Druid of Marvel

Chapter 587: potential threat

Alvin shook his head with a smile and said, "You don't have to stress this with me, you know I'm definitely supporting you.

Your only problem now is to find the right person. It looks like I have to find a way for you. The elite soldiers are not easy to find. "

Speaking of Alvin thinking of Frank who was staying at the school as a housekeeper, he smiled and said, "Fortunately, we have a super soldier as a friend. You can go back to Frank to ask about this.

I do n’t know how powerful Frank is today, it seems like a great soldier knows who he is! "

Stark satisfied Alvin with his fist and said with a smile: "I can't wait any longer!

When this time passes, if there are no suitable personnel, even if I find some reliable mercenaries, I will first put up the "Avengers" shelf. "

Alvin didn't care much about it, Stark was willing to do whatever he wanted.

"Avengers" is not a special agent organization, it is closer to a special force against aliens. Discover, track, and destroy. That's what it does. It makes it more "safe" and "controllable." This is probably the reason why countries are willing to establish it.

Alvin waved his hand and said with a smile: "You can continue your topic, unless Coulson is willing to change jobs now, otherwise we'd better go back and talk about the Avengers."

Stark nodded with satisfaction, saying, "I researched Rocky's actions and Dr. Shavig's experiments and found that they needed" stabilizers "to control the cosmic cube.

If the cosmic cube is controllable, then we have a chance to surprise those so-called Cheritas! "

Steve frowned, and asked curiously, "Just a" stabilizer "? What happened today shows that what Destroyer Metal you just said is unreliable.

I now understand Alvin's idea. You scientists are really dangerous. You are more radical than Howard. Have you ever thought about the consequences of a failed plan? "

Stark glanced at Steve, wanted to say something, and finally held back. He just put aside his lips and said, "You just need to trust me for these professional things.

As the richest person on earth, I will not take my life to risk! "

Talking about Stark looking at Dr. Banner, who has been silent, he said, "There is a real understanding person here, you can listen to him explain it to you. If there are two top scientists endorsing it, will you be relieved? a little?"

Seeing the eyes cast by everyone, Dr. Banner thought for a while and said, "I just looked at the data of the Cosmic Cube. Actually, I want to use it to open the space channel, at least we need to heat it up to a point we can't currently Imagine the temperature.

That kind of explosive energy is unimaginable, that is, even if the space channel is opened accidentally, it is extremely unstable.

Dr. Shavig should have found a way to stabilize the quantum channel effect.

It's just that he may not find suitable materials and hurriedly carried out experiments, which caused today's space shock.

If we can find more suitable materials, Stark is not saying that it cannot be achieved.

But the premise is "suitable materials", and those Cheritas we can really handle! "

Stark happily hugged Dr. Banner in the past, and smiled and spread his arms to Alvin, saying, "Dr. Banner's achievements in the field of radiation and electron collision are unparalleled. You have to believe that a person with six PhDs Judge. "

Nick Fury interrupted Stark's words, and Shen Sheng said, "Dr. Banner's mission is to help us track the Rubik's Cube, not to discuss with you how to fight aliens.

We invite you to find the Rubik's Cube as soon as possible. Before you find the Rubik's Cube, everything you said is meaningless.

And you can find Dr. Shavig when you find the Cosmic Cube. He is the real authority in the research of the Cosmic Cube, which is much better than if you look at the experimental data here and imagine. "

Stark glanced at Nick Fury and pointed to a display, which showed a globe that was constantly turning, and the golden light spot covered the globe inside the display, and kept shrinking.

Glancing at Nick Fury with a serious expression, Stark said lightly: "We have been working, but you may not understand based on your knowledge."

Alvin glanced anxiously at Stark, who now looked particularly embarrassed, pointing at the monitor to Dr. Banner and asked, "What's that? How long do you need to locate the cosmic cube?"

Dr. Banner smiled confidently, saying, "I designed a tracking algorithm that uses spectrometers in all laboratories around the world to screen all possible targets. Soon we will find the approximate location of the Rubik's Cube. "

While talking about Dr. Banner, he glanced at Nick Fury and said, "SHIELD may not be as bad as Stark said, at least they are enviable.

