Druid of Marvel

Chapter 514: action

Alvin talked to Bern a few more words, and then he remembered that he turned to a bald suit and said with a smile, "What should we call you?"

The bald man in the suit was adjusting his tail with his right hand cut off by Berne. He heard Alvin's question. He glanced at Alvin and said in a straight tone: "You can call me 47, this is My code name is also my name. 47! "

The tone of 47 makes Alvin a little unaccustomed, especially when a person has just turned his finger from the reverse to the forward, and there is no expression on his face, it seems that the finger is not his.

Tough guy, Alvin knows a lot and has killed several, but he's the first time to see a guy like 47 who takes his life for granted.

When I watched him shoot with those gunmen, Alvin felt that this guy not only didn't care about other people's lives, but didn't seem to care about his lives too.

The method of standing upright, moving with confidence, and shooting at the gun with people, although handsome and no friends, and because the magic is particularly effective, but really stupid!

If he makes a slight mistake, or encounters someone who has better marksmanship than himself, his life must be gone.

Alvin doesn't know how he was trained. He also wants to sign up for two lessons. I'm not afraid of being shot. I just need to be handsome!

Looking at the cold 47, Alvin shook his head with a smile and said, "Dude, why don't you look popular? Who is that girl named Nika?"

47 slightly raised her eyelids and said, "She, she is an overseas student, and is the key witness I have been framed by people! Most importantly, she is an innocent person!"

Alvin shook his head with a smile and glanced at Bangui, who was now behind 47 with various threatening gestures, and said to Shangqi: "You take our old Bangie to take over Stark's work. He releases, he is going crazy. "

Alvin looked at Bangui and said, "You must be good at this job, right?"

Bangji shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "It's no use, the monitoring in the hotel is locked, and it will be kicked out as soon as it is connected.

Now there is no need for logistics in this hotel. What do you want to do in logistics? Order your pizza? "

Alvin smiled and spread his hands, saying, "Guess, who locked the surveillance system?

In fact, it is not just the monitoring system, all the communication systems in the hotel have been monitored.

Dude, an all-knowing Almighty God seat is empty there, and it needs a right master! "

Bangui's mouth widened in surprise, **** pointing at Alvin, I guessed, and said, "Stark, Tony Stark, this is what he did? He is my idol!"

Alvin pursed his lips and shrugged his shoulders, saying, "He's out now. If you're willing to take over his job, I guess he'll be happy to ask you for a drink after it's over!"

Bangji heard like a little girl who chased the stars, and couldn't help but bounced twice with her fist, and then found that she seemed a bit out of shape. She fisted her fist against her mouth, coughed twice, and moved her muscles A book said tightly: "Then I will start right away. Although Mr. Stark is a genius, he is certainly not as good as our professional logistics."

He looked at Bangui like a fool, and bewildered and waved to him and said, "Let's go! Let's hurry!"

Alvin watched as he led Bangui out of the room, so he spread his hands, smiled at Bern and 47 and said, "Okay! What are you going to do now?"

Said Alvin looking at the expressionless 47 and said, "Man, I personally believe in your purpose, because you say you want to save people.

Don't let me find out that you deceived me, the consequences would be serious! "

47 looked at Alvin calmly and said, "It is not my option to complete the work by deception. As long as I am Nika, everyone can listen to you."

Alvin nodded and said with a smile: "I like your choice. It's very direct and effective!

I think you can definitely get what you want!

I finally confirmed two things with you. Did you give up the battery? Is Raymond Redington your goal? "

47 with a stern face, skilled in squeezing bullets into a pistol, said, "I was abandoned by my company. Igor found someone to frame me. I am now facing the pursuit of Interpol and the Russian Ministry of Security.

There are no more tasks!

Raymond Redington is just a prop I played with Ethan Hunt, he has nothing to do with me! "

The Alvin man is happy to believe what the killer 47 said about himself. After all, his two possible targets, battery and Raymond are not here, and he knows clearly that he can't get it.

Now he doesn't need to deceive himself with a fabricated story!

Bourne, who had been standing by the window and looking outward, seemed to hear something, and turned back to Alvin and said, "Principal Alvin, Ethan Hunt has gathered all the people he wants, and I'm going to start!

First solve all the goals of Isenkhand, and finally deal with that Igor or Bedelev. "

Speaking of Bourne 47, he said, "Isenkhand is hesitant. After all, that guy is the younger brother of the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, but I still tend to kill him directly.

