Druid of Marvel

Chapter 2264: Preparation for the decisive battle

In the dark space surrounding the periphery of the solar system...

Countless different types of spaceships and warships flooded into the dark space from the periphery of the solar system, posing a posture to fill the entire dark space.

A large group of mages stood on the meteorites moving in disorder in the dark space, marking orange time-space gates one after another, assisting those galaxy coalition forces who had retreated into the dark space to make the last resistance to adjust their positions and attack the weak position of the Thanos spaceship army. .

The intensive formation of the Thanos fleet is not conducive to their attack, because the formation of the fleet cannot be deployed in the face of the stubborn attack of the Galactic Alliance.

But Thanos didn't care at all, he fought from the edge of the Milky Way to the outer edge of the solar system, and at the same time gathered countless troops.

He killed hundreds of billions of lives, and at the same time incorporated countless cartilage troops.

In his opinion, these troops are all expendable cannon fodder. As long as the last obstacle is broken, he can fulfill his long-cherished wish...

Destroy half of the life in the universe, let the last blood of the Titans return to the ancestral land by the way, and let those who drive the Titans to see the final result!

The news of Alvin’s disappearance did not hide the news of Thanos. It was the year that Alvin disappeared. Thanos accelerated the pace of marching. At the same time, the Zerg Kerrigan, who had infiltrated the solar system, set off in Niederweiner. Wave after wave of war.

This is a kind of temptation to test whether Alvin is really missing.

Kerrigan, transformed from the "superstar" headed by the Obsidian Five Generals, brought serious disaster to Niederweiner.

When Fox led the reinforcements and persisted on the meat grinder-like planet of Niederweiner for more than ten years, even when Alvin did not appear at the most dangerous time, Thanos confirmed that the person who had repeatedly disrupted his plan was not there. Up.

Looking at the almost endless dark space through the projection of the command room, Thanos sneered. He knew that there were not many enemies left!

"Gu Yi" is the owner of the dark space, or she is the dark space itself...

Thanos fought against Gu Yi Linkong many times, and every time was resolved by Gu Yi.

Now when the two sides meet each other, Thanos is very sure that he will win, because the strength of the two sides is too far apart.

The galactic coalition forces sounded powerful. The remnants of the "Kerry", "Sandar", "Shia Empire" and hundreds of countries, large and small, have gathered together to form a large battleship of millions of warships.

But compared to the hundreds of times the number of Thanos army, those fleets are like bugs in front of the vehicles, they will be crushed into pieces by wheels at any time.

Just when Thanos watched the battle in the distance, "Ebony Hou" with a mullet face and thin body, holding a red gem in his hand, floated to his side...

Kneeling on the ground and offering a red gem, "U Mu Hou" said blankly: "Master, Proxima Dark Night has sent the'Soul Gem'."

Thanos stretched out his hand and twisted the red gem, frowned for a moment, and tightened his fist indifferently...

As the red powder flowed from the gap between his fingers, Thanos said in a mocking tone: "Wu Muhou, you can't even tell the true and false of the universe gems?

Proxima Dark and General Deadblade brought millions of troops to find soul gems, but they gave me a fake one? "

Ebony looked at Thanos incredulously, and said, "How is this possible? Did they betray the master?"

Thanos thought with one hand on his cheek, shook his head and smiled and said, "They dare not, but in order to punish their stupidity, let them chase those nasty little fleas as forwards."

Wu Muhou looked at Thanos with a bit of incomprehension. The owner seemed not so interested in the only gem he could get...

It may be that he felt Wu Muhou's doubts, and Thanos said in a deep voice, "A gem is of no use to me. Since I have lost it, then I will turn my heart to strangling the stubborn fellows.

In the end all the gems will come to my hands..."

Wu Muhou looked at Thanos and asked carefully: "But those gems are very powerful. Ginny and Nick have artifacts made of space gems and reality gems. They have caused us too much trouble.

Now they have more soul gems, this... Will this affect the final battle? "

Thanos looked at the boundless army outside the window, smiled and shook his head and said: "The use of gems is not that simple. They can only use less than 10% of the power of gems. One more soul gem can't change the current situation. .

Kill them all and everything is over!

At that time I will use six gems to create a new and thriving universe. "

Speaking of Thanos, he waved his hand to Wu Muhou and said, "Go, order a general attack. If Proxima Darkyx finds traces of those little fleas, he will notify me. I will work with her to destroy those stubborn little fleas and put an end to this. Farce, they delayed me too long..."


In the dark space, a falcon-shaped spaceship passed through an orange space door in heavy smoke, and escaped the chasing and killing of a large number of spaceships behind it.

Standing on the meteorite, Strange looked at the overwhelming spacecraft. He reluctantly jumped into a space-time gate and arrived at the core of the dark space. Then the meteorite he was on was broken into pieces.

