Druid of Marvel

Chapter 537: Undead Mage

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Watching the three of Tracha leaving the villa area with some embarrassment, Alvin hesitated to celebrate with Stark and Strance, and said with a smile: "Guys, we are a group. We're going for a drink. "

Stark was obviously very fond of Stranger, who had saved his face. He turned and took out two bottles of beer from a beer crate, handed Stranger a bottle, and touched him with a smile. , Said: "You are a great mage, much stronger than that fat Wang Yuan!"

Strange listened and glanced at the Fat Man Wang Yuan who was talking to Master Wang, and nodded with a funny expression, saying, "I think so too!

Although I was always strangled by them and couldn't find the North, I always thought they were a bit brain-dead!

Using spells requires smart mind and imagination, and sometimes I feel like I can do everything! "

Coulson observed a few people in the special place, said something, and then walked towards Alvin with a dignified expression.

A Kama Taj had already surprised him, and it turned out that somehow a Wakanda emerged.

The female bodyguard's energy spear was too scary. The devil who was able to get rid of nine cattle and two tigers on one side was easily broken into pieces by the other.

What happened to this world? It seems that SHIELD is suddenly out of date!

When did an African native have such a powerful weapon? Are all the scientists in the Strategic Science Department eating shit?

Depressed, Coulson walked to Alvin and hesitated. "Do you know that guy? Who are they?"

Alvin spread his hands indifferently and said with a smile, "I don't know, but I actually didn't know him much earlier than you.

You are SHIELD! Don't you know a small African country? "

Saying Alvin with a smile, he handed a bottle of beer to Coulson and said, "You have passed the test, and we will leave tomorrow morning.

You discuss how you plan to do it, but I think you should bring more supplies even if you are friendly.

Look at those Masters of Karma Taj!

They have guarded the earth silently for many years, but never asked for anything from the outside world.

You really should make some changes ~ "

Coulson nodded and said, "Maybe you're right, but that's the nature of our work. You can't ask too much of an agent organization.

Of course, if you are willing to join SHIELD, with your strength, we can certainly change the style of the past.

After all, when the strength reaches a certain level, the way of doing things will naturally become much brighter! "

Alvin sneered at the earnest-looking Coulson and said, "You are a great lobbyist, but what do you just say, do you believe it?

I'm happy to believe that your starting point and purpose are good, but I can hardly believe that SHIELD can be truly selfless.

You have proven to me many times that in the face of internal conflicts, you also have a position, and this is exactly what you should not have! "

Speaking of Alvin, he said, "You can think of me as an ordinary irritable person. I paid taxes, and picking your faults is my right."

Coulson nodded with a bitter smile, and said helplessly: "Okay! It looks like we can hardly convince each other.

I'm going back to the camp right away to do some preparations for tomorrow's battle. "

After turning around, Coulson walked in the direction of his own people. At halfway, he suddenly turned and said to Alvin, "Principal Alvin, facing possible enemies from other places, we maintain the peace of the planet. The positions must be the same, right? "

Alvin didn't speak, but raised his beer towards Coulson, and nodded at him with a smile.

Coulson cheered up, and secretly decided that he must persuade Nick Fury after returning, and try not to involve Alvin in all future disputes on the earth. Especially can no longer use him smartly.

He didn't seem to care about it, but he knew everything, but the result was good, which kept him restrained and patient.

If Aegis runs out of Alvin's patience one day, the result will be terrible!

Alvin watched as Coleson and several others in the Special Forces left the room through Stranger's open space door.

When the space door closed, Alvin chuckled with a smile at the thought that had been silently thinking, "Boy, it's your turn!

If you can't solve any problems, you are a martial artist, and the actual combat will give you the best inspiration! "

Talking about Alvin smirking and glaring at Peter and the others, he said, "And you, since you dare to follow up secretly, let's see how far you can go?"

I guess you guys will find it exciting! "

Shangqi took off his coat silently, exposing a strong muscle, and took two steps forward.

Contrary to his usual hippie smile, he said stubbornly to Alvin: "There is only one demon left, and I ask for one-on-one, boss, you promised me."

