Druid of Marvel

Chapter 586: SHIELD Strategic Science Division

Alvin embarrassedly spread his hand, saying: "Um ~ maybe I should ask Sol for an Asgard phone or something. This alien group is so unreliable that it cannot be found at critical moments. People! "

Stark pursed his lips and said in a deep voice, "I'm more willing to do it by myself, rather than trusting others and counting on others to protect us, I'm more willing to believe in myself. M.

Alvin, don't think aliens are too strong, and don't think we are too weak! "

Alvin shook his head and said, "What are you going to do? Dig a trap and wait for the aliens to jump in?"

I won't agree, Tony, we don't know anything. How many people are there? What weapons do they use? How big would it be if the space door could really be opened?

Tony, we don't know anything, I would never agree to such a risk!

I can understand your pride, but Asgardians and wizards have never been enemies.

If there is no precise information, I would rather follow Sol to the front line, I would rather fight with the Cheritas in outer space, and I would rather not set the battlefield on Earth.

Dude, this is our home. When you want to go to war with people on earth, you have to ask others if they agree or disagree? "

Stark was silent for a moment, knowing that Alvin was really serious when Alvin started calling him "Tony".

Like Alvin said, Stark is a proud man, and he can't tolerate himself in a "protected" position, which will make him feel hurt by pride!

One of the richest man on earth, the first person in clean energy, and the genius inventor with the best brain, you told him, "You are receiving our asylum," and he cannot accept it anyway.

This is not to say that Stark felt that Asgard and the wizards were enemies, but that his self-esteem made him feel like he was an animal in a cage.

A male lion should not appear in the zoo, but should go galloping, even if he was injured and died, at least he felt that he was "free"!

Hearing Alvin's refusal, Stark had no disappointment. He knew Alvin, knowing that he never lacked the courage to fight, but his character determined that he would not be willing to take other people's lives to risk.

Sometimes Stark even thinks that Alvin may prefer to fill himself in the whirlpool of battle, rather than let more people, especially those related to him, fall into the flames of war.

This may be determined by his strength. In the face of battle, he will never be afraid.

This has nothing to do with the enemy's strength or strength, because it may not really be too different for him.

At least until now, Stark hasn't found anyone who can truly become the enemy of Alvin, starting from the gangster in the hell's kitchen to the so-called "god" of Asgard.

Stark even thinks that Alvin has never come up with his true "power". Every time you watch him fight, he seems to be "desperate", but Stark knows that Alvin has never really panicked because of danger. Too.

Now the strongest fighting force on his own side does not agree with his own idea. Although Stark is a little disappointed, he still does not mean to give up, but starts to persuade Alvin from another direction.

Stark pointed to Dr. Banner, who had been silent, and said, "I and Dr. Banner checked the SHIELD experimental data on the cosmic cube. You may not believe that Rocky was the first time along the SHIELD. The experiment opened the door to the space.

In other words, our "last line of defense" not only pointed out the location of the earth for aliens, but they opened the door and invited the first visitor. "

Talking about Stark, he spread his hands at Agent Coulsen, who was extremely ugly, and said, "Don't look at me like this. I'm talking about facts. Your experimental records clearly show the experimental data about the universe cube. And information.

It ’s just that you “laymen” do n’t see it at all!

Seriously, I admire the courage of your lay leaders! You do n’t even understand the experimental data!

How much resources did you invest in the science department of SHIELD? What did you get? "

Natasha pursed her lips and stared at Stark, saying, "We are not fools. At least the SHIELD strategic science department keeps our special equipment more than a decade ahead of this world."

Stark took a scornful look at Natasha's tight-fitting combat suit and said lightly: "What misunderstandings may you have about cutting-edge science, beauties, you should read less about clothing magazines and more about science, eh ~ whatever!"

Speaking of Stark pointing at Natasha's wrist, there was a bracelet-like bracer there, and then smiled and said, "Miniature stunner, uh ~ probably can stun a strong man.

Maybe your power is a little bit bigger, but this thing can be bought on eBay, eh ~ I estimate it will not exceed 500 yuan.

Of course, it is certainly not as delicate and easy to use as yours, but this shows that its technical content is not high.

Oh ~ there are combat uniforms. Can your combat uniforms compare with the high-energy combat uniforms designed by the Osborne Group for the military? It looked like it couldn't stop a rifle bullet at close range.

Do n’t tell me you do n’t know what a high-energy combat suit is. Today, a few kids are wearing that stuff to fight the devil on the streets of New York.

