Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2054: Panicked robber

In an apartment near Santa Monica Beach...

Three men gathered in front of several high-end looking computers, and Anthony and Lenore were tied to two chairs.

Anthony's nose collapsed in half, his mouth full of teeth fell in half, and his head hung down with blood as if he had passed out in a coma.

Linuoer was not hurt, except for the handcuffs on her hands, there was even a box of lunch in front of her, facing her own situation, she could only look at the back of the men with an angry face.

A middle-aged curly-haired man with a drunken body, standing behind a black man who is operating a computer, looked at the picture inside. He anxiously touched his chin, and said: "Things seem to be a bit beyond our expectations.

How did the Manhattan Tomahawk get involved? "

A short, sturdy, long-haired muscular man said in a hoarse voice: "Nate, we should retreat. Now Los Angeles is dying every minute.

Someone was cleaning the Moriti family criminal network, and those related to them were killed one by one.

We have to evacuate there quickly. Playing with the Los Angeles police is the same thing as that ‘super British company’. Playing with the Manhattan Tomahawk is another story. "

Curly-haired middle-aged Nate looked at Frank and Brian on the computer screen, and hung them with a rope through the armpits of the last few living white coats.

Then they opened a big hole in their stomachs, and let them howl to hold their stomachs, otherwise the gravity would pull out their internal organs.

Nate's nervous face was wrinkled, he swallowed and said, "Elliott, giving up is not our purpose.

We have one last target, Stuart St. John, and we have not obtained evidence of his crime.

This guy was too cautious, and Anthony's confession alone could not prove him.

According to Anthony, Stewart is colluding with a member of Congress and is rebuilding a network for smuggling arms to Mexico.

In the past ten years, it was this guy who gave the gangs in Juarez, Mexico more firepower than government forces.

Now military forces all over the world are transforming. His traditional arms company must open up a larger market to maintain its own consumption. Juarez’s gangs are definitely not enough.

If he is allowed to act, Mexico will die countless people..."

Nate patted the shoulder of the black man in front of him and said, "Hudson, where are Sophie and Parker?"

Hudson, a slender black man with a long neck, looked at a white coat on the screen in front of him, unable to endure the painful torture, howling miserably, let go of his hands, and let gravity pull his intestines and internal organs. Hit the ground...

Hudson did not hold back the shock, turned his head and vomited bile on Nate's feet beside him...

Faced with Nate’s question, Hudson collapsed and said: "Are we really going to continue? I just look at it and scare myself!

That Lenore’s ex-husband is too cruel. We should tell him directly what Stewart did. I think he’s going to cut that guy out..."

Speaking of Hudson looking at Frank, who was cruelly filling the gun at the corpse, he tremblingly said: "I definitely don't want to meet these guys. They are all murderous executioners, a hundred times more cruel than Anthony!

Oh my god, they dug out that Colombo eye, they didn't even ask questions, like eating pudding with a spoon.

Oh, I’m not surprised if these guys eat people..."

Nate slapped the frightened Hudson's shoulder vigorously and said, "Hey, Hudson, calm down, we are not enemies of Manhattan Tomahawk. The more cruel he is to those people, the more clearly he is with us. The goal is the same."

Hudson stared at Nate and said: "Our goal is to send those connected with the Morriti family to prison, but now there is a group of people out there opening holes in their heads one by one.

We are liars and thieves, but we are not killers...

I don’t think Manhattan Tomahawk knows that we kidnapped that Brian’s ex-wife and will treat us well. "

Linole, who had been silent all the time, found a chance, and she said to Nate: "Yes, you don't know Brian's method. I advise you to let me go.

This is good for all of us..."

Nate patted the frightened Hudson on the shoulder, then turned to look at Linole, and said, "Miss, we are not kidnapping you to be precise, but saving your life.

For this reason, we badly affected our bank robbery plan..."

Speaking, Nate tapped the computer screen with his backhand, and said to Lenore: "If it weren't for us, you would be caught in this hell-like place with your daughter.

Of course, if we knew that your ex-husband reacted so quickly and could get the help of people like Manhattan Tomahawk, we would save a lot of effort. "

Lenore looked at Nate, who was full of alcohol, and said, "If you are my ‘savior’, why don’t you let me make a call?

You said Stewart is a badass villain, why not call the police directly? But kidnapped me in turn? "

Nate knew that Linole didn't believe him. He hesitated and said, "We can't let you go, let alone make you call before our work is finished.

