Druid of Marvel

Chapter 386: Wild Wilde

At Stark's manor, Alvin took a fishing rod and fished at Stark's private pier.

Little Ginny had a small bucket in her hand, and a plastic spatula in her hand kept tinkering on the beach. Whenever I find a small crab or shell, I always yell at Alvin happily, "Daddy, look ~~ bait ~~"

Whenever this time, Alvin would always give Thumbs Up to Ginny and say aloud to her, "Good job!"

Nick finally gave the Triceratops a name, "ild", which means wild. The newly arrived Dragon Knight, Mr. Custer, was sitting next to Alvin, holding "Wild" in his arms to feed it.

Alvin glanced at "Wild", seeing it swollen, scratching his head, greedy silly drinking milk, no matter how he saw it could be associated with the word "wild".

But Nick is the little master, this is his will, and the little dragon is also nodded according to his head. This is no problem. No matter what wild stuff, wasn't it a "baby"?

Stark, with a swollen face and a swollen face, held a multifunctional mechanical tool in his hand and adjusted Nick's mechanical prosthesis. Nick had recently grown a little taller.

Frank stood aside nervously and guilty, trying to say something, and seemed to be inexplicable, annoying.

Stark had a pig on his head, busted Nick's legs, glanced at Frank with a guilty expression, patted Nick's legs, and said with a smile, "Well, boy, you can run now.

Take your little thing to my house. This kind of thing always **** milk. My housekeeper prepares a lot of grass and leaves. You have to figure out what it likes to eat. "

Nick hugged "Wild" and happily stood up, jumped twice, and said to Stark: "Yes, sir, Dragon Knight Nick Custer will report to you!

Tell me who broke your nose, Dragon Knight Nick will avenge you in ten years ~~ haha ​​~ "

Stark touched his slightly red nose, rolled his eyes uncomfortably, rubbed Nick's head, pointed at the direction of his house, and said loudly: "GO Nick, GO Dragon Knight, take you Little things to drink, GO!

If it **** on my lawn, I will scoop out your shit! "

Nick Haha smiled, put the little triceratops on the ground, and dangled in front of it with the bottle in his hand, ran sideways and ran twice, and anxiously urged in his mouth: "Quick, Wilde, let's go and see See what's delicious there, hurry ~~ "

Little Triceratops Wilde, grinning at the triangular mouth, anxiously screaming like a kitten, struggling to move his short legs, shaking his head and rushing towards the bottle in Nick's hand.

Nick stroking the small broken steps in place, patted Frank's waist, and said, "Frank, don't have a face, I'll reconcile with Shirley. Your hot girl can't run away!

I really do n’t know if the pepper is so spicy. I just wanted to make a joke.

Haha, did you see that? I am a dragon knight! "

Frank reluctantly rubbed his son's head firmly, then held his head, kissed him on the top of his head, and said, "I'm sorry!"

Nick stunned, then pushed tough Frank, made a disgusting expression, and trot away as he yelled, "Hell's Kitchen is not sorry, although I don't know why you said sorry, but that's not important ,We are a family!"

Saying that Nick wasn't going to see Frank's strange face, while jogging sideways, he screamed at the running wild Oscar Wilde: "Hurry up, Wilde, you are too slow, hurry up ~~"

Stark watched Nick run away before he took out a few cigars from his pocket, handed them to Alvin and Frank, and said to Frank, who hasn't even looked back, "Dude, I have never seen you have This expression.

Look at it a little, Nick will adapt to the situation when you find a girlfriend, this is a cheerful kid! "

Frank took a cigar, glanced at Stark, and suddenly laughed, saying, "You're right, we will all adapt in the end!

Can you tell me how to use your tools? I want to learn to see, if Nick is growing taller in the future, I can adjust it for him.

This way you don't have to wait until he falls, only to find that he has grown again! "

Alvin watched Stark smirkly shoveling a flashlight-like multipurpose tool into Frank's hand and said perfunctoryly, "I'll give you a manual."

Stark didn't understand Frank's strange behavior, and Alvin knew it. Nick has been wrestling lately, and nobody cares. Only when Alvin saw that the problem was coming, the boy had grown tall and his legs were a bit unsuitable before wrestling. This is one of the reasons why Alvin decided to come here today.

Frank's guilt lies in this. It has little to do with Shirley. Nick has not suffered from Shirley so far, but it may not be so in the future.

Frank shoved the tool into his pocket, shook hands with Stark with a smile, and said, "Thank you! Stark!"