He took a look at Peter three of them and said to Alvin, "If this demon is a test for them, then let me carry them.

It was I who disclosed the schedule to them, and it was my responsibility! "

Alvin ignored the affection of their brother, but said with a chuckle: "I don't care about this, this is not a test.

Hmm ~~ This is a warm-up, I promise to impress them. "

Speaking of Alvin, he raised his hand and thumped his strong chest, and said with a smile, "You are a martial artist, and the devil is yours. This is the treatment you deserve and respect for you."

Going up, he nodded gratefully, no longer thinking about Peter about them.

He now needs to adjust himself to the best state, facing an infernal demon with his bare hands, what better to train himself than this actual combat?

After all, this trip to Africa is the most important part to change your bad problems through actual combat.

As for Peter, principal Alvin will certainly not harm them, and it is nothing to suffer in his own body!

This is the tradition of the Chinese nation. Eat at home what you should eat first, taste the bitterness first, and then when you go out and encounter a similar situation, you naturally know how to deal with it!

This is true love, blindly spoiled protection can not cultivate a real man!

Although Alvin doesn't necessarily think so, it doesn't prevent Shangqi from thinking about his boss's greatness!

Looking at Peter like this is unlucky, and I feel better!

Alvin looked almost ready, and his controller, Golden Vine, sent the gluttonous demon wrapped in spider silk to a cocoon in a corner.

Watching the breathing start to get a little rushed, Alvin pointed at the demon with a smile, and said with a smile, "Go! It's yours!"

It wasn't until he was striding towards the demon that Alvin beckoned to Frank and motioned to him to take care of him.

This is the safest way. Alvin gave up all the equipment and prepared to deal with a demon with bare hands, or made Alvin a bit worried.

Frank nodded, adjusted the waist pistol's insurance, and walked up with his breath.

Stark saw that the most exciting thing was about to start. He took out a new pair of glasses to bring himself, and walked to Frank's side.

He hasn't hesitated to develop the Kung Fu assist system of the steel suit. Even if he was put on by the slippery boy of Shangqi last time, Stark didn't bother him.

Stark has been waiting for such an opportunity, now is the best time to collect data, he will not give up!

Russian Ivan's explosive combat power always makes Stark feel like he is squatting in his throat. Can't overpower Ivan on the item of fighting, Stark will always be upset!

Four little guys ran under Nick's leadership to cheer up!

Alvin glanced at them like Peter, and smiled and walked towards the bodies of the three demons lying on the field.

"Violent" sensed Alvin's instructions, and condensed a physical staff of one meter five height and four centimeters in diameter in his hand.

The spiritual “tyrannality” may be the general idea that sensed Alvin's heart, and also creatively formed a heavy and crippled skull shape on the end of the staff, and formed a strange and meridian pattern on the staff. .

Alvin capped the heavy undead staff in his hand, waved it with satisfaction, and started a strong whistling sound.

Glancing at Peter, who became extremely ugly, Alvin grinned badly, and shot the rune dol (dol) + io (slightly) on the staff to form the rune language white.

25% chance to scare away monsters after hitting, UU reading www.uukanshu.com +10 vitality, +3 skull recovery, +3 bone armor, +2 bone spear, +4 dominate the skull, offset magic damage 4,20 % Quickly cast spells, + 13mana.

Wesley shook Harry's arm with two tremors, muttering in his mouth, "It's over, it's over, President Alvin will teach us personally.

We are dead! That big stick looks amazing, my bones must not be as hard as it is! "

Harry swallowed hard and said, "It doesn't matter. Your combat uniform should be able to be topped. You can go to the hospital for a few days afterwards."

Peter covered his face and mournfully said, "It's definitely not what you think, I think the situation will be even worse."

Alvin waved the new staff "White" and felt that it was almost intimidating. Then he launched the "Skull Recovery" skill and summoned three armored skeleton warriors from the three demon corpses.

Hella, who has been less interested in today's so-called test, saw Alvin's movements, her eyes suddenly glowed, and her mouth murmured, "Undead Warrior ~~"