Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2140: Love of the rich 2 generations

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Suri had a good feeling for Neil, but since he arbitrarily betrothed himself to an ugly monster, this good feeling disappeared.


Su Rui is a well-mannered and lively girl. She will certainly not discriminate against Richard's appearance, otherwise even if Alita is taken by her, she will not be able to enter this small circle. <r/>


According to conscience, apart from looks, Richard’s temperament is not inferior to anyone, but if anyone says that Suri will accompany himself in...<r/>


An ugly monster who just entered the first year of high school, well, that is absolutely impossible! <r/>


But to some extent, every word Neil said at this time was "mandate", or "natural selection". <r/>


There was no intersection between Richard and Suri at the last moment, and at this moment the two have left a deep impression on each other. <r/>


Whether the result between them is "destined" or whether the budding happened because of Neil's arrival, no one can tell. <r/>


Although Suri had a hard-spoken mouth at this moment, she would understand what kind of person Richard was after she really understood it. <r/>


The scar on his face is a "mark" that Richard deliberately kept, which allows him to remember the pain he has suffered, and to remember the comfort of having a cute girl when he was most anxious. <r/>


Richard, who has lost weight, is different from his father. He is Steve's apprentice, and he is recognized by Thor's Hammer. <r/>


The knight aura on his body was enough to cover the scars on his face. <r/>


Looking at the back of Su Rui who turned to escape, Richard looked at Neil with a wry smile, and said, "Man, you give me a big trouble!<r/>


I really don’t think I have anything to communicate with that Su Rui..."<r/>


Neil, the guest star of the **** stick, opened his hands indifferently, and said: "Then you treat me as nonsense. In fact, I see her upset, especially her brother named Techara.<r/>


This family belongs to cats. They all love to scratch people and have a bad temper. ”≪r/>


Richard listened frustratedly and said: "If you say a few words less, I might be in a better mood.<r/>


Why is the curse of the Peace Hotel so terrible? Don't we deserve a gentle girl? ”≪r/>


Nick nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, why should we give in to those violent chicks?<r/>


We are all tough guys, we should teach them with our fists what is respect? ”≪r/>


Neil watched Mindy kick Nick's **** without any warning, causing Nick to hug his **** and tuck his legs and let out a miserable howl. Finally he fell to the ground and twitched constantly like a frog that returned to light. <r/>


Neil grinned distressedly for Nick for a few seconds, then smiled flatteringly at Mindy with a chubby face, stretched out his thumb and said, "Although you are not the right age, you have not changed at all." <r/>


Mindy squeezed a smile on his face and said stiffly, "Thank you!" <r/>


Little Harry helped his boss to stand up, looked at Neil with a bit of trepidation, and said, "Faced with the curse of the Peace Hotel, we are all helpless, right?<r/>


Nick boss is so miserable, why is the girl so terrible? ”≪r/>


Neil sighed and looked at the older brothers and sisters who were still children. He said in a deep voice, "Lucifer and I are working hard. The current progress is pretty good.<r/>


Although they are always chased backwards, my girlfriends are still gentle..."<r/>


Alvin didn’t know when he walked behind Neal and looked at the son of Sanguan who was tilted to the sky. He pushed Neil’s head amusedly and said, “That’s because you didn’t find the girl you really like.< ;r/>


Bashing is certainly not a good experience, but I believe, can really hurt their own people will always be his wife. <r/>


You can slash the enemy with an axe, but we can never do anything about our lover. ”≪r/>


Little Harry looked at Alvin and said incredulously: "You mean Mindy is Nick's lover?" <r/>


Mindy was flushed by what Harry said. The girl rushed to sweep the legs and put the two boys down together, then covered Harry’s mouth with a handful of sand, and finally gave him a vicious Eyes...<r/>


The anger of the senior sister made the second-year young man tremble. <r/>


Alvin looked at Nick who was crying without tears, and he said amused: "This kind of thing is difficult for outsiders to judge, but I think it's mainly because Nick is too weak.<r/>


In fact, it’s quite fulfilling to be hated by a pretty girl for a lifetime, isn’t it? ”≪r/>


Speaking, Alvin looked at Neil, hesitated for a moment, and said seriously: "In the future, you really don't want to have so many girlfriends, at least not to have so many girlfriends at the same time...<r/>


What a person needs to deal with so many girlfriends at the same time is business management methods, which is certainly not a sincere liking. <r/>


Fortunately, they all broke up with you, otherwise I would have to wonder if your eyes are faulty! ”≪r/>


Neil looked at his young father curiously and said, "What can I do?<r/>


Am I going to live up to the kindness of those beautiful girls? In fact, I really like them. Every time I receive a call to break up, I feel sad for several minutes. ”≪r/>


Neil shrugged and said: "At least they are happy when they are with me. Although they always scold me on social platforms, I don't mind.<r/>


If I can make them happy, I don’t mind being scolded...<r/>


Aunt Giselle always said that I sacrificed too much, and she also said that you are a courageous bastard. <r/>


Lucifer and I think she is right. Although we are always hurt, we will not give up! <r/>


