Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2231: Behind the sharpshooter

Zhang Qiang is also helpless in the face of Alvin who has been tempting himself to make mistakes...

In fact, he knew that Alvin was just making fun. This guy looked down on all the bureaucrats and had the kind of evil taste that wanted to see them embarrassed.

If he really arranged a few girls for him, maybe he wouldn't even dare to move, and in the end he would have to beat him back and say that he had no good intentions for him.

Pulling Alvin and winking at Lao Hu, Zhang Qiang took the three of them to a box.

It's not a meal right now, but the hungry fat man still ordered a special lamb hot pot "atmosphere", and he ate the heroic slurs.

Alvin held a cup of tea and waited patiently for the two to finish their meal. Then he looked at Zhang Qiang and said, "That woman is not a human. I'm not sure what it is, but I always feel like where I have seen her.

If she came for me, then this time the tomb of Emperor Wu will be a bit twists and turns. "

Zhang Qiang frowned and said, "You touched your **** twice, and you know she is not human?"

Speaking of Zhang Qiang touched a small instrument on his body, he shook his head and said: "My detector did not detect anything, and did not find any abnormal conditions. This was impossible in the past.

If non-human beings can evade the detection of Sharp Gun Club detectors, then we have to re-enact safety rules.

This kind of thing is really troublesome..."

Alvin said funnyly: "Why don't you call Wu Fengji directly, she obviously knows that woman.

Let me say, it’s not your detector that has a problem, but that someone inside you has a problem.

They are all electronic products, so it's too easy to leave a back door so that it can block certain people's information. "

Zhang Qiang listened and said with a wry smile: "This is where things are troublesome. If I ask our president directly, it means I am suspicious of her.

As long as I ask a question, someone from the monitoring team will immediately intervene in the investigation...

I definitely trust our president, but for some things beyond the rules, there must be a statement, otherwise, if there is a problem in the future, it will be a big trouble.

I told you that Sharp Gun Club is an organization within the rules. While we ask other people to abide by the rules, we must abide by the rules. "

Speaking, Zhang Qiang showed an awkward smile on his face and said, "Why don't you call our president? You are an outsider, and what you say will not touch the internal monitoring of the Sharpshooter."

This guy has been around for a long time, just wanting to make himself call Wu Fengji to verify, but he kept himself clean.

Alvin didn’t mind too much. Zhang Qiang’s cautiousness gave him a new understanding of Gunslinger. If the president and vice president both need to be cautious, let alone the people below. .

For ordinary people, such an organization is a good organization and a trustworthy organization.

Alvin is not clear about the specific internal procedures, but he heard Zhang Qiang mentioned that the sharp gun will have a cruel and unimaginable cleaning mechanism.

Now it doesn’t look like these things were made up by Zhang Qiang casually...

Alvin looked at Old Hu with a worried expression. He smiled and waved his hand and said, "This fat man is a bad kind, and he has no peace of mind when he drags you in.

I don't know what he wants to do, but I am personally responsible for your safety. "

The fat man, who had been stunned, was stunned for a moment, then angrily slapped his chopsticks on the dining table, and cursed: "Bad son, I said you were so generous in the treat, so I wanted to count us."

Lao Hu pulled the excited fat man and said helplessly: "What is he calculating with us?"

The fat man excitedly pointed to Zhang Qiang's "babble" hum, then looked at Lao Hu and said, "Your appearance shows that there must be a problem. It must be this guy who is making a fool of us. Don't let him succeed."

Zhang Qiang patted the table uncomfortably, and said, "It's almost enough, what do I calculate for you? Both of them don't have 500 yuan in their pockets. What are you worthy of my calculation?"

As Zhang Qiang looked at Lao Hu, he said, "This time it was a sudden incident. Alvin was spotted as soon as he arrived in Xianyang. I am worried that there will be an accident when you go to the tomb this time.

If things are not clear, how can we rest assured?

The Japian canthus is not a cat or puppy. You can't kill this thing. If something goes wrong, your life will be suspended.

Lao Hu and I are also considered old neighbours and old friends. How can I watch your foolish adventures in the dark? "

Speaking, Zhang Qiang looked at Lao Hu and said sincerely: "This matter shouldn't allow you to get involved, but Alvin doesn't have you to lead the way. It's impossible to get in without destroying things.

Don’t think you’ve heard any unbelievable secrets. In fact, a lot of the information about Sharpshooters is public, but no one wants to read the thousands of pages of supervision regulations.

Everyone relies on inertia to understand the Sharpshooter Club, as if we are the kind of shameless Jinyiwei.

