Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2017: Do not accept rebuttal

There are still talents among 500 people!

No one can deny that this is indeed an opportunity, but the topic given by Alvin is too difficult!

But there are also solutions to difficult questions...

With the help of backcourt actuaries and the connection of several large brokerage companies, these celebrities quickly reached an agreement.

They quickly gave the answer under the leadership of several very prestigious "big brothers".

A rough start-up plan of the Global Women and Children Relief Fund is placed in front of Alvin...

Seeing the ten-billion-dollar charity fund launch plan, Alvin shook his head in admiration.

The elite is the elite, this group of people, or the agent team behind them, has very good brains.

Although one billion per year is enough to make these celebrities' hearts bleed, the long-term effects are difficult to clarify for a while.

Some of those people have a way to package the board members of the fund as real philanthropists, and then use this name to discount their business.

Moreover, this fund plan does not restrict the access of external funds. These influential celebrities can use their influence to drive their fans to donate.

There is a long chain of interests, and it is almost foreseeable that all the stars here will rise in value next year.

Alvin didn’t want to do things too far. He put the plan in front of the camera, showed it to the world, then clapped his hands and said, “OK, although it’s a bit different from what I imagined, but I think it’s still Row."

The same middle-aged woman who talked a lot earlier, she was one of the leaders of the fund.

Seeing the noncommittal expression on Alvin's face, she said a little unhappy: "Mr. Tomahawk, are you still not satisfied?

Should you announce your so-called plan? "

Alvin sat on the side of the T stage, spread his hands and said with a smile: "What should I do? Cheers for a low-altitude plan that barely passes?"

Middle-aged women really don't dare to be true to Alvin on the issue of funds. There are too many things that can't stand scrutiny, but the total number of tens of billions is still pretty. Other things still need to be discussed. In fact, in such a short period of time, they themselves have not fully negotiated.

Seeing Alvin's smile, the middle-aged woman bit her head and said: "This is all the power we can use. We also hope you can give an answer."

This woman also has no choice. They must let Alvin express his position and let the whole world know an answer, otherwise everything they did before will be meaningless.

Ten billion to buy an answer, these kidnapped celebrities are dripping blood!

What Alvin wants is this effect. If you "kidnap" me, I will "kidnap" you in turn.

The ten-year plan you have given yourself is to finish even if you kneel down.

Alvin didn't care how much benefit they could get from it. He was extremely proud of his achievement of creating 500 philanthropists in a few words.

Facing the complicated gaze of the middle-aged woman, Alvin said with a smile: "I said before, I can provide immigration services to those poor girls or boys.

Not only Indians, this service can cover people who are oppressed all over the world and who are determined to change their lives.

The dwarves of Niederweiner and I will cooperate to build an alien city, which will be a trillion-dollar project.

If they are willing, I can provide an opportunity to immigrate to aliens. There are so many job opportunities in emerging cities? With determination? They can change their lives. "

Speaking, Alvin smiled and scanned the obviously a little shocked crowd around him. He smiled and said, "How is it? Are you satisfied?

The funds you provide will be used to hire people? Go to any corner of the world to help those poor people? Then they will be sent to Africa to wait for immigration. "

Everyone looked at Alvin in shock. When he said the same thing to Maslani in a wedding dress before? No one really took it seriously.

When this huge plan was proposed, everyone's head seemed to be punched hard.

It turns out that Manhattan Tomahawk doesn't want to act according to his own ideas? He doesn't want to change any country or anyone? He is only responsible for taking you out of the abyss and starting over in a new place.

These "philanthropists" have no imaginary rescue, no new clothes, no delicious food? No psychological care? No media show, they have no ideal charity image at all.

Send those people to aliens, offer a job, and this is over...

The middle-aged woman looked at Alvin almost subconsciously and said, "Why? Why can't it be the United States? It's Europe and China?"

Alvin spread his hands funny? Smiling and said: "If you can persuade these countries to agree, I must have no objection.

I personally hope that they can live a dignified life? I don't have any opinion on where.

I only promise things that are within my abilities? And that alien city that has already started? is within my control. "

"You said they are going to a newly launched city? And they need work?

Do you think they are capable of working? Many people in there are still children, which is not fair to them. "

Alvin looked at a girl who suddenly jumped out to speak a little inexplicably, and said amusedly: "I said, I only promise things within my abilities.

Obviously, it is beyond my ability to support hundreds of thousands or even millions of people out of my own pocket.

Doesn't it mean that you don't need work to pursue a new life?

A city that needs labor everywhere, can support itself with hands and feet.

Those people are not your pets, do you look down on them too much?

Of course, children are another matter. They can go to school, and after they reach adulthood, they can choose to return to Earth for further studies or directly start work.

This is one of the urban welfare, maybe there will be others in the future, but I haven't thought of it for the time being. "

That young girl is obviously the kind of crazy Bai Zuo, when she does not involve herself, she completely loses her mind...

"Why? This world is unfair to those people, everyone should help them.

I am a citizen of the United States. I think the United States, as the greatest country in the world, should act.

Accept them, give them the best care, and let them get rid of the old nightmare..."

It is true that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, and this kind of "bird" has no shortage of fans anywhere, especially in places like the United States and Europe, where there are more stars.

They have a common feature, that is, as long as they have rights and not responsibilities.

Those leftists born under the semi-socialist system in Europe are at least a little naive and lovely. These American white leftists are just...

Alvin gloated to the camera with a whistle and said, "Ellis, my buddy, do you hear it?"

Speaking, Alvin turned his gaze to Prince William, and found that the old man put his hand on his waist and swayed desperately, and then looked at himself with a pleading expression...

