Druid of Marvel

Chapter 585: Invitation to free earth

Alvin was sitting in a room full of high-tech displays, watching Stark and Dr. Benner busy switching between various image screens, various strange table image parameters and other things. Seeing Alvin somehow.

Steve is not in a good mood. He sits silently in a chair and looks like a statue.

Alvin didn't bother him. He heard part of the conversation between Steve and Nick Fury just now, and understood some of his thoughts. He buried himself in the Rubik's Cube, and was finally dug out. Come to study weapons, how can this not make him uncomfortable?

Natasha didn't know when she appeared at the door of this laboratory, and she had a few cups of coffee on a tray in her hand. Behind her followed the tired Coleson.

Looking at the "familiar" shield in Coulson's hand, Alvin shook his head with a smile. If Coulson is here to win Steve, he must have used the wrong method, now God The shield disappointed Steve!

Maybe instead Steve, who "was" everything, would obey SHIELD's instructions like a qualified soldier and "save" the world, otherwise what else could he do?

But certainly not now, he has a new life, at least he has a group of friends who can compare with his former comrades-in-arms.

Natasha came to Alvin with the coffee and handed him a cup of coffee and said, "No milk, two pieces of sugar, I hope I remembered your preferences!"

After saying that, Natasha put a cup of coffee in front of Steve, and looking at Steve's expression, she seemed to want to say something, but finally held back. She just tapped gently on the table in front of Steve, and then left to get coffee for Stark and Dr. Banner.

Steve seemed to be "woken up" by Natasha's movements. As soon as he returned, he saw Coulson standing admiringly in front of himself, holding the familiar shield in his hand, Seems to want to say something.

Coulson was a little excited and didn't know what to say. Who could believe that his idol was right under his eyelids and how many times he had gone to the Hell's Kitchen, he never talked.

Now the opportunity came, but Coulson found that he didn't seem to know what to say!

"Hmm ~ Nice to meet you, Captain! I'm Phil? Coulson!"

Steve glanced at Coulson and the shield on his hand, nodded politely, and then looked at Alvin and said, "Is that fate so strange?

They could find such a small cosmic cube 70 years ago, but they just missed my plane.

But I missed my whole life ~ Is this the cruel and wonderful place of fate? "

Alvin took the coffee and took a sip. He smiled and said, "But at least the result is not too bad, do you mean?

A hundred-year-old man can be as strong as you, and I know you!

Oh ~ One more thing, the earth people have no so-called "fate"! We are born free!

In a way, we are "higher" than them! "

Steve froze and said, "Freedom? Freedom from birth?"

Alvin smiled and touched Steve with the coffee cup in his hand, and said with a smile: "Yes, free!

We are fortunate that someone has broken the fate of fate for us and made everything we do worthwhile!

There must be good and bad, but that can only be said to be a matter of luck.

Nothing is doomed! This is really not a nutritious chicken soup on earth, this is the truth! "

Steve shook his head a little bit unclearly and said, "I still don't understand it too well, but ~ forget it, you're right, my situation is not too bad now!"

After that, Steve looked at Coulson, who was standing next to him, and smiled. "Why keep staring at me, you're so uncomfortable with me."

Coulson put the shield in his hand on the table in front of Steve, rubbed his hands a little crazily, and said with a smile: "I wanted to talk to you a long time ago, eh ~ we have actually seen Yes, but you weren't "waking up" at that time.

I just, I just want to, uh ~ could you please sign my card.

You are my idol. From a very young age, I have your full set of cards. Well, some of them are well-maintained, although the edges are worn out! "

Alvin looked at the stunned Steve and said with a smile: "Wow ~ It looks like you have a loyal admirer, man, it's best not to refuse the request of your fans.

Otherwise they will be sad, haha ​​~ "

Steve glanced at Coleson with a funny expression and said, "Well, it's not that difficult!"

With Steve knocking on the blue and white five-star shield engraved in front of him, he took it with a smile and said to Coleson, "Maybe you should take it back, I don't need him now!

