Druid of Marvel

Chapter 550: I am used to being ahead

Alvin and Frank stood on the roof of the Paramount Marauder, watching Shirley and Fox not far away firing at the probing demons around the corner of the Great Rift Channel as if they were shooting!

Hilarious, also holding a rpk, shot the dumb-headed demons with extremely lame guns.

Her two heroic warriors became cowards, each carrying a huge backpack, holding several magazines in her hand, like an attentive waiter, and from time to time, handed bullets to several female bosses. .

Alvin smiled and touched Frank next to him, saying, "Did we put too much pressure on them? Otherwise, why are these women desperately trying to prove themselves?"

Frank held an awm sniper rifle and shot through a sight at a sheep-headed demon who was about to break through the bullet blockade.

The .338 caliber Magnum bullet passed through the muzzle of the bolted rifle and shot into the eyes of the sheep-headed demon.

The large-caliber Magnum bullet smashed the brain of the sheep-headed demon. Although unfortunately it failed to blast its head, it was enough to kill the manic demon!

Frank didn't care that Shirley in front of him turned his **** up and turned to look at Alvin. "Maybe they don't want to prove themselves, but they want us to know that they are useful!"

At least they let us know that they can protect themselves! "

Saying that Frank's eyes were refocused on the scope, searching for targets, he said, "I don't know if they are so good, but I always feel that their ability to protect themselves will make me feel at ease!

The world is getting more and more dangerous. Want to know what the two captives said? "

Alvin sat on the roof of the car casually, shook his head and said, "Let me relax for a while!

Man, your expression tells me, that's certainly not good news!

However, if I just need to fight, I will go! "

Frank glanced at Alvin, grinning cruelly, and said, "Right, facing demons, we always need to fight in the end!

It doesn't seem difficult! "

Then Frank shot another shot, this time he hit the head of a gluttony demon. Although the shot did not penetrate the demon's head, it triggered the "compulsory" freeze damage ability of the rune language worn on him.

The whole head of the unlucky gluttony demon was frozen, and then broken into glass-like residue by a bullet fired by Fox.

Alvin raised his thumbs at Fox, and then gathered his hands around his mouth, yelling, "Dear, pretty ~"

Frank glanced at Alvin, shook his head funnyly, and said, "What are you going to do with the demons here?"

You said at least half of the time!

When are you going to leave? "

Alvin comfortably stretched a lazy waist and cozyly worked as a cheerleader and security guard. He smiled and said, "It should have started long ago, but our Stark boss has a little research!

I think we need to wait, maybe it will be fine soon! "

As Alvin touched his nose, he said with a bitter smile: "I shouldn't agree with Stark and Coulson, killing only half is harder than killing them all!"

Frank shook his head a bit depressed and didn't pick up Alvin's words. Such a high-end smelly fart is really rare!

It's easier to kill them all than half? It's like someone tells themselves that it's not difficult to make money at all, in fact it's much easier to make one million than 50 million! How bad should this be?

Frank felt that if he changed his words in front of himself, he would most likely kill his teeth!

Just as Alvin was chatting with Frank, the crows Alvin arranged around the corner relayed messages.

The demons there began to gather again, and it seemed that they also noticed human movements and wanted to shock them.

Alvin sneered and summoned all the twelve crows and scattered them together.

This situation of the demon shows that someone must be in command, and killing the commander should be the simplest and most effective way of all combat ideas!

However, the high-level or commander among these demons will always have a strange ability, such as the first unlucky ghost who will meet for the first time will be disguised, and the three you see today will actually be invisible.

Now it seems that it takes some luck to find the hidden commander!

The ordinary firearms of Fox and Shirley did not cause too much damage to those demons, and they could only attack the weakest part of them with precision shooting.

Fox had two pistols with fire and lightning attacks, but Shirley didn't have these things, and Fox was embarrassed to use them.

It's true that Hrp's rpk is quite useful and not accurate, but it is not necessary to shoot too much.

Although the 7.62mm machine gun bullet can also kill the devil, it is still possible to suppress the lean sheep head demon.

After all, its body shape is placed there, and its weight is very limited. Hitting a bullet is a pause or a backlash. Unlike a huge gluttony demon, bend down and lower your head to charge against a bullet.

In the face of the demon's assembly, Alvin can't watch them messing up. You have the ability to hit wild boars with shotguns, but a group of wild boars is not something you can handle.

