Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2105: The future is yours

While Alvin was still considering whether to dispel Nick's dream of being the boss, Sloan of the Assassin League finally called.

Alvin heard Sloan's slightly anxious voice, he finally decided to let Nick and the others play a few more days in Las Vegas.

Frank and Brian Mills stayed in Las Vegas to take care of the hapless children.

Coupled with the assistance of Nate and their liar, Nick's "Godfather Dream" shouldn't be difficult to realize.

When Alvin left, Nick and the others were sending threatening messages to the gangs throughout the city through the young runners.

Frank's skinning skills are enough to scare 80% of gangsters...

When Nick started to make announcements and officially began recruiting "runners," the entire underground world of Las Vegas was maintaining a wait-and-see attitude.

The guys who knocked out the "Grey Wolf Gang" seemed to be doing business, making the guys in the underground world feel a little uncomfortable.

However, with the "grey wolf gang" account book mastered, Nick easily got his first batch of "customer list", and those originally controlled "errand runners" also began to sign contracts with "errand runners".

When these "errand runners" left that bar with the contract and the latest version of Tomahawk phones, Nick's errand plan began to be implemented.

Modernization, informationization, convenience, humanization...

The mobile phone software developed by Harry after a few days has made those errands find that their work can actually be very easy.

Customers place orders via mobile phones, they go to withdraw money and help place bets, and finally give the customer the betting slip even if an order is completed.

The special background of the "Hell Evil Gang" has given these "runners" a credit halo. Those guys who have worked with the "Grey Wolf Gang" in the past turned to use the "Hell Evil Gang". The service has no psychological burden at all.

Nick and their identities are not difficult to verify at all. Even if Alvin and their identities are aside, and there is an industry as big as the Metropolitan Hotel, no one will suspect that the "Hell Devil Gang" will embezzle customers' cash.

Although this is only a preliminary stage, there is still a long way to go before Nick and their plan "gambling gold", but Nate and the others have seen the future prospects of this plan.

Because Nick and they are not satisfied with the "valet betting" business, after all, this business can't feed too many people.

Their original intention is to use the resources in their hands to make money from gaming companies and then subsidize other projects.

For example, when Alvin left Las Vegas to go to the Nevada desert, Caesars Palace and the restaurants of the Metropolitan Hotel formally signed a contract with the "erman" website...

The take-out services of all restaurants in the two major hotels are outsourced to the errandman website.

Nick looked carefree, but he lived with Alvin for a long time, completely inheriting Alvin's "cautious".

While maintaining the errand runner business, he did not rush to roll out the errand runner network.

Even Nate and the others felt that the expansion should be accelerated, but Nick insisted on his own ideas, eating as much as possible for his belly.

In the absence of so many errand runners, he firmly disagrees to expand the scope of cooperation.

"An errand person is a job, but it is definitely not a life-long career worth striving for. I definitely disagree with attracting young people with high salaries!

An errand person can be a part-time job or a career that allows the unemployed to transition.

We can't make people feel illusion...

I definitely don't want to see someone who gives up their job because it is easy to make money in the errand business.

There are people who are willing to run errands for a lifetime with a low salary. I definitely don't care.

But I also hope that the ‘errand runner’s website’ will be a ‘springboard’, so that those who have no life can have a little hope, just like the Tomahawk school makes students step up on the shoulders of the school. "

Watching Nick imitate Alvin's tone, saying things that are completely incompatible with his age.

Nate, who was full of business theories, finally nodded in admiration. By the way, he forgot the scene of Nick's rampage in Las Vegas with a group of newly joined young people in recent days.

This is a little guy with a **** temperament deep into his bones, but with a strong sense of loyalty.

He knows what he is doing, what kind of people he needs to integrate, and he knows that the future of those people is basically not in the industry of "errand runners".

Just like Alvin always drove the students out of school and hoped that they would never look back.

Although Nick simply feels that in this way can he be respected like Alvin.

But no one would have thought that this simple sincerity will eventually reap the fruit.

The original intention of establishing a business determines how far it can go?

A powerful and sentimental company will always be more vigorous and cohesive than capital that is eager for quick success and quick profit.

Just like the opportunistic "rookie station" can never do "SF"...

As long as "Laoganma" does not engage in real estate or financial investment, it will have a longer life span than 90% of existing Internet companies.

Nick inherited Alvin's cautious petty civic temperament, but in the eyes of outsiders, it seems that he has already got rid of the shackles of the money game and wants to do more meaningful things.

God knows how much Nick wanted to sleep next to the game console holding Coke...

When Alvin drove off, Stark, who was in the same car, also gave his own comments on Nick's career.

