Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2091: King of hell

Alvin shook his head noncommittal, and said, "Master of hell?

Did your old man make a mistake? The old devil of Mephisto can't talk very much. I don't think this little flesh group can wrestle with the old devil. "

Frigga smiled and shook her head, and said, "The **** I'm talking about is not the **** in the Nine Realms. It's actually called'Musbelheim', but the environment there is used to call it hell."

Talking about Frija patted Lucifer on the back, smiled and said, "The real **** is here!

The thirteen hells in Dante's Divine Comedy, a place to accommodate evil spirits and punish sinful souls at the same time! (I mentioned this before. The old knight Carter Shrei was caught by the devil and appeared when Warnerheim fell collectively.

Alvin heard this incredible and said: "Why did ‘the fairy’ leave a ‘hell’ for the anti-skeleton Warnerheim? And the ‘final escape’?

In my impression, ‘sages’ rarely make mistakes, but when it comes to Warnerheim’s issue, they obviously missed it. "

Frigga was swept by Alvin’s words, her face dimmed, and said: "This'World Stone' is an artifact passed down from generation to generation by Warnerheim...

The earth needs a place that can contain sinful souls. They will cleanse their sins in hell, then return to the world and disperse in the world. "

Speaking of Frigga, he said sadly: "I never understood the meaning of this world stone...

But when the earth was ‘recovered’, I discovered that the breath of the earth can nourish human souls. If those sinful souls do not return, they will wander in the world.

These negative emotions can easily affect the thinking of human beings.

This is indeed a'life road', but it is a'dead road' for my brother Frey!

He fantasizes that he can stay on top forever, how can he allow himself to be a **** manager?

So he would rather go to war with ‘Musbelheim’, trying to bypass the idea of ​​‘xian’ and build a whole new cycle of reincarnation, that is, heaven and hell.

It's just that he failed! "

Alvin listened to silence for a while. It was difficult for him to describe his current feelings. Putting aside the hostile position and character issues, Frey of Warnerheim did indeed show great talent.

Judging from the information that Sloan of the Assassin Alliance brought to himself, at least three of the major religions on the planet are directly related to Warnerheim.

And coincidentally, almost all religions on the earth have "hell".

According to Frey’s idea, as long as we can get through "Musbelheim" and "Warnerheim", and finally put the earth between heaven and hell, the three families can become one. In the end, it will not only retain the status of God, but also Can enjoy the "freedom" of the earth.

This is not impossible. The moment of death of those gargoyles can open the passage of time and space, indicating that the power of faith is incomprehensible to ordinary people. When Warnerheim can gather enough power of faith, it may be successful in the end.

It's a pity that guy underestimated the "inferior nature" of human beings, because no faith can conquer all people!

"Doubt" is the gift of mankind, and with the deepening of knowledge, "God" will step down from the altar one day.

In the end Frey lost without any suspense. He lost his "heaven" and the entire Warnerheim.

These will not make Alvin feel that there is anything to be admired, but the appearance of the child Lucifer made Alvin understand that Frey's "gamble" finally left a way out for his people.

Are there many heroes who are not willing to be human? Then go to our own "hell" and be a "devil"!

Although he has lost his freedom, he will not be at the mercy of fate.

In other words, after his death, Frey decided to let his people and children obey the arrangement of the "fairy".

Frey didn't surrender, just like the king died in Saji, he tried his best, and finally chose the most dignified way for himself.

Looking at the child in Frigga's hands, Alvin smiled and shook his head, and said, "In other words, your nephew became your grandson in the end.

Loki actually became the cheap father of the king of hell? "

Frigga nodded and said, "From the current situation, this is indeed the case!"

Alvin squinted and looked at Frigga’s complex expression that couldn’t say what it meant. He smiled and said, “In fact, I want to know if you really bless Loki, or because of this kid, you feel Loki is impulsive. There is no problem with the move."

Speaking of Alvin glanced at the location of the door, he shook his finger at Friga and said: "This question is very important. Loki's heart has surrendered, but his character is still urging him to sway and struggle.

I definitely hope that you can sincerely bless them, otherwise I am worried that the gloomy soil will not grow sunny flowers.

You have to tell the truth, the blessing from you is very important, but the truth is even more important!

Luo Ji is the **** of lies, but this child should not live in'lie'. "

Frigga realized something, she didn't answer immediately, instead she thought about it, and said seriously: "I respect Luo Jin's choice, and at the same time, I will wish him a warm future.

If this requires a price, I can use my life as a bargaining chip! "

Speaking of Frigga, she turned and looked at the location of the "empty" door, she solemnly said: "This is my truth, and I am willing to honor my'promise' at any time!

The only thing you need to do is to face your heart...

The "contract" is not a spell that forces two people to love each other, but a magic that makes two lonely souls collide.

‘Love’ is true, and this ‘love’ will become instinct over time.

This has nothing to do with magic, but two people who are connected with each other tolerate and love each other, and in the end they will find that each other has become an indispensable part of themselves! "

With Frigga's words, Loki, who had come invisible, could no longer hide. He leaned on the edge of the door and looked at his old mother with tears in his eyes.