Stark patted Frank's arm somewhat inexplicably, and said, "You're welcome! Hmm ~~ that's it!"

Alvin put the fishing rod on the holder, lit the cigar, and smiled at Stark: "Brother, yesterday was just a gift. Why did you make yourself like this? The steel suit doesn't love you anymore? Does your face show up? "

Stark rubbed his terrible face in annoyance, and said uneasily, "It's the prince of Asgard. He thought we were too noisy last night. I ran out and gave it one when I taught that thing. Hammer, shattered it. "

Speaking of Stark, he took a cigar with a grudge, and continued, "Norman Osborne was very angry, and compared with him, he came at noon. You should look at him, the old guy is worse than me A lot more, ha ~~ "

Alvin shook his head funnyly. A bunch of big men were there to teach the kids there yesterday, and the residents around them were not satisfied. Of course, most people don't run out of trouble when they are fine.

But our assistant coach, Thor, is clearly not among ordinary people. When you first taught the boys, I put up with it, after all, Steve was also there.

But in the end, Stark and Norman Osborne were not teaching the children, but began to use the unfortunate "venom" to compete with the power of the battle suit, Mr. Thor could not bear it. You are a machine gun, a missile, and occasionally a harsh ultrasound. Who can bear this?

So when Stark smugly flew the "Venom", Thor, wearing a pair of underwear, ran out of the house with a hammer, hitting the unfortunate "Venom" into pieces that did not exceed the size of his nails, The world is quiet!

Norman Osborn was ready to harvest the second wild "venom" hen of the Osborne family, and was completely beaten by Sol.

The angry Norman Osborne did not know Thor, and was ready to teach him, but, um ~~

Stark shot out of morale or dissatisfaction with aliens, so, uh ~~


Eddie Brock leaned heavily against a trash can in an alley in Hell's Kitchen, panting heavily.

He carefully stretched his head and looked outwards, finding that the person following him didn't seem to be appearing, which relieved him.

Eddie looked at the dirty gray hoodie, and looked desperately at the narrow sky above the alley.

He still remembers the principal Alvin told him on the yacht that day, "If you don't have a place to go in the end, you can come to the Hell's Kitchen."

Eddie hammered his head in pain, thinking that he once thought that this place was hell, this is the gathering place of scum gangsters, and this should be a garbage dump with no hope.

As a result, this place always sheltered itself at critical times to protect itself from the pursuit of those gangsters. No matter how dangerous the situation is, as long as he runs into the **** kitchen, those outsider gangsters will not dare to enter.

After so many days of struggling, Eddie understands that it is his greed for reputation and money that sent him to the present hell.

Eddie has wondered countless times how good it would have been if he had not boarded that ship that day. He is also a respected investigative reporter, and his girlfriend still admires himself every day. He also has a beautiful house and a cool locomotive.

It's ruined now!

Eddie once hated the principal Alvin, that he handed himself a loaded pistol and fired at his own head. But really blame him? It is myself who pulls the trigger ~~

Just as Eddie thought about it, a few drops of black mucus fell on his shoulders. Eddie just glanced at it and laughed indifferently. What does it matter, the tramp doesn't need to be clean.

Hell's Kitchen is a garbage shelter in the city. Will you become a member of the "garbage", clean? Not important anymore ~~


Old Joey was busy picking up trash at the circuit last night until three in the morning.

Although very tired, the old Joey still insisted to get up early in the morning and gave himself a cup of coffee which was cheap but still strong. He sniffed the slang slang minor with a cozy coffee and turned around in his newly rented apartment.

Old Joey is very satisfied. Although this apartment is not large and the lighting on the first floor is not very good, it doesn't matter. He cleans the place every day.

Old Joey feels very satisfied. How many years has UU reading www.uukanshu.com not slept in a furnished house?

This is thanks to the principal Alvin, who paid for a bottle of beer for himself, because he promised to live in front of many people, and because he let the boss of Teji give himself a job!

Old Joey took a pleasant sip of coffee, and he felt that this was the life of a normal person.

Just as the old Joey was immersed in his own world, the position of the trash can at the back door heard an unusual sound, which made him wake up.

Old Joey quickly pulled out an old revolver from the back of the sofa cushion, checked it, and walked carefully to the back door.

Pushing open the back door, Old Joey saw a young man in a gray hoodie, sweating over the trash can and eating all the fried chicken leftovers that he had eaten the day before yesterday. Nothing left ~~~

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