Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2047: Key person

In fact, Stark has never been idle. When he heard the conversation between Alvin and Officer Frank, he had already connected to all the cameras on Malibu Beach.

When Brian confirmed the guy's appearance, Stark began searching for the Frenchman's movements during the day.

Stark nodded admiringly at Brian, who was obviously very anxious, but with an extremely cold expression, and said, "I need some time, thanks to the ‘privacy’, Malibu is the place with the fewest cameras in Los Angeles.

There are too many celebrities here, and they are obviously unwilling to expose themselves to the camera too much. You must know that too many people are willing to take their private appearance and go to the media for money.

We should go to the cafe where your ex-wife was kidnapped, there may be any clues there.

And you must be impatient, right? "

Alvin didn't wait for Brian to speak, he opened a space door on the roadside of the Ten Thousand Cafe.

Seeing the surprised Frank police officer, Alvin hesitated and said, "Police officer, you are a local, are you interested in visiting with us?

We need to unite all our forces to find Keim and Lenore as soon as possible. "

Frank immediately turned around to explain to his partner, and then followed Alvin and the others to a cafe 3 kilometers away.

There is also a police car parked here, but only two uniformed police officers are blocking the scene. The owner of the cafe and a few waiters are sitting on the bench in front of the cafe waiting for something...

Today, the attention of the police throughout Los Angeles was drawn to the big robbery. Obviously, they could not spare more staff to focus on a kidnapping case.

Without waiting for Alvin to speak, Frank coordinated with the police officer in front of the door to put Alvin and his group in.

Brian didn't need human guidance, so he found the surveillance equipment of the cafe and started copying the surveillance content while viewing the surveillance images before and after Lenore was kidnapped.

Alvin looked at the cafe owner who became excited by seeing the celebrity. He smiled and said, "Man, do me a favor and make us two pots of the best coffee. We may need to stay up late today."

Alvin looked at JJ and said, "Man, tell Frank and let him come to us with equipment. We may not be able to help with the investigation, but we must have no problem in the war."

JJ nodded and said, "Boss, I will call Frank now, but can you send me to the police station? I'm going to drive the car back. Today we definitely need an express car."

Alvin nodded and opened the space leading to the entrance of the police station, and said, "Then you hurry up, and by the way, find someone to drive my classic car over.

Damn, what day is it? Is Los Angeles cursed? "

When Alvin complained, the owner of the cafe arranged for the waiter to make coffee. Then he walked up to Alvin and asked a little nervously, "Mr. Tomahawk, are you kidnapped for Lenore?"

Alvin listened, he looked at the little handsome Italian in front of him and said, "Yes, do you have any news for me?

Linole said she likes you here, which means that she often comes here for coffee. Have you found anything unusual today? "

When Alvin asked, Bryan came over and shook his head in frustration, and said: "The surveillance system shows that no one is following Linole. How did those people determine Linole's location?

Kenm’s PARTY is only a temporary motive. Those people who can act at the same time indicate that they have their eyeliner in the cafe. "

Speaking of Blair, the look in the eyes of the cafe owner is not so kind...

The owner of the cafe obviously felt the pressure. He waved his hand again and again and said, "No, no, I'm very good friends with Lenore. When she was kidnapped, I wanted to save her.

I will never hurt Linuoer, she will come here every year for vacation, every time we chat very happily.

It was here that she accepted Stuart St. John’s proposal, and it was the celebration I arranged for them. "

Alvin squinted his eyes and looked at the boss who didn't seem to be lying. He said in a deep voice, "Think about it carefully, is there anything strange happening today, or is there a faceless guest?"

The cafe owner held his head in his hands and said, “There are many tourists and surfers here in Malibu. Today I don’t have many guests here, so I remember it clearly.

No one had paid special attention to Linuoer, not even anyone who approached her.

But today Linole’s cell phone was lost at home, and her husband Stewart called me to find her, it seems that it was because of Kenm’s PARTY..."

After listening, Officer Frank went to the door and got the guest list from the two officers at the time of the crime. This was registered after they arrived.

Looking at Bryan, who seemed to be dripping with a gloomy face, Frank said: "According to the procedure, our police should verify the identities of these guests to see if there is anything suspicious, but your resources are obviously more sufficient..."

Brian nodded and accepted the information in Frank's hand, took the photo and sent it to his buddy Sam who was in the CIA, and then called to get rid of him to investigate the identities of these people.