I know that you still have expectations of your current husband, but you may not know that he bought a huge amount of accident insurance for you and your daughter six months ago.

Your husband has always been Anthony's partner, providing arms for him to smuggle to Mexico.

After Anthony was imprisoned, the world situation changed, and the traditional arms business began to struggle, so he wanted to get rid of Anthony and do his best to expand his share of the Mexican arms market.

He knows what kind of revenge he will face, and he is prepared...

The call you received in the coffee shop was that Stewart was confirming your position, and he then notified Anthony's men.

He knows your ex-husband, and is using him to try to kill the Moriti family. "

As Nate turned his head and glanced at the tragic scene on the screen, he frowned and said, "He has been waiting for an opportunity to kill Anthony while taking over his criminal network.

For this reason, he even colluded with Anthony's third daughter. He betrayed you and had **** with a **** who was extremely vicious.

One of them wanted to kill his father, the other wanted to kill his wife and stepdaughter.

Now he waited for the opportunity and almost made it.

It's just that I guess he might not have thought that his actions would cause such a crazy killing.

Now people are dying every minute outside. The Manhattan Tomahawk not only wants to kill people, but also completely smashes this criminal network, so that people in the future will never dare to step in. "

Elliott, the long-haired thug, retrieved the "insurance policy" from a laptop and sent it to Lenore, saying in a sympathetic tone: "If you and your daughter die, even if the Manhattan battle axe is broken in the end In everything, Stewart can continue to run his own arms company with a huge amount of insurance money.

Do you know where he is now?

Instead of flying towards Los Angeles, he is heading to Las Vegas to meet his new partner.

We must track his whereabouts and find out the congressmen who cooperated with him.

We must know who the real opponent is?

The opportunity now is good. After Manhattan Tomahawk intervenes, they will be more careful and will inevitably choose to discuss countermeasures in person.

This is our best chance to catch them! "

Lenore looked at Nate incredulously and said, "How can you know so much? If these are true, why don't you call the police?"

Nate glanced at the long-haired thug Elliott. He smiled and said: "We received a request from a resident of Los Angeles ruins, so we started investigating the case of embezzlement of relief funds, and then we chased Anthony to his body and found your husband.

So we planned a bank robbery and wanted to make all the evidence public.

It turned out that there was no Stewart handle inside, which was why he dared to betray Anthony.

As for why we don’t call the police...

If you see the bribery list in the bank, you will know that it is useless to call the police.

Those people will tear us poor people to pieces in order to keep their status! "

Lenore listened and covered her face in pain, and said: "If what you say is true and you are doing good deeds, then you should let me go even more. I can persuade Bryan not to trouble you, and at the same time Let him investigate Stewart..."

Nate hesitated after hearing this, and looked at his two accomplices shaking their heads in panic, he said helplessly: "I'm sorry ma'am, I can't let you go, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you see our faces, You have to stay here until our business is over and we leave Los Angeles.

The people of Manhattan Tomahawk may laugh at our actions, but the Los Angeles SWAT team and the "Super British Company" who have been chasing after us will certainly not show mercy to us.

We are helping some people, but we don't want to go to jail, especially after we have caused such a big incident! "

Lenore looked at the expression on Nate's face. She struggled and said to Nate: "You must at least let Brian know that I am safe, otherwise how can I trust you?

And don't you think that when the Manhattan Tomahawk uses all its power to find me, what kind of trouble will you encounter? "

When computer expert Hudson Nett hesitated, he looked at the computer screen and kept muttering, "NONONO...

How is this going? How could Tony Stark appear in an Irish pub?

Guys, we are in trouble..."

Speaking of Hudson, he turned to look at Nate and said, "You have to get Sophie and Parker back. They pretended to be members of the Interior Department of the Los Angeles Police Department and sent themselves to Tony Stark...

We thought there was only the Frankish officer there, and now I don't even dare to talk to them. Any abnormal electronic signal exposure will be detected by Tony Stark. "

Nate slapped his mouth and watched the two girls in police uniforms walk into a remote Irish bar on the screen.

Then turned his head and glanced at Linole, and finally hesitated, and said, "Hudson, use your remote control car to signal Mr. Tomahawk in the warehouse.

Ms. Lenore is right, it is not a good idea to be chased by the Manhattan Tomahawk...

As for Sophie, she can handle it! "