Druid of Marvel

Chapter 539: Brave and fearless spirit

Harry wielded his big sword to fight with bare-handed skeleton warriors. The master Osborne perfectly inherited his dad's lame fighting skills. In addition to occupying the word "fierce", it was completely insulated from the skills!

The main reason is that the current field is not suitable for his bio-armor to show flexible performance, and there is nowhere else to play the arm of the creature. There are a variety of weapons to attack the skeleton warrior, and the effect is still average.

That is, Alvin let the skeleton warrior voluntarily give up the sword, and he fought barefooted against him, and Wesley had been shooting at Lengzi to cover him.

Without these conditions, the young master of the Osborne family would have been brought down.

Skull Warrior's attack is not really strong, but it is not easy for him to resist.

A 10-point attack, no matter who it is, it's a little stubborn to take a hard hit. Harry's biological armor needs to eat and drink medicine to supplement his energy!

Alvin, who had always wanted to limit their actions, wouldn't be so kind to let the corpse vine give him energy!

Steve once told Harry that he wanted to teach him boxing skills, but he still hasn't honored them.

That dude has taken up all the time with the upcoming final exams and his girlfriend.

Especially at the school's final exam, every time Steve drank, he said that he always had the urge to punch the heads of silly boys into his stomach.

And according to the trail news from jj, Steve is trying out a variety of hair products, and has been considering whether bald is suitable for his face shape!

Alvin is happy with the news, and will never persuade Steve to relax even a little at this point! Why do you stop a responsible man? Haha!

Harry and Wesley, who should have taken the upper hand, have not made much progress. The easiest of the trio is Peter Peter, who is entangled with the skeleton warriors. His response is surprisingly surprising.

Facing the unfavorable situation on the terrain, Peter turned from a small spider into a flexible flea.

He almost bounced between the skeleton warriors almost without touching his feet, stepping on the skull of the skull warrior with his own feet, and sometimes even used the impact to slam the skull warrior fiercely. Chest.

Alvin sighed with annoyance at the two crumbling skeleton warriors. This thing is a problem with himself, and always looks very weak in the face of particularly agile opponents.

I can't catch it, I can't hit it, and from time to time, the opponent who can attack strongly is very annoying.

Of course, Alvin wasn't afraid of being beaten, but the skeleton warriors couldn't, their performance was a bit too bad!

Little Ginny has always been a fan of Peter. At this moment, she had already turned to the idol. She was lying on her father's back, waving her fist to cheer Peter in the air.

Nick didn't really like Peter's smart way of fighting. The bear child always thought it was not tough, but Harry's silly hard fight was in line with his taste.

Watching Harry being beaten on the shoulder by the skeleton warrior and tumbling long distance, Nick stood a little excited beside Alvin, holding his fist as the excited coach beside the football field, shouting loudly: "Stand up, man, you have to be like a tough guy!

This skeleton is not scary at all, you can do it!

Correct! That ’s it ~~ Rush to do him ~~ "

With a headache, Alvin patted Nick in the back of his head and said, "You have to control your mouth!

If you let me hear a dirty word pop out of your mouth, I will let you write it a hundred times and eat it! "

Nick didn't have time to ignore Alvin's education, because Harry finally began to prevail.

He felt as if it was his encouragement that had caused Harry's explosion, which made him particularly proud!

The young man may feel that he has found his own coaching talent. He clenched his fists and bent down, learning from the past coach Bill's side of the football field, and moving towards Harry, who finally found the right rhythm and chopped the skull warrior to the bone. Roaring loudly, "Cut him ~~ Cut his arm down ~~

Did you eat? May I find a feeding bottle for you? Use your strength ~~ "

The annoyed Harry waved his big sword and slashed him on the arm of the Skeleton Warrior, taking him a step back, then shouting at Nick, "Shut up ~~ I'll slap you ~~"

Wesley, who has always been a supporter, gave the Skeleton Warrior a shot with a proper angle, letting his foot stagger, and shouted at Harry, "Be careful, you can't offend that kid, his father. We can peel our skin at any time! "

Wesley fired another shot as soon as he finished speaking, hitting the skull warrior's elbow, making his fist ready to hit Harry's head change direction, rubbing his ear and sliding past.

Alvin was a layman on marksmanship, but he watched Wesley's movements carefully, still finding out that he was the greatest help for Harry.

Wesley tried a lot of guns before, and now he has finally figured out the key nodes of the skeleton warrior, allowing him to use the revolver in his own hand to break the body balance of the skeleton warrior, and even change its attack direction .

