Druid of Marvel

Chapter 1916: Alvin Shopping

[Renren Novel Network]

Alvin took Julie, who was not too willing, and went to the clothing store where he had changed before.

The white-haired old man who took 80 yuan found that Alvin had brought him guests.

He smiled and waved his hand, and said sorry to a woman with sunglasses next to him, then smiled and walked up and said, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Alvin was really impressed with the old man. He had decided not to step into this clothing store that even remembered its name.

It's impossible for an old man of this age to feel that Alvin's consumption philosophy doesn't match here in the least.

But he still maintained a confident smile, and he didn't seem to be surprised at Alvin's return.

The natural tone and expression made Alvin uncomfortable.

As if this old man was a genius who slaughtered guests, he was holding a sharp knife in his hand, but he leaned forward to let him stab himself.

Taking a look at the price tag that made him dizzy, Alvin rolled his eyes, buckled and buckled out a stack of 20 yuan bills from his pocket, counted 8 and stuffed it to the old man, and said, "Give me another 160. , To this girl..."

Julie obviously recognized who the old man in front of him was. She covered her mouth and pulled Alvin embarrassedly, and said, "Principal Alvin, can't we?

We can ask Mr. Karafigel for help, but you are like this..."

Alvin glared at the smiling, silent old man. He looked at Julie seriously and said: "If it's my second time here, it means I'm a complete bastard.

Because I don’t even want to know the name of this old man...

He blackmailed me 4999 yuan with a skirt, and I didn't know the guy who bought the skirt at all. "

As Alvin glared at the old man who seemed a little proud, he said annoyedly: "Some people have some natural skills, and he can make me think of him as soon as I need it.

I hate this feeling and I paid twice the price for it!

And I think this old gentleman would never mind...

He has a sharp knife in his hand, but he needs a few beautiful lambs as a display to attract more fat sheep..."

The woman who had been with Karafigel before thought he was in trouble.

The woman with a big aura came up with her chin, looked at Alvin up and down, then looked at Carafigel, and said in English with a British accent: "Sir, are you in trouble?

This person obviously doesn't know who you are...

My bodyguard is outside! "

Speaking of this, the woman glanced at Julie, who was facing the sky, she smiled and said, "If your boyfriend wants to choose a decent dress for you, his sincerity is obviously not enough.

If I were you, I would never drag my boyfriend into this store.

Sometimes a man’s self-esteem can make everything terrible! "

This woman obviously didn't recognize Alvin who was in a big change. Although her tone was a little arrogant, Alvin was surprised that this woman was quite pertinent.

Advise the girl not to drag her boyfriend into the slaughter shop. This is a remark that can win the "Nobel Peace Prize."

Alvin and Julie hadn't given a response, the old man Karafilgu awkwardly touched the bridge of his nose and said: "This is just a joke between friends, the situation is a bit different from what you think.

Miss Middleton, what you just said is a bit too rude!

Maybe you should ask the butler at Buckingham Palace to re-fix a time with me.

You have plenty of time here, don't you? "

Speaking of Karafigel, he turned to Julie...

He didn't seem to mind Alvin's evaluation of himself at all. Instead, he nodded trivially and said with a triumphant smile: "Although the analogy of Mr. Manhattan Tomahawk is rather bad, I like his reaction when faced with a choice. .

He knows how to find the best image designer for his girl.

And I have inspiration now, and I promise you will be the most shining star in any place you walk into tonight.

By the way, you are the most ‘beautiful’ girl I have ever seen!

Miss Julie Winston..."

Alvin hugged Julie who was surprised. He smiled and said, "Look, this is talent. Some people are born to make a lot of money.

You have to understand who you are. People like us, do you need money to buy clothes when you go out?

The more expensive things, the less money! "

Speaking, Alvin grabbed the stack of banknotes in Carafigel's hand and yanked it back into his own hand. He said uncomfortably, "Although I am complimenting you, it doesn't mean I feel happy.

I will bring my sister over in two days. If she knows that I will buy clothes for other girls without her share, she will be crazy! "

Karafilgo is also an interesting person. He regretfully spread his hands and said: "I thought you would bring two ladies, Fox and Hela, to see me.

Generally I think men with guilt are more generous..."

Alvin listened, and said uncomfortably: "Does everyone know something about me?

