Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2138: Incomprehensible spider

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The gang of guys who had been watching on the sidelines all around Alvin after the scene disappeared for a while, trying to find out what Neil was coming from.

This kid didn't perform too aggressively, defeating Pietro and Rocky all relied on "opportunity", and his marksmanship was even worse than Wesley.

But everyone can see that Neil hasn't fully demonstrated his strength.

And many people can see that there are many similarities between Neal and Alvin, which made the crowd of onlookers really curious.

Alvin didn't know whether he should tell Steve the truth. This kind of thing is not easy to accept, and the unsolvable paradox contained in it is difficult to explain clearly at once.

Facing a group of people's questioning, Alvin hesitated, and finally said, "That's my son..."

Before Alvin's voice fell, a group of people made a "hush" sound...

Steve looked at Alvin contemptuously and said, "The child is at least 25-6 years old. Can you make a woman pregnant when you are 5 years old?"

Alvin looked at the strange expressions of a group of people, and he smiled and said, "Is this kind of talented person like Lao Tzu that you ordinary people can understand?

I said my son is my son. If you want to believe it, you can believe it, and if you don’t want to believe it, you will fall down. "

Cross frowned and looked at Neal, and said, "This kid's marksmanship comes from the Assassin League. He is a few dozen years old. With such a good skill, he came to recognize Alvin as his father. His character is estimated to be very average..."

Speaking of Cross, he thought about it for a while, and said with a pity, "Has the Assassin League fallen to this level?

They must have forgotten that faith is more important than wealth and status! "

Alvin laughed and didn't explain, and Neil didn't need to explain for him himself.

The current situation is very good, and what I say is the truth. If you don’t believe me, there is nothing I can do. From now on, let things go their way.

In just a few tens of minutes, Alvin felt the inertia of "time"...

Is it the way things are, or is it because of Neil's appearance, Alvin has no answer...

But he doesn't want to think about this kind of thing anymore, because he can't figure it out anyway, it's more appropriate to let someone with a better mind worry about it.

A group of people didn't get the "answer they wanted", and in the end they could only drink a few glasses of Alvin happily, and then each went away to have fun.

If you have a girlfriend, you can be happy in pairs. If you don’t have a girlfriend, there are many single female tourists on the island. They can also be single if they are not single...

After losing the duel, Loki hugged Lucifer to Alvin's side and said carefully, "What you just said is true?"

Alvin frowned as he looked at the **** who had mistreated his son and said, "When did I tell lies?"

Loki took a breath and said, "Nil actually came from the future? Then what will I be like in the future, and I haven't become the king of Asgard?"

Alvin looked at Loki's thin face contemptuously, and said, "How do I know? The only thing I know is that you still can't change the **** shit.

How did Friga give birth to you such a superb bastard?

Oh, I forgot, you are not your own person, you were brought here..."

Loki was already immune to Alvin's sarcasm. He looked at Alvin in surprise and said, "You also think I'm Frigga's own, right?

I have always suspected that the old man, Odin, drank too much and confused me with Sol. In fact, I was the real prince, and Sol seemed to be picked up.

Otherwise, I can't explain the stupidity on him, it's really stupid..."

Alvin frowned and looked at Loki with a smirk on his face. In the end he couldn't help his curiosity and whispered, "What did you **** do?

You both registered your marriage in Las Vegas, shouldn't you forget Sol?

You are brothers, you can only keep it in your heart if you love him..."

Rocky sneered and denied Alvin's conjecture, and said, "Don't compare me to the fool like Sol, he can't even deal with his two girlfriends, how can he be worthy of the status of Prince Asgard."

Speaking of Loki looking at Alvin's slightly narrowed eyes, he smiled and said, "I added a little illusion to Jane Foster and Zhao Hailun, and now those two girls see each other as if they saw Sol .

A few hours ago, Sol thought he was dumped. He squatted on the beach and cried. Haha, I recorded it all! "

Alvin looked at Loki who was not human in shock. He grabbed Loki by the neck and said, "It's **** unlucky to be relatives with you. Remember to send me a video of Sol's crying nose..."

When Alvin threatened Loki, there was a scream of exclamation from the distant seashore, and various strange screams of women...

Seeing Anton, who had lost his bet, bare **** and shamelessly streaking along the beach, Alvin rushed up and grabbed the little Ginny who wanted to squeeze forward, covering her eyes and shouting at Anton not far away. Scolding...

Following Alvin's anger, the reserved women took a sip and turned and left, while many tourist girls screamed while covering their eyes, spreading their fingers and watching Anton go crazy...