Lao Hu, when Alvin calls later, you will listen. You are also a person who has met the world, and demons and ghosts are nothing special to you.

I just want you to be prepared. If this matter is said to be big or small, it is not small. You have a preparation in your heart, and you will be able to help when you encounter problems underground.

Anyway, you are not going to be in the country anymore in the short term. Once the matter is over, I will arrange for you to go to Hell's Kitchen..."

Lao Hu and Fatty hadn't recollected it yet, but Alvin understood what Zhang Qiang was good at.

This guy was not indifferent to Wu Fengji's actions outside the rules, on the contrary, he paid special attention to this.

An uncontrolled "monster and ghost" strays on the market, and it has something to do with their president...

Zhang Qiang didn't feel that he was offended, but that the rules set by Sharp Gun Club himself were challenged.

Asking Alvin to call is already Zhang Qiang's approach.

For a very far-fetched reason, he took Lao Hu and the fat man to listen, and then sent them to Alvin. This is Zhang Qiang's use of the sharpshooter to leave a "back road" for himself. If anything goes wrong, this There are several witnesses in the matter.

Although Zhang Qiang maintained a respectful attitude towards Wu Fengji, when Wu Fengji showed abnormality, he would still take the initiative to intervene, but the means should be gentler.

After all, this guy is loyal to the Sharpshooter Club, not Wu Fengji!

Zhang Qiang is well-organized and sensible, but he keeps the bottom line firmly. This is the reason why Alvin has always felt that he is a friend. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Alvin to remain patient with the big head of such a spy organization.

Seeing the faint worry in Zhang Qiang's eyes, Alvin smiled and waved his hand and said: "People show you the relationship openly, which means that they don't care about you checking..."

Zhang Qiang waved his hand and said seriously: "It's not a problem that she doesn't care about, but a problem that I can't check after I know it.

If I find out that I don’t know, it’s my dereliction of duty. In our business, ‘dereliction of duty’ generally means that someone will be killed for it. "

Alvin took out his cell phone and dialed Wu Fengji's phone, and specially projected the video screen onto a white wall in the private room.

After waiting for a few seconds, the video was connected, and Wu Fengji wearing light armor appeared in the screen...

Watching a giant dragon pass by Wu Fengji’s head, spraying a terrible breath of the dragon across the village in a primitive jungle, and then seeing a few strangely dressed guys flying out of the village...

Alvin watched as two more dragons fly by on the screen, greet those weird people fiercely...

He smiled and said, "Am I delaying Chairman Wu's affairs?"

Wu Fengji glanced at the few people in the box. She took a deep look at Zhang Qiang, and then smiled and said, "No, if Zhang Qiang doesn't react, I will find it strange."

Alvin blew a whistle and said with a smile: "It seems that you still have a tacit understanding between you, so I want to ask, who is that woman today?

I was so uncomfortable being stared at by her, but I didn't mean to harass her sexually..."

Wu Fengji at the other end of the video did not immediately answer Alvin’s question. She commanded several groups of soldiers in combat uniforms to cooperate with the dragon's strangulation of the Indian gods from the ground, and then looked at Alvin with a smile and said: "You don't know her? You met each other."

Alvin frowned upon hearing this and said, "I also think I have met her, but it is definitely not what she looks like now.

And her body is not a human body, but an imitation printed with the cradle of life.

I don’t know many non-human beings, and even fewer can walk on the street in this way.

The only thing I can think of is the heroic spirit. Qin Huang's subordinates didn't have to stare at me. Warnerheim had already finished the fight, and it is estimated that the rest will not come to China to find a beating.

I really can't remember who else? "

Wu Fengji smiled and nodded and said, "It seems that you know a lot of magical beings, but it still surprises me if you will forget her. I thought anyone who met her would never forget that strange feeling. ...

It's the feeling that the power is seen through, and it may be trapped at any time! "

Alvin was stunned for a moment, and then said incredulously: "She is the rope?

When I saw her last time, UU read www.uukānshu.com and she was stubbornly talking, but now she actually learns to act?

Why should she stare at me? "

Wu Fengji stretched her hands and said, "I don't know, I can only be responsible for cooperating with her for many things...

But you can rest assured that she is definitely not malicious to you!

In fact, she has no malice towards humans..."

Wu Fengji's vaguely revealed information made Zhang Qiang frown. The president of the Sharpshooter Club can only cooperate. What is this concept?

Looking at Wu Fengji seriously, Zhang Qiang said with an unprecedented serious expression: "President, who is she?

What do you mean by cooperation, do you mean your personal cooperation, or does the entire Sharpshooter Club need to cooperate with her? "

Wu Fenghui...