Druid of Marvel

Chapter 200: Fake Clown and Captain America

Alvin smiled and watched the white fat man sit down beside him.

Michael Osland wiped the sweat from his head, asked the bartender for a glass of soda, and hurriedly poured it down.

He had been watching Alvin's expression since approaching, and wanted to obtain useful information. But when he really sat down, he found that he might have found the wrong person again.

Alvin's suit was from Fox today. It must not be cheap, but his leather shoes leaked his sole. The fake leather shoes made by Clark Gables cannot be seen by ordinary people. Vanity Fair guys can recognize them at a glance.

Disappointed Osland, with a bitter smile, lowered the cup, reached out to Alvin, and said, "Hello, Principal Alvin, I'm Michael Osland, a filmmaker. Glad to meet you! happy Birthday!"

Alvin smiled and shook hands with the filmmaker. This guy has a big gap with the image of the producer in his imagination. At least he doesn't have a woman of a slightly higher grade around him, which will make him Of producers is unconvincing.

Looking at Oslan's sorrow, Alvin smiled and said, "I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Oslan. You have made a great change in my image of the producer!"

Osland dismissed the idea of ​​investing with Alvina, but the whole person relaxed and was rejected. One night he also wanted to relax, and he was ready to talk to Alvin.

What's more, this principal Alvin is Stark's friend. Maybe talking to him will have unexpected benefits. Today I always see Stark with him. Maybe Stark will come over a while!

Osland beckoned to ask for a beer again with the bartender, with a kind smile, and said to Alvin: "A poor ghost producer is like me, I'm sorry to let you down with the producer, haha ! "

Alvin likes this guy, at least he doesn't brazenly brag about his achievements, although he is a street producer at first glance, just like some people are street writers no matter what they wear.

A person who can bravely face his own poverty generally works harder, so it is easier to succeed! Of course, except the author's line, because there is no reason to flutter!

Picking up the wine glass and touching it slightly with Osland, Alvin said with a smile: "I'm really disappointed. I generally feel that I can work as a producer. I don't bring a beauty when I go out. It's like embarrassing when I go out and forget to wear pants. ... but you look pretty good, haha! "

Instead of being angry with Alvin's ridicule, Osland shrugged his shoulders and said solemnly: "I'm not the kind of traditional producer. I think going out with a woman will make me look unprofessional. Of course the most important thing is The reason is that the beauties don't want to talk to me at all, haha! "After talking about Osland, what should I do? Expression.

Alvin laughed and patted the bar, saying, "Man, I like you a bit, you are a humorous person, and I think you will succeed. Just look at me and you will find that I am also a poor ghost, you just Can succeed! "

Osland grinned and said with a grin, "You are not a poor ghost. At least you are Mr. Stark's friend. I can hardly believe that Mr. Stark is willing to host a birthday party for one person, that person. It's a man! Your relationship must be good. "

Alvin cast a glance at Osland and said with some playfulness: "Yes, Stark and I are friends, but it may not help you very much. I even think that you might as well find Pepper as Stark? Bozi, do you know who she is? "

Osland nodded, and said with some annoyance: "In fact, I had previously found Mr. Stark's security director. Mr. Happi became an inspiring director. He was very interested in the film project I planned, for which he even I paid 100,000 yuan for the initial investment. But now we have some differences! "

Talking about Osland, he pointed to the man who had been hiding himself in the corner, looked at everyone in the field, and kept talking to himself.

Osland sighed and said, "That's my partner. His name is Raven Ledger. He is an avid fan of clowns. Our movie is about Batman and the Joker. He is the most I think. A good candidate. But Mr. Happi obviously cannot agree. "

Alvin glanced at the crazy guy, and he did see the shadow of the clown created by Heath Ledger from him.

Crazy and unreasonable, it's almost a point of fearlessness, because he was stunned by Steve!

Steve, annoyed by this guy throughout the ball, grabbed his collar with one hand and brought him in front of him. He stared at him with the extreme male eyes, growling lowly, "You **** What the **** are you doing? "

Lavin was a bit ashamed of his performance. He tried hard to do something to express his fearlessness. How can a clown be afraid? People should be afraid of clowns.

It's a pity that all Laven's actions seemed like a funny performance in front of Steve, which seemed to be burning, and those crazy actions seemed so funny. A cottage clown was crushed without any resistance in front of the genuine Captain America.

Steve leaves Lavin on the ground ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Watching the Stark Manor security take him out, he exhales a long time and feels terrified by a madman staring all night !!

Osland patted his forehead with a headache, and spread his hands to Alvin, saying, "You see, my buddy acting is absolutely passable. He just drove Batman crazy with his eyes, right?"

Alvin watched with amusement as Osland was still bragging about the fool. It was personally noticeable. The clown was scared just now.

A real clown will not have this feeling of fear. Life is just an unbridled game for him. Batman is just his game object. How could he be afraid?

Alvin is not a professional. He can't evaluate the fool's acting skills, but his performance has not been qualified.

Osland saw Alvin's grim eyes, and some embarrassedly said, "That gentleman's aura is too strong, and Lavin is somewhat unprepared. This is understandable, are you right?"

After saying that the producer was a little embarrassed to say goodbye to Alvin, and ran after the security guard. He had to look at his buddy and don't let him be in trouble.

Lavin was dragged into a car by the security guard and dropped out of Stark Manor.

Watching the scornful eyes of the security guards before leaving, Lavin grabbed his hair in annoyance, bouncing and screaming like crazy.

After a while, this Lavin Ledger put his hands on his cheeks, pulled his mouth wide, and murmured, "My life will be complete because of your existence!"

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