Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2046: Kidnapping

Alvin did not hesitate to open the space door leading to the restaurant...

Bryan stepped across the space door with a vicissitudes of face, then looked around and started calling.

Alvin looked at Brian's haggard face and just wanted to say something, there was an exclamation on the TV. There was a problem with the bus and the bank at the same time...

The bus quickly drove a distance of about 50 kilometers southward and entered a ruined community.

Many people gathered together in tents. When the bus arrived, they were lining up to collect food from a makeshift kitchen.

The situation there is very strange, it is easy to think of refugee camps in war-torn countries in the Middle East, but those who are receiving food at parties are obviously not refugees.

Combining the broken down communities, it is easy to tell that those people are local residents.

But what makes people feel surprised is that the evil caused by aliens landing in Los Angeles, why the government has not introduced rescue measures, and allowing residents to put up tents and live in the ruins, seems to be extremely inconsistent with the image of the United States' publicity.

The moment the bus drove into the community, a few large black bags were thrown out.

Two "bangs" were not too loud, and a lot of money was thrown out, and then those who were queuing up for food went crazy.

The police car and media car that had been following the bus was blocked by the crowd, but it was still clearly visible from the TV footage that the bus was throwing banknotes all the way, and these banknotes were like Christmas gifts, causing a sensation in the entire community .

Alvin and the others could see through the camera of the bus very clearly. The situation inside the bus was not like a kidnapping of hostages by robbers. Those guys in coveralls and masks were excited like a holiday, smashing the window of the car. The banknotes in the car were thrown out the window.

The whole community was boiling, and hundreds of people began to flock to the narrow road to pick up banknotes on the ground.

The bus stopped when it reached the center of the ruins...

Alvin and the others clearly saw that the three men stood up and got out of the car with two large bags on their backs. They walked into the ruins and disappeared into the ruins after the war.

Dozens of police officers were blocked on the periphery. They could only allocate half of the police force to stop the crazy residents, and the other half began to chase the bus on foot.

But when they caught up with the bus, there were only 22 "hostages" in jumpsuits left. They sat on the bus and waited for the "rescue" from the police.

Those exactly the same "hostages" saw the arrival of the police, and they were not excited. One or two of them had pushed and pushed with the police who came to the rescue because they would not let them go home.

On the other side of the bank, the first time the bus entered the ruins? There was a continuous explosion.

Fortunately, it wasn't the bomb exploded? A series of smoke bombs exploded inside the bank. Forty or fifty hostages wearing the same jumpsuits and masks looked like frightened rabbits? Panicked and fled from the bank.

What kind of bomb? Any remote control is a guise. Those "bombs" that make bomb disposal experts helpless are smoke bombs.

Fortunately, the police's on-site command is still effective? And they also judged that the key point is still in the bank.

Those "hostages" who fleeing desperately were closely guarded by the police, but the last one did not run away? All were taken into the police car.

A black girl wearing the uniform of the "Super British Company"? Controlled the wind blowing into the bank to quickly complete the ventilation, and then a bunch of special police rushed into the bank under the cover of Hancock.

Everything seems to be over!

In addition to throwing banknotes all the way, damaging a bus, and destroying the decoration of the bank? There was no desperate chase? There was no fierce gun battle, and the most important thing was that there were no casualties.

The buses driven by the robbers didn't even drive illegally...

Alvin smashed his mouth with a bit of intent, and looked at Kassel and said, "What do you think those robbers are thinking? They think they can get out of being in a hostage?"

Watching the chaotic scene on TV, Kassel said in admiration: "They don't need to get out. No one knows how many robbers are? No one knows what the robbers look like.

Unless the police use Guantanamo's methods, these guys will definitely be able to get out.

But where did that Anthony Moriti go? "

Kassel slapped his mouth and said: "These guys are smart? And those hostages are supporting them. This is Stockholm syndrome? As long as the hostages don't cooperate, the police won't get anything."

Alvin is too curious about this bank robbery? But he has more important things now...

Looking at Brian Alvin who had hung up the phone, he said seriously: "Tell me what happened? A few hours ago, I personally sent Kemm home, and it was the cafe I personally sent Linole to. ."

Brian shook his head and said, "I'm going to the beach house. Time is not on our side. I must hurry up and look for clues. Otherwise, the longer time passes, the more dangerous it will be for Cam and Lenore."

Alvin decisively opened a space door leading to Malibu, and then a few people filed over to the door of Kemm's stepfather's beach house.