How much is a high-energy combat suit? The military purchase price is $ 800,000. What about yours?

I have read a report that the scientific research investment of the SHIELD Strategic Science Department is about 8 billion US dollars.

I don't know if this number is accurate, but if it's roughly the same, you should wear the ones you wear and the ones you use in the garbage dump, and then fire the scientists you support! "

Coulson is a loyal employee of SHIELD, and he looked at Stark with annoyance: "Our work does not require excessively powerful weapons.

Our science department has invested more in aircrafts and vehicles, such as the air carrier we are now in, our Kunming fighter, and the Hummer we use in Africa to compete with demons ~ "

Stark frowned, rolled his eyes, and spread his hands at Alvin, saying, "This is the pain of talking to the layman, they don't even know what I'm talking about?"

Alvin glanced at the thoughtful Natasha and Coleson, and said with a smile: "Man, you can't look down on them, they don't understand, but you hurt others' pride, which is really bad. , Haha! "

Speaking of Alvin, looking at Coson, who was already blue, he smiled and said, "Dude, don't deceive yourself any more. Your Hummer is the one that was called Cobra by a few days ago Kind of Hummer.

Your aircraft is not as advanced as the "Cobra" organization that I have seized. The main weapons of people's households are all energy weapons. What about yours?

As for this aircraft carrier, um ~ Stark will fight with you. It is said that many of the technologies here have been stolen from the Stark Group.

If Stark doesn't say it, I don't know what other strategic science department you have!

Dude, this kind of merchandise will be used as logistics for you, um ~ I think you can choose to change jobs, Stark has given you a really good treatment before. "

Looking at the silent Natasha and Coulson, Stark nodded with satisfaction, which began the serious topic before, saying: "Rocky has long controlled Dr. Shavig and Agent Hill. Why? Didn't take away the Rubik's Cube? "

Steve listened to Stark's explanation, looked at the monitor above his head and shook his head, saying, "He should need to do some preparation. It seems that SHIELD has helped him a lot."

With Steve covering his head in annoyance, he said, "You would rather arrange useless surveillance opposite the Peace Hotel, why wouldn't you like to equip your laboratory with a few more security guards or something?"

Stark pointed to Steve and raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't look like your brain is freezing, it works!"

Speaking of Stark, Stark said, "Steve is right. Rocky needs to be prepared, that is, he can't open the stable space door to put the Cheritas in by the cosmic cube alone.

You said Rocky ran to my house, what was he looking for? "

Speaking of Stark, Stark said seriously, "I guess he was looking for a" stabilizer. "Only when the" stabilizer "was found would the space gates made by the Cosmic Cube not be like they were the first time. Collapse.

I looked at the experimental records of Dr. Shavig before. They must have run too fast and had no time to destroy these experimental records.

It was recorded that he had experimented with the helmet metal left by the destroyer of Asgard, and made some progress, and someone had just sent the entire helmet to the laboratory a few days ago.

Do you think today's space shock is related to this thing?

What does Rocky want to do in my house? I guess he was heading for my Mark 5, which was also made of metal from the Destroyer.

According to Rocky's needs, he definitely wants a space door with a larger area and a longer duration ~

However, I think they have chosen the wrong material, and Dr. Schavig seems to have made a fatal mistake. "

Nick Fury, who didn't know where he was hiding just now, couldn't sit still. He came to Stark's laboratory, and asked blankly, "How can you be sure? When did you become a thermonuclear astrophysicist? Anymore? "

Stark gave Nick Fury a glance, and turned his right index finger at the temple, saying, "Just a few hours ago, Dr. Shavig's experimental records and articles on extraction theory were not esoteric! "

Speaking of Stark's confused look around him, he said, "I'm the only one doing my homework?"

Alvin really couldn't understand. Why did you elites know nothing?

Is this really the SHIELD? Why do you guys look more like this, except this big ship ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Well ~ some cheap civil organization! "

Alvin dissatisfied with "Hey ~" and shouted, "Stark, if you **** bring me back when I say these things again, I will punch out your shit!

Can't I understand what's wrong? I can beat you! "

Stark glanced at Nick Fury, who had an unsightly expression, and said to Alvin, "Look, this is why I want to organize the Avengers."

We will be more professional and efficient!

As long as we solve the personnel problem, we can start work officially!

Rather than handing over the safety of the Earth to SHIELD, I am more willing to believe in myself! "

Speaking with a strange expression, Stark said, "Howard participated in the creation of SHIELD. I am better than him ~"