Druid of Marvel

Chapter 387: Hell's Kitchen without help for no reaso

? Alvin summoned the corpse vine to Stark's strong demand.

In fact, his injuries were not serious at all. The effect of stagnant vines for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis may not be as good as a bottle of medicinal wine. But friends, there are no side effects to the vines, he wants to give him a look!

Alvin looked at Stark with a smile and said, "How does it feel to compete with a" god? "

Stark pouted, looked at the sea in front of him, and said, "Not good, but I always want to remind myself that there is a fucking" **** "in this world.

I will prove that "God" can also be defeated! "

Alvin hammered Stark on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I support you, you can do it.

They are actually some arrogant aliens, except that they live a little longer and are actually no different from us. "

Stark glanced at Alvin, shook his head with a smile, and said, "You always look at it this way, can I take this as your confidence?"

With a fishing rod in his hand, Alvin took a sip of a cigar, and said with a smile, "It has nothing to do with self-confidence. No one is truly invincible.

It's just that my desire is small, and I won't look too far, so I don't have any pressure.

The only thing I know is that even in the worst case scenario, I can surely drag my enemies to hell.

Speaking of hell, I remember, Stark, do you believe in demons in this world? "

Stark frowned, looking at Alvin, and said uncertainly, "Are you feverish?"

Speaking of Stark, he took a sip of the cigar, felt it, and said, "There is no hemp in the cigar!"

Alvin shook his head with a smile and said, "Do you think I'm joking with you? The world is not as simple as you think!"

Talking about Alvin's mention of a fishing rod, he pulled up a good sea bass.

Taking down the sea bass with satisfaction and putting it in the box containing the fish, Alvin said with a smile: "I encountered a few demons yesterday, I cut them, and then I heard some strange sounds.

Seriously, telling you these things is not to create pressure on you, but to tell you how many years have people on the earth been living under the siege of aliens, demons, and other possible things?

The fact that we can survive to this day means that there are other forces on the planet guarding here.

We are certainly not alone, so don't push yourself, don't get horny. You are the cutting-edge representative of human science and technology. How far you can go means how far humans can go.

Dude, I'm reminding you now, don't dig into the horns, something like the super artificial intelligence you said last time, let it sleep in the trash! "

Stark shrugged a little with disapproval and said, "I don't agree with you very much, but I'm happy to listen to my friends.

Seriously, Alvin, with your education, talk to the best scientists on the planet about future technology. Will you be under pressure? "

Alvin rolled his eyes, gave Stark a middle finger, and cursed with a smile: "FUCKYOU Stark, you're discriminating against my education, I'll hit you!"

Stark raised his eyebrows proudly and hugged because Alvin caught the fish and ran over excitedly to see the little Ginny who had harvested.

Stark gave a strong kiss on the little girl's face, and then laughed and said to Alvin, "This is Stark's confidence, and I will not lose to anyone in this regard."

Little Ginny didn't have time to talk about Stark's nonsense, she couldn't understand a word, twisted her body, ran to Alvin, kissed on her father's face first, and then ran to the small fish box I glanced aside and called, "Big fish, Dad is awesome! Let's have grilled fish at noon!"

Saying little Ginny's hands form a trumpet shape, shouting to Caesar and Messimos playing on the beach: "Caesar ~~ Come and see the big fish ~~"

Stark stretched his hands and said to Alvin with a smile on his face: "Man, I rarely feel jealous, but I have to say, I am a little jealous of you."

Alvin didn't want to ignore Stark's feelings in this regard. This **** had a chance to make others jealous of him, but he couldn't make up his mind.

Alvin rarely taunts the life of his friends, because it doesn't make sense, and it might be annoying.

It would be nice to let Stark be jealous once in a while, maybe he figured it out, and he could drink his wedding wine in his lifetime.

I don't know what happened to his diamond mine in Africa? Pepper estimated that he couldn't wait any longer, so he went to urge the work in person.


At noon, Alvin started to grill a few fishes. Today the women are not there. The men are carrying the children, so they eat very rough, but the children don't seem to care.

A variety of fresh spices are wrapped in cleaned sea fish, wrapped in tin foil, and placed on the grill and slowly cooked with gentle heat.

Exactly how delicious Alvin is, but the children eat it sweet. The chef Alvin only tasted a few fish heads in the end.

However, as a chef, the happiest thing is that his cooking skills have been affirmed. Alvin is very happy to drink a few bottles of beer with a little fish head and a little cooking.

It was that without Stark's ghostly steward looking at a fool, Alvin felt his mood would be better.

