Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2029: Undercover female devil

The inventory of Moloch is very interesting. In order to deal with the possible extermination of the Moloch royal family, they will regularly store a batch of demonic embryos and soul spars.

The amount of storage is not unlimited. After all, it is very difficult to place these embryos and keep them asleep.

So they will replace some embryos every once in a while!

This is a tradition, but the structure of **** has been finalized for many years before Alvin's arrival, and there has been no battle of death among the royal clans.あ奇奇 Novels 蛧ヤ~7~1~7~(ωωω).qq7(1)<First issue, domain name, please remember

"Lazy" things happen from time to time...

Traditions must be followed, but there is still a big difference between dealing with errands and taking them seriously.

Relatively important units are more diligent in iteration, and those relatively side-line things are piled up in the corners, allowing them to fend for themselves.

Of course, this is not a big difference to Boll now. It doesn't matter whether the old inventory is or not.

The soul spar in his hand is not enough to even hatch enough regular troops. Is there time to pay attention to those things?

Boll once seriously explained his incubation ideas to Alvin, the middle-level demon's Flame Mag, the high-level lava demon, a large number of hellhounds, and some high-level warlords who exist as officers.

Boll's approach made the Morlock royal family's army very unitary, but it can quickly form combat effectiveness.

Only in the face of crises such as demon assassins, he will appear stretched.

Alvin is here to make up for him this time!

In fact, Alvin wanted this guy to develop his own air force, and he told Delia his idea.

This Delia's demeanor and temperament were impeccable, but this made Alvin vigilant.

You look good, that is, a demon.

Why is Boll, a ruined, **** traitor, looking for such a good wife?

Now Boll can pass through the military space gate and travel between the earth and hell. If this Delia is a woman like a spy, she will definitely cause great harm.

Boll said before that they also have embryos of **** dragons, but it takes a long time to grow, and he is not sure to completely control the dragons and prevent them from harming humans.

Alvin proposed the idea of ​​helping them train the Air Force, which is actually a bit tentative.

If this Delia takes him to incubate the dragon, he decides to give her an axe and ask Boll to have a wife.

But what Alvin didn't expect was that Delia didn't seem to be greedy at all.

After Alvin used the soul energy to activate 4000 male "Tream" and 1,000 female "Tream", she thought for a long time, and took Alvin and Stark to a remote corner.

This corner of the hall was filled with the smell of rotten death, which made Alvin touch his nose a little uncomfortable.

Delia, who was in charge of guiding the way, looked at Alvin, who had an ugly face, and she smiled and said: "You suggest that Moloch develop the air force, and we appreciate your kindness.

But the hell's real deterrent air force is only the magic dragon.

It's a pity that we can't wait for them to grow, and Boll's power cannot completely control them.

The other flying dragons, giant birds, and winged demons actually mean little to us.

I once talked to several human military experts about the Earth’s air combat mode. Cluster bombing and targeted clearance are the characteristics of the Air Force.

Instead of awakening the dragon, we might as well introduce some old fighters from the earth. "

Alvin frowned and looked at Delia, who was so "sober", and said, "The people from the coalition have agreed to sell you fighter jets? Are those things useful in hell?"

Delia shrugged her shoulders slightly and said with a smile: "We have introduced two of them and they are not very useful. If you encounter flying demons, they are difficult to escape. Those iron birds are too fragile.

Without adequate protection, those iron birds went to heaven to die.

Hell flying monsters are very aggressive, and anything they don't know will be attacked if they enter their domain. "

Speaking of Delia, she flipped a bit hard, a dusty embryo jar.

Pointing to the weird-looking human-shaped embryo inside Delia said with a smile: "But if there is enough protection, those iron birds are actually very useful as long as they don't enter the domain of the magic dragon."

Alvin listened, waved his hand and smiled and said, "I take the liberty to ask what type of fighter jet the coalition has sold you? A choking wow! W~w~

I have never heard of fighter jets that need escort. "

Delia frowned slightly and thought for a while and said: "It seems that they called b29 to bring in two iron birds and assemble them and give them to us.

And helped us train a few crew members, but unfortunately not long after the official flight was shot down by Flying Monster.

