Druid of Marvel

Chapter 552: Earth born from

Alvin was a little bored and pacing!

Watching Frank take Shirley and Fox down and use extremely precise marksmanship to start shooting scattered demons.

Frank is right. If you want to verify the actual combat effectiveness of the demon, Alvin can't end. His attack ability makes all the demons look no different from the cattle and sheep to be slaughtered!

If it was just to kill these demons, Coulson wouldn't have to be here at all. Being an onlooker and seeing Alvin killing the ring, it has no practical meaning except to excite his heart twice.

As the Hummer finished reloading and bravely pressed down again, using the rocket nest and on-board machine gun to blast the terrible demons crazy, Alvin saw Coulson's determination.

Looking at the Hummer that alternately backed up and started to replenish ammunition, the fierce soldier opened the window and slammed the door, swearing at the logistics soldiers who transported ammunition, "You fat **** **** fast, they ca n’t hold it. how long!"

Alvin looked at the fatal logistic soldier who had just accidentally broken a finger and seemed to have no pain at all. While dismantling the ammunition box on the Hummer, he scolded back, "You are free to **** Why don't you move your **** down to help? Is it so anxious to send the dead? "

The rude swear words The driver patted the door impatiently and shouted, "Yes, I am in a hurry to die! Drag those **** demons to hell!"

The fat logistician finally changed the ammunition box, and helped his companion to install the last rocket nest. Then he patted it **** the door of the Hummer and called, "Remember to wait for yourself when you go to hell. Comrades, **** is not a good place to look at those ghosts! "

The profanity driver glanced at the obviously twisted fingers on the right hand of the fat logistical soldier. He stepped on the throttle and rushed out with a big smile, shouting, "You **** is a good one!

I'll buy you a drink, whether it's a bar or **** ~ "

Alvin drove the "violence" to take off the helmet on his face, smiled a little, and said to Hella, who had been standing still, saying, "Look, this is why humans rule the earth!

We have a lot of problems, but when we need to sacrifice, there are always many people who are willing to stand up and die bravely!

Did you come to earth when you unified the Nine Realms thousands of years ago? How did Odin's irritable old man win? "

Hella glanced at Alvin and said, "We call the earth" Midgard ", which means" atrium. "This is the core of the Nine Realms!

The earliest generations of the gods of Odin and the fairy palace were born in Northern Europe. This is the source of your Nordic myths here!

This is our hometown, why should we attack it?

Earth is a natural ally of Asgard! "

Speaking of what Haila thought of, he said softly: "In fact, before the Nordic gods, a civilization called itself" immortal "was born here.

They killed the almost invincible outer space invader "transcender" in the heyday, killed the most powerful "court of life", and sealed the five main gods of capitulation, annihilation, death, star swallow, and eternity. .

Lead the earth to reject the erosion of the "oaa" consciousness and preserve its own independent will. "

Talking about the excitement, Hella clawed her car's engine with some teeth and said, "Why do you think so many races at outer latitudes are so hostile to the earth? Why do they want to come here?

It used to be the launching place of the light of freedom, and all life that lives here comes from free!

Odin once vowed to spill the glory of freedom into the universe, but he finally retreated! "

Alvin listened a little bit to Heila's dreams, yes, in Alvin's eyes, Hella was talking again at this moment.

"What is oaa? What is life court? And what is that transcendence?

Hella, I think you're talking!

War is never just! Although you call Odin that bad old man makes me very happy!

But honestly, always calling your dad timid and cowardly won't make you look brave! "

Hella narrowed her eyes at Alvin for a few seconds, looked at Alvin's smiling face, and suddenly smiled with relief, saying, "Maybe you're right!

I should be kind to Odin!

But it was really disappointing that he died halfway!

Oaa is known as cosmic consciousness, and it has also been called "Tiandao". I don't understand what it is, but it is said that it is controlling the life trajectory of this universe.

To some extent, under the influence of oaa, the life trajectory of all life has been destined!

The civilization that claimed to be "immortal" resisted the rule of oaa. They engraved a rune against the erosion of oaa in the core of the earth, making it the last free place in the universe.

They freed the life of the earth from the control of oaa, gave our consciousness and life a real freedom, and gave us an infinite future!

Nothing is doomed here! "

Heila looked at Alvin's strange face and said with a smile, "Knowing the entire universe and outer latitude universe, how many intelligent races aspire here?

As long as they can come here, conquer here, and build their new civilization on the earth, their next generation can get rid of their "fate", which is a temptation that no strong person can refuse!

The first war of the Nordic Protoss was to resist aggression!

Odin ~~ "

Talking about Hella, she still frowned a little, and glanced at the battlefield where flesh and blood flew. Hella waved out two skeleton heroes, and then waved her arms. There were dozens of white lightsabers behind her head.

With Hella's arm waving, dozens of white flying swords crossed the position of the Hummer, plunged into a dense group of demons, and plowed dozens of death channels in it.

Alvin was still shocked by the "myth" story told by Hella, with "Immortal" and "Immortal" in his mouth, and then Alvin asked: "Where did those" Immortals "go last? They were so strong, why have we never heard about it!"

Hella released a dozen white flying swords again with a vent, taking away a lot of demonic lives, and then said, "How do you think the runes engraved on the core of the earth came from?

Those "immortals" burned their lives, engraved the free will firmly on the core of the earth, and excluded the overbearing oaa from the earth.