You don’t actually understand, I was actually forced...

But it doesn't matter, being misunderstood is the fate of attractive men, I am used to it! "

How could Karafigel, an old man who has been in the fashion circle all his life, believe Alvin's bullshit?

He rolled his eyes very femininely, then stretched out his hand to Julie very gentlemanly and said, "Come with me, there is the makeup artist I brought upstairs.

But I have to fix your hair first, they look like dead grass. "

Alvin smiled and patted Julie's shoulder, and said, "Hurry up, I'll take you to dinner tonight.

This old man is good at hand...

Don’t you want to promote your company’s suspended aircraft?

Let's just sit there.

Isn't it flying too high? "

Julie covered her mouth and chuckled a few times. Following the appearance of a medieval woman on the TV, she squatted slightly to greet her, then put her hand on Karaferge's hand and went up to the second floor with him.

Julie knew that Alvin still hadn't figured out the position of this Calafell in the fashion industry.

But this does not affect his recognition of Calafell's aesthetic.

The old man obviously felt this too, but compared to his popularity, he seemed to like Alvin's recognition more.

Although Alvin has been making complaints, he has indeed brought him a huge customer!

According to the current situation, it is estimated that there will not be fewer such giant customers.

Julie followed Caraferger up to the second floor. Until she did leave Alvin’s sight, she whispered to the old man: "Mr. Caraferger, if what Principal Alvin said just now offends you, I hope you can understanding.

No matter how much money I spent today, I can pay by myself. "

The old man smiled and shook his head, and said, "You haven't understood yet. To me, being recognized is more meaningful than getting money.

It is the highest evaluation of my professionalism to be able to let a rough miser to walk into my shop willingly for the second time. "

Talking, the old man squeezed his eyes playfully and said, "Don't worry about the money, I will make money back when Alvin's sister comes here.

When someone asks you why it is so beautiful at night, remember to tell them my name. "

Julie was amused by the old man's ridiculous remarks. She smiled and nodded and said, "Thank you, but I will tell Jessica what I said just now. I hope she can be kind to the principal..."

Karafirgue listened, shook his head pretentiously, and said, "I hope not!

In order to avoid possible wars, I came here to open this shop privately. I have to make a little achievement in this reality show.

I will persuade Miss Jessica to fill up her closet, even if I can only get 160 yuan..."


Alvin, who was left on the first floor, looked at the Miss Middleton just now, and he spread his hands and said: "You may have to wait for a while, I don't think it will be too long.

If we take up your appointment time, well, I can buy you a cup of coffee. "

As Alvin looked at the two big men in suits outside the door, they were staring at Zac who was blocking the door.

He smiled and walked to the door and said with a smile to Zach: "Go and buy me two cups of coffee, UU read www.ukanshu.com and look for decent clothes to put on, and we will eat together tonight!"

Zach looked at the second floor of the clothing store and said, "Principal Alvin, Julie is my girlfriend."

Alvin frowned and said angrily: "So what?

You can't even handle a skirt..."

Zach waved his hand repeatedly and said, "No, no, I mean, the principal, you are very familiar with this shop, can you let him get me one too?

This way I and Julie go very well, right? "

Alvin looked at the shameless Zach in shock, and said, "Who gave you the illusion that made you feel that you are a good match for Julie?"

Zach shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "I don't need anyone to think..."

Alvin looked at the confident Zach with emotion, he shook his head helplessly, and said, "Well, how much money do you have?

I will definitely not pay for you! "

Zach grinned and said, "I have 20,000 yuan with me. This is my half-semester scholarship.

I tried to buy a skirt for Julie before but I didn’t spend it..."

Speaking of Zach struggling, he sneaked up in front of Alvin and said, "You said I spend 1,000 yuan, can you get a handsome suit?"

Alvin was amused by Zac's expression. He took out a few zero bills from his pocket and stuffed them to a bodyguard who looked disgusted next to him. He smiled and said, "Man, I don't like the look in your eyes.

Go and buy us a few cups of coffee, and give yourself a cup by the way, count me for you! "

Alvin walked into the store with Zac’s shoulders, and said, “I’ll look at my eyes after trying on the clothes later, remember to run faster!

As long as you run fast enough, the one who wants the bill will not catch up with you! "

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