Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1906: Real Estate Buster

The disciplinary room was unexpectedly lively.

The few green onions that the school can beat are all here to watch TV news together, watching the battle between humans and aliens.

The past few times were unprepared battles with aliens. Before the troops had time to assemble, someone had already ended the frontal battle.

Now this is the first time that human beings are preparing for an offensive and defensive battle at their doorstep.

Regardless of how much damage is caused, how many sacrifices are made, victory will make everything worthwhile, and if it can truly unify everyone's minds, the entire social pattern will change.

The era of "cosmic navigation" is here!

Alvin touched his fists with JJ, smiled and said, "How is the situation?

Director George didn't call me, which made me feel a little unimportant, haha! "

JJ skillfully took out a few cigars from Alvin's pocket and distributed them to the guys nearby.

He lit his cigar and let out a spit of smoke. JJ smiled and said, "Boss, you should come often. I can't even smoke without you."

Speaking, JJ glanced at the TV screen and said, "Those aliens have no stamina. As long as Duke and the others can bear not going to sleep, those aliens should be killed tomorrow morning."

Within a few seconds of JJ's words, everyone heard a huge "explosion" coming from the direction of the dock area.

Alvin looked at the smoke coming out of the dock area through the window of the disciplinary department. He pressed the communicator and said, "Alexey, what's wrong with you?"

The veteran Alexei panted heavily and said loudly, "The sewers are full of aliens.

FUCK is now full of **** here, and John Witkey and the little squirrel blew up a septic tank.

A big guy came out...

FUCK what the **** is this?

It smells worse than the pits in the mountain villages of Peru! "

Alvin listened and said funnyly: "Can you stand it? Do you need help?"

Alexei breathed in and let out a retching, and said, "It's so **** smelly here, but we can do it."

Speaking, Alexei yelled to John Witkey: "Can you do it?

It’s about to blow up that **** thing, it will take **** wherever it goes..."

Frank turned on a computer and debugged it a few times before the battle in the dock area appeared.

The location of the septic tank in the highest villa area of ​​Hell's Kitchen was blown out of a big pit.

A semi-mechanical semi-creature the size of a truck head, with a hundred or ten tentacles, a large jellyfish with obvious steampunk style, suspended in the air with a full body of dung.

In the damaged septic tank, a large number of small aircraft and the kind of cannon fodder aliens crowded out.

With Alexei letting the "Cornflower" mortar, the muzzle was turned and covered bombing began.

The surrounding area of ​​the septic tank was caught in an indescribable situation.

The stench pervading the air forced a group of women who were hiding at home to watch the excitement and flee in embarrassment.

Every woman who passed by John Witkey and Rocket Raccoon would give them a bite and then retched and drove away.

Alvin looked in shock at the villa area that had been flooded by a third of the "dung rain". He whistled and said, "John Witkey is really a talent. He shot a cannonball and let that House prices in the villa area fell by a third.

This is an operation that should be written into the textbook, so that all black-hearted developers know that we actually have the ability to resist. "

Rocket Raccoon retched and took off a piece of disgusting toilet paper from his head. It looked at John Witkey crumbled and said, "What's the matter?

The bomb I designed shouldn’t be so powerful!

Are all the stools of Hell's Kitchen concentrated here? "

John Witkey glanced at his house's dung-filled exterior wall, and he was moved to cry by his stupid things.

Listening to his two Hellhounds wailing at his refrigerator, John Witkey held a simple tower bomb launcher on his chest and said to the Rocket Raccoon: "I hope your bomb is useful. Get rid of it. This thing, I find an old relationship to send us to Europe to hide."

Speaking, John Witkey glanced at Hawkeye’s house, and the "church" house, the house Raymond just bought...

He said helplessly: "Hawkeye will be crazy, those guys will be crazy!"

The Rocket Raccoon shuddered when he heard it. He rushed behind John Witkey, took two simple wires, and said, "Shall we go to aliens together?

I know a fool named "Star Jue", he has a good spacecraft, we can go to the galaxy together.

The income of being a bounty hunter there is very good..."

Speaking of Rocket Raccoon looking at John Witkey's impatient expression, he grinned and confirmed: "This thing has very strong recoil, are you sure you can hold it?"

John Wicker faced the Rocket Raccoon with a broken mouth and bad breath. He felt that his patience had reached the limit.

The cold-blooded killer struggled to suppress the desire to slaughter the little raccoon, holding the transmitter on his chest with both hands, and said in a deep voice, "Fire!"

Rocket Raccoon gritted his teeth and put the two wires together, a spark flashed, and John Witkey seemed to be hit by a siege hammer.

