Druid of Marvel

Chapter 554: I send you a girlfriend

Alvin waved his tomahawk and rudely cut off a succubus' head. m.

A swift red light and shadow shot from the depths of the Rift Channel, and the target went straight to Alvin's neck.

Alvin didn't slap his neck this time. Since he decided to demonstrate, it is natural to shake his opponent with a tie and cut off his head.

In case the other party is too weak, how boring it is to be killed by his own "thorn spirit"?

Alvin bent over and bowed her head, trying to avoid the red light and shadow, and by the way summoned the golden vine, tied all the remaining succubus on the ground, making them look less erotic!

Alvin's "goodwill" did not receive a response from the other party. The red light and shadow turned into a beautiful arc in the air, cut it around Alvin's neck, and successfully cut off the "tyrannical" into a biological armor. Wen's body.

The ruthless screamer screamed, and quickly removed the biological armor on Alvin's head and neck, sorrowfully licking his wound.

As Alvin's neck exploded with a silver halo, a long, scream screamed from the depths of the passageway. ~ The high voice made Alvin a little confused. mother!

Facing the unplanned situation, Alvin sighed with disappointment and sent a crow to search for the location of the scream. He wanted to see if there were any other demons.

This guy has a red boomerang, which should be a big man with a certain identity, but why is it so strange that so many "big people" are concentrated here. Those "big people" are not good at home and can only sneak into the earth?

How bad is the living environment of these hells?

Glancing at his neck, he shook his body hard, with the enthusiasm, trying to cut the red boomerang into his neck, and Alvin pinched it in his hands a little irritably.

This unlucky thing is too powerful and has some disadvantages. Now it is estimated that it has killed its master, and it will be sent back to Stark's experimental bench!

Since the red boomerang was attacked by Alvin, he was continuously burned by the "refuge aura". After being held by Alvin, this stuff desperately delivered a message to Alvin for mercy.

Alvin was a bit funny holding on to this unruly thing, walked to a tooth grin, holding his chest always in front of the succubus suggesting that Alvin came to visit, smiling and squatting down, using the red boomerang on the charm The devil chopped a bit.

The sharp red boomerang easily shaved the head of the succubus, and she was still smiling with a seductive smile at the moment of death.

The next few succubus were scared to say a word, posing like a chastitious martyr, staring seriously at the boomerang in Alvin's hand.

One of them was a succubus with a big butt, who stretched his neck and shouted at Alvin, "We surrender, please don't kill us!

We will be your best helper!

We can help you wipe out the demons here faster! "

Alvin listened, with a smile on his face, and said, "Speaking a foreign language ~ You see, learning is really good!"

Saying Alvin put the red boomerang behind and let the "tyrannical" wrap it, then squatted down, looked at the "evil" succubus, and said with a smile: "Tell me why there are so many here Big man?

Don't lie! You have many companions!

If one of them exposes your lie, I will let it go, and there will be less on your body! "

The succubus smiled habitually, and then suddenly thought of the strange weird habit in front of him, quickly put away the smile on his face, put on a serious "administrative" face, said softly: " It was a heavy snowfall in Hell's "Morocco" clan.

The entire "Morocco" royal family, except their king, fell asleep, and all were killed by heavy snow!

Many of the small tribes previously sheltered by the "Morlock" are facing attacks from other races, and we are one of them.

The two powerful royal families "Behemos" and "Alaster" have issued a killing order. They want to divide the "Moroc" tribe, but they do not want the indigenous people on the site!

In order not to be killed and eaten by others, we can only venture through the unstable cracks of time and space to come here to find opportunities for survival. "

Speaking of this "evil" habitual flattering smile, seeing Alwin's smiley smile, a panic on the ground, almost flattened his nose.

Alvin shook his head with a smile and touched his nose. He just wanted to speak. The succubus who lifted his head to see Alvin's smile fell on the ground. This time he really flattened his nose.

Alvin reluctantly raised his face, he didn't expect his smile to be so lethal, this succubus was so afraid of himself that it was a bit too much to kill her!

