Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2167: Wronged

When Zhang Qiang heard Alvin say that he would build an air base in the underworld, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he sighed up to the sky and said, "Big brother, we can't hold on to a war on both ends."

Speaking of Zhang Qiang looking at Qin Huang's slightly squinted eyes, he shuddered slightly, and said as if he begged for mercy: "Your Majesty doesn’t know it. China is accelerating its march into the universe, and the crisis outside the solar system has never disappeared.

Just to guard against alien enemies has already exhausted us, and if we go to war on both sides, it is easy to create a situation where we can't pay attention to each other. "

Qin Huang hadn't spoken yet, the murderous aura on Bai Qi's body spread like nuclear radiation.

What is the identity of Emperor Qin, what does a fat man who dare to utterly disobey the Emperor Qin mean?

The fierce murderous aura swept the audience and "frozen" the most active characters Nick and Ginny.

Just now, holding the fish-intestine sword given by the Emperor Qin, she stunned the happy little Ginny, and then suddenly frowned, and two sharp knives came out between her left fingers...

No one thought that Zhang Qiang would normally talk about his own difficulties, which would cause such a big backlash.

Zhang Qiang didn't expect it, but he finally realized the majesty of the Emperor Qin for the first time.

The majesty of Zulong lies not only in the Emperor Qin itself, but also in the extremely cruel generals and warriors.

Seeing Nick holding his trembling legs in front of Little Ginny, he forgot that he had nano-arms.

Alvin just wanted to speak to ease the atmosphere, but the Emperor Qin took the lead...

The extremely heroic emperor smiled a little bitterly, then waved his hand for Bai Qi to put away his murderous aura, and finally walked to the newly recognized little princess, looking at the girl who had suddenly become extremely stubborn, and put his hand on her He touched on his little blade and said with a smile: "There are not many people who can stand firm in General Bai's murderous aura. I didn't expect to be a princess with a sword."

Little Ginny wrinkled her nose and said "fiercely" to Emperor Qin: "I am not afraid!"

Qin Huang watched Xiao Jinni's blade disappear, and the wound between her fingers healed instantly. He laughed and said, "Thinking without evil, naturally without fear, good, good, good..."

Little Jinni naturally didn't understand what Qin Huang was talking about, but she could roughly understand Qin Huang's heart.

As Bai Qi's murderous aura receded, Xiao Jinni grabbed Qin Huang's arm, turned and pointed at Bai Qi and said, "Uncle helped me beat him. He frightened many people!"

Emperor Qin couldn't understand what Xiao Jinni was talking about, but he could still guess the general meaning.

He smiled and stood up and rubbed Xiao Jinni's head, and then said with a smile: "General Bai is my humerus, how can he offend?

You little girl is too small-minded, and doesn't know whose temper is to follow? "

Speaking of Emperor Qin, he turned and looked at Zhang Qiang, who was sweating coldly. He said in a deep voice, "The air force was established to better control the territory of the underworld.

There are only 300,000 people in my army, and the underworld is vast and unusual. Without air force mobilization, my army of 300,000 will be the sand of the Ganges. When can I unify the underworld?

I have no intention of embarrassing you, Ye Guoshi just informed you...

I have conquered the underworld for thousands of years. I didn’t need your support in the past, and I don’t need it now! "

Qin Huang's seemingly generous words caused Zhang Qiang's blood to rush to his forehead...

They were all standing and peeing men. Hearing that Emperor Qin was about to throw off his sharp gun, he would go it alone. Zhang Qiang looked at Alvin with red eyes and said, "Is this what you want?

The battle in the underworld is not urgent, you will only slow down everyone's progress. "

Alvin is a Chinese. He understands Zhang Qiang's current state of mind best. He is afraid of the Emperor Qin and admires this big man as well.

It is not that he is unwilling to contribute, but that the Chinese industrial chariot has already started. At this time, a sudden turn will cause immeasurable losses.

The Gunslinger will be stationed in the underground palace of the Qin Emperor, and they already have an understanding of the underworld.

That place is not suitable for human combat at all, the most important thing is that there is no benefit at all.

Now he thought that the Great Wall of the Empire was a little impatient, and Zhang Qiang couldn't bear it if he wanted to pull Alvin on his own.

Why should my ancestor ask you for help? Want the face of Hua Guo, and the face of Sharpshooter?

Seeing Zhang Qiang glaring at him like a hypertensive patient, Alvin shook his head and said: "I have said everything, all I want is an obsolete airplane.

Julie will sponsor the anti-gravity coating and will intervene in the renovation project.

When necessary, we will build a new city in the underworld. Otherwise, how can we rely on 300,000 soldiers to defend the tens of millions of square kilometers?

We are just going to provide an air force for the Emperor Qin. What do you want to do with such a big reaction? "

"What about logistics?

What do you have in arms, overhaul, maintenance, combat, command, and transportation?

Do you think that relying on Stark's robot, you can pull up an air force that can control ten million square kilometers of land? "

Zhang Qiang looked at Alvin helplessly and said, "Why can't you wait a little longer?

When we regain our heels in Niederweiner, wait for our spaceship fleet to take shape, and wait for the safety of the solar system to be guaranteed...

When the time comes, our fleet will play the role of the underworld, and will naturally assist the Emperor Qin in sweeping the underworld. "

Speaking of Zhang Qiang looking at the expressionless Qin Emperor and the expressionless white face, he begged and said: "You are the Chinese dragon, if you insist on fighting, then we will support your majesty even if we have the family. .

