Druid of Marvel

Chapter 540: Powerful skeleton

Alvin controlled the corpse vine to replenish Hella with a huge amount of life energy.

I don't know how Hella did it. The magical attributes of the Skeleton Warrior are obviously not the same as her life energy. Hella can actually inject soul into the Skeleton Warrior.

Alvin watched the silver-colored skeleton warrior rise from the ground, first paying tribute to himself like a soldier, then standing behind Hila like a faithful guard.

Alvin glanced at the fiercely fighting Peter and expected them to fight for a while. Then he touched the new skeleton warrior with the wand in his hand, meaning, who the **** did you **** with?

The Skeleton Warrior's response was very interesting. He took a look at Alvin in the eyes of silver fire, and sent a signal of obedience from the spiritual connection, but his body still stood firmly behind Hella. The perfect interpretation of what is called "the loyal two or five."

In the face of these two or five idiots, Alvin maliciously ordered this skeleton warrior, who should be called Philnas, to touch Hella.

As a result, the bare skeleton arm of Philnas just stretched out half before he hit Heila, and he turned on his own initiative. A strong slap was drawn on his face, and a iron-like "clan ~" With a sound! Pumped up all your helmets!

Then the unfortunate skeleton warrior began to spin around in an insane state, constantly beating each other with his left and right hands, and sometimes hurt his chin.

Little Ginny was lying on Alvin's back, her small face clinging to Alvin's cheek, and said stupidly: "Daddy, is the skull hair crazy? You can't call him, he'll kill himself!"

Alvin looked at the mad skeleton warrior with a smile, and touched Ginny's cheek, saying, "This is the pain that Zhongxiao can't do both. Go back and I will tell you a story about Yue Fei.

He's okay, I think he might be able to alleviate a little pain! "

When Alvin was talking, Hella, who had just replenished her energy, gave Alvin a stern glance, and once again she glowed with silver light and pressed it against the skull warrior's head, making it quickly calm down.

Seeing the silver flames in the eyes of the skeleton warrior calm down, Hella picked up the helmet that had been pumped by him on the ground and gently brought it for him.

Hella seriously helped the Skeleton Warrior straighten its helmet and turned to stare at Alvin. "He used to be the best warrior, you can't insult him!

He is not the same as an ordinary death soldier! "

Alvin took the wand "white" and knocked on the skeleton warrior, making a metal rattle of "Dang Dang Dang ~".

Glancing at Hella, whose face was not so good, Alvin said with a smile: "I don't think it makes any difference. Will the fire make him worse?"

Hella rolled her eyes and pointed in the direction of Peter, and said to the newborn skeleton warrior Philnas, "Teach the three boys and tell them that they need to respect the dead soldiers!"

Skeleton warrior Philnas made a loud clang with his double fists, his jaw opened and closed with a silent roar, and he bowed and bowed like a angry bull rushed into Peter's circle of battle.

Alvin stared dumbfounded at the oncoming Brother Felnas, waving his thick arm and hitting his own kind.

Looking at the unlucky skeleton warrior's spattered bones, it is estimated that it would be a high paraplegia at least for a living person.

Wesley, who has been walking around to find a suitable shooting location, is not doing well. He is desperately shooting at Fernas and shouting at Peter and Harry, "Hurry up ~ we are in big trouble ! "

Harry, who had been entangled with the flying skeleton warrior just now, had no time to dodge the impact of Fernas.

At this moment Harry could only scream in horror, using biological armor to form a huge shield on his right arm and desperately blocked himself.

Peter shoots spider silk to entangle another skeleton warrior, quickly rotates his body, shoots a spider silk and sticks to the oncoming Firnas, and then pulls strongly to the side, trying to change the direction of Firnas's charge.

Peter's efforts were very productive, and Fernas was taken a little bit by him, rushing over Harry's shield.

As soon as Peter was trying to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw in a horror that Philnas slammed his right foot, and a deep hole was dug out on the ground to stop his momentum, and then his spine looked like a python. Twisted a bit, and pulled Peter, who was a bit stunned.

As soon as the spider silk was restrained, Fernas' body began to spin with the spider silk.

With the rotation of his right arm, his right arm turned into a reverse whip punch in a fighting match. His fist like a meteor hammer hit him on the shoulder of Harry, who was originally behind him, and hammered him. Flew out.

The one-shot Philnas didn't mean to stop, turning the body again and pulling the spider silk.

At one point, Peter, who was a bit stunned, was pulled in front of Philnas and held him tightly in his arms as he turned to run.