Looking at a tall man in a black suit in the palace, with a blue gleam in his eyes, he quickly commanded Gu Yi to drop the space gate in a 3D projection, mobilizing the galaxy's coalition forces to block the seemingly endless enemies...

Strange sighed tiredly, walked to Gu Yi who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and said: "Teacher, can we win? They will fill up the entire dark space sooner or later..."

Gu Yi smiled and opened his eyes to take a look at Strange, and said: "I don't know if I can win, because I can't see the future, but it is precisely because I can't see that I feel hopeful. ."

When Gu Yi spoke, the man in the black suit tapped a few times on the 3D projection. Then Gu Yi smiled and released the huge space-time gate in the same position, mobilizing several fleets to shift their positions from the enemy fleet. The rear side attacked them.

The anxious state of the war continued. The man in the black suit looked back at Strange and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Alvin is back. All we have to do is to hold the enemy here as much as possible.

As long as Nick's plan succeeds, Thanos' head will become the straw that crushes these armies. "

Strange looked at the man in black with a strange expression and said, "Jarvis, how long do you think we can hold them?"

Jarvis shook his head and said: "The result doesn't depend on how long we can block, but how long Nick and their plan can succeed?

They took the soul gems from Thanos, and now all the six cosmic gems are in the solar system, and they are concentrated in Niederweiner.

The venue for the decisive battle has never been a dark space, but Niederweiner..."

Strange stared incredulously at the Eye of Agomoto on Gu Yi's chest, and said, "The gem of time..."

Gu Yi looked at Strange's puzzled expression, she smiled and took off the eyes of Agomoto and handed it to Strange, and then drew a space-time gate beside her, smiling and said: "You are what I see The most talented mage ever, if you follow the ending I've "seen" first, you should be the master of the Time Gem.

But mastering gems has never been a beautiful thing for humans...

Now I can't walk away, you take the gems to Nidvenir, and let me feel the joy of the unknown.

I like the feeling now that everything is unknown and everything is brand new. Every step we take is to decide our own destiny. "

Speaking, the ancient pair waved to Strange with a solemn expression: "Go, go to the decisive battle, don't have any burdens, I guess we can win..."

Seeing Strange walked into the space gate with doubts, Jarvis, who looked completely indistinguishable from others, looked at Gu Yi curiously and said: "Why don't you tell him the truth? Alvin has returned, as long as Thanos Go to Niederweiner and he is dead!"

Gu Yi smiled and waved his hand and said, "Since I merged with the dark space, I am no longer a pure human being.

Kama Taj needs a new leader, and Strange is the best candidate.

Kama Taj now needs to adapt to the ‘unknown’, and the ‘unknown’ is also a kind of power that will make Strange do his best. "

After a moment of silence, Jarvis said: "You are right. The'unknown' is also a kind of power. I always lack the awe of the'unknown'. Maybe this is the reason why I will never have a free soul."

Gu Yi smiled and shook his head and said: "No, the real situation is that you "think" too much. You have to learn to think emotionally, instead of always thinking with data.

Alita is a good example. If you want to be a human, you have to think like a human.

Although the Kerry’s ‘Supreme Wisdom’ was destroyed, it understood it in the end. It can do it, so surely you can. "

As Gu Yi looked at Jarvis in deep thought, she seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "Alvin is back, do you think you still have a scene with Alita?"

Jarvis thought of the big guy who always wanted to cut himself off. He reluctantly said: "You think if I propose to Alita in front of him, Alvin will chop me into many pieces. child?"


Xingjue drove the spacecraft that was about to fall apart and rushed into a drop-shaped spaceship. Then Xingjue and Nick rolled out of the spaceship that might explode at any time and pressed the fire button.

In the command room, Captain Ginny was holding a single telescope and looked at the battle outside the window with all the strange gazes of nearby crew members.

After fiddling for a long time, I still couldn't help. Ginny was about to throw away the **** in her hand. Nick, covered in black and gray, walked into the command room.

Reached out and took off the blindfold from Ginny's face, allowing the one-eyed pirate to restore his sight.

Seeing Ginny's happy appearance after seeing the light again, Nick rolled his eyes and said, "Ginny, Alvin is back, doesn't mean you are going to become the foolish little girl in the past~lightnovelpub.net~How old are you? ?"

Ginny rolled her beautiful eyes, closed the blindfold again, and drove the biological armor to form a few big scars on her face. She snatched the soul gem in Nick's hand, and said viciously: "Go, let's take the enemy Kill them all!"

Kamora, who had kept the Ginny spacecraft, curiously approached Xingjue and said, "How did you bring the soul gem back? It is said that there is..."

Xingjue seemed to recall some unbearable past, he sighed and said: "Don't ask, I won't tell you if I ask..."

Nick on the side shook his'Reality Gem Ring', and then said with a grin, "Kamora, you have to be careful, this guy is talking to an ugly monster named'Red Skull' for the peace of the universe." Had a terrible love, and then pushed them into the fire pit, haha..."

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