The effect of that kind of iron bird is very good, but it is too fragile, there is not enough **** force, they are targets in the sky. "

Alvin listened with a smile and blew a whistle. He admired the allied soldiers now.

Give the demons a refurbished old bomber that has been retired during World War II, and cultivate their dependence on human military logistics.

No matter what they plan to get from future orders, these guys are considered successful.

This Delia was very pragmatic. Although this deepened Alvin's suspicion, it did not prevent him from appreciating the female devil.

Glancing at the embryos that looked a little disgusting, Alvin smiled and said, "This is the **** demon you prepared for those bombers?

Can they really guarantee the safety of those bombers in the air? "

If you can achieve this effect, I have to take off your hat and salute you, you are more like a royal family than Boll.

Although I always wanted to kill you, your wisdom and reason still impressed me.

Delia was frightened by Alvin’s white teeth and took two steps back. She always felt that Alvin was very dangerous, but she couldn’t figure out why he behaved so murderously?

"I always wanted to kill you!" What is the situation?

Who would be fine and want to hack to death a polite beautiful lady?

Alvin looked at Delia with a horrified expression. He sighed and said, "You are so good, you shouldn't be reduced to marrying someone like Boll.

Tell me, who are you?

Don't worry, I will not kill you for the time being, but the premise is that you are more cooperative. "

Stark, who had been playing soy sauce on the side, instantly armed his whole body, and then aimed his hand cannon at Delia.

Seeing the serious expression on Alvin’s face, Delia said in an unbelievable way: "I am the princess of the Demons in Morlock Territory. I am married to Boll as a wife according to tradition..."

"Married to a traitor from hell?"

Alvin shook his head and said with a smile: "I can't kill you for the time being, but the premise is that you want to cooperate with me, you may not understand, I have always been cruel to demons.

You are stronger than Boll, even much stronger, I really can't think of any reason for you to marry him?

There is only Boll left in the royal family of the Morlock family, and the Morlock family actually no longer exists for hell.

who are you?

Don't give me a chance for violent questioning, you are very good-looking, and cutting you will make me very ungentleman. "

Delia looked at Alvin with a serious face. She was silent for a long time, and finally couldn't hold back the pressure, and said, "How did you perceive something wrong?"

Alvin smiled and snapped his fingers, and said to Stark: "Look, I know she has a problem, how could a **** like Ball marry such a good woman?

Man, you owe me 20 yuan..."

Delia stared at Alvin with big beautiful eyes and said: "You think I have a problem with my identity just because I am excellent?

How do you know that I am better than Boll? "

Alvin shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and said, "Unequal marriages between royal families are suspicious. You have to admit this.

If you are the princess of some tyrannical tribe, I can't think of any reason for you to marry a traitor from hell.

Most importantly, when you stand with Boll, I want to hack you.

I won’t explain the causality here. You now have a chance to persuade me not to kill you, but the premise is that you have your identity and the purpose of marrying Boll. explain clearly.

Don't lie, otherwise the consequences will be serious! "

Alvin said with a smile and spread his hands and said: "I personally trust Boll very much. As long as you don't lie, I can let Boll decide your destiny.

Even if he decides to kill you, I can let you run first. Well, 30 minutes, how about? "

Delia froze for a long time, nodded helplessly and said: "Someone warned me that you are very difficult, but I didn't expect you to be more sensitive than anyone."

Alvin listened and said with a smile: "I hide my wisdom too deeply, and ordinary people generally can't see it."

As Alvin looked up and down Delia, he smiled and said, "But I have to say that Boll is indeed taking advantage.

What are you drawing? What is Boll worthy of your conspiracy?

If you are a spy of another royal family, you really can't make such trouble, just let the army come over. "

As soon as Alvin had finished speaking, a helpless sigh came from the side.

A brand-new Boll walked over from a corner and hurriedly digested the energy of his soul, making Boll's energy fluctuations very unstable.

Looking at Alvin with a playful look, Ball said helplessly: "Boss, let her go when she finishes.

She was the first tribal representative to swear allegiance to Moloch's territory. Without her help, Moloch's territory is still torn apart. "

Speaking of Boll's bitter hands, he said: "Just like the boss you said, I really have nothing worthy of her conspiracy.

The devil has long been accustomed to using war to obtain what she wants. She came to me, and what she wanted must be something that war could not get. "