Alvin didn't know how long the kidnapping took place. There was only a police car parked on the lawn in front of the exquisite beach house.

A group of young boys and girls were gathering on the lawn and talking, and the two girls who had come back from the ride with Cam hugged each other and cried.

The sudden appearance of the space door shocked everyone, and then realized a little.

Brian stormed into the beach house like a whirlwind, where there was surveillance video.

The two policemen who were trying to take notes for young men and women just tried to stop Brian when they were stopped by Alvin.

Looking at the two police officers with a little weird expression, Alvin said seriously: "Guys, you do your own thing, that's Kenm's father, and I promise he is more professional than you!"

The two police officers clearly recognized Alvin and Stark. If these two bigwigs intervene in this kidnapping case, they decided to take a moment of silence for the kidnappers...

A black police officer who seemed to have a problem with his left eye flicked his wrist with the rubber band in his hand and said to Alvin: "Hello Mr. Tomahawk, I’m Frank Dozler, Los Angeles Interpol, you are Who was the kidnapped?"

Alvin shrugged and said, "That girl is the daughter of one of my buddies. I'm his uncle."

Speaking, Alvin looked at a group of young boys and girls in shock, he looked at the black policeman and asked, "Do you have any clues about the kidnappers?

My buddy has been divorced for a long time, and he rushed over as soon as he heard the news, but I guess he didn't know much. "

Frank Dozler was silent for a moment and said: "We have just arrived, but according to the confession we just recorded, this is a targeted kidnapping. The kidnappers have a clear target. They accurately distinguished from more than 20 people. The kidnapped."

Speaking, Frank glanced at the trembling bikini girls wrapped in blankets. He shook his head and said: "To be honest, it is not easy to find the target accurately in such a PARTY, but it only took 3 minutes before and after the kidnappers. , Completed the kidnapping and evacuation. Those people are very professional..."

Alvin looked at Frank, who was hesitant to speak, frowned and said, "What does this mean? Someone is showing the way to the kidnapper, right?"

Frank nodded and said, "Obviously, this is the case. When Miss Kemm changed clothes on the second floor of the villa, but after the kidnappers entered the villa, there was no hesitation at all.

The only explanation for being able to lock Kim's position so quickly is that there is an internal response in the villa. "

Alvin has a good impression of this black policeman. He has a clear mind and is not irritable. He found a clue through simple reasoning.

Alvin beckoned to the two girls who came by in their own car. When they walked in front of him, Alvin looked at their loss and said helplessly: "Tell me about what happened on PARTY. What? Where do these people you invite come from?

Did Ken invite strangers to the PARTY?

Are everyone on PARTY here? "

The brown-haired girl named Marianne wiped her tears and said: "We are here for the summer vacation, and Kenm is our best friend.

We have met some new friends while surfing on the beach these days, and Keim wanted to invite them to come here for a PARTY.

These people have been playing with us for several days, and they are not like bad guys..."

Frank interrupted in due course and said: "Those kids are all college students from Florida. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com made an appointment to come to California for the summer vacation and participate in a surfing competition by the way.

I have passed their information to the police system, and their problem should not be serious. "

Alvin shook his head when he heard it, and said to Marian: "Bad people don't write'bad guys' on their faces, but if they all know each other, there should be no problem.

Is there any kind of guy who joins temporarily? "

Marianne tried hard to remember with her hands tangled together, and then suddenly remembered something, turned her head and glanced nervously, and then said: "There is a French student, we met on the beach, and Cam is very fond of him. , So invited him to the party.

He called, his name was Jacques Hugo, he was gone! "

Alvin looked at the silly and sweet Marianne curiously, and shook his head helplessly, and said: "You girls are really hard to be reassuring. I, a layman, know Jacques Rousseau and Victor Hugo... …

What is the bad name of Jacques Hugo? "

When Alvin was about to enter the villa to remind Brian, the old man walked out with a gloomy face with a phone.

I saw him walking around among the boys and girls, then walked in front of Alvin with his mobile phone, called up a self-portrait of Cam, then zoomed in and pointed to a handsome man in the background and said, "This The person is also in PARTY, but he is gone."

Alvin took the phone to Marianne and gave her a look, watching her nod to confirm the target, and then said to Brian: "Yes, this guy is gone, but we will find him out. "

Alvin looked at Stark and said, "Man, how long will it take to find this Jacques Hugo?"