Today's hotel situation is very complicated, it is not difficult to put things on the head of other people, we have many choices. "

Alvin waved his hands indifferently and said with a smile, "Go ahead!"

Let this hotel lively, I will stay in my room, I have other things.

But that Igor's room is just below my room. If you need help, call me. "

Byrne nodded, then looked at 47, and said, "It looks like we had a similar experience, but I've ended it, yours is just the beginning.

Hope we can cooperate happily! "

47 stood up, shoved his pistol into his lower back, tidy up his straight suit and red tie, and then glanced at ordinary Berne and said calmly, "Let's get started! I hope you can survive!"

Speaking of Chao Chao, he lightened the tail of his right hand and said, "I haven't been hurt for a long time. You impress me!

At least you are much stronger than that Ethan Hanter! "


Alvin went back to his presidential suite and saw Stark sitting on the sofa, facing the steward Nancy to spit too bad wine.

Sitting on the edge of the floor-to-ceiling window, Shangqi seemed to be enjoying the scenery outside.

Stark saw Alvin come in and complained, "Man, your plan is terrible to me!

Three hours have passed, but we still have nothing.

Most importantly, you let me stay in a small van for three hours before letting a fool take over my job. "

Alvin took a wine glass and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He smiled indifferently and said, "Are there any better ways? We are waiting, the hotel will be completely lively soon!"

If the woman was in the hotel or nearby, we would definitely catch her. "

Stark took a sip of whiskey, smashed it with a bit of annoyance, and said, "I'm having trouble believing that someone can hide under the intensity of the current search.

New York surveillance has almost no dead ends, unless they are invisible or stay in a house without going out, otherwise we would not be able to catch them for no reason!

They haven't shown up. I can only guess that they have plans to retreat. What are they waiting for? "

Alvin reluctantly spread his hands and said with a smile: "This is not our problem. I generally only consider what I can do.

Now we have a point and try hard to see if it will succeed.

If you have time to think about these, you might as well think about it. If the kind of nano warhead explodes, you have no way to minimize the loss. "

Stark pursed his mouth, shook his head somewhat uncertainly, and said, "I'm not sure. I watched a video of a simulation of a nanowarhead.

The only way to stop it is to have a single controller for each warhead configuration.

The nano-robots built in those nano-warheads supplement energy and achieve self-value-added by swallowing metal.

Without a controller, even if I can handle part of it, as long as a few are missing, the end result will not be different.

Maybe I can try to decipher the switch code of the nano warhead after it explodes, but now I can't do it because I don't even know what the real nano warhead looks like. "


Coulson was sitting in a Chevrolet off-road vehicle with a radio in his hand and said, "Remember, the people inside the house are dangerous. They are all armed now.

Hannah and Hank are responsible for controlling a person with pain, we need a living!

Fanny, ready to open the door! "

Coleson looked at the red-haired punk girl Fanny on the side of a white log cabin not far away, and put her hand on the exterior wall of the log cabin.

A team of heavily armed SHIELD field agents is holding an automatic rifle in their hands to prepare for an assault.

A black strong man in the Chevrolet driver's seat watched the strange action of the agent of SHIELD and glanced at the co-pilot Coulson, saying, "What are you doing? Exploding the outer wall of the cabin and breaking in through the door the difference?"

Coulson looked at the black strong man with a smile, and said, "The SHIELD is responsible for handling many things that ordinary people can't cope with, and there will naturally be some special means."

Coleson glanced at the redhead on the back seat and a West Asian man with tactical eyes ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ with a smile and said: "" Heavy load "," Redhead "," Circuit breaker " You are the elite of the special forces, but in the face of this ultra-conventional battle, maybe our SHIELD will be stronger!

Oh ~~ I forgot to ask, where did your ninja in black go? "

He kept glancing at Coleson at the "circuit breaker" that the computer was observing in his hand, and said with a smile, "You are so powerful, why not try to find where he is?"

The "Circuit Breaker" ignored Coulson, but squeezed his eyes with his partner "Heavy Load" and "Redhead".

Coulson shrugged with a smile and turned around indifferently. These are all elites of the elite, and some pride is normal.

He wanted to dig into the corners of the "Special Forces" to recruit them, but he couldn't do it with a smile.

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