Alvin, who was a little boring, smiled at the girl and shrugged, and said, "I can't do anything about this.

Since you are an American citizen, you can start a vote on the White House website to see what this ‘greatest country’ is willing to do for those poor people? "

President Ellis in Washington was watching Alvin on TV. He sadly pulled off his wig, revealing his bald head.

It's too bad to be called at this time!

While he took out his cell phone to send a message to Alvin in northern Europe, he said to Benny beside him, "Have I offended Alvin recently?"

The bodyguard Benny thought about it seriously, and said, "It seems not!"

Ellis looked at the **** the TV who was "promising", and he said uncomfortably: "I am a Democratic Party. These people are actually the source of my votes. Is it because I rely on these idiots to be elected president?"

Benny thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "You can continue to live in the White House by relying on your own rough experience and the support of Principal Alvin and the others."

Ellis looked at the TV, sighed hard, and said, "Help me inform the media PR of the White House. We need a meeting.

By the way, check the schedule for me. I also spare the first half of September to attend Alvin's wedding. "

While talking, Ellis looked at Benny, and said, "Why don't I have anyone doing black work? I want to sink this stupid woman into the sea, but I am worried that I may not be able to beat her."

Benny squinted at his wife-like boss, and said, "Sir, I have done ten people's work. You should find a competent secretary.

I don't mind helping you with illicit work, but you have to add money to me. "

Alvin on the TV apparently also encountered a problem. When the bottom line was set for the rescue of the poor people, the guys who felt they had paid began to seek a sense of existence.

Especially when someone started!

Alvin, who was still watching the excitement from the sidelines, was also swept by this typhoon...

"Why? Mr. Tomahawk, you seem to disagree that America is the greatest country in the world!

We are clearly capable of fulfilling more responsibilities..."

Alvin rolled his eyes and looked at the increasingly disgusting girl, and said, "It has nothing to do with me, and I can't decide anything. If you like, you may be able to live 10 or 20 poor people in your backyard. . あ奇奇 Novels 蛧ヤ~7~1~7~(ωωω).qq7(1)<First release, domain name, please remember

I take the liberty to ask, where do you live? Beverly or Malibu?

Those are places where poor ghosts will be targeted by the police as soon as they enter, but I believe you can certainly convince the police there and your neighbors to make them as caring as you. "

"No, this is the responsibility of the country. I am happy to help them, but this is the responsibility of the country above all!

We are the greatest country in the world. We have a more advanced democratic system than other countries. We can accommodate immigrants from all over the world. We have accepted countless poor people who have been persecuted.

Why not this time?

You are also an American citizen, don't you think so? "

Alvin didn't even notice this Bai Zuo's "roar", regardless of whether she was acting or she really thought so, Alvin felt that this guy had a problem with his brain.

Alvin himself was not the target of the kidnapping, he didn't care at all...

You "scream out" to seek attention, Alvin has no opinion. If you can collect more donations, Alvin will say that he would like to hear.

As a result, this brain-disabled woman who seemed to not eat the fireworks in the world pulled him in again...

Alvin looked at the other party and hesitated for a long time. He pinched his nose and flipped the phone. He shook his fingers on the table inside and said, "The literacy rate of the'great country' in your mouth ranks eighth, with hundreds of Ten thousand people even spell their own names wrong.

Basic mathematics is ranked 28th. Many people I know go to the supermarket to buy things, and they don’t even know how to find change. The cashiers who can settle accounts are very popular.

In this unlucky place, life expectancy per capita ranks fifty in the world, and per capita consumption of aspirin is the first in the world.

The newborn baby survival rate ranks 31st in the world. A few years ago in Detroit, the baby survival rate was not even comparable to that of El Salvador. "

Alvin showed the phone to the stunned woman and said: "These are statistics reports from the United Nations. Maybe you should remind them to respect the ‘greatest country’ in your heart!

Oh, there are a few things in this country that rank first. The number of prisons and the proportion of prisoners to the total population ranks first in the world.

The number of adults who believe in the existence of angels ranks first in the world, and military expenditure is the undisputed number one!

Of course, this is not your problem, but you are an undoubted idiot.

The busiest Manhattan in the United States has Hell's Kitchen and Harlem, two of the worst places in the world.

I live there, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you **** ask me if America is the greatest country?

The scariest IRS is there, but the most **** medical protection is enjoyed.

Can you believe that the ambulance there is more expensive than the ticket? Do you dare to believe that there is a hospital that can bill 600,000 for fractures?

Do you dare to believe that the average college admission rate of community high schools in poor areas has never reached 10%?

You don't know anything the fuck, you come to question me? "

Seeing the bewildered girl with a blank expression, Alvin picked up the phone in his hand and pressed the answer button irritably, and said, "What's the matter? Didn't you see that I was busy?"

President Ellis on the other side of the phone said helplessly: "Man, just a few words, you have won.

Can you stop stabbing the bad things out? My tenure is still a few years, so let me relax a little bit.

You even have the population of the alien city, let me go! "

Alvin didn't have the patience to listen to Ellis' nonsense. He put away the phone and stood up and said, "You want to save people. I gave you what you wanted.

As soon as your donations are received, I will arrange for the mercenaries to take action.

Any human rights organization can contact the person I designate, send him the address and photo, and someone will immediately set off to help those people.

Of course, they have a choice. Those who are unwilling to work on aliens can keep the refugee camp and call these kind saviors. "Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

Speaking of Alvin, he took a look at the backstage, and he was already jumping impatiently to urge his little Ginny and the others. He said impatiently: "The website of Hell's Kitchen will use a countdown to remind you that if the donation does not arrive within three days I will give up all relief plans.

I'm finished, and I don't accept rebuttals!

Goodbye! "