Druid of Marvel

Chapter 515: Coulson's Avengers Squad

Coulson looked at the SHIELD field agents who were ready, and the new Avengers squad under him.

Looking at the picture provided by the thermal sensor through a tablet computer in his hand again, Coulson picked up the radio in his hand and said, "Ready, three, two, one, act!"

As Coleson's voice had just fallen, the right-handed person wearing a SHIELD black tight-fitting combat suit next to the outer wall of the house showed an excited smile on his face, and the exterior wall of the wooden house seemed to swell with water.

Fanny waited for about two seconds before waving her hand and screaming, "Chong Chong Chong ~~"

The SHIELD field agents bravely entered with an automatic rifle. With the rapid advance of the first agent, the gunfire began to spread from the house.

Before the mission was released, they knew that this was a major counter-terrorism mission, and their only goal was to destroy their opponents and find the nano-warheads.

Surrounding, negotiating, etc. are not among the options for this mission.

As the first team of SHIELD broke into the house, the second team left behind surrounded the phantoms Hank and Hannah, and detoured to a place convenient for observation.

Coulson looked at the tablet in his hand, which showed the image from the camera on the SHIELD field agent's helmet.

The fighting inside the house was very fierce. At the beginning, a surprise attack by agents of SHIELD caught the terrorists inside by surprise.

In the wooden house, several terrorists who were staying on the first floor were killed instantly, and the field agents made a sudden advance towards the second floor.

However, I did not expect that the attack in smooth sailing was interrupted by a white ninja.

He brought four guys in heavy combat suits and skull masks out of the room on the second floor and arrogantly attacked the SHIELD field agents.

Coulson frowned, watching the ninja in white with rapid, almost unclear movements, waving two long knives into the circle of field agents.

Xueliang's long sword quickly split into the field agent's helmet. The ninja in white, clutching the collar of the dead agent, turned his body to avoid the attack of the people around him, and also cut two of them smoothly. Field agent's hand.

Coulson calmly picked up the radio and said: "The second team switched to another attack and surprised the people inside.

Hank, Hannah, broke in, there was a ninja in white, and he controlled me. "

Brother Hank and Hanna stared at each other, nodded to Fanny, who had been controlling the wall, and entered with a pistol.

The "redhead" probe behind Coleson looked at the picture on the tablet and said, "This is White Ghost, Cobra's super thug. Can those brothers and sisters work?"

Coulson glanced back at the "red-haired girl" and pursed her lips. "Try it out. They have special abilities. Most people can't resist this brother and sister."

Just as Coulson spoke, Hank and Hannah broke into the house together, activated their own abilities, and used them on the white ghost at the same time.

The white ghost, who was sending out his mighty power, had just stabbed a SHIELD field agent, and he made a painful groan. Rolling towards the side, smashing a window without a fight and ran outside.

Hannah herself was sweating with pain. Her ability was to cause pain, but when she made others suffer, she experienced the same pain.

The younger brother Hank's ability is the physical sense of Fang Da, which can make a person lose his hair like a shot.

This perfectly makes up for the defect of sister Hannah's ability, and he will always be more painful to others than his sister.

Just a moment ago, their sister and brother gave Bai Ghost a glance, and let him run out of the house in a whisper, and rescued the remaining SHIELD field agents.

Coulson glanced at the tablet, and the battle in the room was under control.

Although Hannah just reported that the remaining terrorists did not feel pain, but with the second team's sudden advance from another direction, this short and fierce confrontation has ended.

After all, they just don't fear pain, not that they won't die. However, the special circumstances of these terrorists need to be recorded and reported.

A group of non-painful and well-trained terrorists is really terrible. At least ordinary police and ordinary soldiers have absolutely no ability to deal with them!

Seeing that the fighting situation in the house was under control, Coleson was relieved, picked up his gun, and got out of the car and ran towards the white ghost entangled by a black ninja.

Coulson ran to the side of the warband, shouting with a pistol: "Drop the weapon and surrender immediately! You must not run away!"

Bai Ghost gave him a dart without looking at Coulson.

Coulson gave a clever sideways move, and the dart just opened a gap on his shoulder.

