Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2239: Top secret: bullshit

Lingsuo stared at the ambitious Alvin with wide-eyed eyes. She said in a somewhat unbelievable manner: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Alvin naturally shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm discussing the issue of hacking with you, why? What do you think differently?"

Lingsuo rolled his unknowing number of his eyes today, and said helplessly: "'Death' is one of the five great gods. Do you think my master joins his companions. Since these gods of creation can be sealed, why didn't they kill them? they?"

Alvin stunned for a moment and said, "Maybe their heart is softened. How much trouble have so many gods on earth cause? Isn't it all the bane left by them, how easy is it to kill all the brains at that time?"

Lingsuo looked at the irritable and unreasonable Alvin, and said helplessly: "Everything else can be killed, only the five gods can't kill.

They are the manifestations of the ultimate power of the universe. The death of one will cause huge turbulence in the universe. If the solar system happens to be within the range of turbulence, what do you guess the result will be?

And are you sure that you can withstand the backlash of the universe burst after the death of the Supreme God? "

Speaking of Lingsuo's disapproval of Alvin, she said in a bit of pain: "Alvin, kill the gods and seal the supreme god, these are the bargaining chips for my master.

They established a relative balance with the universe, limiting the struggle to the level of natural selection.

The five supreme gods are the ‘dandan’ of the universe. If you want to remove its egg, what do you think will be the consequence?

After all, we are still creatures in the universe, and we cannot reach the level of detachment.

Limiting the fight to a certain range is the only way out for mankind.

‘Death’ is to make trouble. It can never break free of the seal. It is a seal created by my master and his companions at the expense of their lives, and..."

Alvin frowned and looked at Lingsuo, who was trying to persuade him. He said strangely: "Put'death' at the door of the house, and then said that the trouble it caused was just'trick or treat'. I don't know what else in it. ?"

Lingsuo saw that things had developed to this point. She was silent for a long time and said: "You have to swear that you will never say what you heard today, and swear by your child.

Don't blame me for being overly cautious. The questions you ask are related to the layout of the owner. If it leaks out and an accident occurs, everything will be irretrievable. "

Alvin was silent for a moment, and said: "I don't swear by my child, but I can swear by my own life, I will never say it.

You should believe my position. When I know the whole story and judge the strong relationship, I will be tight-lipped, and there is no need for you to repeat it. "

Lingsuo nodded silently, and finally said: "The seal is not a mere seal, it is a bond that connects the fate of the five supreme gods with the earth.

Once the earth is destroyed, the seal will be detonated, and the five great gods will also be wiped out.

This is the ultimate bargaining chip my master has won for the earth. All battles between the universe and the earth are restricted to a certain range.

All malice in the universe is limited to the level of controlling humans.

Didn’t you realize that the goal of all the enemies of the earth in the past was to destroy mankind, and there are few that want to destroy the earth directly?

A thing as powerful as the cosmic gem serves only as a beacon to attract enemies from the outside world, but it has never tried to cause damage to the earth itself.

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The reason for everything is here...

This is a ‘live and die’ agreement. Once broken, everything will slide into an uncontrollable abyss. "

Speaking of Lingsuo looking at Alvin who was lost in thought, she said helplessly: "It is not difficult to kill the five gods in a specific environment, especially when they are sealed.

But we can't bear the consequences of killing them. Compared with the trouble they cause, they are best for us when they live.

At least the universe itself will feel that its ‘immune system’ is always working. "

Alvin took a deep breath and said, "What the **** is this, holding the five gods to make the universe?

Pulling the ‘dandan’ of the universe, let it fight with us to make a gentleman’s agreement and civilization.

This is **** weird, what will happen to the universe without eggs? "

Lingsuo thought for a while and said, "Without the five gods, the earth loses insurance. The universe itself will give birth to a new supreme god, and then there will be a life-and-death battle with no upper limit.

Even if you can win, what do you think will be left on the earth in the end?

Your so-called decisive battle plan is already the limit I can accept. This is still because we hold insurance.

Now you are going to trouble with ‘death’, how could I let you mess around? "

Alvin nodded in recognition of Lingsuo's words. He felt that those "fairies" were simply unfathomable. Although they sacrificed themselves, they actually grabbed the weakness of the universe, gave the earth and won the best for mankind. living environment.

This can no longer be described as great. Compared to their wisdom and means, those powerful "witch gods" are simply willful dolls.

And Alvin himself, happened to be the spokesperson of these “babies”.