"First-class creativity, second-rate management, third-rate goals, and nine-rate ambitions.

You guy has influenced the judgment of this group of children. The original business of tens of billions of dollars may only be able to maintain a balance of payments in the end.

Is the Peace Hotel cursed by the **** of wealth? "

Alvin drove a nine-handed pickup truck worth 500 yuan that he bought temporarily, looked at Stark who looked like a thorn in his **** with contempt, and said, "Are you short of money?"

Stark looked at Alvin with slanted eyes and said: "You have a bad tone. In terms of money, you must respect the world's richest man.

Money is the best tool to realize your ideals!

Without the Stark Group, Iron Man would never exist.

Nick wants to establish himself as a business, so what he needs is a financially healthy company, not a company that relies on gambling for profit and may be dragged down by runners at any time. "

Speaking of Stark looking at the disapproving expression on Alvin's face, he smashed his mouth and said, "I always thought Nick was very clever..."

Alvin took a funny look at Stark, who hated iron and steel, and said, "What do you think Nick wants to do?

He wants to be the boss, now he has ruled half a street in Las Vegas and hundreds of errand runners.

He wants to get rid of the fate of doing homework in the hotel, and now he has the privilege of taking his brothers and sisters to play in the street.

He wants to earn some pocket money. I don't know how much he can earn, but it is definitely enough for him to play games for a lifetime and drink Coke for a lifetime.

If his ideal has been realized, what is the difference between more money and less money? "

Stark looked at Alvin with a strange expression, and said: "You never thought about the succession of these children in the future?

Steel Digital is a super entity company, but to a certain extent, this type of company is also very vulnerable.

When the pace of mankind's entry into the universe begins to slow down, the steel digital is likely to collapse overnight...

Of course that must be decades or even hundreds of years later, but this is not the reason why you ignore Nick Hulai.

That child is a natural leader, and you have to make him understand the importance and order of things. "

Alvin looked at Stark curiously, and said with a smile: "It looks like you care about Ivan more than I do.

Do you want to use me to inform that guy of the ills of Steel Digital? "

Stark curled his mouth and said irritably: "Don't mention that idiot to me, that guy sent me an invitation to the exhibition.

At the end of this year, Steel Digital will hold a spaceship exhibition in Detroit.

At that time I will take the Stark Group spacecraft and give him an ugly...

This idiot is still complacent because he has millions of employees under his hands, but he doesn't know if Steel Digital cannot get rid of the status quo, sooner or later, it will be dragged into bankruptcy by a large number of workers.

Someone is now proposing to change the name of the city of Detroit to the "City of Steel and Digital".

This is not a good thing for companies, and you don’t have to take unreasonable responsibilities.

I heard that the mayor of Detroit is lobbying the management of Steel Digital to let them take over the Detroit pension fund.

If you don't really want to be a king, you can't do this kind of thing, and you shouldn't do it. "

Alvin knew Stark’s kindness...

Among the kids, Nick is the most charismatic, and even Harry Osborn almost means it.

The seemingly perfect Richard is the most steadfast conservative, what most people call the old stubborn...

The iron triangle formed by Steel Digital, Stark Group, and Osborne Group needs a suitable person to lead in the future.

At present, only Nick has the ability to integrate the power of these second generations. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Otherwise, if you change to any other person, you will end up being biased by these three capital beasts.

Seeing Stark's rare expression of earnestness, Alvin said with a smile: "If you want Nick to be the leader, then you should pay homage to the qualities he has shown.

At least he proved that he will not be taken away by the power of capital, he has his own ideas and is firmly implementing them.

What we need is not money, but people who can manage money and unite everyone together. "

As Alvin looked at Stark with a strange expression, he smiled and said, "And I advise you not to expect too much from Nick. This kid is not the kind of person who can sit in an office and spend time.

I don't know why you have become a little conservative?

I thought we would have a consensus that the future of these children should be in their hands, rather than us deciding what they should do.

The most valuable part of money, in my opinion, is to provide people with the opportunity to choose freely.

If this group of children regard ‘you can only go back and inherit the family property’ as a motivation to move forward, I might wake up in my dreams. "

When Stark heard this, he suddenly shook his head and said with a laugh: "I don't know, it may be the birth of Little Morgan, which made me feel less courageous.

In the past I always thought that even if I failed, it was nothing, because I could start all over again at any time.

But now, when I do anything, that little thing always pops up in my mind unconsciously. "

Speaking, Stark looked at Alvin and said seriously: "We have to leave an unshakable guarantee for the children. A huge trust fund is not enough."


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