I took it to fight a war, but in the end I found out that I actually did nothing!

Maybe you can find another suitable person to pick it up, but I hope you can remember that it stands for "guardian"! "

Coulson turned around a bit excitedly and said, "It only makes sense if you take it!

Without you, it's just a solid shield!

You can rest assured that we do not have any other meaning, we are just returning to the original owner! "

Steve pursed his lips, glanced at the shield, shook his head with a smile, and said, "No need!

I restarted my life, and you can find a more suitable host for it. "

Natasha saw Colson disappointed and wanted to continue saying something. She smiled and stopped her colleagues from continuing to be stupid, and then looked at Alvin and said, "Are our goals the same now?

It is actually an alien that is causing the current situation. It is said that you released the alien. Could you tell us more about it?

That would be a bit helpful to our current situation, at least we have to know how he controls our deputy director! "

Alvin took a sip of coffee and thought for a moment: "You are trying to master the energy you have no control over.

Your experiments on the Rubik's Cube have led to a peep from the universe. The alien named Rocky came here along the channel you opened.

He is just a **** in the hands of others, and behind him is an army called Cherita! "

Speaking of Alvin putting down the coffee cup, he said helplessly: "I don't want to blame your so-called experiments, so-called" safe ".

Quickly find the cosmic cube, and then we can try to "destroy" it, or there will be more aliens coming here.

In the past we did not enter the sight of those alien civilizations, but now you tell those aliens by action that you are ready for advanced warfare!

Arrogance is sometimes really sick!

I thought there was a way to cure you, so I contacted the mages and took you to see the other side of the real world.

As a result, you mourned the Masters' efforts for thousands of years! "

Natasha's face was not very good-looking. Shen Sheng said, "When and how did the army called Cherita come? Do we have the ability to resist?"

Alvin shook his head with a bitter smile and glanced at Steve next to him. "Look, someone has finally asked the key part, instead of justifying and justifying himself."

Saying Alvin, he looked at the monitor not far from his head and said, "I know you must be listening, and I can tell you.

The original plan of that Rocky was to use the cosmic cube to open the space channel, put the Cheritas into the earth, and destroy our defensive forces.

Now his plan is bankrupt, but those Cheritas will definitely come, and I don't know how long it will take.

Because the cosmic cube is something they must get.

Either you build a spaceship, go to the universe to find the army that is on the way, give them the Rubik's Cube and let them go home.

Or you can now only hope that those Asgard aliens you don't trust and keep them out of the earth!

What would you choose? Lord Nick Fury! "

Alvin's words silenced for a long time, and Nick Fury's voice came from a speaker. "Maybe we have other options. I can contact someone. She may have time to find a Cherita." talk"!"

Stark, who had been busy just now, came over, stretched his hands on Alvin's shoulders, put a **** at the monitor, and said, "We have other options!

As long as we understand the way the Cheritas are fighting, as long as we are sure they can be killed.

We can find the cosmic cube, and then invite those aliens to visit our designated place!

Why do we have to rely on others to protect us?

Victory, honor, and security should all be fought by ourselves!

Now we need a consultant who knows the enemy! "

Alvin froze, Stark's idea surprised him boldly, but it seemed that this approach was not impossible.

At least the Avengers in the movie didn't have a few people. Finally, they cooperated with a "nuclear bomb" to solve those Cheritas.

However, these things need to be confirmed. Before there is accurate information ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Alvin will never agree to do this!

Alvin never thought it was a good idea to take the safe adventure of the earth, and the idea of ​​putting aliens into the earth was crazy!

Alvin thought for a moment, glanced at the proud Stark, and suddenly smiled, saying, "I guess there should be some news from Steve's assistant coach.

Maybe we should call him and ask!

Man, you are the most adventurous person I have ever met!

But in the face of terrible consequences, we cannot be too careful! "

As Alvin looked up at the steel ceiling, he cried tentatively: "Sor ~ Heimdal ~"


The crutch is working hard, I'm trying to adjust the state!

Thank you for your understanding! thanksgiving!