"Fanny, keep him under control ~" Coulson yelled angrily, and he must catch this guy, here he looks like he's alone.

Fanny quickly ran to a location where the ninjas were in a black and white position, and sighed, pressing her hands on the ground to activate her ability.

With the launch of Fanny's ability, the ground was wavy with water waves near the lawn where the two ninjas fought, and Coleson smiled wryly as his legs sank into the mud-like ground.

This is the shortcoming of Fanny's ability. The scope generally does not have any directivity. Her own people and enemies can use her ability or they will all be successful.

With the addition of Fanny, the situation of the ninja in white appears a little bad, and the battle with the ninja in black should have been quite different.

As the venue became worse, although he still did not fall behind, he did not have backups, and the Ninja in Black had a lot of support!

Originally running away was his only option, and now even the only option has become a lot harder!

Facing the unfavorable situation, Bai Youling no longer cares about demeanor and the like. He rolled swiftly and avoided the attack of the ninja in black, and the white clothes were covered with mud-like things.

Coulson watched White Ghost make a hand-raising gesture as he stood up after tumbling, yelling nervously, "Fanny, rest assured ~~"

Fanny is not a qualified warrior except for her physical ability. When she heard Coulson's shouting, she had no time to exclaim in the face of the white ghost's dart, and then closed her eyes instinctively.

If it hadn't been for the field agent who had been protecting her to push her hard, White Ghost's dart would at least hurt him.

Fanny's bad reaction gave White Ghost a chance. He fought with the ninja in black and took a few steps backwards. Then a smoke bomb blew at the scene, and a thick smoke began to diffuse at the scene, blocking everyone's sight.

When Coulson felt that it was going to be bad, he shot hard with a pistol into the thick smoke. The "heavy load" and "redhead" who had been in the car just now had a shooting net gun in their hands. A large net was fired in the direction that the white ghost had just disappeared.

The attack of these two big nets completely eliminated the back path of Bai ghost's escape, and the sound of the knife cutting the rope kept coming from the thick smoke, which showed that Bai ghost was trapped!

Coulson pulled out his legs a bit, raised his thumbs at "heavy load" and "redhead" and said with a smile: "You see, you can fully reflect your value here.

Nothing to go to the Middle East to bully a bunch of terrorists is really burying your fighting talent. "

Coulson's eyes kept staring into the thick smoke, and his eyes turned to Hannah and Hank have rushed over from the house and said loudly: "Hannah, Hank, ready to cure him. Don't go wrong! "

Coulson finished talking to the listener's smoke and couldn't help but hit another magazine inside, making the white ghost inside groan.

Coleson was relieved by this voice. It turned out that you were still human, not iron.

This is also because after he has had more contact with the people in Hell's Kitchen, he always instinctively compares the enemies he meets with those of Alvin in Hell's Kitchen and then always unconsciously raises the enemy. Grade.

This often makes him a little nervous, but it also makes him a lot more cautious. It's hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. After all, high-risk occupations are not too cautious!

As the thick smoke dissipated, the white ghost's figure was revealed. Hannah and Hank did not wait for Coulson's order, and directly launched the ability to make the white ghost make a scream. The whole person fell to the ground. Stopping twitching, I can't hold even the long knife in my hand!

The ninja in black shook his head a bit, and turned to "reload" them.

The **** man "heavy-loaded" touched the arm of the ninja in black with his arm, and his eyes motioned to the painful white ghost who was about to faint, and said, "" Snake eyes ", do you think you want Bai ghost to have this reaction? To what extent does it hurt? "

"Snake Eye", who never spoke, made a gesture with both hands ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, pointing to the painful white ghost, and to his own heart.

"Reload" looked at the "red-haired woman" with a bitter smile and said, "It looks like I asked the wrong person, what is" snake-eye "talking about?"

The "red-haired girl" said with a smile: "He said that the pain can't defeat White Ghost, and the current situation is only temporary. For Bai Ghost and himself, only the inner pain is the deepest and most unbearable! "

"Heavy load" stunned, shook his head with a smile and said: "This is not the case for Bai Youling!

However, if White Ghost is really as powerful as you say, we think we should remind Agent Coleson.

In the present situation, we cannot be too careful! "

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