Scratching his head helplessly, Alvin looked at Lingsuo and said, "What should I do?'Death' is immortal, and Emperor Qin may never be able to take it away.

If you can't kill it, the underworld becomes the earth's "egg". Once the Emperor Qin can't hold on, the undead of the underworld may break the barrier at any time and let the earth drink a pot of stinky water.

Emperor Qin persisted for thousands of years, do you want him to continue?

He was beaten with iron, how many undead could he slaughtered? "

Lingsuo listened and said with a smile: "Why do you only rely on Emperor Qin?

If the exploration outside the solar system is stopped, mankind needs to open up a new battlefield.

War is the best catalyst, and guarding the underworld is also the responsibility of mankind.

The appearance of you cowering in **** is really stupid. On the one hand, you are timid and cowering, and on the other hand, you are greedy and adventurous.

Didn't get it right at the door, and still want to go to the outside world? "

Alvin was choked, and said annoyedly: "Is that timid? I will go to **** to snow tomorrow. You are talking for fun when I am Laozi?"

Lingsuo looked at Alvin, who was wrong in his mouth with contempt, and said: "You are a lazy person who loves to take shortcuts. Every time you think about maximizing benefits and minimizing sacrifices, where is there such a good thing?

You are not the nanny of mankind. Our responsibility is to keep the bottom line of the earth and let mankind develop freely.

It's good for you, flying with humans in a leaping way, now it's alright, the steps are too big and awkward!

I guess your so-called having to fight a decisive battle is due to this aspect..."

Alvin shook his head slightly in embarrassment, and said: "I never feel that I am a nanny. I just naturally stand on the side of human beings. Of course, there are fewer dead people and fewer dead people.

Even now I feel the same way. I can't do it when I stand on a high ground and look down on human beings and treat them as numbers.

But for them to let my children take risks, I can't do it. There must be other reasons, but I don't care anymore.

As long as the enemy does not exceed my understanding, I can be sure to ensure the safety of the child.

The five gods can't come out, the Celestial Group is almost dead, who else can hurt my child? "

Speaking of Alvin's look of contempt while looking at Lingsuo, he said uncomfortably: "I am not a superlative god, and I can't put up the style of treating everything like a dog.

But I listened to what you said. When I turned back, I waited until I was done with the things at hand, so I would shrink in the Hell's Kitchen to accompany the children, and I wouldn't move anyone who asked me.

Lao Tzu was like a bodhisattva with a wooden womb, burned incense, and I did not hear the wish.

Is this the head office? "

Lingsuo nodded and smiled and said, "That's it. You are urging humans to go to war on both sides of the **** and the underworld. Twenty-six years later, even humans can have a strong army even if they are a wine and rice bag."

Alvin sighed and shook his head and said, "The **** is okay. There are precious minerals there that are enough to power humans. What is there in the underworld? Do you want them to dig bones in a deadly place?"

Lingsuo looked at Alvin like a fool and said, "You said there are all bones. Didn't you think of how much oil is buried in the underworld?

You don't need much petroleum, but you don't need chemical raw materials? Could it be that a place as big as the underworld still lacks rare mineral deposits?

Go for it, even if you can't find it, can you still watch Emperor Qin struggling to support it alone?

It is enough to prevent human beings from losing too much money. What else do you want to do? "

Alvin looked at Lingsuo in surprise, and said with a smile: "Oh, I didn't expect you to understand natural science?"

This time it was Lingsuo's turn to feel irritable. She impatiently typed a message into Alvin's mind, then turned around and walked and said, "Don't mess around anyway, I've made it clear. , If you lead human beings to death, I will simply open the demon cave, you can figure it out!"

Alvin guessed that Lingsuo was not joking. He smiled and waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, when I have enough strength and get everything ready, I will wait for the first battle to defeat the strongmen in the entire universe. .

Knowing that I will pay such a high price in the future, I have to spend more time with my children. "

After hearing this, Lingsuo looked back at Alvin, nodded and said: "You are an'accident', but for the earth, you are a good accident.

If you go to implement your galaxy plan, as long as it is not a large-scale deployment of human beings, the universe will not react too much. In fact, it does not care about the birth and death of life at all, only the earth is different from human beings...

I am waiting for your good news. Actually, I am a little tired. I hate the tension and fear that arise whenever an enemy appears.

I also hope to see humans stepping out of the solar system and watching them cast out the light of freedom left by their masters. "

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