Holding a bottle of beer, grabbing the old English housekeeper who had sent a wig, and talked to him about the level of "momentary movement" and "invisibility", but was Harry Potter a Voldemort? relative.

This profound topic finally broke the old steward's stubbornness, and he changed his face and fled.

Alvin glanced proudly at the old butler who had never walked without a voice, striding heavily and hiding back to the manor, and then smiled with satisfaction.

This ghostly old thing is too disrecognizable. Laozi grilled a fish for the children. You left one is not clean, and the right one is noisy beside you.

This kind of grilled fish I have eaten countless times in my life, and I haven't had any problems. Why is there a problem?

You, a British foreigner, practice your stomach with potatoes and fried fish every day. Do you still question my extensive and deep-fried grilled fish dishes?

Norman Osborn hurried over when Alvin finished their lunch.

The old guy didn't look very good, or he couldn't see much.

Norman Osborne was swollen and shiny on the left half of the old face of a shoehorn, and there were heavy dark circles on his eyes.

Alvin understood that Norman Osborne's face should have been suffocated, and the dark circles must have been unable to keep up.

The biological armor is good, it still needs the host, but Norman Osborne now uses a castrated version, which will be a little more polite. But for their scientifically weak chickens, this kind of politeness is still a big burden.

Stark squeezed his eyes at Alvin, hugged Norman Osborne with a laugh, and said a little slyly, "Old man, what's wrong with your face? You look really bad, Haha! "

Norman Osborne rolled his eyes helplessly and pushed Stark with "enthusiasm", shook hands with Alvin, and said, "A very bad day, especially with Stark."

Alvin shook his head with a smile and summoned the corpse vine, giving Norman Osborne a bit to add the energy lost from his body. The old guy did look really bad.

It was the first time that Norman Osborne actually saw the corpse vine. He looked at Alvin with excitement and said, "Is this, is it ~~" He pointed to the one that was once full. "Green fish scales" legs.

Alvin nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, don't be surprised, this is nothing.

Tell me, what the **** was that thing last night? Is that the "venom" of your family? "

Norman Osborne did not rush to return to Alvin's problem, and carefully felt the changes that the vine vine brought to himself.

Then I said a bit annoyed: "Yes, that's" Venom ". I thought I could harvest the seventh" Venom "of the Osborne family, and it was messed up by a football assistant coach.

I was searching near Hell's Kitchen last night, but all the dead tissues I found were dead.

It's a pity that the core of "Venom" is missing.

I only have a living "venom" that can lay an egg every two years. Many experiments have no way to do it. They are too fragile.

Now finally there is another, and the result ~~ "


Old Joey was sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee, and watching with distress that the young man on the opposite side ate up everything in his refrigerator. That was his weekly breakfast.

He thought he was edible when he was young, but with two huge bread sticks, three kilos of milk, and a large box of peanut butter, it was a bit too much to eat at one time.

Shaking his head and sighing, he poured a glass of water on the young man. Old Joey said, "Man, I don't know what you have experienced? But it's not bad to live!"

Eddie Brock's brain finally turned a bit, and looking at the old man with a lame leg in front of him, Eddie was a little moved.

Few strangers are willing to help me just now. It is impossible for a person who ate up the trash can to be welcomed. Thinking of this, Eddie's stomach started to react and vomited ~~

When Eddie came out of the bathroom, old Joey handed him a cup of coffee and said with a smile, "Taste it, I made my own coffee. Although it is not a premium product, it is really fragrant."

Eddie took the coffee gratefully, took a sip, and found that it was indeed not a premium product, and the bitterness was still sour. The old man must have used the worst coffee beans.

Although I don't know why old Joey looks so optimistic, Eddie is still very satisfied now. He may not have had a cup of hot coffee for half a month.

Eddy is holding coffee in both hands ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Slowly and greedily finish drinking bitter coffee.

Putting down the coffee cup, Eddie stood up and pulled a little gray hoodie on his body, and said to the old Joey, "Thank you very much for your hospitality, thank you! But I am leaving and staying here for a long time Maybe it will cause you unnecessary trouble. "

Old Joey was sitting on the sofa, looking up at this unusually embarrassingly tall young man, and smiling, and said, "It looks like you have misunderstood me. Hell's Kitchen didn't help for no reason.

You ate my food for a week and it was worth more than forty pieces.

I have had a bad waist recently and need a helper at work. "

Saying old Joey put the revolver on the handle of the sofa, said: "You should think about it, and then happily promise me ~~"

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