After Peter, who was very resistant to the skeleton warriors, was embraced from behind, his body trembled and screamed in a different tone, and he grasped Fernas's arm with both hands and tried to break open.

At this critical juncture, Peter's potential was forced out, and Fernas's mighty arms were gradually pulled a little bit apart.

Facing Peter's strength, Philnas grew his mouth, raised a silent growl with his hair up, and then in Harry and Wesley's horrified eyes, he looked like a hungry and evil dog, and struck Peter's shoulder. On, shake your head and start a crazy bite!

Alvin looked at Peter with tears in his eyes, and he thought Peter was going to be scared.

Whoever was caught by a terrible skeleton from behind and took a sip on his shoulders would be scared.

After all, Peter is not yet an adult. He must be capable, but he has no matching experience. In the face of this situation, he panicked, and this new skeleton warrior Philnas was a little incredible.

When did the Skeleton Warrior understand the fighting skills?

Before Peter really didn't urinate his pants, Alvin ordered Fernas to let him go. As a result, the dude started a fierce left-to-right fight.

Peter, who was out of sleep, paled and shook his shoulders, and retched twice. Norman Osborne sponsored the combat uniforms. The shoulders were not bitten off by a piece of meat.

But that fear is so scary!

Wesley helped Harry, who was dizzy and turned, to Peter's side. He looked at the nervous Philnas in horror and whispered, "What the **** is this? My bullet has no effect on him at all. !!

How are you, Peter? Don't be scared of peeing, otherwise our misery will be lost! "

Harry rubbed his shoulders with force, and said with a bitter smile: "It looks like we've screwed up again! You say that there is something fun in Africa. I'll book a hotel when I return!

This time I'm here. Since things didn't work out, let's play somewhere else! "

Alvin put Ginny down, took her to Peter, and said with a smile: "Don't think about it, you are not allowed to go anywhere. Africa is not safe these days."

As Alvin touched Ginny's head, he said to Harry, "Don't come here, let me live here honestly, and help me see the children by the way.

If you're doing well, and you're almost done in a few days, I'll take you to the Demon Gathering Point to play! "

Alvin finished summoning the corpse rattan to Harry's calf to recharge his biological armor.

This creature that has been following Harry sent out an extremely happy wave, enviously yelling at "violence" on Alvin, "Let's change the boss ~"

This unlucky man has never been full here at Harry. How could Master Osborne eat raw steaks and drink that greasy and disgusting medicine every day?

With the infusion of the ghoul energy, Harry was surprised to find that the biological armor on his body had begun to evolve and was able to feed back energy to repair his injuries.

What the specific evolutionary content of Harry is still unclear, but it means that he always disappoints himself to starve him!

"You won't have enough to feed me in the future, I'll go mingling with Brother Shishito!"

Hella slightly lifted her chin, soothed the mad Fernas, passed by Peter proudly before them, and issued a disdainful "hum", pointing to Tall Fernas and said, "That is Dead warrior, win a skull without a mind, nothing!

Fighting is not a game. Your performance is far from perfect! "

Hella turned and walked to the half-broken skull warrior hit by Philnas, squatting down and injecting another heroic "Haroric" into his body.

Noble manners, the world-famous Hella made the three silly boys straighten their eyes!

Harry reluctantly glanced and looked at Alvin with curiosity. "Principal Alvin, who is she? She looks too noble, just a little strange!"

Alvin laughed and stopped the little Ginny who wanted to run to see how Hella "cured" the skeleton, and then put her in Peter's arms, hoping that a cute little loli could comfort Peter's broken glass heart.

Nick has learned that Peter's screaming irritated him for a minute, and after such stimulus, this guy will have a psychological shadow!

In the face of Harry's problem ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Alvin glanced back at Hellab and said with a smile: "She is a new recruiter from Fox. If you want to pursue her, uh ~ there is no chance ! "

Harry took a closer look at Hella's back, and said in an incredible way: "Are you kidding me? Her skirt is more expensive than Fox's flower shop! How could she be a part-time job?"

Alvin struck the head of the unsavory kid, saying, "Is it shame to work in a flower shop?

Her mother is richer than your father, and they are willing to let her daughter go out to work.

How about you Your **** dad knows he supports you!

Hey ~ why am I getting more and more angry! I have to beat you back! "

Little Ginny kissed Peter with a bitter smile, and then bouncing in his arms, waving his fist in support, shouted: "Hit him, Harry cut the skull! Hell ~"
