Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2263: Return

Time travel is a very abstract concept. Alvin doesn't actually understand the principle, but he believes in his own son.

"Amnes" is a magical machine. Pursuing a person's past according to his DNA code is a way far beyond Alvin's understanding.

"Amnes" combined with "quantum channel"...


Enter "Dark Star"!

The elites of the nine worlds of the entire solar system are gathered together, waiting for the "savior" in their minds.

Sixteen years is not long, and short is not short. Too many things have happened in these sixteen years...

Nina was standing on the second floor of a circular laboratory with the senile old Cage, looking at the experimental site on the first floor with expectation in her eyes.

After Neal's first attempt failed, she thought that her father's plan had failed. What she didn't expect was that "failure" was actually doomed and was the key to the success or failure of the plan.

Old Cage stared at the glowing "Amnes", his voice trembling a bit and said to Nina next to him: "Is it successful? Is it successful? Is it successful..."

The young Nina looked at the old Cage who was very old. She sucked her nose and nodded vigorously and said: "It's successful. The'Godfather' has sent out the coordinates. Dad and Neil will definitely come.

We are going to save Ginny and Nick. We will definitely win! "

Talking about Nina supporting old Cage who would fall to the ground at any time, she said worriedly: "You have to hold on, you said you must watch Dad win..."

Old Cage slowly sat on a chair with faint yellow eyes, and muttered to himself: "Yes, I have to watch Alvin win. He always wins...

I watched him win the position of principal, I watched him win the vampire, I watched him win the Hydra, I watched him win the aliens, I watched him lead the humans towards universe……

He promised to build a bronze statue for me, and I will live to see him engraving his name on the base of my bronze statue. "

Speaking of this, Old Cage seemed to be in a state of dying, closing his eyes slightly, the old age spots on his face looked particularly dazzling.

Nina looked at Old Cage who was exhausted when she said a few words. She sucked her nose vigorously, walked behind Old Cage, and put her chin on Old Cage. On my thin shoulders, my eyes are staring at the glowing laboratory...

The old guy is 106 years old this year and has come to the end of his life!

Since he was 100 years old, one of the founders of the Tomahawk School has refused to take blood orchid medicine and dragon bone wine.

Neil was just twenty years old that year, and that year, Mrs. Cage left because...

The old guy has lived a thorough life. For so many years, he has quietly devoted countless efforts behind Alvin, watching the Tomahawk School transform from an uninfluenced community school to the most famous institution in the entire world. Groups of children entered the university, and finally began to return...

Some of the best of them changed the world and even changed the pattern of the universe.

The Hell's Kitchen is no longer a place full of evil. The leapfrog development of the earth has given everyone the opportunity. As long as the mind is normal and willing to work, people can easily get rid of poverty.

Without the pressure of poverty, where is the soil for "evil" to survive?

In 26 years, within a generation, Hell's Kitchen has completed a natural replacement with the Tomahawk School as its core.

The older generation of unwilling lonely guys are now all on the "Dark Star". They want to follow the upcoming Alvin to the forefront, end the war in the universe, and let the entire solar system embark on a new orbit, and no longer suffer from "destiny" "Impact.

The old Cage, who has no regrets anymore, felt that it was enough, he realized his life value, and taking a look at Alvin was the only motivation for him to persist until now.

Nina knew that this respectable old man could no longer hold on. She sniffed and choked and looked at the core of the laboratory, where the light became brighter and brighter...

Fox and Hela stood side by side, looking at the light on the first floor...

Fox's unchanging face was full of tears in his big eyes, and he said in an impenetrable voice: "Will he recognize me?"

Hela flipped his glasses and said, "Sixteen years have passed for us, but it is only a moment for him. What do you think?"

Speaking of Hela, he looked up and down. He was dressed in a floral dress and dressed as he was more than twenty years ago. For fear that Alvin would not recognize Fox, he smiled and said, "You have to adapt to your strength, you are legendary. Demigod, 16 years is nothing to you at all.

If Alvin dares to think you are old, I will beat him up with you!

This **** stayed in hiding for 16 years and left all the pressure on us. He owed us. "

Fox listened, shook his head and said, "No, we should owe him. We all know that he has lost 16 precious years. He is a lover of family. Losing time is a painful torture for him.

It was even more torture for Ginny and the others to take risks.

Who would have thought Thanos would be so powerful? Who would have thought that he would reach the outer solar system in just 16 years?

But he seems to know..."

Speaking, Fox said with a heavy expression: "Do you think we can win?"

Hela shook her head indifferently and said, "The Thanos has tens of billions of troops, but we have dark space. The fleet of the ancient galaxy can use its geographical advantage to offset their numerical advantage.

Nick and their plan have been executed well, as long as they can attract the impatient Thanos and bring their elites into Niederweiner to fight on the ground, we can win! "

Talking about Hela, shook her head funny, and said: "You seem to have a little lack of confidence in Alvin. Is it because you have been fighting for too many years, so you have begun to forget Alvin's power?"

Fox has been fighting for a long time. She glanced at the people nearby and said with a little worry: "It is because I have fought for too many years that I understand that individual strength is too small in a war.

Alvin must be able to win the key for us, but can Gu Yi stick to the end? How long can the coalition forces of the galaxy last in the universe? "

Raymond, who had been standing behind Fox, walked over and said with a smile: "This is the best opportunity for mankind.

Thanos has completely smashed the galaxy. As long as we can win this battle, mankind will enter the core of the galaxy with another attitude.

Those ‘fairies’ are very great, but for humans, Alvin is also great!

Sacrifice is inevitable, but if human beings can control their own destiny~lightnovelpub.net~ then everything is worth it! "

Speaking of Raymond looking at Stark at the core of the laboratory on the first floor, he smiled and said, "Don’t worry, Stark has spent 20 years on the Darkstar. Even if humans lose in the end, you It can also survive under Alvin's leadership and save the last kind of fire for mankind.

I am honored to have the opportunity to participate in such a high-level game in this life, and to stand on the side of mankind and see the dawn of victory..."

When Raymond spoke, the center of the laboratory on the first floor lit up with a dazzling light, and the "Animus" running at full capacity made a sound like a buzzer.

The light of the laboratory suddenly disappeared when it reached its peak...

When everyone looked at the core position, they all exclaimed...

"how so?"

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