The Nordic Protoss voluntarily became the guardian. Odin moved the entire Nordic Protoss to Asgard, using the technology left by the "Immortal" to create the "Rainbow Bridge", making Asgard the front line of guarding the atrium. "

Saying that Hella touched the corner of the eye with some sadness, he said, "But when we walked out of the atrium, the Nordic Protoss entered the scope of oaa, and we began to have our own destiny!

We can only wait in despair for the arrival of the gods at dusk! Then return to the earth and wait for the seeds of power to germinate again! This is all the benefits we can get from the birth of the earth!

Odin tried to rebel ~~ but he stopped ~~ "

Alvin shook his head a little irritably, and the message Hella gave him was a little too shocking!

He didn't think it necessary for Hella to deceive himself, even if he deceived himself, he didn't have to make up a so-called "fairy".

"Immortal"! What a familiar word!

Where would a Chinese person not know the meaning of "xian", "jump out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements" a truly free life!

This is the myth written by the Chinese in the myth, the best yearning for life!

I do n’t know how much more advanced than those who practice in this life and pray for the negative thoughts of the next life!

It turns out that there are "fairies" in this world. They fight against heaven, sacrificed their lives, and won "freedom" for the earth!

It turned out that the protoss of Asgard was once their compatriots, and they voluntarily stepped into the long river of fate and became the outpost of the earth.

Then that slowed down the progress of the earth's entry into the universe, but also helped the earth people a lot. The Cree who was called "Captain Marvel" by the United States' top secret service, what exactly did he want to do?

Is he right or wrong to inspire Stark to continue his exploration plan and let humanity go out of the earth to discover and explore?

oaa ~ 天道 ~

Is it a fish in the long river of fate when I get out of the earth, or can I always walk on the bank of fate as long as I am branded by Earth people?

Listening to Hella's meaning, it seems that as long as you have established civilization outside the earth, you will be enveloped by oaa! There is still a chance for the first generation of life on Earth, but the second generation will be controlled by fate!

But is this absolute?

Alvin shook his somewhat heavy head with his eyes closed, driving those questions out of his mind.

Hella might be telling the truth, but what does that have to do with herself? All I can do is for the earth and for my family to shed the last drop of blood!

Maybe now it is necessary to add the goal of defending "freedom", which is higher and higher!

But what about that? As long as you find where the enemy is, you can always cut out "freedom" with one axe!

Looking at them in the **** battle of Coulson, Alvin is more firm in his past thoughts. The earth has never been a certain person. In the face of threats from the "outside", everyone should contribute!

Maybe the only thing he needs to change is to be polite to that blond idiot. After all, from the body, he is also regarded as his compatriot!

I just don't know if that big fool was born before Asgard's birth or after Asgard's birth!

If his fate is doomed, what is his fate?

When Alvin was feeling sorrowful, a crow's message suddenly came to his head.

A new group of demons appeared on the corner of the passage, with red hair and long horns, a gourd figure with a snake face, a plump and tall figure, which made those female demons look enchanting!

At this moment they were wielding a red leather whip to drive a large number of demons and continue to press forward, trying to kill Coulson with a bang. Then kill all the humans in the Great Rift!

Alvin clicked on the communicator and said to him, "Fat, a female demon with the same shape as a spicy chicken, have you seen it?"

The fat man Wang Yuan on the side of the communicator froze a moment and said, "Do they have a whip? If so, they are the" belfigures ".

All the demons that appear are mid-level demons. Except for the few demons in the upper and extreme positions, no one can come to the earth. "

Talking about the fat Wang Yuan jokingly, he said with a smile: "Man, you are blessed, these demon are very powerful, but if you can capture them and train them well, they will become good servants, or other What ~

A long time ago, there were some strange warlocks in Eastern Europe. They liked this devil very much. They catch and train this demon as their assistant.

Of course, you are not a warlock, so you better kill them!

Otherwise Fox will kill you! Haha! "

Alvin listened to the introduction of the fat man Wang Yuan ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and once again looked at the enchanting succubus through the eyes of the crow.

The exaggerated body, the punk smoky makeup and the leaky tights and the **** T-shirt strips that do not know what materials make them always associated with the word "mating".

As an ordinary Chinese, his most overwhelmingly **** image is like Fox. After a while, he will be a little bit over the line!

These succubus are a bit too heavy for Alvin!

Alvin asked curiously, "Where did those warlocks go after? Why haven't I heard of them! These people's tastes really look heavy!"

Fat Wang Yuan seemed to think of something on the side of the communicator and said with a laugh: "Those warlocks are extinct!

You know, these mysterious guys are generally not very good, plus those succubus ~

Hmm ~ Warlocks generally don't live forty years old, and then slowly disappeared!

Man, not all places where magic is called Kama Taj!

A good body is one of the reasons we continue to this day! "

Alvin shook his head with a smile and nodded, thinking to himself that these so-called foreign warlocks were really deadly, and enslaving demons sounded very powerful, but that was the demons ~

This may be why there are few foreigners!

After a glance at the battlefield in full swing, Alvin drove "violent" to put on his helmet, and then struck his chest with a strong slap, and said to the communicator, "I'll kill them all!

Coulson, they don't seem to be able to endure these **** things! "


I was lazy for two days, I tried to catch up with my progress!

Ask for a monthly ticket!

Thank you! thanksgiving! 8)