Druid of Marvel

Chapter 199: Alvin has no big money in his pocket

It was almost midnight when Alvin returned to the party. He went to the bar and asked for a glass of whiskey. He looked at Professor Cage, who was almost drunk, and said with a smile: "Old man, when did you return to New York? I thought You will be back with Domingo in your Texas home for a few days! "

Professor Cage shouted with a red wine lees nose and said loudly, "It's not interesting. The young folks are almost dead when they are young, and the rest are still living in wheelchairs. Stay here. What ’s so interesting there? Revenge also needs pleasure from the hands and feet. "

Alvin was stunned by the old guy, it turns out that you must take Domingo to support yourself in revenge! But in terms of your elderly person's personality, how irritable can be bullied you?

Alvin asked carefully: "I won't go out after that? I'm scared to go to New Mexico this time. You're almost 80 years old, so don't bother yourself, okay?"

Professor Cage said with some dissatisfaction: "It's boring to go out, it's boring. I can't find anyone when I go back home and think about the majesty. I'll stay in school in the future and pass the rest of my years.

Alvin can hear the feeling of loneliness in Professor Cage's words. When peers he knows start walking into the grave one by one, the feeling of powerlessness that feels the end of life is easily depressing.

Alvin winked at the bartender, replaced the whiskey in front of Professor Cage with soda, smiled and touched a glass with Old Cage, and said, "Old man, take Domingo back to his hometown to rush to the boss, what do you think? Yes? Do you want to go to trouble your former love rival? Are you going to hide Mrs. Cage and grab an old lady back? "

Professor Cage, who had been drinking a bit more, woke up halfway after listening to the wine, took Alvin's arm and looked around, and said, "Alvin, you bastard, don't talk nonsense, when will I go to find the old lady Now? If your old lady hears this, I will live in your house! "

Alvin laughed and patted the bar, the old guy is in a situation! Otherwise, why are you so anxious?

Professor Cage may feel like he was being tricked by Alvin. He hammered on Alvin's shoulder and said with a stern face: "Last time in New Mexico, my old friend, Professor Ivig, I have been unable to contact you, you know Don't know where he went? I'm a little worried about him! "

Alvin thought about it. The Agent Barbara told himself that Sol was with the girl named Jan Foster, and wondered whether Professor Ivey would be with them.

After glancing at Professor Cage, he thought he might be anxious. Alvin pulled out the phone and called Agent Cosson. The Barbara call was deliberately unnecessary, because it was a trouble.

The call was quickly connected, and Alvin heard a fierce crossfire on the phone. Agent Coulson gasped and said to the phone, "Here is Coulson!"

Alvin said with a smile: "Hello! Agent Coulson, I'm Alvin. It sounds like you're busy!"

On the other side of the phone, Coulson said something to the people around him, and then said to the phone, "What's the matter? Alvin, you'll be fine if you're fine. Please hurry up, I'm really busy here! Come and help me, you must be interested in playing vampires, right? "

Alvin laughed, and didn't answer Agent Cosson's words. What's so interesting about playing this kind of thing that dies by the light of a lamp? I am celebrating my birthday today, I just want to finish it today safely.

After coughing, Alvin said, "I just want to ask, where has Professor Ivig gone? If you are convenient, tell me. If it is not convenient, tell me if he is still alive."

Coulson exhaled. This was not a difficult question to answer. He said easily: "Professor Ivig was recruited by SHIELD. He is now the director of a research project of SHIELD, but his work address It ’s confidential, I ca n’t tell you, please understand! ”

After getting the answer he wanted, Alvin said with satisfaction: "Thank you, Agent Coulson, that's enough, I won't bother you, it sounds like you're in a bad situation there, haha, goodbye!"

Hanging up, Alvin looked at Professor Cage and said, "Your old friend has been recruited by the SHIELD. It's going well now, but the job needs to be kept secret. If you have any important things, I can call phone."

Professor Cage waved his hand and said easily: "It's okay, we're going out together. It's always uncomfortable for me to come back a few times. Since he's okay and got a new job, then I'm relieved. Now. "

After speaking, the old Cage stood up steadily, patted on Alvin's shoulder, and said, "I'm leaving now, enjoy your PARTY, happy birthday! Alvin!"

Alvin stood up and supported the old Cage, looked around, and wanted to find Harpy, and asked him to arrange a car to take the old Cage home first ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Harpy was caught by a middle-aged white fat man and was talking about something. Seeing Harpie's impatience, it is estimated that he has always wanted to find a chance to get rid of that guy.

Alvin gave him the chance, beckoned to Happi, and signaled him to come and help.

A hippy dressed as a hip-hop in the 1980s, hurriedly got rid of the white fat man, ran to Alvin, wiped the sweat on his brain, and said, "Is there anything? Principal Alvin!"

Alvin glanced at the white fat man who was chasing him, and smiled at Happi: "Do me a favor and find a car to take Professor Cage home."

Hapi Yuguang spotted the white fat man chasing after him, and he held Professor Cage without hesitation and said loudly, "No problem, leave it to me! I will send Professor Cage home safely. "

After talking about holding Cage's armpit with one hand, it seemed like a big white bear holding a monkey and ran away.

The white fat man chased forward, and found that Hapi was indeed in trouble. He sighed in disappointment, and saw that today's PARTY protagonist Alvin was about to turn to the bar.

Some bald middle-aged man Michael Osland touched his head, thinking of the movie company that was about to go bankrupt and his own almost crazy partner, gritted his teeth, and went after Alvin.

As soon as Alvin sat down at the bar, he saw the white fat man chasing Happi towards him. Based on the experience of two lives, Alvin can guess that this guy is either selling insurance or investing.

But Principal Alvin didn't care. It was rude to leave without hearing a few words, and he had no money himself. What you said was that he couldn't take money out of his pocket in the sky.

You don't always want tens of thousands of dollars at the dance party held by Stark, right?