Looking at the unlucky succubus in front of him, Alvin said, "How many demons have you come to?"

Saying Alvin took the red boomerang from behind and said, "How many people have this thing?"

The succubus resisted the fear, and his teeth trembled and said, "I don't know how much, but basically all the tribes on the Scarlet Plain are coming one after another.

Because if you don't come here, they will become food! The troops of the "Behemos" and "Alaster" races are too brutal! "

Alvin pointed out in a dazed manner, pointing at a few sheep-headed demon and gluttony demon around him in the distance, and said, "These are not your demon army? Are you not commanders? What does your army look like? "

The succubus carefully looked at Alvin's face, and said tremblingly: "They are only the lowest cannon fodder units of the two races. They must be commanded to exert their power.

The regular army will have at least one intermediate demon to command every fifty cannon fodder, so as to fully exert their power. "

Speaking of this succubus, he stabbed his head to the ground again, shouting in fear: "We are not commanders, we are from a small demonic tribe.

It was only after coming here that he was caught and used as a temporary commander to control these cannon fodder.

I'm not trying to attack you, but we are too scared! If we don't follow the order of the chief of the Roa, it will kill us! "

Alvin frowned, staring at the eyes of the succubus and said, "Don't lie to me, you are born intermediate demons, too advanced demons can't come to earth.

With so many of you, can't you beat a same intermediate demon? "

The succubus listened, and took a careful look at the red boomerang in Alvin's hand, and said scaredly, "The weapon in your hand is called" Insnide ". He is a weapon only for the demon nobles!

They allow those nobles to easily kill demons of the same rank.

We didn't, so we were enslaved! "

Alvin probably understands the social structure of hell. The strong have everything and the weak have nothing!

No conversation, no tenderness, some just naked killings and ruthless slavery!

Putting back the red boomerang again, Alvin looked at these bundled succubus-like succubuses, thought for a moment, and decided to leave them to Coleson for their disposal!

Whether these things are dead or alive, Alvin really doesn't care much, but such cooperative "sads" are really rare.

Alvin himself is not an interrogation expert. Maybe there is something important that has not been asked. Professional matters are left to professional people to deal with. This is the best choice!

Having said that, a few succubi who don't like to wear clothes can't make any waves. If Coulson is willing, pull one back to be his wife, and Alvin has no opinion!

When Alvin was thinking about it, the crows cooperated and grabbed a red demon and flew towards him. Look at the red figure still twitching ghostly, it is estimated that there is still a breath.

However, Alvin doesn't care about this thing. Since many demons move from the demons, there will not be fewer of these guys. Asking for a confession or information doesn't need a sick number!

Besides, his bottom has basically been sold out. What use is this?

The crows were controlled to lift the unlucky demon to a height of three or four hundred meters, and then dropped the unlucky ghost like a bomb.

Alvin whistleed, watching the unlucky ghost scream, and slammed a dozen meters away from him, turning into a ball of red rotten meat.

Looking at the unfortunate situation of the unlucky ghost, Alvin shook his head uncomfortably. Sure enough, gravity is fair to everyone, and the hardness of the game against the earth, the loser will not end well!

Flying high and hurting is really not a fart!

Glancing at the succubus trembling because of fear, Alvin threatened ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ with a grin, and rushed to the red toads that were entangled with the mad wolf and ghost wolf. Around him, Lisuo chopped them into pieces.

Looking at the large number of demons in front, he lost his way around because he lost his commander.

Some wilder demons will pick up the thinner ones, kill them cruelly and then eat.

Alvin pressed the communicator and said with a smile: "Coulson, how are you doing there?

If not dead, I will send you a girlfriend! "

Speaking of Alvin, he glanced at the succubus and said in a communicator with a smile: "Are you afraid to send a spicy chicken as a girlfriend?"

As soon as Alvin's voice fell, the public channel was boiling. Someone shouted, "Principal Alvin, one for each? I want the one with the biggest ass!"

As soon as the guy's words were finished, Coulson called out on the public channel: "Be careful, pay attention, be careful. People who are alive are only useful. You idiots, be careful ~"