It is the first time I have seen the use of equipment in a global laboratory under unified command. "

Alvin patted his head in annoyance, and looked at the black-faced Nick Riri, a little unconvinced, and said, "My layman knows that Dr. Shavig and the Cosmic Cube must be in the United States because they have no time to escape Why don't you remind Dr. Banner? "

Speaking of Alvin for a moment, he seemed to think of something, shook his head and said disappointed, "Oh I guess you want to show your power to Dr. Banner!

What do you want to do? Attract him to work for SHIELD? Are you really ready? "

Stark also froze for a moment. He patted his head with annoyance. Although the algorithm was not designed by him, he should be able to think of it. How long has the universe cube disappeared? It can't run out of the United States at all. Because of its own negligence, it has artificially increased the workload by at least three times. Although it is just a waste of time, it is really stupid in this kind of thing.

Taking a look at Dr. Banner, whose face is also not good-looking, Stark pulled an angry display over it and clicked a few times on it. A "big cage" fixed on the scaffold appeared on the screen. He then said to Nick Fury: "They prepared a" luxury "single room for Dr. Banner, in fact they didn't believe anyone at all."

Speaking of the crash of Stark's mouth, he said, "That single room will fall from a height of 5,000 feet when needed.

But how can you "invite" that green big man to go in? "

Nick Fury said with a serious expression: "This is just a precautionary measure, you all know where Dr. Banner's problem is! We must do a little preparation."

Steve was so disappointed, he said angrily, "You don't even trust your teammates who you invited to help? How can your behavior unite everyone?

If we ca n’t even agree on ideas, what's the point of sitting together? "

Natasha looked at disappointed Steve and could not help but defend Nick Fury and said, "We are SHIELD. Our responsibility is to monitor all potential dangers and make plans for possible dangers. What we have to do. "

Steve nodded in frustration and said, "So, am I also a potential threat?"

Natasha nodded a little indifferently, saying, "There are too many people in this world who can't find an opponent. If we don't have a way to control them, what's the significance of the existence of SHIELD?"

Dr. Banner gazed sadly at Alvin for a few seconds, then took a deep breath, watching Natasha said, "That" cage "was useless at all. I used to hate myself. I caused too much Much destruction.

One day I shot at my own head. I hope to end this terrible situation, but it was useless. Hulk saved my life and caused more damage.

A large jungle of the Amazon rainforest was razed to the ground, and I don't know how many lives were killed. "

Saying that Dr. Banner took another look at Alvin, then said to Nick Fury: "I was inspired a little bit. I decided to do something meaningful and I went out to help some people.

You brought me here, you said the world needs my help, but now it doesn't seem like you are as frank as you are!

You use cosmic cubes to develop weapons, and you have caused serious disasters because of your mistakes. Who is the "potential threat"? Who will monitor you? "

Nick Fury said with a cold face: "Because the SHIELD position determines that we will not do bad things, we are the ones who solve dangers. We have never relaxed our internal self-examination, and we ca n’t even imagine our pressure. . "

Alvin stood up anxiously to stop Stark's imprisoning satire ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He looked at Nick Fury seriously and said: "You must not be so stupid as you show, but you seem to be sure That Dr. Shavig would not touch the Rubik's Cube again, why?

If so, what do you want us to do? What's the point of you calling us here and having a debate?

I don't believe you just brought us to make you ugly. What on earth do you want?

Is there any truth in your fucking? "

Nick Fury looked at Alvin with a ugly face, grinned, and just wanted to speak. Coulson, who had been silent all the time, suddenly pressed his headphones, listened, and then walked to Nick Fury's In front of him, he said: "Deputy Director Hill sent a message in a safe house, and he and Dr. Shavig were" awake "!

But the cosmic cube was stolen again!

The recording equipment on Agent Hill recorded some of the other party's conversations. Well, it looks like the other party is not a "local"! "