Druid of Marvel

Chapter 505: Enjoy freedom

Hella watched Little Ginny carefully plant the little sapling into the lunch box where the cake was originally placed.

Looking at Little Ginny, smoothed out the moist soil carefully, and happily kissed the young sapling's face, and let the young sapling make the sound of "iam groot, iam groot".

Hella smiled comfortably!

This was the Groot treeman who accompanied her through her long years in prison. It used to be the best fighter and the best guard, and later it was the only companion who lived with her.

But in the end, in order to draw more death energy, he still killed it, or it sacrifice himself voluntarily, and it was a bit tired!

Now it is resurrected, and it seems to have found a new partner, it loves her! It looks like little Ginny will never make it sad!

Glancing at Alvin, who had made himself dirty in order to find the right dirt, Hella looked at him with a smile and said, "Do you need me to say thank you? It looks like you saved my life again! "

Alvin patted the dirt on his hand, watching Little Ginny holding a lunch box flowerpot in her arms, thinking in her mind whether she would give herself a pair of round glasses, a black line cap, and a black coat .

At that time, she would take the little Ginny and go shopping together. Who dares to say that she is not a killer?

After hearing what Haila said, Alvin froze, shook his head with a smile, and said, "If you can say something when you can't support it, I will be happy to help!

I'm not used to cheating or acting!

We are not too familiar, sincere will make me feel better! "

Speaking of Alvin, he pointed to the magical sapling who twisted his body in a flower pot and made Ginny laugh and laugh, and said, "It's amazing! It looks like your magical power is so great! It created A very magical life! "

Hella stunned for a few seconds, and Alvin's character made him feel very interesting, sometimes seemingly stingy, and sometimes it seemed to care nothing!

Looking at Alvin with a smile, Hella tidy her hair, said a little tired: "He is from the planet Groot, is a very interesting tree man.

He used to be my guard and followed me for many years. In the end he did not choose to leave me and came here with me. "

Talking about Hella pointing at the small piece of wood ruins, he said softly with some nostalgia: "He takes root there, grows there, and accompanies me through the hardest times!

Finally ~~ "

Facing the misty eyes of Hella, Alvin crooked his head, spread his hands, and said, "Go on, I'm a good listener!"

Hella turned her gaze to the new little sapling and said bitterly: "In the end I killed him. He used the last energy of his life to make me establish a weak connection with the core of my death power.

So ~~ I'm not crazy ~~ "

Alvin glanced at the little Ginny, who was screaming with tongue, pretending to be scared, and then suddenly opened her mouth and made a funny face to make the little girl laugh.

"I guess the decision to kill him must have been difficult, and he looks like a good companion!

now what? What do you think now? "

Hella had a smile on her face, and suddenly a few tears were dripping. She didn't seem to feel herself, but said to Alvin: "I have experienced too many things that make me regret it! I want to make myself future Spent a happy life! "

Alvin stared at the tears of those goddesses that were very valuable at first glance, watching them fall to the ground, watching a barren place begin to have some breath of life.

Watching a few grasses peeping out of the cracks in the rocks, Alvin was very curious, he said perfunctoryly: "It must be difficult! At least you can't find a boyfriend, I know several beautiful women who have midnight Strangling his boyfriend's thoughts.

They are not dangerous, you ~~~ "

Before Alvin's words were finished, he felt a strange look at Hella. He quickly shook his head and said a little embarrassingly: "Don't ignore me, I just lost my mind!

Happiness is not difficult, but it is not easy to be happy forever, at least I can't! "

As Alvin pointed to several strong grasses emerging from the ground, he smiled and said, "I think you can be the best gardener!

You don't have to do anything, crying every day at regular intervals, I think you can make a fortune! "

Hella touched her cheek with a little confusion, glanced at the beginning of the green barren land, and suddenly smiled and said, "I think the mood is now very happy! The end of death is the beginning of a new life!

I will try to keep myself happy, and it seems that this should not be difficult! "

Alvin waved his hand indifferently, saying, "That's your own business. The only thing I want to remind you is that if you run into something unpleasant, uh ~~ alarm is a good choice!"

Hella glanced at Alvin with a confusion, saying, "What do you mean by the alarm? Looking for a law enforcement officer?"

After receiving an affirmative reply from Alvin, Hella looked at Alvin in an incredible way and said, "Your fighting style seems to have nothing to do with the alarm you said!

Do the strong people on earth generally handle this problem?