The huge recoil made him fly, the whole person folded upside down and flew a distance of tens of meters, and hit the wall covered with dung heavily, smashing the wall into a human-shaped depression.

John Witkey watched a flash of light erupted from the center of the big jellyfish, and then a blue pulse wave destroyed all items within a radius of 100 meters.

The huge pulse wave carried those terrible dung, and poured the entire community through.

If housing prices had fallen by only one-third, now these "shit buildings" are probably worthless.

John Witkey touched his nearly half-broken rib. While he was dying, he looked back at the Rocket Raccoon who was almost squashed behind his ass, and said in pain: "Why don't you put nuclear weapons on my body.

I would rather be burnt to ashes than lie in the hospital and be visited by these neighbors. "

The Rocket Raccoon, whose eyeballs were half-protruding, said with a retching, "I remind you, this thing has a lot of recoil."

John Witkey, who was about to lose consciousness, looked at a few figures who were coming by pinching their noses in the distance.

"Is that guy dead? Pluto left him a bed closest to the septic tank in the hospital."

The old cow's voice made John Witker suddenly awake. He took out the phone tremblingly and dialed the alarm number, and said in pain, "I need an ambulance to Los Angeles. I have medical insurance!"

Alvin in the school heard that John Witkey and Rocket Raccoon were not dead. He watched Old Kent driving a fire truck, wearing a gas mask and holding a water gun to wash the two unlucky ghosts, and then searched it. Their valuable things, then put them on the stretcher.

Looking at the hell-like place on the screen, Alvin endured for a long time, and finally pointed to a small garden full of flowers. He laughed and said, "When the **** of the'church' comes back, he will definitely find that his own The flowers don’t need to be fertilized, hahaha...

The CIA should give a medal to John Witkey, he did the things that he didn't dare to do, hahaha...

This guy is indeed the top assassin, the top assassin who murdered ‘house prices’, hahaha..."

JJ looked at the beautiful houses that were soaked in dung. He gloated and said, "If I call to buy a house now, shouldn't the price be particularly cheap?"

Um, 500 yuan, no more!

Because I want those **** to be cleaned, at least 50,000 yuan, hahaha..."

Speaking of JJ, the wealthy pioneer, he grinned and celebrated with a few hard-working brothers around him by high-five, expressing his gloating mentality deeply.

Frank looked at JJ who was gloating and said with a calm expression: "Temple bought a house with a loan last month, the second one in the third row."

The news like a bolt from the blue made JJ's eyes pop out.

He cradled his head and said, "Are you kidding?

My house has just been renovated in less than a year..."

Frank curled his lips slightly and said, "So your house has appreciated, and Temple decided to mortgage it for a bigger one.

5 minutes ago, this was a smart investment!

Now you have a ‘shit building’, congratulations! "

Everyone laughed and watched JJ sitting on the chair with a desperate face holding his chest, muttering in his mouth: "If I blow up the bank, will it forget my loan?"

Alvin smiled and patted JJ's shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, I will let old Kent find someone to clean it up.

I asked him to spray double deodorant and double air freshener on your new house.

You will forget today's scene!

My restaurant was attacked by rotten eggs, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, don’t I get through it too? "

JJ looked at the caring boss, he pulled Alvin's hand vigorously and said: "4 times, deodorant and air freshener are 4 times.

In the future, whoever dares to mention today's affairs, I will break his bones.


Where is that **** John Wicker now?

I'm going to take out his intestines by myself and feed the contents to that **** little squirrel. "

Alvin shook his head and laughed at the ruthless **** who turned his face...

JJ is not short of money, saying that his monthly salary is 4,000 yuan. In fact, in recent years, a sum of two million yuan will be credited to his account at the end of the year.

He is the true patriarch of the school and the cornerstone of security. How could Alvin treat him badly?

If you really want to talk about assets, the few guys here, including Steve, are not necessarily rich in JJ.

Because he has a shrewd and good investment girlfriend...

That violent female nurse is pulling JJ towards the multimillionaires all the way, and is almost about to succeed!

Steve looked at the people who were talking and laughing, he knocked on the TV screen helplessly and said, "Guys, the war is over!

Should we open a bottle of champagne to celebrate?

Just now John Witkey solved the alien center alone, and this guy has done something! "

Speaking of Steve pointing at the strange picture on the TV...

Those aliens who have been living alive and not afraid of death are now like toys that have lost electricity, lying on the ground and convulsing nervously.

Steve looked at the strange expressions of everyone, and said with a smile: "I think the American government should pay for the septic tank.

Otherwise John Witkey would be too wronged..."


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