can we offend him."

Harry sat up dizzy. He glanced at Alvin, then put his arm around Peter’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, Principal Alvin must be joking with us. We haven’t seen that guy for months, why? Offend him?"

"Because you just smashed John Witkey's baby car..."

Nick took a look at the license plate, whistling and smiling: "Oh, you are done.

Because a mutant kicked his **** dog, the guy fired six shots at the mutant.

You smashed his car, oh..."

Alvin smiled and patted Peter and Harry on the shoulders, and said earnestly: "It's okay, this car is nothing to Harry, and John Witkey's anger and tolerance passed.

Get shot...

Are you still worried about John Witkey if you rush to Manhattan to get shot in such a hurry? "

Peter covered his face and said in pain: "My God, I knew Frank would not be so kind.

The Byrne also said that the disciplinary department has ignored us...

All liars! "

Alvin looked at Peter with a smile and said, "You are now adults, and the society's brutal beatings will pass.

If I were you, I would quickly find a place to wash my face, you now look like a half-roasted roast chicken, too bad! "

Peter listened and fell heavily on the roof of the car. He sighed up to the sky and said, "Why is it so difficult for me to be a hero?"

Nick jumped to see Peter's tragedy, and said with contempt: "Even Steve didn't join in the fun, what do you fool want to do?

Get up quickly, we can have another round.

Every time I catch you, old Cage will give out a bonus of 100 yuan.

Why don't you try it again? "

Pietro smiled and blew the muzzle of the electric shock device, and said: "I like this game. The one I was always brought down in the past, now I finally have a chance to bring down other people.

I can run slower this time, let's do it again. "

Alvin watched Harry and Ginny rush out of the school building, and Nick they formed the schoolmaster team.

He shook his head helplessly, and said to Nick: "I think your electric shock device must be illegal. I don't believe that Old Cage will give you this dangerous thing."

Speaking, Alvin looked at Peter and Harry and said, "They fouled, and now the school rules will not protect them.

If I were you, I could not bear it. If I didn't beat him up, I would suffer from insomnia for a long time. "

Nick watched Peter and Harry sneer at himself with their fists. He stepped back and said, "We are licensed. If you mess around, I will complain to the disciplinary department."

Peter glanced at Alvin who pretended to hear nothing. He glared at Nick and sneered and said, "It's okay, I've graduated anyway!

I want to hang you little **** on the roof to air dry..."

Nick watched Peter pull himself out of the broken roof. He consciously turned around and pulled Mindy and ran away, yelling, "Come on, you can catch me."

Peter watched Nick's back and jumped up as a spider thread bound Pietro who was watching the excitement.

This guy's brain is really not good, he thought Nick would take away the hatred, but forgot that he was the one who shot.

No matter how fast you run, you have to be without a burden...

Peter wrapped Pietro into a cocoon in three or two strokes, then grinned and took his electric shock device and stabbed it directly.

Harry was tormented by the two small pits. He squeezed his fist and chased after Little Ginny and Little Harry like a bully, causing them to scream.

Alvin watched Nick hide in a dormitory with Mindy. He smiled at Peter and said, "Hey, Pietro is about to pee his pants, you should go to Nick that bastard.

Remember to give him a good look, I wanted to beat him a long time ago. "

Speaking of Alvin pointing to the dormitory where Nick disappeared, he smiled and said, "He went there."

Peter, who had been stunned for a long time, hung Pietro on a tree, then shot out the spider silk and flew towards the dormitory building...

Byrne didn’t know when he appeared behind Alvin. He glanced sympathetically at Pietro, then looked at Alvin like a ghost, and said, “Why don’t you remind Peter that there is a'Swan Girl' Dormitory.

At this point, they are all taking physique classes, maybe they just have to change clothes to eat in the restaurant.

Any eight-year-old girl in there can bring down a strong man. There are 500 such girls. "

Alvin listened to the noise coming from the dormitory in the distance. He shrugged his shoulders at Byrne and said with a smile: "Peter's kid is a gentleman, he can definitely handle it."

Byrne looked at Alvin who had a bad taste and said helplessly: "I thought you really wanted to punish that little **** Nick..."

Alvin frowned and looked at Byrne, and said, "Are you kidding?

Nick is a bastard, that's my son too! "

Byrne listened. He looked at Pietro who was hanging from a tree, and felt that his father had failed too much!

Alvin looked at Byrne's awkward look, he smiled and said, "I was joking just now.

Nick was a suicide attack. Do you think Peter will be better off if he is unlucky? "

Speaking of Alvin looking at the campus that is gradually becoming lively, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, he said with a smile: "I am a little uncomfortable, is it because no one needs me to save it?"

Byrne listened and said with a smile: "It was reported on the news just now that a Star Marine Corps has entered Manhattan.

Those aliens are actually not that powerful. After all, this world cannot always rely on Superman to save, right? "

Alvin nodded and smiled and said: "Yes, I never got a salary to save the world, so I feel like I have lost a lot of money.

The feeling of being a savior is actually not good at all, haha! "

Byrne nodded and said, "This is a war, and mankind has always proved that it is capable of dealing with this kind of war.

The battle in New York is expected to end soon, but Los Angeles, Florida, and Europe, Portugal, England, and France are all facing challenges.

However, apart from the fact that Los Angeles and Florida have fought, the alien spacecraft are still some distance away from the coastlines of other countries.

It shouldn't be difficult for humans who are well prepared to beat them. "

Alvin was surprised and said, "So much?

What's the situation in Los Angeles now? "

Byrne patted Alvin's arm and said with a smile: "You can go to the punishment office together, where there is satellite imagery.

When I came out, the situation in Los Angeles and Florida was not so good.

The aliens trapped the American aircraft carrier formation with a protective shield, and now the cyborg aliens have logged in.

Steve kind of wanted to support Los Angeles. Everyone thought that the alien spacecraft landed in the Atlantic Ocean, and the people there were not prepared. "

Alvin took a breath and said, "The American people are too bitter!"


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