But please consider the people of the world and think twice! "

Qin Huang looked at Zhang Qiang who was sincere, he suddenly smiled in sorrow, and then he didn't speak, but rubbed Xiao Jinni's head and said, "Uncle is tired, take me to find a place to rest. ."

Speaking of Emperor Qin looking at the fishing rods scattered on the pier, he pointed his finger, then smiled and said, "Let's go fishing, I am good at fishing."

Little Jinni is an avid fishing fan. She didn't understand what Qin Huang said, but she understood it.

The little girl bulged her cheeks and shook her hands in a gesture of raising the pole. After receiving Qin Huang’s affirmation, she screamed and ran to the dock while she screamed at Nick, “Nick Come on, let's teach him to fish."

Nick heard Qin Huang let out a cheerful laugh, he ran past Baiqi, and made a demonstrative expression when he passed by.

Bai Qi ignored the provocation of a child. He glanced domineeringly at the people around him, and finally snorted at Alvin, saying: "Your Majesty has been fighting hard for thousands of years. How can you wait for humiliation.

If you don't have the heart to participate in the war, then I won't mention it again. Without you, I can still fight for a thousand years. "

Alvin looked at Bai Qi's back, he looked at Zhang Qiang uncomfortably, and said, "Do I look like an idiot?"

Zhang Qiang frowned and looked at Alvin, who had no thoughts, and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"I ask you, am I like an idiot?"

Alvin yelled loudly and stared at Zhang Qiang with an inexplicable look, and said angrily: "I **** want the earthlings to go to the sky quickly, I took out everything.

Do I **** look like an idiot?

I **** bought a plane at my own expense and sent it to the underworld to fight. I stepped on your tail? "

Zhang Qiang, who recovered his calm as soon as Qin Huang left, looked at Alvin with his eyes suddenly stared, and said, "has changed in the underworld?"

"Otherwise, why would Lao Tzu spend wrong money?"

Speaking of Alvin angrily grabbed Zhang Qiang by the collar, and said, "Is that the place where people stay in the underworld?

There are enemy battlefields everywhere. People have persisted for thousands of years. Do you think it is easy?

The dead spirit of the underworld reappeared, and the damned undead had command again, and the pressure on the Qin army increased.

People ask my friend for help, what the **** are you screaming for?

Do I **** look like an idiot? I don't know what is important?

With billions of undead gatherings, I'm **** full of iron. How many snow can I go to?

Emperor Qin needs strategic depth, he wants to buy us time...

What do you think people don't understand? He has read more news and newspapers in the past year than Lao Zi's two lifetimes combined.

The entrance to the underworld is at the Lishandi Palace. For whom do you think the Emperor Qin is desperate?

Who is helping whom? Who can't figure it out? "

Zhang Qiang pushed Alvin's arm away, sat on the ground with staring eyes, and then regardless of his embarrassment, he took out the communicator and quickly called the headquarters of the Sharpshooter to verify Alvin's news.

Naturally, Emperor Qin would not report the military situation to the Gunslinger Association, but the intelligence agents of the Gunslinger Association stationed in the underground palace only needed to count the frequency of use of the Cradle of Life, and they could roughly judge the battle situation ahead.

After receiving the first-hand report, Zhang Qiang closed his eyes and snorted in pain. He knew that the intelligence could not be wrong, and Alvin had no need to deceive himself.

Looking at Alvin with an unhappy expression, Zhang Qiang said in a deep voice, "Give me one month. I want to report the recruitment of all air force reserves in East Asian countries.

When the Underworld Air Force Base needs it, we will be able to bear it!

The underground palace is on the boundary of China. If I look at it, my backbone will be poked for a lifetime. "

Alvin saw that following Zhang Qiang's words, the expressions of several politicians with East Asian faces in the vicinity immediately changed.

Looking at the vicious Zhang Qiang curiously, Alvin hesitated and said, "What do you want to do?

I was going to get some library machines to modify, and then use robots to support..."

Zhang Qiang waved his hand to stop what Alvin was about to say, and he said coldly: "The world is not owned by a single person, and the pace of the Sharpshooter Society cannot be slowed down. That can only give those small countries a little effort.

Between lips and teeth, there is no room for them to hesitate.

And we will give them enough compensation..."

Alvin shook his head and looked at Zhang Qiang, who had suddenly become extremely stubborn, and said: "The problem of the underworld is very complicated. I am going to go to the underworld after I get married.

The air force alone is useless. If the crux of the underworld is not found, this situation will continue to repeat in the future.

What the Qin emperor wanted was the support of the air force to establish a strategic depth to provide space for the Qin army to gallop.

Do you think he really needs this kind of support from you? Are you **** angry with me or angry with Qinhuang?

A few minutes before you fucking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com would not even let him be exposed...

I can't see your contradictory behavior, which is both stupid and unprofitable. "

Zhang Qiang looked at Alvin helplessly and said: "You don't understand, sometimes face is more important than fate. It's no secret that Emperor Qin is in the sharp spear meeting. If he loses him, many people are lost.

Everyone always gritted their teeth and worked hard, and couldn't find it if they lost their heart.

We can't bear this kind of loss! "

While Zhang Qiang looked at Alvin, he hesitated and said: "Why don't you join the meeting temporarily and the support items are marked with the label of Sharpshooter Association?"

Alvin looked at the brazen Zhang Qiang in shock, and cursed: "Why the **** don't you die?"

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL: