Druid of Marvel

Chapter 470: Tips for prying corners

Alvin smiled as Reed took Sue to greet other acquaintances.

Glancing at the gloomy handsome man, Alvin smiled and ignored him and turned to look at other things.

Stark's energy center for community schools is here. After twelve o'clock this evening, Alvin was able to say aloud to those terrible electricity bills.

In the center of the exhibition hall stands a huge power distributor of nearly fifteen meters high. There is a huge fusion reactor deep in the ground floor of the exhibition hall. Using new elements can produce enough power to supply more than half of New York's electricity.

It is said that Stark and the new mayor Donald Depp have negotiated the first project of the Stark Group, which is to integrate New York municipal electricity into the Stark Group's new grid, future subways, street lights, etc., all The electricity for all public projects is provided by the Stark Group.

The Stark Group's new energy plan has taken a solid first step, but it does not take the risk, because he will not touch the interests of those super giants for the time being. Just show the "muscle" and wait for the giants to come to negotiate.

New energy power projects want to roll out, can not do without those energy giants.

By that time, Stark only needs to reorganize an electric power company, own the core technology, pay a part of the shares, and even use the money, it will make this electric power company a new giant.

Alvin is wondering if he has a richest friend in the world who can encourage him to buy an island on the Caribbean Sea. An old man with silver hair and a pair of black-rimmed glasses came to his side.

Alvin knew him, and Lancer's first thing was to run to him and cry. Alvin guessed that the old man might be Julie and their team teacher, Professor Franklin Hall.

"Hello, principal Alvin. I am a professor of physics at Harvard. My name is Franklin Hall."

In the face of Professor Hall's outstretched hand, Alvin smiled and hugged him enthusiastically, saying "I know you, Julie sees you as an idol! He said you are a real scholar!"

Professor Hall's enthusiasm for Alvin was a little daunting. He didn't know much about people, but he had received a call from a Harvard director before, so he had to find a way to get in touch with Alvin.

This is paving the way for Harvard public relations staff who are about to arrive in New York.

At best, he can make Alvin's impression of Harvard a little bit better. After all, he is Julie's teacher. If Julie can convince Alvin to stand up and speak for Harvard, it will definitely make Harvard a lot easier.

This time is an unprecedented tough battle for Harvard. Every Harvard must contribute.

Looking at Prof. Hall, who was a little embarrassed, Alvin said with a smile, "It looks like you are a real researcher. If you are a lobbyist for Harvard ~~

Hmm ~~ No need! You also don't look like the person doing this.

I am not malicious to Harvard, but my students have been treated unfairly there.

Let the real lobbyists talk to me! I guess we will reach an agreement. Julie certainly didn't want to shame her alma mater. "

Looking at Professor Hall, who was suddenly relieved a lot, Alvin hugged him again with a smile, and squeezed his eyes slyly, saying, "Look, I'm honest with you, because you are a respected scholar .

I just ask, can you tell the people at Harvard about my true attitude, you know ~~ negotiate ~~ "

Facing Alvin's frankness and humor, Professor Hall raised his black-rimmed glasses, and suddenly smiled, and said, "What did you just say? I don't seem to remember!"

Julie is the best student I have ever met, and she deserves preferential treatment.

No matter what the final result is, she can find a place in my project lab. "

Alvin hugged Professor Hall's shoulders happily and said, "You are a real scholar, haha, maybe we can talk about something else.

For example, I know the world's richest man who is about to be born. Can he help your research?

Julie is also my student, and I hope she has a bright future. You now ~~ hm ~~ forgive my city 侩! "

Professor Hall smiled and could not help but slap on Alvin's arm. The old professor said with a little pride, "I'm working on a new material. Gravity particles are" gravity. "

It is the best aircraft coating material in the future. Anti-gravity is the research and development direction of the future aircraft, and I have made progress.

I really need some financial help, if it's Mr. Stark ~~ "

"But gravity particles can never be combined with other materials. Your vision is just an air tower. Professor Hall, why don't you change one direction ~~" a slightly low voice interjected.