A stiff line was drawn at the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be smiling forever. Loki said in a trembling tone: "But I am the Prince of Asgard, I have a lot of things to do...

That idiot Thor will ruin Asgard! "

Alvin rolled his eyes when he heard it, he approached Friga's side and took Lucifer, and then said in Friga's ear: "At this time, I still worry about Asgard's rights...

This kind of **** is still a bad thing, you and Odin work harder, maybe you can still have time to practice a trumpet! "

Frigga patted Alvin's arm angrily, and said, "I don't know if I see it through, but Rocky admires you. Can you say something less?

He has been like this since he was a child.

He is not a bad person, but he has not found a better way of expression! "

"Come on!"

Alvin slanted his eyes at Friega, who was trying his best to defend Loki, and said, "Loki didn't lie just now, what he said was the truth!

Let me say, let's just let Hela abdicate and let Rocky be king, otherwise this guy will be thinking about it all day long! "

Frigga shook her head and said, "No, letting the current Loki be king is sending him to death!"

Speaking, Frigga looked at the disappointed Loki and said: "You just deposit the Godhead on Alvin, it doesn't mean that you are completely free from the entanglement of fate.

Unless you become an indispensable part of the earth, I will never let my son become a king. "

Loki said in a loss: "What about Hela? I gave up the godhead just like her..."

Frigga waved his hand to stop Loki, and said, "Hela has experienced two cycles of life and death, and completely gave up her godhood...

She is now a human and has Alvin's protection! "

Loki looked at his brother-in-law with pleading eyes, only to get a strong middle finger.

The **** sighed and said, "Well, it's actually not bad to be a prince regent. At least I prove that I am better than that fool of Sol.

But can you make Heimdall be a little more polite to me in the future, after all, I am also his boss now. "

Before the weird-faced Friga could speak, Alvin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Heimdall will definitely change his attitude towards you in the future. After all, he owes you an adult please!

Really! You will find that everything is different when you go back! "

Seeing Loki's suspicious expression, Alvin would not tell him that he and Heimdall had both buttoned the **** basin on his head.

Ignoring the communication between the mother and son, Alvin sat back on the sofa holding Lucifer who was "babbled".

Stark curiously leaned over to look at Lucifer, who was quiet and calm. He frowned and said, "Is this kid really the'king of hell'?"

He now looks like God’s lamb..."

Alvin listened and said with a smile: "Who knows this? I never believe in ‘destined’, and human beings are not ‘destined’ either.

Moreover, the "King of Hell" is not a good job when I hear it. I want to say that this child is actually a victim.

He was born with the fate of not knowing how many of the same kind, perhaps this is the responsibility of Prince Warnerheim..."

As Alvin looked at Lucifer's pure eyes, he smiled and said, "But it's really unfair to a child!"

When Alvin was talking, Nick brought Ginny and they came over in a huff...

Looking at the fair and lovely Lucifer, Nick stretched out his hand and grabbed the baby's face, then looked at Alvin with a smug expression and said, "This guy is my new kid?

Don't worry, I will cover this guy! "

Little Ginny wrinkled her nose like a puppy and sniffed on Lucifer's face, then grinned and nibble on his face to intimidate him...

Found that Lucifer was not afraid at all, but stretched out his hands to touch his face.

Little Ginny moved her little face to him and touched it, then looked at Alvin and said, "Dad, he likes me!"

Alvin looked at Little Ginny with a smile, and said, "Of course, who doesn't want my baby..."

The little princess Morgan, who was wearing diapers when Alvin was talking, felt that she had been ignored. The overbearing little girl at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com roared and grabbed Lucifer’s arm and gnawed up with grinning teeth...

Seeing Lucifer, a meatball smaller than himself, began to cry and cry, Little Morgan leaned forward with a smile and comforted the "little wounded" with his drooling mouth.

Alvin watched as Jr. Morgan turned to Lucifer, who was pregnant with the drill, forcibly, and issued a "dragon roar".

Then Lucifer "dare to be angry but dare not speak" and sniffed, aggrieved and kissed by the young lady...

Alvin grinned and rubbed Morgan's messy hair, and said, "This is a good girl!"

Alvin looked at Lucifer disgustingly, and said: "This look is also a waste!

Return the king of hell? "

Lucifer couldn't understand what Alvin was talking about. He stretched out his hand to Little Ginny hard, wanting this cute little sister to give him a hand...

Little Ginny liked the feeling of being wanted very much. She carefully picked up Lucifer with her father's encouragement, and then felt the sensation of this little thing squirming in her arms. She looked at Alvin happily and said: "Dad, this guy is just like Morgan when he was a kid!

Can you play him for two days? "

Alvin looked at his mute girl Natalia at the door with concern. He smiled and shook his head at Little Ginny and said, "No, the baby should be with her mother.

But you can go to discuss with his mother, you can take him to play in these two days. "

Little Ginny stared at the fleshy Lucifer. She frightened the baby in a vicious manner, then shook her head and said, "The baby wants his mother, let's return him to his mother!"


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