In fact, Brian did not have much hope for this list. He checked the monitoring of the cafe just now. If there is a problem with the guests here, he should have noticed it.

But after all, it was about his ex-wife and daughter, so he couldn't help but be cautious.

Cassel, who has been silent all the time, said suddenly: "Did you get the point wrong?

Those robbers kidnapped Linole and Cam, certainly not for Brian.

The beach house just now is not cheap, why don’t you contact Linole’s husband? If those kidnappers want money, they will definitely contact him!

Also, do you know what Lenore's husband does? Does he have any enemies? "

Brian heard a deep voice and said: "Stewart is on the plane. I called him as soon as I arrived in Los Angeles. He is rushing back from Italy. It takes about ten hours to get to Los Angeles.

I checked that guy's bottom a long time ago, he is an arms dealer, and not too clean.

But he didn't know why Lenore and Cam were kidnapped? The kidnappers have not yet contacted him. "

When a few people were at a loss, Police Officer Frank suddenly said, "Is this Stewart St. John the president of the Pioneer Arms Company?

If so, I think I know why the two ladies were kidnapped? "

Speaking of Frank looking at Brian's lion's eyes, he stretched out his hand to pull the rubber band on his wrist and flicked it vigorously, then said: "The Los Angeles police once raided a warehouse and confiscated a batch of arms.

Those arms came from the ‘Pioneer Company’, and the actual owner of the warehouse was Anthony Moriti.

The Los Angeles prosecutors tried their best to prosecute the two men because of insufficient evidence.

However, there has always been speculation that Stewart St. John is Anthony’s arms supplier, and they jointly operate an arms smuggling route from the United States to Mexico.

Recently, however, it has been reported that the arms line was taken over. We don’t know who it is. But if it is Stewart, then Anthony is the primary suspect in the kidnapping case.

We all know that the reason for his imprisonment is that Jin does not want him to die. In fact, he still holds the family business in prison. "

Alvin glanced at the excited Brian, he immediately reached out and motioned to the cafe owner to turn on the TV.

How come things are so coincidental? I just caught a little clue here, but the thread was used as a bargaining chip and sent to the bank...

Watching the nonsense host on the TV, Alvin glanced at the anxious Brian, and he reluctantly dialed Jin Bin's phone.

While hoping that Anthony is not dead, Alvin comforted Brian: "Don't worry, as long as this Anthony is not dead, we can find him.

Jin Bin is the real local snake. He told me that Anthony has two sons and a daughter. Even if we can't catch him, we can catch his children and ask them, and get some chips by the way. "

While Alvin was talking, a black SUV stopped in front of the cafe.

The moment the heavily armed Frank got out of the car, he scared the two policemen guarding the door and pulled out their pistols.

Frank looked at the expressions of Alvin and the others, and walked out helplessly to take in the murderous Frank.

Looking at the weapons draped on his body~lightnovelpub.net~ Frank looked at Brian with a wry smile and said, "Man, are you going to overthrow Los Angeles?"

Brian looked into Frank's eyes and said seriously: "I will when necessary!"

Frank looked at the people present, he smiled bitterly and said, "Can you let the police accompany you when you act? This is Los Angeles. I can't watch you turn this into a battlefield!"

Brian nodded indifferently and said, "As long as you don't get in the way, you are free!"

When Frank turned to call the police headquarters, Jin Bin's voice rang from Alvin's phone...

Alvin didn't talk nonsense with Jin either, he said directly: "Man, did you catch that Anthony?"

Jin, who was on the other side of the phone, said in confusion: "No, the police arrested more than 60 hostages, and there was no Anthony in them.

The'bulleye' led people to chase the bus to the location, and in the end he only found an underground passage.

Anthony was taken away! "

Alvin shook his head helplessly, and said, "I want the position of Anthony's three children. How soon can you get it?"

Jin Bin was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Ten minutes! It looks like you have encountered a big problem. Give me ten minutes..."

Alvin hung up the phone and looked at Brian and Frank, and said, "Frank has weapons in his car. You will set off immediately, and I will send you the address.

JJ is at the Santa Monica Coast Police Station, and I let them be with you. "

Speaking, Alvin took out a headset and threw it to Brian, saying: "We contacted through the communicator, you go to catch Anthony's children, I will be responsible for the Frenchman named Jacques Hugo.

Bryan put on the headphones and tried it, then solemnly nodded to Alvin, and said, "Thank you, Principal Alvin!"