Alvin got up and patted Frank's arm, and said, "There are a lot of demons around the corner, we're going."

Alvin jumped from the roof of the Paramount Marauder to the roof of a Hummer next to him, startling Coleson and Hawkeye in the car.

Coulson sat in the driver's seat, watching Alvin jumping from his roof to his side, and said, "What's wrong?"

Alvin glanced at the back seat of the Hummer, facing a computer, collecting "devil's circuit breakers", shook his head with a smile, and said, "The demons in front are gathering. If you are interested, you will come and see Look!

I won't stay here too long, you have to adapt as soon as possible while it's safe! "

Alvin trot and rushed to the Foxes when they finished talking. The three mad women have been fighting on a Hummer for a long time, but the results are average.

Alvin felt that he had to help them. It was not a matter of their ability, but their weapons.

Running to Shirley's side, Alvin took out a rune "Lal" and took it on her m4 automatic rifle.

"Lal" adds 30 Fire damage!

However, due to the rate of fire, this m4 bullet may fire a magic attack every three rounds.

If she pulls the trigger and doesn't let go, maybe she can only hit a magazine to make two fire attacks.

After all, runes are in cows, so let's take a breath ~

With the inlaid runes, Shirley's first shot knocked out a tall gluttony demon.

The bullet with the fire attack blasted the belly of the gluttonous demon.

The colorful intestines flowed all over, leaving only a small piece of flesh and thick spine on the back, connected so that it was not blown into two sections!

Shirley glanced at Alvin in surprise, and said strangely, "This is your magic? Is this the same?"

As Shirley flipped open her tactical vest, she revealed a bullet-proof insert inside, and said, "What's its name," careful? "

Alvin glanced back at Frank as he came, smiled, shook his head, and said to Shirley, "It doesn't look like Frank is as cold as his appearance!"

Speaking of Alvin, he clicked the bulletproof insert, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's called" cautious ", and it can guarantee you to save your life in the fierce battle.

This is a little different from what I did on your gun, but it shouldn't differ much for you.

Now you can enjoy your battle! "

Shirley raised an eyebrow and glanced at Frank who came over and said, "He gave me something, what should he do? This **** doesn't seem to care about my thoughts at all!"

Alvin pulled out her Browning pistol from Shirley's waist with a smile, and patted a rune "Book" on it.

"Shuer" increased 14 freeze damage!

Returning Browning to Shirley, Alvin laughed and gave Fox a kiss, then said to Shirley: "Don't worry about him, he's a man, these demons are not great for him!"

With Alvin spreading his hands and looking at Fox, he said with a smile: "Girls, there will be more exciting soon! Get your weapons ready, let's take a look at the big scene!"

While Alvin was talking, the SHIELD staff in the makeshift camp behind them began full mobilization.

Fifteen modified Hummer vehicles drove over, and SHIELD personnel were allocated in a two-person configuration for each Hummer.

This is the case of one's own advantage, in order to make the most of the firepower advantage ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Normally an armed Hummer requires three people to control to be considered insurance, a driver, a weapon controller, There is also an auxiliary person who needs to be backed up.

Now Coulson has removed their backup aid. After all, Alvin is here. Coulson feels that he will definitely not lose, so why not take the greatest ability to rush bravely!

Alvin gave a thumbs-up to Coulson who drove over and called, "Get your people ready, I'll drive the demons over!"

You have to be careful, this time it will really be dead! "

After Alvin said that he had driven the "violence" and completed his armed forces, he would rush out to surprise the demons who were gathering.

Hella on the side dropped the RPK in her hand and patted it on the car next to her, making a "bang ~" sound, which attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Hella shook her head and looked at Alvin strangely, and smiled and said, "You also have to do the work of attracting the enemy?

I have never seen a commander put himself at the forefront! "

Heila glanced at Coulson, who was sitting inside the Hummer, and said scornfully: "Unless they are all waste, otherwise you will only make them waste!"

Alvin glanced at Coleson's somewhat ugly face, and said to Hella with a smile: "They are not soldiers, they are just the verifier of the demon's combat effectiveness.

You can't ask them with your eyes!

Moreover, I probably know that a blond fool likes to put himself in front. He is said to be your brother! "

Speaking of Alvin hammering his own chest, he smiled boldly and said, "I'm not a so-called commander, and I don't like SHIELD either!

But I used to let myself rush ahead! "