The shameless Anton ran back and forth on the beach according to the bet. Then he wrapped himself in a bath towel, walked up to a few girls whose eyes were full of water, and said triumphantly, "Hi, beauties, my name is Anton. , Currently the best football player in the United States, well, one of..."

Seeing Anton’s indifference to streaking, Peter pulled Gwen in horror and said, “Don’t listen to his bewitching. If you organize a streaking protest, Principal Alvin will send us to alien mining. Digged to death."

Gwen tugged his conservative swimsuit, smiled and nodded and said, "Of course, I'm not a fool.

But I am lobbying the swan girls and want to organize a bikini protest with them.

The school’s desperate environment must be changed. Although I graduated, I still want to pass on the fire of protest. "

Speaking of Gwen glanced at Alexis who wanted to join Nick and the others, she looked a little reserved. She smiled and said, "Alexis was the best candidate. His author father and Principal Alvin is a friend, and Frank is kind to her.

It's a pity that she had the intention of surrendering recently, and instead wanted to help Frank improve the school rules.

This girl bowed her head to reality, what a pity! "

Peter looked at Gwen, who had never forgotten to trouble Frank after graduation. He sighed and said, "You still don’t understand. This is called a dimensionality reduction blow. Frank was just tired of Alexis’s skillful recitation of school rules and made him lose face. Happening.

Pulling Alexis into the school's rule-making team is a means for dictators to win people over. "

As Peter looked at his **** girlfriend, he said uncomfortably, "Can you not always provoke Frank? That won't make you brave, it will only make me even more unlucky...

If you encourage school girls to wear bikinis to protest in the streets, without Frank coming to kill me, my uncle and aunt will beat me to death with a rolling pin.

Shall we go and trouble Princeton? "

Gwen looked at Peter who had been "tamed" contemptuously. She sneered and said, "We will never be cowards. Challenge Frank should be the ambition of every Tomahawk school student.

He made me full of fighting spirit during my two years in school..."

Peter looked at Gwen helplessly and said, "Does your father know your ambition?

If Chief George knows your ambition, can you guess he can still sleep? "

When Peter persuaded Gwen, Aunt May walked to him holding Hyperion.

Looking at Peter with a bitter expression on his face, Aunt May stuffed Hyperion into his hand and said, "Go and find something to eat for Hyperion, 3 mature steaks are the best to his appetite.

Don't let him eat too much, six steaks are enough..."

Speaking, Aunt Mei pulled a rebellious Gwen to the side and said with a smile, "Does it feel difficult to find a fool boyfriend?"

Speaking of Aunt May looking at Gwen's weird expression, she smiled and said, "I am here, and I want to tell you that there is more than one way to attract boys' attention.

Peter just hasn't had time to grow up. When you are completely free, go to the cinema and cafes every day. You will find that the time is different.

Girls can't be too active, but they can't scare boys.

He still dare not touch your butt, this is already a joke that Zac must tell once at dinner..."

Gwen flushed and looked at Aunt Mei, who was motivated by dragon bone wine and various magical drugs. UU reading www.uukanshu.com hugged her arm and said shyly, "Why is this Zach? I'm going to beat him... …"

Aunt May slapped Gwen on Gwen’s **** funny, made her let out a scream, and then made Peter rush over like a monkey...

Looking at Hyperion with a greasy mouth and an unhappy look, Aunt May patted Peter on the head and said, "What are you doing here? Is your brother full?"

Peter looked at Gwen who was safe and sound. He scratched his head, smiled apologetically at Hyperion, and said, "Let's go back. This time we will eat the most expensive Wagyu.

That thing looks a bit greasy, but it's expensive, isn't it? "

As he said, Peter looked at Gwen with a smirk and said, "Are you okay? You just scared me."

Gwen, who was so sweet in his heart by Peter's reaction, blushed rarely, and said, "I'm fine, a big bug flew past..."

As Gwen reached out and slapped her slightly hot cheeks, she glanced at Aunt May secretly, and then said to Peter, "Go away, Hyperion looks very hungry.

Before Little Morgan comes to him, you have to feed him quickly. "

When Gwen drove Peter away, Little Ginny covered Little Morgan and rushed to Peter's side...

The sweet smile on Little Ginny’s face attracted everyone’s attention. The "Captain" pushed Morgan’s **** and made her jump up and grabbed one of Hyperion’s legs. Then the little girl gritted her teeth and tried to **** it away. Hyperion.

The "Captain" really worked hard this time. It tilted its head and gnawed on Peter's calf, causing Spider-Man to wailing and let go of his hands, and then he saw his little brother Hyperion with helplessness. The scream fell into the hands of the Hunshi Demon...