Isn't solving the person who makes you unhappy the best way to maintain your good mood? "

Alvin stared silently at the Asgard dungeon in front of him, what god, thousands of years of civilization, and why it was not reflected in this woman at all.

It's Lao Tzu's style to speak by fist. Asgard refugees who you leave behind must still obey the law honestly.

You can't stare at you and swear "silly x" and you will kill the whole family. This kind of abnormal happiness can never appear. Otherwise your mother can't stop being crazy!

Looking at Hella with a strange face, Alvin said with a smile: "To live a happy life on earth, we must first learn to respect life. Good, bad, interesting, bizarre, life is free first!

Freedom under the legal framework, freedom without harming others!

I think this is the best state for you. "

Hella squinted and looked at Alvin with a disbelieving gaze and said, "What about you? Will you respect the law you say?"

Alvin took it for granted and said, "Of course, this is the foundation of a good life.

How can there be friends who always put themselves outside the rules?

Adhering to the minimum universal ethics is the foundation of a truly happy life! "

Hella sneered and said, "What will happen if someone finds you out of the rules?

As you said, that ~~ alarm? "

Alvin looked at Hella like a fool, and said with a smile: "Where do you think the life energy provided by the corpse vine is coming from?"

Means outside the rules must of course be dealt with in a special way! "

Speaking of Alvin looking at thoughtful Hella, he said with a smile: "You can do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt others, I guess, no matter who it is, give Odin and Frigga. face.

Others, uh ~~ When you live in Hell's Kitchen for a while, you will probably understand!

There is a place where you can walk on the edge of the rules, which makes people understand the preciousness of the rules! "

Hella nodded indifferently. Alvin said that it was in line with her expectations for future life.

Don't take the initiative to hurt others, and bury people who are in trouble when necessary, this is enough! Finding a new life is not aggression, there is no need to go bloody!

"So, how do we get out of here?"

Facing Hella's problem, Alvin anxiously took out the phone and dialed Stark.

As a result, Stark did not answer. Jarvis connected Alvin's phone instead of Stark. "Hello, Alvin, what can I do for you?

Mr. Stark just became the richest man in the world.

Alvin laughed and said, "This is a good thing. I have the richest man in the world as a friend. This is a good talk!

Jarvis, help out and see where I am?

Help me book three tickets if you can! "

Jarvis froze for a few seconds and said, "Are you drunk too? How can I see where you are? Don't you know where you are?"

Jarvis's embarrassment made Alvin a little uncomfortable, and he said angrily: "Jarvis, move your brain. Why do I suddenly think you are stupid?

I'm standing on a desolate sea, how could I know where I am?

Check my cell phone location and find a way to get me back! "

Jarvis paused for a few seconds and said, "You are at a seaside 300 kilometers west of Morvik, Norway.

In fact, you can know your position accurately, you only need to measure your height and your current shadow length, and you can get your current accurate coordinates through some less complicated calculations.

Although it is not easy for your level of education, you can write it down and maybe use it later! It's simple! The formula is ~~~ "

Alvin said impatiently to the phone: "Enough, Jarvis, how many times have you despised me?

I want to take down your host for a long time! You old electronics, can you say something nice?

Tell me now, how can I leave this ghost place and return to Hell's Kitchen! "

Jarvis said in a rigid voice: "I'm not an old electronics, please don't always take my host down and threaten me.

Your location is 300 kilometers southeast. There is a military base where Stark's private jet will land after six hours.

You have to find your way there! "

Alvin froze and said, "I just need three tickets. Is it too exaggerated that you sent Stark's plane?"

Jarvis said: "You have the highest authority given by Mr. Stark. You can mobilize all the resources of the Stark Group through me. Aircraft is just one of them.

And in my judgment, you do n’t even know where you are at UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com, so you certainly do n’t have a passport ~~~ "

Alvin hung up the phone angrily and looked at Hella and said, "Looks like we have to run for a while! How about your riding?"

Haila held a lady's etiquette with a smile and said, "My mounts are generally the fiercest beasts ~~"

Alvin looked at Hella's self-confidence, smiled and shook her head, and greeted Ginny, who was very happy, and said, "Come! Baby! Let's go home!"

Two blood-red wolves with shoulders over one meter tall responded to Alvin's call and appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Alvin glanced at Hella with a strange expression on her face and said, "You must not be bragging, right? This is a real beast!"

Hella looked at the huge wolf in front of her with a bit of nostalgia, and suddenly smiled and said, "I'm starting to like you a bit!

You always know what I want ~~ "