The curse of the Peace Hotel must be broken here, otherwise we men will have a hard time! ”≪r/>


Alvin was stunned by Neil's fallacies. He couldn't believe what happened to this child in the ten years since he "disappeared"? <r/>


It seems that everyone, consciously or unconsciously, wants to lead Neil on the road of "scumbag"! <r/>


What kind of sin did he commit? <r/>


Encouraged by the people around him, the future Neil and Lucifer, the lord of hell, formed an alliance of scumbags, hoping to break the curse of the Peace Hotel...<r/>


What the **** is this story? <r/>


Looking at Neil with a natural face, Alwen wanted to say something his father should say, but in the end he shook his head and said: "Boy, you make me look at you with admiration!<r/>


Whatever you want to do? Remember not to end with hurting others...<r/>


It is an essential quality for a gentleman to explain his situation clearly before making a girlfriend. <r/>


If you are really so confident, you certainly don't mind telling the truth to every girl. <r/>


If you can still make more than a dozen girlfriends in this way, it doesn’t matter except to prove that your eyes have problems. After all, I have money..."<r/>


Speaking of Alvin looking at Neil with a strange expression, he smiled and said, "Don't look at me like that. I do have two wives, but where can the outsiders see what I have suffered?<r/>


One person can be happy, but two people stay together for a long time. <r/>


The degree of the girl's fit with herself determines whether the happiness will be doubled or it will become pain when two people get along for a long time. <r/>


I guess you have never lived with any girl for a long time...<r/>


Only by breaking the perfect impression and seeing the shortcomings of the other party as part of the taste can you find a suitable object. ”≪r/>


Neil listened to the indifferent and said, "Why should I toss myself? Isn't it good to keep the perfect impression in my heart?<r/>


Going to a date after being dressed up is a respect for both parties, and there is so much ritual. <r/>


Uncle Jj has a book of love words, and I can rely on those nasty words every time to make those girls happy. <r/>


Is this not enough? <r/>


No matter how beautiful girls **** and fart, they don’t look good. Why don’t I keep their most beautiful in my heart? ”≪r/>


Neal's scumbag argument caused great dissatisfaction. Little Ginny angrily kicked Neil's calf, then took Little Morgan, turned and fart at the scumbag with a "poof". <r/>


Seeing Little Ginny squeezing her fist to ask Neal to admit that girls farting are also cute, Alvin suddenly shook his head funny...<r/>


Neal is a super rich second-generation, well-educated, good personality, very handsome, <r/>


Very capable, and there are a bunch of domineering brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts...<r/>


Regardless of whether he is his own son, this super rich second generation who grew up smoothly, under the care of everyone, has not developed that arrogant and domineering arrogance, which is already considered a success. <r/>


He doesn't lack anything. He doesn't have any other problems that the rich second generation may encounter. For him, money may be just a bunch of numbers that are too lazy to look at. <r/>


Love may be a stimulating entertainment for him, he is not bad-hearted, he just didn't meet a girl who **** and fart makes him find it funny. <r/>


In a sense, he didn't find a girl who could touch his heart. <r/>


But his heart is too full, it is really not easy to find a girl who fits him in spirit. <r/>


The princess may fall in love with the dwarf, and the prince may fall in love with Cinderella, because they can find in each other the qualities they desire and cannot reach. <r/>


What is Neil missing? <r/>


In terms of wealth, there are not many people in America who are richer than Alvin, and in terms of status, it will only be higher. <r/>


In terms of enduring hardship, children of the same age in the United States, children of Tomahawk School are the hardest. <r/>


Neil is the focus of old Cage, and he will only suffer more! <r/>


What's more, Neil also got the true biography of Bai Qi, where is the true biography of the sword to kill the gods so easy to get? That's all suffering! <r/>


The prince and princess may not be grounded, but the Peace Hotel is the most popular place. <r/>


Neil grew up there, what has he never seen? <r/>


How difficult is it for such a boy to find a girl who fits his spirit? <r/>


Neil is definitely not perfect...<r/>


His character is not firm or even slightly soft, and he is not considered polite. From the past few hours, he even has a bit of grudges and careful attention. <r/>


But his "imperfection", where do ordinary people have a chance to see it? <r/>


Maybe those people are not deliberately indulging Neil to become a scumbag, but they don't know what kind of girl is suitable for him, so they can only encourage him to try to find it. <r/>


Neil is "ill", but his medicine is hard to find! <r/>


This super rich second generation is a real "free man", he can do whatever he wants, it seems that it is really not a big problem to make more girlfriends. <r/>


Alvin is also not sure if Neal is doing this right now? <r/>


He can only make up his mind to make up for the ten years he will lose in the ten years after Neal's birth. <r/>


What a big deal, scumbag? Who didn't have a scumbag dream when he was young? <r/>


Neil can always run into his own "medicine" at some point...<r/>


Watching Fox find him, Alvin pushed Neal on him and said with a smile: "Fox contacted the tailor. You need a suitable dress to attend our wedding.<r/>


How about you coming to be my best man? <r/>


We must be very exciting to go pick up together! ”≪r/>