Alvin frowned at the impolite fellow, the one who had just stared at himself.

Professor Hall looked at this handsome man who was not too old, and said with excitement, "Redirect? Use your ridiculous" magic "? Then make" gravity maggots "into bombs?

you are dreaming! Victor von Dum! "

Alvin patted comfortably on Professor Hall's shoulder, glanced at Dum, and said with a smile, "If I were you, I would leave here. Professor Hall is my friend, and he doesn't seem to think so much. Discuss his invention with you.

Need i say goodbye to you? Mr. Dum! "

With a stubborn smile on Dum's face, he said slightly arrogantly. "Actually, I was saving Professor Hall's project. He still hasn't found a breakthrough in how to use" gravity 塕 ".

Using "gravity puppet" worth tens of millions of dollars to make coatings is simply a stupid choice. "

Alvin glanced at Professor Hall's ugly face, and it seemed that this Dum was not all nonsense.

But this has nothing to do with himself. Professor Hall is a teacher of Julie, and may still determine Julie's future achievements.

Which side to stand in this case is simply a good choice.

Patting Professor Hall's shoulder, Alvin smiled and comforted him, and said to Dum, "I think respecting one's choice is the least polite, just like I would never forget other people's girlfriends. .

Mr. Dum, Sue is a good girl, but she has a boyfriend!

Like Professor Hall's research, this is something that belongs to him, and others have no right to finger paint.

Or do you want something? Hmm ~~ I can tell you that you are going to be disappointed!

Before, I thought that Reed was very handsome except for being handsome, but now he looks too good compared to you! "

Dumu froze, his face became very ugly, his body shook, his eyes suddenly dimmed, as if his head had been hit hard.

This handsome man, after being silent for almost half a minute, sorted out his collar a little bit, and watched Alvin say, "Maybe you're right!"

After speaking, Dum looked at Professor Hall, and bent a little sincerely, saying, "Professor Hall, please forgive the greed of a businessman!

In fact, I am very optimistic about your research, "gravity 塕" will be an amazing new material.

I am also a scientist, but at the same time I am also a businessman ~~ Please forgive me for my rudeness! "

Professor Hall was a little bit surprised by Dum's apology. He looked at Alvin for help, which made him a little uncomfortable.

He seemed to have dealt with Dum before, and the results were not very good. Now Dum suddenly changes ~~~

Alvin can imagine how Dum showed a businessman-like greedy to take away his research in the face of a real scholar like Professor Hall.

What is going on now? He just stimulated him with the girl Su, he seemed to suddenly become a person.

Humility, sincerity, self-cultivation, and extreme grace. What is going on? In addition to looking good, does the girl have magic power?

Alvin gently pulled Professor Hall a bit, making him take two steps back. The situation may be a little difficult for him now.

Looking at the sudden change of Dum, Alvin smiled and said curiously, "Did I say something wrong? Or did I switch?"

Saying Alvin slammed his finger on his temple, made a "snap", and then said, "It's a cool personality like the second personality."

Dum, who had always been very gloomy before, smiled. He looked at Alvin and said sincerely, "Your words suddenly reminded me why I failed!

Maybe I'm not as good as Reed. A knowledgeable and funny scientist is what Su likes.

It's a pity that I chose to become a businessman first. Maybe I can change from this moment. Maybe it's too late! "

Alvin looked at this acacia guy a little bit speechlessly. He was not optimistic about the so-called change of this Dum. How could human nature change so easily?

Besides ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It's not funny and educated to pry into the corner, the most important thing is to ridicule and shame, plus rich, rich, rich.

Alvin looked at the reviving Dum, hesitated, and said, "I must not tell you something like cheering on, but uh ~~ Good luck!"

Dum nodded graciously and said, "I do need some luck, which is a challenge for me.

No one has ever told me why I failed in the past, I think, I need to say thank you!

By the way, your speech today is outstanding!

I rarely hear such a sincere speech!

Before that I was a businessman. If you can understand a businessman's greed, maybe we can be friends.

My name is Dum, Victor von Dum!

I'm from Latovinia! "