This guy is also a genius, a super genius with a gun!

Alvin has seen the magic of Old Wesley Cross's use of guns, and the terrifying stunt of mastery when the killer 47 uses guns.

But Wesley's commander-style gunfighting is a bit unbelievable.

Precision, rhythm, control, command, Wesley's art of using pistols has reached the ultimate understanding of Alvin!

The only bad thing is that a gunman playing an assistant can make people feel awkward how to look at it!

This is a genius who has been delayed in character, but this is not under the control of Alvin. Wesley has his own father to worry about him, and a prospective father-in-law Robert reminds him how to do things from time to time.

Alvin had always thought that Peter and Harry were still a little young!

Wesley himself can't help if he wants to help!

That's why Alvin came to Africa with anger.

Cheng Cheng acknowledged on various occasions that, on kung fu, the vigor had completely surpassed him. The only thing he lacks now is the practical experience of facing strong enemies, which will help him change some of his bad habits.

Now Alvin may be the only one who can help the anger, otherwise where would he go to find so many suitable opponents to temper himself?

However, Alvin is still a bit disappointed by the martial artist's masochistic training method in order to improve.

That's why he got in trouble with Peter they were here!

Alvin doesn't want to see Qi fighting. He knows that he is a layman and always worry about whether he can't help but not help when Qi is not suitable, which will ruin his efforts.

How good is it now? Frank's cold-hearted old executioner swept his breath aside. As long as there is no danger of life, Frank will be able to hold his breath!

Alvin glanced at the venue's roaring domineering arrogance and glanced at Peter, who was smart, and sighed long!

These four people are grouped together. As long as they can mature in the future, Alvin can't think of anyone else to stop them.

Strength of strength, Peter's variation, Wesley's marksmanship, Harry's technology plus wealth, this lineup looks worse than the "Avengers" and "Thunder" two inhumans in the movie Avengers in previous lives. !!

Just as Alvin sighed in his heart, Harry brought down the first Skeleton Warrior, and when he was ready to help Peter, Hella went to Alvin's side, and touched Ginny's head, smiling. Said: "It looks like you are not afraid of" death "at all! That is the warrior of" death "!"

Alvin turned to glance at Hella, who was a bit inexplicable, and said with a smile, "That's not a" death "warrior, it's magic! Undead magic!"

Hella watched the situation on the court begin to develop in a one-sided direction, and said with some memory: "You shouldn't treat them this way! They are not toys for your children!

They are the most loyal warriors! They deserve better treatment! "

Alvin glanced at Hella with a strange expression, shook her head with a smile, and said, "They are just the product of magic. Maybe you think a little too much!

To be honest, you are now the goddess of life, and always talk to me about skeleton warriors, and it looks a little weird to love them! "

Hella glanced at the skeleton warrior who had been cut to the ground by Harry, struggling with broken leg bones and struggling to get up, and suddenly there was a missed smile on the corner of his mouth.

She ignored Alvin's ridicule, strolled to the skull warrior and crouched down, and a silver brilliance flashed on her right hand and pressed against the skull of the skull warrior.

With the brilliance of the silver, the broken leg bones of the skull warrior actually began to heal, and the original white bone was attached with a layer of silver complex pattern.

Alvin looked at the wand "white" in his hand with a bit of surprise. He felt that the feedback from the skeleton warrior was becoming clear, as if the earliest 486 computer was starting to transform into artificial intelligence.

But what's the use of this? It's becoming smart, a skeleton warrior, do I still expect it to do the job of a waiter?

When the whole body of the skull warrior was covered with silver patterns, the original black eyes suddenly turned on two silver "flames".

Hella stood up a bit tired, watching the completely changed skeleton warrior shook her head with regret.

Alvin walked to Hella's side carrying Little Ginny who was unwilling to come down from his back ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, and looked curiously at the cool skeleton warrior and asked: "What's wrong with it? What is the flame in the eyes?

Don't mess around, I feel like it's on the verge of losing control! "

Hella blinked tiredly and said with a smile: "Firnas, the fearless hero, he once followed me in the Nine Realms!

After being completely sealed by Odin, he left his soul with me. "

Saying that Haila took a regretful glance at the skeleton warrior who had sat up, said: "Unfortunately, he has been weak for too long, so long that he has begun to forget himself!

Alvin, help me out. I also have a heroic hero, Harrorick, who needs to find a body.

I have lost the power of death, and their presence beside me will only accelerate the rate of demise. "

Alvin sighed, summoned the corpse vine and stuck it on Haila's calf. This is all an evil made by Odin, and I will account for you!